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THE MISING MATRICES Competitive profile matrix CPM allows the firm to compare the competitor critical success

factor with your organization. The CPM for JetBlue can be summarized as below JETBLUE Weight Rating Wghtd scr DELTA AIRLINES Rating Whtd scr SOUTH WEST Rating Criticalsuccess factors

Wghtd scr Well known for quality & reliable service




0.45 Efficiency in operations




0.8 Balances cost with quality service




0.45 Good reputation and image




0.45 Strong Leadership team




0.2 Highly motivated and loyal staff




0.45 Financial Performance

0.10 TOTAL 1.00







A 1-4 rating to each critical success factor indicates how effectively the firm's current strategies respond to the factor. (1 = response is poor, 4 = response is extremely good)
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The weight range from 0.0 to 1.0 lower number shows no or minimum importance and high weight show more importance of factor to the company. It is clear that JetBlue has a strong position. The Quantitative Strategic Planning Matrix (QSPM) QSPM attempts to objectively select the best strategy using input from other management techniques. The QSPM matrix for JetBlue is as follows Internal strengths Weight Attractiveness Total attractiveness score Weight AttractivenessTotal attractiveness score

Well known for quality & reliable service 16% 4 0.64 13% 3 0.39

Efficiency in operations 12% 4 0.48 11% 4 0.44

Balances cost with quality service 10% 4 0.4 9% 3 0.27

Good reputation and image 10% 3 0.3 11% 3 0.33

Strong Leadership team 8% 3 0.24 8% 2 0.16

Highly motivated and loyal staff 8% 4 0.32 9% 3 0.27

Financial ratios 9% 3 0.27 11% 3 0.33

Internal Weaknesses Highly crowded market 15% 1 0.15 13% 1 0.13

Limited access to international markets 8% 2 0.16 9% 2 0.18

Single Fleet 4% 1 0.04 6% 1 0.06

TOTAL WEIGHTED SCORE 100% 3 100% 2.56

Opportunities Weight Rating Average Score Weight Rating Average Score Increased demand and popularity 16% 4 0.64 15% 3 0.45 Automation of operations 14%

4 0.56 16% 4 0.64 Growth of low cost airline sector 18% 4 0.72 14% 2 0.28 Expansion to other world markets 16% 3 0.48 16% 3 0.48 0 Threats 0 Effects of terrorism and war 4% 4 0.16

4% 3 0.12 Emerging competition 11% 3 0.33 12% 2 0.24 Declining Margins 9% 3 0.27 12% 3 0.36 Economic down turn 12% 1 0.12 11% 1 0.11 TOTAL WEIGHTED SCORE 100%

3.28 100% 2.68

(Attractiveness Score: 1 = not acceptable; 2 = possibly acceptable; 3 = probably acceptable; 4 = most acceptable; 0 = not relevant) From the above statistics, JetBlue will find it easy to adopt the product differentiation and value added strategy, it has a better rating of 3.28

SPACE MATRIX The Strategic Position and Action Evaluation matrix (SPACE matrix) focuses on strategy formulation especially as related to the competitive position of an organization. The matrix is divided into four quadrants namely Aggressive, Conservative, Defensive and Competitive (Porter 1998). From the case study, JetBlue is in the aggressive quadrant where it is seeking to utilize its internal strengths to penetrate into the potential markets. SPACE MATRIX Internal Strategic position External strategic position competitive Industry 1 Quality of service 2 Market crowding 1 Reputation& Image 3 Barriers to entry 2 Flight turnaround 1 Emerging competition 2 Value added services 3 Diminishing profitability 5 worst 1 best

5 best 1 worst Financial Environmental 5 Cash flow 3 Economic crisis 3 Profitability 2 Technological advancement 4 Earnings Per share 4 Taxation 4 Return on equity 4 Changing customer preferences 5 best 1 worst 5 worst 1 best SWOT MATRIX STRENGTHS WEAKNESSES Well known for quality and reliable service Highly crowded market Efficiency in operations Limited access to international markets Balances costs with quality services Single fleet operation Good reputation and image Highly motivated and loyal staff members OPPORTUNITIES THREATS

Increased demand and popularity Effects of terrorism and war Automation of operations Emerging competition Growth of low cost airline sector Declining Margins Expansion to other world markets Economic down turn It is clear that JetBlue is a strong competitor to other companies THE BCG MATRIX The Boston Consulting group matrix portrays a firm in terms of relative market share position and industry growth rate as follows (Porter 1998) Question Marks-Low market share but compete in high growth markets Stars-high relative market share and compete in high growth rate industries Cash Cows-high relative market position, but compete in a low-growth industry Dogs-market share position and compete in a slowed or no-growth industry From the case study, JetBlue airlines is basically in the stars quadrant.

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