Phil Jalwan 2. Jamie Jalwan 3. Liza Mcfadden

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Friends of Florida State Parks, Inc.

Meeting of the Board of Directors Edward Ball Wakulla Springs State Park Wakulla Springs, Florida June , !"#

Board $e$%ers in attendance& Sall' (ess, Mar'lou )lein, Frit* Mussel$ann, +on Piasecki, Paula +usso, Mar',o Morris, Phil Jalwan E-cused .%sences& .$' +odrigue*, +ichard /old$an, 0a$$' /ustafson, 1ristal 1ole, Ste2e Sei%ert, 0o$ Penneka$p Staff and other guests in attendance& 1hristine S$all, Donald Forgione3 Director FPS, Dale .llen3Florida /reenwa' and 0rails Foundation, Elaine Mc4aughlin, 1hristine 5rigo'en, Denise 0enuto3President Friends of Weeki Wachee, 4i* (ale3Friends of +ain%ow Springs, +ockal Brown .rchie3.D. and Safet' 1oordinator DEP Sall' (ess called the $eeting to order at 6&7! a.$. .ppro2al of the consent agenda 8distri%uted %' e$ail9& - Minutes of the 7:"#:"# %oard $eeting - Financial report ;:#":"# as su%$itted - 5ear3end report !" 3"# 3 $o2ed %' +on Piasecki, seconded %' Mar'lou )lein, all in fa2or. Election
The following members have resigned from the board: 1. Phil Jalwan 2. Jamie Jalwan 3. Liza McFadden Ending Term each director must be
re-elected at the end of a term, regardless of the term limit. Jul' ", !"# 3 June #!, !"7

Campbell, Harvey Cole, Cristal &oldman, 'ichard

20 ! 20 " 20 ( fundraising chair thru #une $0, 20 %

&ustafson, Tammy Hess, +ally -lein, .arylou .orris, .ary/o .usselmann, 0rit1 2iasec3i, 'on 'odrigue1, 4my 'usso, 2aula 2hilpot, 5on

20 ) 20 , 20 ( 20 ( 20 ! 20 " 20 ( 20 ( 2020

past president*nominations chair president thru #une $0, 20 % recognition chair secretary thru #une $0, 20 % president-elect thru #uly , 20 % advocacy chair thru #une $0, 20 % mar3eting chair thru #une $0, 20 % treasurer

+on Piasecki $o2ed to appro2e all 2ia consensus, Phil Jalwan seconded, all in fa2or .D. Initiati2es3 +ockal Brown .rchie3.D. and Safet' 1oordinator Di2ision of +ecreation and Parks +ockal..rchie< =;!3 7;3#!>? +ockal presented the updated infor$ation on en2iron$ental and progra$ accessi%ilit' for the parks and trails. FPS wants all Friends groups to fund pro,ects relating to progra$ accessi%ilit' in their parks. (eather @elson, working on the interpreti2e progra$ side of accessi%ilit' was not a%le to attend to gi2e an o2er2iew of the technolog' and ideas for this area. Frit* reAuested a contact list fro$ 1hristine S$all that includes DEPBs e$plo'ees working on each area of .D. co$pliance and e-cellence. +eco$$ended distri%uting to all Friends groups. DirectorBs +eport 3 Donald Forgione
State Park Attendance Total attendance for the year through May is more than 20 million. May 2013 has higher attendance than May 2012, an increase of 623, !6. "lorida State Parks #udget o $egislature a%%ro&ed a%%ro'imately ()0.3 million

*%erating #udget + ,ouse and Senate -oth a%%ro&ed .no differences/issues0 "1* #udget 2 non+recurring funds. A3A and 4rants a%%ro&ed, and (1! million in "acility 5m%ro&ements, is (! million more than re6uested.

Marketing o 3i&ision of 7ecreation and Parks, *ffice of *%erational Ser&ices, 1hief 7ick Mercer 8e9 Marketing 3irector, Ms. Allison #arnes 1arter handles communications for the 3e%uty 3irector including 1a-inet Affairs, State $ands and State Parks. :orking on an internal monthly ne9sletter for staff. She also manages the marketing cam%aigns for state %arks. 1urrently contracting for a state %ark &isitor study to understand &isitor demogra%hics. :hen com%lete, de&elo% a marketing/ad&ertising %lan to reach %otential &isitors. Mrs. Martha 7o-inson is the State Parks liaison 9orking 9ith Ms. #arnes 1arter. o Social Media Statistics "lorida State Parks Pocket 7anger ; a%% 2 !2,<30 do9nloads "ace-ook + 3<, 3! follo9ers .=1,< < from 33,261 on May 60 T9itter + 1>,61! follo9ers .=)!2 from 1), 63 on May 60 Pinterest + 1,2)3 "ollo9ers .=20) from 1,0 ! on May 60 2013 4old Medal A9ard 2 "lorida State Parks are one of four finalists for the 2013 8ational 4old Medal A9ards for ?'cellence in Park 7ecreation Management -y the American Academy for Park and 7ecreation Administration in %artnershi% 9ith the 8ational 7ecreation and Park Association. The other finalists are Missouri State Parks, 8orth 1arolina State Parks @ 7ecreation and Airginia 1onser&ation and 7ecreation 3i&ision of State Parks. o *ct. )+10, 2013 + The 9inner 9ill -e announced during the 8ational 7ecreation and Park AssociationBs Annual 1ongress @ ?'%osition in ,ouston. #ureau of *%erational Ser&ices o 1itiCen Su%%ort and *rganiCations @ Aolunteer Program 7ecently com%leted a sna%shot of our )< 1S*Bs Annual "inancial 7e%orts. 8et assets of all 1S*Bs com-ined are a%%ro'imately ( .1 million. 8e9 7ecreation Program Manager, 7o- #arrett

:orking 9ith %ark staff and 1S*s to utiliCe the full %otential of "lorida State ParksB recreational o%%ortunities, 9hile e'%anding the audience and &ariety of resource+-ased recreation in %arks.

#ureau of 8atural and 1ultural 7esources o Antici%ating Sil&er S%rings -eing a ne9 state %ark on *cto-er 1, the #ureau funded a Dni&ersity of "lorida archaeological sur&ey of %re&iously unsur&eyed attraction %ro%erty, and cultural staff conducted an in&entory of the treasure tro&e of historical materials including memora-ilia, %hotogra%hs, and mo&ie and TA footage. o The first time e&er the #ureau is ad&ertising an in&itation to -id to contract %rescri-ed -urning at 1! state %arks. This is a long+considered o%tion and 9ill hel% determine 9hether the %ark ser&iceBs high standards can -e relia-ly achie&ed -y the %ri&ate sector. o Also the for first time, the #ureau drafted technical dra9ings of a %referred 9ildland fire engine design, and is -idding out unit construction as a %ilot %roEect. To date, 9e al9ays %urchased the &arious com%onents and assem-led the fire engines oursel&es. *ffice of 4reen9ays and Trails o 1om%leted and no9 distri-uting a state9ide F"lorida 4reen9ays and Trails System Plan 2013+201 G. o :orking on a F1losing the 4a%sG %lan 9ith ma%s and estimated costs to hel% %eo%le en&ision and com%lete a multi+use trail system throughout "lorida. *ffice of Park Planning o 1om%leted a master %lan for 3unnBs 1reek State Park. o A master %lan for :eeki :achee S%rings State Park is under9ay, and 9ill -e com%leted later this year. o Through master %lanning, the office is a-le to de&elo% a clearer &ision of the future layout of %ark facilities and to think through and descri-e the character, the HfeelB and sense of %lace the %ark 9ill offer its &isitors 9hen ne9 de&elo%ment is com%leted. The result is also a -etter estimate of the cost of design, %ermitting and construction for a ne9 or reno&ated %ark, and can make more informed decisions on logical %hases for funding and de&elo%ment.

Presentation to Outgoing Treasurer 2 Sally %resented a gift to Phil Ial9an for his ! years of ser&ice as Treasurer, accountant and all things financial for ""SP. Phil 9ill continue to ser&e as a mem-er of the "inance/Audit committee. ""SP 9ill con&ert to fund accounting &ia Juick-ooks utiliCing a &olunteer -ookkee%er and %aid accountant for the u%coming fiscal year.

DISCUSSION ITEMS& Matched Funds Program C .ll pro,ects for !" are co$plete. Dne is not 'et rei$%ursed. 0he 1a'o 1osta fil$ was shown and will %e put on our we%site. 0he 4o2ers )e' fundraising fl'er was distri%uted. 0wo grants ha2e %een recei2ed for Friends pro,ects so far for !"#. E>!!! was awarded to Weeki Wachee as a $atched funding reAuest fro$ the S$ith Foundation. E>=!! was recei2ed to fund three Friends groups transportation costs to shuttle school children to and fro$ parks for en2iron$ental progra$s fro$ Jelks Foundation. Paula has and will continue to spearhead this effort, %oth future reAuests and pu%licit' and reporting. Mar'4ou will look into docu$enting the +ain%ow Springs progra$ 2ia 2ideo and letters. Septe$%er ";th is the ne-t deadline for Friends to reAuest $atching funds. 2013-1 !udget 3 @eed so$eone to co$pose $onthl' newsletters. We %udgeted E#;!:$o for newsletters. .ll %oard $e$%ers need to co$plete and turn in the inkind donation for$s %' Jul' ";th. We are pro,ecting no increases in general re2enue due to the transition 'ear to single annual $e$%ership renewal. 0herefore, we will need to tap reser2es for appro-i$atel' E;!!!.!! in order to fulfill all progra$s agreed to in our strategic plan. .s there was not a Auoru$ for the afternoon session, the %udget will %e appro2ed 2ia teleconference or e$ail 2ote. 0he FDonate @owG page has %een a2aila%le on our we%site for fi2e weeks and has generated E" !!H in donations. If we are appro2ed for the @EEF grant reAuested to i$pro2e our we%site functionalit' and capacit', we should %e a%le to increase online fundraising %' a $uch larger percentage. Ja$ie Jalwan is helping create a co$prehensi2e $arketing plan for the upco$ing 'ear and has put together the +FP for a we%site $eeting our needs. "or#sho$ 3 Elaine Sheraton Sand )e' has offered us all of the sa$e incenti2es and pricing as last 'ear. 0he$e will focus on connecti2it' and co$$unication. Possi%le taglines are the F%usinessG of state parks, Parks It takes a Iillage, 0he Peoples Parks.

Send 'our ideas to Elaine for a the$e and title DMO Program Destination Manager:Marketing Drgani*ation ? ha2e renewed for the upco$ing 'ear. Sall' will ask +ichard /old$an to take o2er fro$ Elaine in $anaging this progra$. !oard Mem%er Contract 3 .ll %oard $e$%ers are asked to $ake this co$$it$ent going forward.

Meet&ngs 'or 2013-1 Will $o2e to weekda's 8Wed:0hurs9 in order to allow $ore $e$%ers to attend. Meeting dates&

October9,10 (wedthurs) southeast,probablyMacArthurBeachStatePark January17,18,19(fri-sun) Workshop,SheratonSandKey, Clearwater,FL March26,27(wedthurs) TBD June25,26(wedthurs)SilverSpringsStatePark

Other !us&ness C Donald Forgione reAuested that we sponsor legislati2e tours during this fiscal 'ear. We ha2e done so in the past, %ut had re$o2ed the line ite$ fro$ the %udget due to tours %eing on hold. FFSP is pleased to %e a%le to do this for the upco$ing 'ear. .s there was no other %usiness, Mar',o Morris $o2ed that the $eeting %e ad,ourned at #& ; PM, Mar' 4ou )lein seconded and all appro2ed. .DDE@DJM& Dn .ugust ", !"#, the draft %udget for fiscal 'ear !"#3"7 was appro2ed %' a $a,orit' 2ote taken 2ia e$ail. +espectfull' su%$itted,

Mar',o Morris, Secretar'

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