Safranit Sizzler 1

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V irg in i a C o u n c il


Safranit Sizzler
E as t e rn R e g io n

Volume 1, Issue 1

Summer 2009

INSIDE THIS ISSUE: To my lovely VAC Fall Term 09

Safranits, Orechets, and Parlis-
Getting to know me 1
Hey girls! First of all, me over facebook mes- to get to know being
Summertime thoughts 1
congratulations on being sage! on board. There is so
Safranits 2 elected to chapter board! To my Safranits. As much you can do with
Orechets 2 Whether its your 5th you scroll down in this this position if you take
board position or your newsletter I will be giving advantage! Read down
Parliamentarians 2
first, its exciting and an you ideas to think about to your article to see.
Getting to know you! 3 honor to be part of a over the summer. These
board! I hope yall are can go towards a scrap- This is just an intro-
Contact information 3 ductory release, but
pumped to take advan- book for your N’siah at
tage of your board posi- the end of her term, or hopefully it will get
tion and mostly, that its even a slideshow for thoughts flowing in your
summer. mind for Fall Term! If you
your chapter. need me at all, I am al-
In this first issue of the To my Orechets. As I ways here for you!
Safranit Sizzler, I want said to the Safranits there
yall to get know me, and will be an article for you! With undying love for,
vice versa. There is a Get thinking about arti- SUMMER!. Project im-
question and answer sec- cles over the summer! pact 09, missing cltc 4 08
tion I want each and eve- Don’t just do a newslet- like crazy, having amazing
ryone of yall to answer ter at states and elec- counterparts!, you, me,
and send back to me! My tions for spring term. and VAC BBG, I remain,
email is on the last page
of this newsletter. If To my Parlis. This is Stephanie Michelle
Things to think generally a position for Perlman,
that’s too hard, you
about over the sum- you rising sophomores
can always send it to VAC Safranit 2009-2010
 Collect pictures from girls
from the summer pro-
For yall to get to know me a little...
grams they went to, or
any program your chapter My name is Stephanie last summer at CLTC 4 Besides being on council
may have had this sum- Michelle Perlman! I am 2008! Now I am so in board, I’ve been Cohen
17 years old and am a love with it, and I don't Safranit, Orechet, and
mer. rising senior at Steward know what I will do Mazkirah twice. Outside
 Article ideas! Summer in Richmond. I have been when its all over. My of BBYO I play field
programs or any other an active member of home is Abraham Cohen hockey for my school. I
BBYO since freshman BBG 1172. I am attending love Eastern Region and
experiences! year, but it didn’t be- Project Impact this sum- Virginia Council so much.
come my passion until mer and I am so pumped!
Page 2

Supercalifragilousexpialidocius Safranits!
In my opinion and from experi- going, ask girls in your chapter do to start the term off with!
ence, the position of Safranit is that are attending if you could Please to feel free to ask me any
so much fun. You get to bring use them for whatever project questions as I am full of informa-
out your creative side so much. you are going to do. At your tion to help!
While being Safranit is not the first business meeting of the
most important position, there term, ask your N’siah if you can
is still SO MUCH you can do to show a slideshow. Make one to
take full advantage of your posi- wrap up the summer and show
tion. You can either do nothing your chapter all that the girls
or make the most of being on that went to a summer program
board. have experienced! This is three-
fold: it does some to recruit
While it is way too early to be summer programs for next sum-
talking about making scrapbooks mer, make the girls that went a
for your N’siah, there is still little sad (after a summer pro-
tons you can do over the sum- gram being sad means it was
mer to start your term off going amazing), and making the busi-
strong! For those of yall going
to summer programs, take tons ness meeting more exciting.
of pictures. Even if you’re not It is your choice of what you

Outstanding Orechets!
When it comes to chapter chapter that attended a summer each board member include
news, there is a lot you can do program this summer to write a their goals for the term. Ask the
with it before fall term essen- small something on their experi- S’ganit about programs the girls
tially starts. ence! Included should be looking forward to!
Make a summer pictures and Include convention dates, and
program recap games. explain what each convention is
newsletter, and “Shoot for the moon. Even if for the new, excited, and con-
give it out at you miss, you’ll land among the Make a newsletter fused MITS. If at all possible,
the first pro- that highlights all include a calendar for the term,
stars..” that your chapter
gram of the or at least for the month. After
year! Ask each -Les Brown has to look for- a summer away from chapter
girl in your ward to! Have events, a newspaper will surely

Parli Perfect!
Parliamentarians. Such a little posi- quest to go green, send each girl an ventions do. It’s a lot easier, nicer,
tion. SO MUCH YOU CAN DO! e-card on their birthdays. and more fun than
From birthdays, to keeping quiet at At the end of each month, screaming shut up!
business meetings, to spreading bring in a cake for all the
sunshine throughout your chapter, girls b-days who are in Lastly, spread a little
sunshine through
the possibilities are endless. that month. your chapter. Do nice
At the first program, ask each girl Keeping girls quiet at things like bring in
to write down their birthday. For meetings can be tough. candy. Keep your
those girls who are not in atten- Come up with a cute way chapter spirited at all
dance, send them a facebook mes- to quiet down the girls Caption describing picture conventions and city
sage asking. To go with BBYO’s like coordinators at con- or graphic. wide programs.
Stephanie Michelle Perlman
VAC Safranit 2009-2010 Getting to know you!

Get in touch with 1. What is your name? What grade are you in?
I’m always here for help! 2. What do you love most about BBG?
Phone: 804-363-1044
Email: 3. Are you going to a summer program this summer?
Facebook: Stephanie Perlman

4. One goal you have for the upcoming term!

BBG 5. Any exciting summer plans?

“I am one though only one.

6. If you could be any fruit, what would you be and
There’s so much I can do.”
VAC BBG Website:
Email or facebook me your answers by June 20th!

“For love and laughter, friends that last. Times so good they go so fast.”

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