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Technolog Limited 2001-2004

Written by Stuart Combellack

PM C no! include" the ability to "hare it" do!nloaded data !ith other co#ie" o$ PM C% &ou can con$igure PM C to act a" a data client' data "er(er or both u"ing t!o a##lication" that !ill be "hi##ed !ith all co#ie" o$ PM C Plu" $rom no! on% Thi" $acility can be "et-u# to occur either daily at #re-determined hour" o$ the day or at a $le)ible "et $re*uency $rom a range o$ e(ery minute to e(ery 4 !eek"% The tran"$er can al"o be "ecured in a number o$ !ay"+ Usern !e nd P ssword% Thi" mu"t be u"ed by de$ault and #ro(ide" a ba"ic le(el o$ "ecurity to the Ser(er account" #re(enting unauthori"ed acce"" to data% IP ddress restriction % Thi" can be a##lied "o only a client !ith a de$ined addre"" i" allo!ed to "ynchroni"e !ith each client account o$ the "er(er machine% " t source director#% Thi" i" both a "ecurity mea"ure and a !ay o$ managing data on the "er(er machine% ,ach client connection can be a""igned it" o!n directory a" a "ource $or it-" "ynchroni"ation data or directorie" can be "hared bet!een client connection"% Site I" restriction $i%e% The "er(er can be con$igured to a##ly "ite ./ re"triction" on each client% Thi" mean" that in ca"e" !here t!o "ynchroni"ation client" "hare a "ource data directory on the "er(er their data can be ke#t "e#arate by not allo!ing client 0 to acce"" the data belonging to client 01- 2and (ice (er"a i$ !anted3% The"e "ecurity mea"ure" are not mandatory 2e)ce#t $or the u"ername and #a""!ord3' but they are #ro(ided to allo! the "a$e #ro(i"ion o$ data to multi#le "e#arate #artie" "a$ely o(er the .nternet !ithout concern that cu"tomer" or other indi(idual" are able to acce"" data that doe" not belong to them% 4or PM C5-6PM C "ynchroni"ation' 7Site Li"t 8e*ue"t7' 7Site 8e*ue"t7 and 7/ata Synchroni"e7 "hould be u"ed a" a minimum% 4or ma)imum le(el" o$ "ecurity o(er the .nternet' 79irtual Pri(ate :et!orking7 can be u"ed to #ro(ide an encry#ted connection bet!een the Ser(er and Client machine"% Thi" i" not done !ithin PM C but can be a##lied to the $ire!all" bet!een the client and "er(er machine"% The PM C Synchroni"ation Client ha" #ro(en to be (ery ada#table and i" able to co#e !ith dial-u# net!orking 2e%g% dial-u# .nternet account3' "emi-#ermanent net!ork connection" 2e%g% .S/: ba"ed W :3 or $a"t local net!ork connection" 2L :3% The "ynchroni"ation $acility allo!" PM C "y"tem" to #er$orm back-u# $acilitie" 2e%g% t!o PM C "y"tem" "ynchroni"e each other-" data (ery regularly3 or do!nload all o$ their data $rom a third #arty daily ; !eekly ; monthly 2or a combination3% The "ynchroni"ation "y"tem i" al"o able to trigger indi(idual "ite data call" on the "er(er to do!nload the (ery late"t data be$ore returning it to the client meaning that e)ternal machine" can #ro(ide a #olling "y"tem%

Con$i&ur tion o$ t'e S#nc'ronis tion Ser(er

The "ynchroni"ation "er(er i" con$igured u"ing an a##lication called <PM CSyncSecurity%e)e= that i" $ound in the PM C directory% Thi" "ection de"cribe" the con$iguration o#tion" a(ailable% ,(ery co#y o$ PM C i" no! able to acce#t connection" $rom any number o$ "ynchroni"ation client"' kee#ing each connection "e#arate and "ecure%

There are a large number o$ "etting" to be e)#lained in thi" a##lication% The control" "hould be *uite "im#le to under"tand and mo"tly "el$-e)#lanatory% The li"t on the le$thand "ide "ho!" all o$ the kno!n client-" in$ormation and !hen "elected their detail" a##ear on the right-hand "ide $or editing% New and "e%ete button" create and delete the client record" $rom the li"t% Le$t)' nd Contro%s . !ill "tart the thorough de"cri#tion !ith the global PM C "etting" 2in the bottom le$thand corner3% The"e are the C%ient In cti(it# ti!eout and the Ser(er Port% C%ient In cti(it# Ti!eout > Thi" i" the time that PM C !ait" be$ore a""uming that a connected client ha" dro##ed it" connection to PM C% Thi" !ould normally be le$t at the de$ault (alue% client !ill normally "end me""age" #eriodically to PM C to indicate that it-" "till connected% Ser(er Port > Thi" i" the TCP;.P Port number that PM C u"e" to li"ten $or client connection"% Thi" !ill normally be le$t at it" de$ault (alue% Thi" may be changed i$' $or "ome rea"on' the de$ault (alue con$lict" !ith another a##lication on the "er(er machine% l"o in the le$t-hand corner o$ the dialog are the New C%ient and "e%ete C%ient button"+ New C%ient > Thi" !ill enable and clear the right-hand "ide o$ the a##lication ready $or the detail" o$ a ne! client connection to be in"erted% Thi" /oe" not "tore a ne! client record until the <Sa(e= button on the right-hand-"ide i" clicked 2de"cribed later3 "e%ete C%ient > When clicked thi" button !ill delete the record" $or the client that ha" been "elected in the abo(e client li"t% The a##lication !ill a"k o$ you are "ure be$ore deleting the in$ormation% &ou "hould u"e thi" button care$ully and only !hen you are "ure about !hat you-re doing% Ri&'t)' nd contro%s The control" on the right-hand "ide only become a(ailable $or u"e !hen the u"er i" editing a client-" connection in$ormation% Thi" i" either !hen the New C%ient button i" clicked or a client $rom the le$t-hand li"t i" "elected% The"e control" are a" $ollo!"+ C%ient Usern !e > Thi" i" an editable $ield that take" the client connection u"ername% The u"ername i" u"ed both $or the client "ecurity 2the client need" to u"e thi" u"ername !ith the #a""!ord to acce"" the "er(er3 and al"o $or the client li"t a" the client de"cri#tion%

C%ient P ssword > Thi" i" the #a""!ord that the client u"e" !ith the u"ername to gain acce"" to the data on the "er(er% Per$or! C%ient IP C'eckin& > Thi" check-bo) enable" the .P checking $eature o$ the "er(er% Thi" limit" thi" account to an .nternet 2.P3 ddre""' meaning that client re*ue"t" coming $or thi" account $rom machine" !ithout thi" addre"" !ill be ignored% Thi" i" a good "ecurity mea"ure that' !ith the u"ername and #a""!ord' #ro(ide rea"onable "ecurity to PM C data% 4or ad(anced "ecurity thi" can be cou#led !ith encry#ted 9irtual Pri(ate :et!orking 2"etu# in the 4ire!all3% A%%owed C%ient IP Address > Thi" i" the addre"" that the client account i" limited to% .t "hould be entered in dotted addre"" notation 2e%g% 1?2%1@A%0%13% " t S#nc'ronise > Thi" allo!" the client to "ynchroni"e it" data !ith the "er(er% The client can read the "er(er data only 2ST :/ 8/ CC,SS3% " t U*%o d > Thi" allo!" the client to !rite to the "er(er data $ile"% The client can "end me""age" that modi$y the "er(er data $ile"% 1,W 8,B Client" can modi$y or delete data u"ing thi" command% Site Re+uest > Thi" allo!" the client to re*ue"t in$ormation $rom the PM C "ite databa"e about a gi(en "ite% Site U*%o d > Thi" allo!" the client to change or remo(e "ite detail" $rom the PM C "ite databa"e% 1,W 8,B Client" can modi$y or delete data u"ing thi" command% Co!!s Re+uest > Thi" allo!" the client to re*ue"t real-time data $rom the "ite in the $orm o$ a data-call originated $rom the "er(er% W 8:.:CB .$ not u"ed #ro#erly by the client thi" can cau"e the "er(er to continuou"ly #oll "ite"% Ser(er St tus Re+uest > Thi" allo!" the client to re*ue"t the "tatu" o$ the "er(er > comm" #ort" a(ailable ; in u"e' etc% ,e rt-e t > Thi" allo!" the client to check that the "er(er i" running and a(ailable to recei(e command" 2ST :/ 8/ CC,SS3% A% r! Re+uest > Thi" allo!" the client to re*ue"t alarm in$ormation $or a gi(en "ite% " t Noti$# > Thi" allo!" the client to recei(e a noti$ication me""age !hen the "er(er recei(e" ne! logger data% A% r! Noti$# > Thi" allo!" the client to recei(e a noti$ication me""age !hen the "er(er recei(e" ne! logger alarm"%

Site List Re+uest > Thi" allo!" the "er(er to recei(e a li"t o$ "ite" that are in the databa"e% " t "irector# P t' > Thi" i" the directory that the client-" data i" "tored in on the "er(er% Thi" i" a method o$ #re(enting the unauthoriDed acce"" o$ data by client"% &ou can limit client"- acce"" to data by only co#ying a "ub"et o$ the data $ile" into the directory "#eci$ied here% The client !ill only be able to re*ue"t data' "etting" and databa"e in$ormation $rom the "ite" !ho"e data $ile" are in thi" directory% Site I" Restriction Fi%e > Thi" i" the "econd method o$ #re(enting acce"" to data% The re"triction $ile i" "a(ed in the $orm o$ a <%t)t= $ile that contain" a de"cri#tion o$ the range2"3 o$ Site ./-" that the client i" allo!ed to acce""% The $ile may contain any o$ the $ollo!ing command"' !ith one command on each line+ .PMAC I"/ 0e1&1 2345678 Thi" mean" that the client can ha(e acce"" to the in$ormation $or thi" "ite 212E43% .PMAC I"/).PMAC I"/ 0e1&1 23456)456978 Thi" mean" that the client may acce"" any "ite !ith a PM C ./ !ithin the range including the t!o gi(en ./-"' inclu"i(e 2e%g% 12E4' 12EF' 12E@G% 2E44' 2E4F3% ).PMAC I"/ 0e1&1 2)345678 Thi" mean" that the client may acce"" any "ite !ith a PM C ./ that i" le"" than or including the gi(en PM C ./ 2e%g% 0001' 0002' 000EG 12EE' 12E43% .PMAC I"/) 0e1&1 23456)28 Thi" mean" that the client may acce"" any "ite !ith a PM C ./ that i" e*ual to or greater than the gi(en PM C ./ 2e%g% 12E4' 12EF' 12E@' 12EHG ???A' ????3% The"e command" may be added to a "ingle re"triction $ile' "e#arated by a carriage return a" in the $ollo!ing e)am#le+ E: !*%e31t:t; 2 )<<<9 <<<= <<34 345> 34>? 34@<)34=< ?<<<)@<<< ==?<)

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