Making Connections Lab

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Making Connections Lab

Bradley Sheen 12/6

Hypothesis: If we rest, then we can increase the number of times the clothespin is squeezed. Methods: -Chose 2 random groups. -Tested Initial test with resting -Procceded to do 3 trials for each group. -In between trials we had 1 min of resting or exercise depending on group. -Recorded data individually. -Recorded each persons data one at a time -Averaged the data for both groups. Materials: -Clothespin -Timer -Timerkeeper Dependent Variable: The number of times a clothespin can be squeezed in a minute. Independent Variable: Exercise v.s. rest

Discussion: We made 2 groups and recorded how many times they could squeeze the clothespin, under the conditions of either resting or exercise. We recorded that data indivdualy then by asking each person to say their individual data. We filled this data out in a chart and averaged then data for both groups. Conclusions: My hypothesis was incorrect, if we rest, then we dont increase the number of times the clothespin is squeezed. Because both the exercise group and the resting group did not achieve higher results than the initial test, the number of times a clothespin was squeezed decreased. Which is why the data does not support my hypothesis. Also this conclusion follows from the data I collected because the incorrectness of my hypothesis is based on the data. Suggestions for Improvement: Some sources of possible error can be the inability to accuartely keep count the number of times a clothespin was squeezed, or even breaking the clothespin. Controlling the variable is important when having human subjects because humans are faulty and sometimes can produces inaccurate results. So we need to minimize accidents and control the variable to increase accuracy. Three variables that may have influenced the outcome of my expirement are: eating or not eating breakfast, the different materials of the clothespins, and the subjects in the exercise group who did not work hard enough. Suggestions for Further Research: Two suggestions for other investigations that could be done or additional data that needs to colleceed to further support my findings can be to keep accurate count of data, and to make sure that each subject correctly executes the independent variable (excercise v.s. resting). This means that the exercise group should exercise relatively at the same rate and capacity, and the resting group should also rest for the same time.

Resting Group


Inital 1

Trials 2 114 111 154 154 150 128 135 132 177 121 152 152 160 3 166 112 160 161 150 119 123 126 123 125 150 147 164

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

132 121 150 131 150 147 145 172 215 177 167 148 152

121 116 139 142 180 137 143 142 185 141 162 135 158

Exercise Group


Inital 1

Trials 2 135 3 123



2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

130 150 180 150 151 138 125 123 150 109 241 170

126 100 195 172 157 147 130 115 132 102 233 150

132 70 181 184 167 157 130 113 130 98 223 116

103 20 180 158 107 166 122 97 115 96 230 132

Overall Results Initial Groups 1 Rest Exercise 153 146 147 145 2 143 140 3 147 130 Trials Overall Average XXXXX 146 138

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