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I OFTEN get a little disheartened by the to have shifted from a high-profile national

Bringing the nation

statements made by our politicians, police committee to the Sarawak police force. NGO
and other functionaries. It’s rare that I get so representatives are being increasingly side-
angry that I shake. lined and their concerns for the security and
But when the pain and safety of young girls safety being ignored. According to the report
who claim to have been raped multiple times in an online paper, Sarawakian NGOs are
can’t be investigated because the police force having problems just getting responses to
can’t raise RM4,000 to pay for translations, their concerns.
rapes that have been reported repeatedly for
over 15 years, rapes where the victims are
mainly minors, I can’t help it.
I tremble with anger and fear, fear for
what our country has become, where we
can glibly spout slogans, talk about caring
Malaysia and our moral superiority to the
into disrepute It’s easy to look at this as an issue and
forget that what is at stake are young girls.
It starts with a 12-year-old girl, who claimed
she was raped by loggers. That girl is now
27. She received no counselling, there was no
investigation. If her claims are true, her rap-
ists are still at large. Her life may well have
decadent industrialised nations, yet not take been shaped by the fear that rape has instilled
seriously the pain of a 12-year-old, unless she review process, the police took the to recognise and address issues of in her, if not, her struggle to normalcy may be
falls into the right racial, religious, geographic unusual step of engaging in con- sexual harassment and abuse.” just another heroic, everyday tale of survival.
and linguistic categories. sultation with NGOs to formulate I can’t help speculate whether But whichever, we, as a society, failed that
This from a government where a cabinet a joint investigation. The UPR is the two are related, the efficiency 12-year-old child. And we continue to fail the
minister can say that a million ringgit is noth- now over, and the police have and enthusiasm of investigating needs of the children in these remote com-
ing, where chief ministers think it a reason- found an insurmountable obstacle the allegations when there is an munities. These children are irreplaceable,
able matter to accumulate fortunes that allow – RM3,600 – to continuing the joint international spotlight on the is- are invaluable.
them to spend multiple millions on property investigation. It’s worth quoting sue, compared to the lacklustre We need to find the funds, the commit-
(whether five or 25), and where the profits in full what was promised at the response since. ment and, most of all, the humanity, to stop
made by Sarawakian logging companies al- UPR: This lacklustre response isn’t these abuses, and to protect all our children,
low timber tycoons to admit to giving RM10 “An inter-agency committee has confined to the inability to find a regardless of race, religion, geography or
million donations to individual politicians. been established at the national Freespace paltry sum of money for transla- language.
The total budget that has been allo- level to investigate the report of tion. In contrast to the promise
cated for the investigation into these rapes alleged sexual harassment and by Sonia Randhawa above, the responsibility for
is RM100,000, which, according to reports, abuse of Penan women in Sarawak responding to the issue seems Comments:
police say will only cover their own costs. It by logging company workers. The Committee
may seem a lot, but that comes to less than is chaired by Minister of Women, Family and
RM7,000 per year since the child rapes were Community Development and the members
first reported. The IGP says this would only include representatives from Education letter
cover the costs of police personnel. Given that Ministry, Home Affairs Ministry, Health
the police are paid to investigate crime (rath- Ministry, Rural and Regional Development
er, say, than violate rights) this, presumably, Ministry, Unity, Culture, Arts and Heritage
is related to travel and paperwork. Travel, of
course, is a significant cost in Sarawak. But
Ministry, Sarawak State Government, Royal
Malaysian Police and women NGOs. Based
Don’t neglect rural students
with RM100,000, a lot of personnel could be on the expected findings put forward by the EDUCATION is essential in order to get dents living in the rural areas. They need
transported into the remote interior, and pro- police as well as SUHAKAM regarding the out of poverty to change and make a to be exposed to all kinds of information,
vided for over a prolonged period of time. alleged abuse of Penan women, the Commit- better life. especially IT. The Education Ministry needs
And this isn’t just a local problem. Ma- tee will formulate intervention programmes People who stay either in the urban to provide more facilities like computers
laysia made promises during the Universal and provide counselling services to help the or rural areas need good facilities. I hope and ensure students have access to such
Periodic Review of Malaysia by the Human Penan women. This includes an awareness that the Education Ministry pays serious facilities. Some of the rural schools that
Rights Council of the United Nations that raising campaign to the Penan society, par- attention to the rural areas. Basic facilities are lacking in appropriate facilities should
this issue was being investigated. During the ticularly women, so that they would be able are often insufficient, thus affecting the be improved.
students’ motivation to attend school. More hostel facilities and financial as-
As someone who has lived and studied sistance like scholarships will be required
in a rural area, I really worry about the to ensure all problems to education are
facilities provided. I do not want the removed. Motivation and counselling may
same thing to happen to the younger also be necessary to ensure the students
generation. Limited facility was provided and their families are fully aware of the
during my time and it was difficult for us downside of dropping out of school.
to study. Please bear in mind that the rural stu-
The Education Ministry should provide dents also have the right to get a quality
better facilities to the students there to education. The Education Ministry also
provide equal opportunity in the educa- ought to ensure qualified teachers are
Life in tion field. being sent to the rural areas. Teachers
the river Free tuition classes are necessary and who have experience and expertise in
it is precious help, especially to the low several subjects should be sent.
Seine income families. The families who are Last but not least, I really hope that our
pg 21 unable to spend money on tuition fees government will give rural area students
are really those who are in need of the the opportunities to change their lives,
free tuition. improve their knowledge and thus be
Students have the opportunity to ask quality citizens in the future. With the first
as many questions as they want during class facilities provided, students in the
tuition. At the same time, they can also rural areas may become future leaders
do revisions on the subject during the of our county.
tuition classes.
The Education Ministry should provide Akmariela Ahmad Sayuti
a comfortable learning ambience to stu- Shah Alam, Selangor

A great educator, humanitarian

AN icon in the Malaysian teaching pro- careers have been moulded by this great
fession was lost with the passing away educator. This well-known Canadian,
of Brother Lawrence Spitiz. A legendary who life was entwined with the teaching
missionary, Lawrence was a doyen in profession, began his teaching career at
the teaching profession, well-known to the age of 19 at St Joseph’s Institute in
many including Prime Minister Datuk Seri Singapore in 1938, and served at other
Najib Razak, prominent doctors, lawyers, distinguished mission schools in then
engineers and civil servants. Malaya such as St Xavier’s Institution in
It was therefore befitting that Prime Penang and La Salle Petaling Jaya, before
Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak in his retiring from St John’s Institution.
Teacher’s Day message described Even when the Japanese landed in
teachers in the country like Lawrence Malaya, Lawrence was still teaching in
as the unsung heroes. I am glad that the country. He was subsequently sent to
Prime Minister had paid tribute to the Pudu Prison and later as a prisoner of war
distinguished members of the teaching at Changi Prison in Singapore.
profession for their contributions. Even at the ripe old age of the 80s,
I was proud to have served under Lawrence was still teaching in the remote
Lawrence for many years during his areas of Sabah. Teaching was in every
tenure as the Brother Director of St drop of his blood, and you could never
John’s Institution. Here was a man and separate the man from his profession.
a dedicated educationist who had toiled Such was the personification of a man
selflessly for the benefit of hundreds, or who was the epitome of the teaching
perhaps, thousands of Malaysians who profession. Gratitude goes to the Little
today are holding prominent positions in Sisters of the Poor for taking good care
the country. of this great humanitarian in his old age.
Lawrence was the hallmark of a great May his soul rest in peace.
educator who did so much for so many.
I’m sure they count themselves as being James Gonzales
among the fortunate ones, whose life and Kuala Lumpur

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