Parulan Vs Director of Prisons

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Parulan vs Director of Prisons Facts: Petitioner Parulan was confined in the state penitentiary at Muntinlupa serving life sentence

but commuted to 20 years by the President. In !"#$ he was transferred to Fort %antiago but later escaped . &e was rearrested in Manila and sentenced for evasion of sentence. Issue: Did the trial court in Manila ac'uire (urisdiction in his case) *lso$ is the warrantless arrest proper) &eld: +es$ it did. ,he act of the prisoner is a continuous crime. &ence$ the court of any province that may be first to ta-e cogni.ance of the case ac'uires (urisdiction. ,he arrest is proper for it is one of the instances in /ule 1ourt when a warrantless arrest may be effected. People vs 2ovedorio Facts: %P30 4esus 2ucilo was wal-ing at Daraga on 25 4uly !!2 at around 6:00PM when 7lias 2ovedorio too- his gun and shot him. &e had three other companions and the incident was witnessed by 8estor *rmenta. &e was convicted of murder. &e$ however$ interposed that he must be pronounced guilty of rebellion as he cites the witness9 testimony that he is a member of the 8P* and -illing 2ucilo is in furtherance of a subversive cause. *lso$ he claims he did not ta-e the fatal shot hence he must only be charged as a participant in rebellion. Issue: :hether or not he must be charged of rebellion not murder. &eld: 8o. in order for it to be absorbed in rebellion$ the act must be committed in pursuance of a subversive end. ;oth the purpose and overt acts are essential. In this case$ claiming that he is an 8P* and that the -illing was politically motivated is obviously an afterthought. People vs &ernande. et al Facts: *mado &ernande. and others are members of the 1ongress of 2abor 3rgani.ations which fully cooperates with &u-bong Mapagpalayang ;ayan which is li-ewise connected to the 1ommunist Party. ,he &M; is involved in ma-ing armed raids$ sorties$ and ambushes against the police$ military$ and other civilians. Issue: May the court convict &ernande. et al of rebellion comple<ed with murder$ arson$ and robbery) &eld: 8o. they are only to be convicted of simple rebellion since the other offenses are mere ingredients of the crime of rebellion. 7ngaging in war against the forces of the government and committing serious violence in the prosecution of said war. 0 of the revised /ules of

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