Chemistry Semester Project

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Chemistry Semester Project

Climate Change, Water Pollution, Depleting Ozone Layer and Air Pollution

Climate Change (Michael)

Climate Change: What is it?

Climate change is defined to be the significant and lasting change in a climate in a given region over a period of time. Generally, it means a climate getting colder or a climate getting warmer, such as during an ice age or global warming. This given region can range from the size of a small country to the entire planet Earth The period climate change can occur ranges from decades to millions of years. This change can be characterized by change in average temperatures over a region, or a change in frequency of natural processes, such as rain, snow, or even natural disasters. Climate change can happen as a result of processes inside the earth, forces from outside (variations in sunlight intensity), or more recently, human activities. The most widely known climate change today is global warming. Although there has been some controversy about the topic, it is generally agreed that it is happening and some of the cause of global warming can be traced back to human activities, such as excess greenhouse gases (CO2, CH4, N2O, O3).

Climate Change: Effects

There are two main types of climate change that we will explore the effects of: when the climate gets colder and when the climate gets warmer. The former can occur during an ice age, while the latter can occur due to excess greenhouse gases. When the climate gets colder in an ice age:


Longer winters
Sea level expected to lower, like by 400-600 feet

o Climate expected to be much dryer When the climate gets hotter during global warming: o o o Shorter winters Glaciers have shrunk; as a result sea levels rise More frequent heat waves and forest fires

Climate Change: Chemical Reaction

Greenhouse gases are commonly emitted as a result of the burning of fossil fuels. This is the combustion reaction for glucose, a common fuel. 6O2(g) + C6H12O6(s) 6H2O(g) + 6CO2(g) + energy. Yes this is a redox reaction. Net ionic equation: 6O2(g) + C6(s) 6O22-(g) + 6C4+(g) Oxidized: C6(s) Reduced: O2(g) Number of electrons transferred: 24 Observations: Reactants: o Oxygen is clear gas, glucose is a white solid Products: o Water vapor is clear gas, carbon dioxide is clear gas

Climate Change: Proposed Solution

The most widely held and accepted solution for climate change is to change from using fossil fuels as energy and start using nuclear power instead. Although nuclear radiation can be dangerous, it emits far less greenhouse gases then burning fossil fuels, and is seen as a viable alternative energy source. The chemical reaction one would need to undergo to generate nuclear energy is the nuclear fission of uranium, which is basically splitting uranium into krypton, barium, and a bunch of energy. The reaction is as follows: 1n + 23592U(s) 9236Kr(s) + 14156Ba(s) + 3n + 200MeV An MeV, or megaelectron volt, is 1.602*10-13 joules. However, this is the reaction which happens per atom, so in reality it is quite an efficient method of producing energy, and also does not emit greenhouse gases.

Water Pollution (Michael)

Water Pollution: What is it?

Defined to be the contamination of water bodies (lakes, rivers, oceans, groundwater) Occurs when pollutants are directly or indirectly put into the water body, without the removal of the harmful compounds Water is defined to be polluted if:
o It is no longer safe for drinking o It can no longer support a natural biotic community, such as fish Common pollutants include: o o o Pathogens: Salmonella, Giardia lamblia etc. Organic pollutants: Detergents, insecticides etc. Inorganic pollutants: Chemical fertilizer, acid etc.

o Macroscopic pollutants: Trash, shipwrecks, metals etc Can be caused by humans, or by natural means

Water Pollution: Effects

In general, the pollutant will: o o o Put too much of a certain chemical in the water Change the temperature of the water Change the density of the water

o Change the transparency/color of the water (can lead to sunlight blockage) Affects all living organisms in the water Can reduce or make unnaturally large, the fish and plant populations Makes the water unclean, which can seep into the water we drink In fact, water pollution is the leading cause of death around the world for humans; it accounts for more than 14,000 deaths daily. And estimate 580 people die every day in India due to unclean drinking water

Water Pollution: Chemical reaction

Acid rain falling into a water body can cause water pollution, for example acid rain in Scandinavia was from SO2 from power stations. Combined with water, this produces an unwelcome acid. SO2(g) + H2O(l) H2SO3(aq) As it is a synthesis reaction of two compounds, it is not redox, and thus has no net ionic equation. Observations: o o Reactants: sulfur dioxide is colorless gas, water is clear liquid Products: Sulfurous acid is colorless solution

Water Pollution: Proposed solution

One proposed solution to water pollution is to use organic fertilizer instead of chemical fertilizer for farming. An example of an organic fertilizer is manure. It is cheap, effective, and doesnt produce the runoff that a chemical fertilizer would. For a chemical fertilizer, such as ammonium nitrate, the leftover chemicals get washed into nearby bodies of water by storms, which causes pollution. The reaction for the production of ammonium nitrate is as follows: HNO3(aq) + NH3(l) NH4NO3(aq) However, with organic fertilizer, such as manure, you wont have these problems. It may smell bad, but organic fertilizer is much better for the environment than chemical fertilizer.

Depleting Ozone Layer (Ian)

Ozone Layer: What is it?

Ozone (O3) is a gas that is present in the ozone layer in the stratosphere of the Earth It absorbs ultraviolet radiation which is harmful to humans and animals Since the 1970s, there has been a decrease in the volume of Ozone in the ozone layer. (4%) Ozone depleting substances (Chlorofluorocarbons and halons)are what causes the Ozone to deplete. CFCs diffuse around the Ozone Layer, and are hard to destroy or react with other elements. Air Conditioning and Refrigeration produce CFCs Ozone is a type of greenhouse gas Ultraviolet rays increases skin cancer, cataracts, damage to plants and reduction of plankton Antarctica has an Ozone Hole

Depleting Ozone Layer: Chemical Reaction

In the stratosphere, CFCs come into contact with ultraviolet radiation and split off chlorine atoms CCl3F (g) CCL2F (g) + Cl (g) (decomposition) These chlorine atoms destroy the ozone layer
Cl (g) + O3 (g) ClO (g) + O2 (g) (single replacement/synthesis)

Ozone decomposes O3 O2 + O under ultraviolet radiation. The O atoms usually reaction with another O atom to form O2. But with Chlorine around, Oxygen reacts with Chlorine and produces even more Cl (g)
ClO (g) + O (g) + O2 (g) + Cl (g) (decomposition)

Depleting Ozone Layer:Proposed Solution

The only long term solution is to stop producing CFCs However, some CFCs can be replaced by HCFCs, which are more reactive. Thus HCFCs could react with other elements or gases to produce some other compound that doesnt decompose to form Chlorine. HCFCs also dont diffuse as quickly as CFCs.

Air Pollution (Ian)

Air Pollution: What is it?

Air Pollution is the pollution of air Pollutants include dust, sea salt, volcanic ashes, gases and smoke from fires Human made pollution comes mainly from o transportation (the gases that a car exhausts includes nitrogen oxide, Carbon Tetrahydride)

o Electricity production ( Produces Oxides and CO2) Industrial power plants burn fossil fuel which creates a lot of oxides

Air Pollution: Effects

Biological Effects:Lung development in children, asthma and respiratory symptoms. It can also cause heart problems such as heart attacks. Toxic air pollutants also increase the risk of cancer Chemical Effects: Acid Rain, Smog Acid Rain: Any form of precipitation contained in rain that is usually acidic Meaning it possess hydrogen ions (low pH) It harms plants, animals and infrastructure, as well as humans It is caused by the emissions of sulfur dioxide, carbon dioxide and nitrogen oxide

Acid Rain: Chemical Reaction

Acid Rain is produced when gases react with water vapour in clouds CO2 (g) + H2O (g) H2CO3 (aq)
SO3 (g) + H2O (g) H2SO4 (aq)

NO (g) + H2O (g) H2NO2

(All are synthesis reactions)

Air Pollution: Proposed Solution

Use public transportation Use energy wisely Recycle used materials

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