Letter-Writing Guide (FRIENDLY LETTER) : 1. Heading

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Letter-writing Guide (FRIENDLY LETTER)

There are 5 key parts to a friendly letter: Heading, Greeting, !dy, "#!sing and $ignature%

&% Heading In a friendly, informal letter, this is where you write the date. This goes at the top of the page on the rig't-'and side. You should write at the least the day and month. You may include the day of the week and the year if you choose. Some people write their address here too, but you do not have to. If you are writing an email, you dont need to include the heading; the computer will include the date when you send it! (% Greeting This is where you address your friend for the first time in the letter. It is very similar to greeting someone face to face. Sample Greetings:

Dear Juan, Greetings Simone,

Hello James,

It is very important that you capitalize the first letter (poner en maysculas) of each word in a greeting. Also, when you write notes to a friend, use a comma at the end of the greeting. )% !dy The body of the letter is where you communicate with your friend. This is where you ask how they are doing and te## t'e* w'at y!u are d!ing and +ee#ing. In a friendly letter, it is polite to begin by asking your reader about their life. fter that, you may tell them something about you. Sample sentence starters: sk about your friend: nd tell them about you:

How are you? How has your summer been? What have you been up to? Are you playing any sports? Have you been traveling?

My summer has been fun. his summer !" ! have been #oing" With my family, ! went to" ! went to $amp

Remember to use punctuation and capitalization! or e!ample, capitalize the first letter of a sentence and be sure to use punctuation at the end of each sentence. ,% "#!sing and $ignatureThe !losing is where you end your letter and say g!!d-.ye. fter that, you write the $ignature (y!ur na*e)% Sample !losings:

%uth sen#s her love

! loo& forwar# to hearing from you'to seeing you soon Do write me when you have a minute Hoping to hear from you before too long Joe sen#s you a big hug Gime my love to Sonia an# (ri) Say hello to Martin for me *ours sin)erelly, *ours ever, With best wises, +est wishes As always, All the best, All my love ,boy'girlfrien#*ours truly
Sin)erely al& soon

"areful! In the closing, you only capitalize the first letter. #his is different than the greeting. After the last word we use a comma and sign our name.

$a*p#e Letter

Wednesday, August 18, 2004 Dear Sara, How are you? Are you having a good summer? Have you gotten to travel to cool laces or are you going to cam ? ! ho e you are having "un whatever you are doing# $y summer is o%ay& ! got to go to a cool cam , 'am ( sawala& !t was on a la%e and ! learned to swim& A"ter, ! went to my uncle)s house in 'ali"ornia& ! li%ed 'ali"ornia *ecause o" the *each& Did you receive a letter "rom school yet? ! did& ! will *e in $r& +ryant)s class& Whose class will you *e in? ! can)t wait to see you at school# As always, ,ric

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