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1 Peter 1:3

You + us = Together for the Gospel in Honduras through education, counseling and student ministries II December 2013

Picture this!

A big THANK YOU goes out to you, our partners in ministry, who see the big picture. God has asked each one of us to do our part to share the good news of Christ all over the world. He says...go or help (Matt. 28: 19-20; Luke 8: 1-3). Were getting ready to go to Honduras in February, but in order to do that, we need your help to send us. Please consider giving a monthly, quarterly, semi-annual, or annual tax-deductible gift. You can also give one-time or raise your monthly support.

2 big needs
Monthly needs 1 person: $250 3 people: $100 12 people: $50 19 people: $30 Invest with us! Initial Ministry Needs $40,000 - Spanish Bibles, counseling materials, educational supplies, and much needed items for the school - Outfit and passage - Cargo transport - Housing items - Reliable vehicle to transport children to school and to transport visiting teams

It was just a school pictureeveryone gets them, right? This is what I thought as I lined up a little girl for her picture. After pleading for a smile, I raised the camera to my eye. With a gasp, she shielded herself, thinking it was going to hurt. After finally getting the picture, she was able to see her beautiful self as the image was magically printed on the Polaroid. A big smile came across her face as she grabbed the picture and ran out of the schoolyard, screaming, Mam, Mam! The news traveled quickly. For the next hour, mothers came to the school, carrying their babies and begging for a picture. Later, a missionary told me that most people dont even have a mirror, much less a picture of themselves. In this faraway mountain region, 1 in 5 children die by age 5, so that Polaroid could be the only keepsake of their lost child. Now, picture yourself being able to help that child with a relationship with God, food, clothing, medical care, education, life skills, a brighter future, and, yes, even more pictures! You can count on us to go. Can we count on you to help send us? Blessings,

3 ways to help 1. 2. 3.!help-us Complete the form & send in (Benedicts monthly needs) Complete the form & send in (Benedicts initial ministry needs)

Scott, Stephanie, Zack & Ally

P.S. This is a great investment for year-end gifts!

*All gifts are tax-deductible. Any donations received over and above the amount needed will be used for other ministry projects in Honduras.

Global Outreach International

Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability

t w e f m

570.851.0812 250 E. Grove St. // Clarks Green, PA // 18411

...whatever you did for one of the least of these, you did for me - Jesus, in Matthew 25:40

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