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VOL. 196, APRIL 19, 1991 San Juan vs. Civil Service Commission G.R. No. 92299.

April 19, 1991.


REYNALDO petitioner, BUDGET an






re!pon ent!.
Local Governments; Municipal Corporations; Civil Service; Appointments; The Department of Budget and Management ma appoint provincial !udget officers" onl from the list of #ualified recommendees nominated ! the Governor.$When the Civil Service Commi ion interprete! the recommen!in" po#er o$ the Provinci%l Governor % &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&

'N (ANC. S+PR',' CO+R- R'POR-S ANNO-A-'. San Juan vs. Civil Service Commission

)* )*

p/rel0 !irector0, it #ent %"%in t the letter %n! pirit o$ the con tit/tion%l provi ion on loc%l %/tonom0. I$ the .(, Secret%r0 1e%lo/ l0 ho%r! the entiret0 o$ 2/!"et%r0 po#er %n! i"nore the ri"ht o$ loc%l "overnment to !evelop el$3reli%nce %n! re ol/tene in the h%n!lin" o$ their o#n $/n! , the "o%l o$ me%nin"$/l loc%l %/tonom0 i $r/ tr%te! %n! et 2%c4. -he ri"ht "iven 20 Loc%l (/!"et Circ/l%r No. 51 #hich t%te 6 7S'C. 6.*8-he .(, re erve the ri"ht to $ill /p %n0 e9i tin" v%c%nc0 #here none o$ the nominee o$ the loc%l chie$ e9ec/tive meet the pre cri2e! re:/irement .; i /ltr% vire %n! i , %ccor!in"l0, et % i!e. -he .(, m%0 %ppoint onl0 $rom the li t o$ :/%li$ie! recommen!ee nomin%te! 20 the Governor. I$ none i :/%li$ie!, he m/ t ret/rn the li t o$ nominee to the Governor e9pl%inin" #h0 no one meet the le"%l re:/irement %n! % 4 $or ne# recommen!ee #ho h%ve the nece %r0 eli"i2ilitie %n! :/%li$ic%tion . -he P(O i e9pecte! to 0nchroni<e hi #or4 #ith .(,. ,ore import%nt, ho#ever, i the proper %!mini tr%tion o$ $i c%l %$$%ir %t the loc%l level. Provinci%l %n! m/nicip%l 2/!"et %re prep%re! %t the loc%l

level %n! %$ter completion %re $or#%r!e! to the n%tion%l o$$ici%l $or revie#. -he0 %re prep%re! 20 the loc%l o$$ici%l #ho m/ t #or4 #ithin the con tr%int o$ tho e 2/!"et . -he0 %re not $orm/l%te! in the inner %nct/m o$ %n %ll34no#in" .(, %n! /nil%ter%ll0 impo e! on loc%l "overnment #hether or not the0 %re relev%nt to loc%l nee! %n! re o/rce . It i $or thi re% on th%t there ho/l! 2e % "en/ine interpl%0, % 2%l%ncin" o$ vie#point , %n! % h%rmoni<%tion o$ propo %l $rom 2oth the loc%l %n! n%tion%l o$$ici%l . It i $or thi re% on th%t the nomin%tion %n! %ppointment proce involve % h%rin" o$ po#er 2et#een the t#o level o$ "overnment. Same; Same; Same; Same; %ational officials should not onl compl &ith the constitutional provisions on local autonom !ut should also appreciate the spirit of li!ert upon &hich these provisions are !ased. $In hi cl% ic #or4 7Philippine Politic%l L%#; .e%n Vicente G. Sinco t%te! th%t the v%l/e o$ loc%l "overnment % in tit/tion o$ !emocr%c0 i me% /re! 20 the !e"ree o$ %/tonom0 th%t the0 en1o0. Citin" -oc:/eville, he t%te! th%t 7loc%l % em2lie o$ citi<en con tit/te the tren"th o$ $ree n%tion . 9 9 9 A people m%0 e t%2li h % 0 tem o$ $ree "overnment 2/t #itho/t the pirit o$ m/nicip%l in tit/tion , it c%nnot h%ve the pirit o$ li2ert0.; =Sinco, Philippine Politic%l L%#, 'leventh '!ition, pp. )*>3)*6?. O/r n%tion%l o$$ici%l ho/l! not onl0 compl0 #ith the con tit/tion%l provi ion on loc%l %/tonom0 2/t ho/l! %l o %ppreci%te the pirit o$ li2ert0 /pon #hich the e provi ion %re 2% e!. )1 VOL. 196, APRIL 19, 1991 San Juan vs. Civil Service Commission P'-I-ION $or certior%ri to revie# the re ol/tion Commi ion. -he $%ct %re t%te! in the opinion o$ the Co/rt. Legal Services Division $or petitioner. Sumulong" Sumulong" 'aras ( A!ano La& )ffices $or priv%te re pon!ent. G+-I'RR'@, AR., J.* In thi petition $or certior%ri p/r /%nt to Section ), Article IB =A? o$ the pre ent Con tit/tion, the petitioner Governor o$ the Province o$ Ri<%l, pr%0 $or the n/lli$ic%tion o$ Re ol/tion No. C93C6C o$ the Civil Service Commi ion =CSC? !%te! Novem2er 21, 19C9 %n! it Re ol/tion No. 9*31>* !%te! De2r/%r0 9, 199*. -he !i po itive portion o$ the :/e tione! Re ol/tion re%! 6 7WE'R'DOR', $ore"oin" premi e con i!ere!, the Commi ion re olve! to !i mi , % it here20 !i mi e the %ppe%l o$ Governor Re0n%l!o S%n A/%n o$ Ri<%l. Accor!in"l0, the %pprove! %ppointment o$ , . Cecili% Alm%1o e % Provinci%l (/!"et O$$icer o$ Ri<%l, i /p3hel!.; =Rollo, p. 52? o$ the Civil Service

-he /2 e:/ent Re ol/tion No. 9*31>* reiter%te CSCF po ition /phol!in" the priv%te re pon!entF %ppointment 20 !en0in" the petitionerF motion $or recon i!er%tion $or l%c4 o$ merit. -he %ntece!ent $%ct o$ the c% e %re % $ollo# 6 On ,%rch 22, 19CC, the po ition o$ Provinci%l (/!"et O$$icer =P(O? $or the province o$ Ri<%l #% le$t v%c%nt 20 it $ormer hol!er, % cert%in Eene!im% !el Ro %rio. In % letter !%te! April 1C, 19CC, the petitioner in$orme! .irector Re0n%l!o A2ell% o$ the .ep%rtment o$ (/!"et %n! ,%n%"ement =.(,? Re"ion IV th%t , . .%li %0 S%nto % /me! o$$ice % Actin" P(O ince ,%rch 22, 19CC p/r /%nt to % ,emor%n!/m i /e! 20 the petitioner #ho $/rther re:/e te! .irector A2ell% to en!or e the %ppointment o$ the %i! , . .%li %0 S%nto to the conte te! po ition o$ P(O o$ Ri<%l. , . .%li %0 S%nto #% then ,/nicip%l (/!"et O$$icer o$ -%0t%0, Ri<%l 2e$ore he !i ch%r"e! the $/nction o$ %ctin" P(O. In % ,emor%n!/m !%te! A/l0 26, 19CC %!!re e! to the .(, Secret%r0, then .irector A2ell% o$ Re"ion IV recommen!e! the )2 )2 S+PR',' CO+R- R'POR-S ANNO-A-'. San Juan vs. Civil Service Commission

%ppointment o$ the priv%te re pon!ent % P(O o$ Ri<%l on the 2% i o$ % comp%r%tive t/!0 o$ %ll ,/nicip%l (/!"et O$$icer o$ the %i! province #hich incl/!e! three nominee o$ the petitioner. Accor!in" to A2ell%, the priv%te re pon!ent #% the mo t :/%li$ie! ince he #% the onl0 Certi$ie! P/2lic Acco/nt%nt %mon" the conten!er . On A/"/ t 1, 19CC, .(, +n!er ecret%r0 N%<%rio S. C%2/:/it, Ar. i"ne! the %ppointment p%per o$ the priv%te re pon!ent % P(O o$ Ri<%l /pon the %$ore t%te! recommen!%tion o$ A2ell%. In % letter !%te! A/"/ t 5, 19CC %!!re e! to Secret%r0 C%r%"/e, the petitioner reiter%te! hi re:/e t $or the %ppointment o$ .%li %0 S%nto to the conte te! po ition /n%#%re o$ the e%rlier %ppointment m%!e 20 +n!er ecret%r0 C%2/:/it. On A/"/ t 51, 19CC, .(, Re"ion%l .irector A"ripino G. G%lve< #rote the petitioner th%t .%li %0 S%nto %n! hi other recommen!ee !i! not meet the minim/m re:/irement /n!er Loc%l (/!"et Circ/l%r No. 51 $or the po ition o$ % loc%l 2/!"et o$$icer. .irector G%lve< #hether or not thro/"h over i"ht $/rther re:/ire! the petitioner to /2mit %t le% t three other :/%li$ie! nominee #ho %re :/%li$ie! $or the po ition o$ P(O o$ Ri<%l $or ev%l/%tion %n! proce in". On Novem2er 2, 19CC, the petitioner %$ter h%vin" 2een in$orme! o$ the priv%te re pon!entF %ppointment #rote Secret%r0 C%r%"/e prote tin" %"%in t the %i! %ppointment on the "ro/n! th%t C%2/:/it % .(, +n!er ecret%r0 i not le"%ll0 %/thori<e! to %ppoint the P(OG th%t the priv%te re pon!ent l%c4 the re:/ire! three 0e%r #or4 e9perience % provi!e! in Loc%l (/!"et Circ/l%r No. 51G %n! th%t

/n!er '9ec/tive Or!er No. 112, it i the Provinci%l Governor, not the Re"ion%l .irector or % Con"re m%n, #ho h% the po#er to recommen! nominee $or the po ition o$ P(O. On A%n/%r0 9, 19C9 re pon!ent .(,, thro/"h it .irector o$ the (/re%/ o$ Le"%l H Le"i l%tive A$$%ir =(LLA? Vir"ilio A. A$/r/n", i /e! % ,emor%n!/m r/lin" th%t the petitionerF letter3prote t i not meritorio/ con i!erin" th%t p/2lic re pon!ent .(, v%li!l0 e9erci e! it prero"%tive in $illin"3/p the conte te! po ition ince none o$ the petitionerF nominee met the pre cri2e! re:/irement . On A%n/%r0 2), 19C9, the petitioner move! $or % recon i!er%tion o$ the (LLA r/lin". )5 VOL. 196, APRIL 19, 1991 San Juan vs. Civil Service Commission On De2r/%r0 2C, 19C9, the .(, Secret%r0 !enie! the petitionerF motion $or recon i!er%tion. On ,%rch 2), 19C9, the petitioner #rote p/2lic re pon!ent CSC prote tin" %"%in t the %ppointment o$ the priv%te re pon!ent %n! reiter%tin" hi po ition re"%r!in" the m%tter. S/2 e:/entl0, p/2lic re pon!ent CSC i /e! the :/e tione! re ol/tion #hich prompte! the petitioner to /2mit 2e$ore / the $ollo#in" % i"nment o$ error 6 7A. -E' CSC 'RR'. IN +PEOL.ING -E' APPOIN-,'N- (I .(, ASSIS-AN- S'CR'-ARI CA(+J+I- OD C'CILIA AL,AAOS' AS P(O OD RI@AL. (. -E' CSC 'RR'. IN EOL.ING -EA- C'CILIA AL,AAOS' POSS'SS'S ALL -E' R'J+IR'. J+ALIDICA-IONS. C. -E' CSC 'RR'. IN .'CLARING -EA- P'-I-ION'RFS NO,IN''S AR' NO- J+ALIDI'. -O -E' S+(A'C- POSI-ION. .. -E' CSC AN. -E' .(, GRAV'LI A(+S'. -E'IR .ISCR'-ION IN NO- ALLOWING P'-I-ION'R -O S+(,I- N'W NO,IN''S WEO CO+L. ,''- -E' R'J+IR'. J+ALIDICA-IONS.; =Petition, pp. )3C, Rollo, pp. 1>316? All the % i"ne! error rel%te to the i /e o$ #hether or not the priv%te re pon!ent i l%#$/ll0 entitle! to !i ch%r"e the $/nction o$ P(O o$ Ri<%l p/r /%nt to the %ppointment m%!e 20 p/2lic re pon!ent .(,F +n!er ecret%r0 /pon the recommen!%tion o$ then .irector A2ell% o$ .(, Re"ion IV. -he petitionerF %r"/ment re t on hi contention th%t he h% the ri"ht %n! privile"e to recommen! the nominee to the po ition o$ %n! th%t the %ppointee ho/l! come onl0 $rom hi nominee /pport thereo$, he invo4e Section 1 o$ '9ec/tive Or!er No. #hich provi!e th%t6 ole P(O . In 112

7S'C-ION 1. All 2/!"et o$$icer o$ province , citie %n! m/nicip%litie h%ll 2e %ppointe! hence$orth 20 the ,ini ter o$ (/!"et %n! ,%n%"ement /pon recommen!%tion o$ the loc%l chie$ e9ec/tive concerne!, /21ect to civil ervice l%#, r/le %n! re"/l%tion , %n! the0

h%ll 2e pl%ce! /n!er the %!mini tr%tive control %n! technic%l /pervi ion o$ the ,ini tr0 o$ (/!"et %n! ,%n%"ement.; -he petitioner m%int%in th%t the %ppointment o$ the priv%te re pon!ent to the conte te! po ition #% m%!e in !ero"%tion o$ )K )K S+PR',' CO+R- R'POR-S ANNO-A-'. San Juan vs. Civil Service Commission

the provi ion o th%t 2oth the p/2lic re pon!ent committe! "r%ve %2/ e o$ !i cretion in /phol!in" Alm%1o eF %ppointment. -here i no :/e tion th%t /n!er Section 1 o$ '9ec/tive Or!er No. 112 the petitionerF po#er to recommen! i /21ect to the :/%li$ic%tion pre cri2e! 20 e9i tin" l%# $or the po ition o$ P(O. Con e:/entl0, in the event th%t the recommen!%tion m%!e 20 the petitioner $%ll hort o$ the re:/ire! t%n!%r! , the %ppointin" %/thorit0, the ,ini ter =no# Secret%r0? o$ p/2lic re pon!ent .(, i e9pecte! to re1ect the %me. In the event th%t the Governor recommen! %n /n:/%li$ie! per on, i the .ep%rtment Ee%! $ree to %ppoint %n0one he $%ncie L -hi i the i /e 2e$ore / . (e$ore the prom/l"%tion o$ '9ec/tive Or!er No. 112 on .ecem2er 2K, 19C6, (%t% P%m2%n % (l". 55), other#i e 4no#n % the Loc%l Government Co!e ve te! /pon the Governor, /21ect to civil ervice r/le %n! re"/l%tion , the po#er to %ppoint the P(O =Sec. 216, /2p%r%"r%ph =1?, (P 55)?. -he Co!e $/rther en/mer%te! the :/%li$ic%tion $or the po ition o$ P(O. -h/ , Section 216, /2p%r%"r%ph =2? o$ the %me co!e t%te th%t6 7=2? No per on h%ll 2e %ppointe! provinci%l 2/!"et o$$icer /nle he i % citi<en o$ the Philippine , o$ "oo! mor%l ch%r%cter, % hol!er o$ % !e"ree pre$er%2l0 in l%#, commerce, p/2lic %!mini tr%tion or %n0 rel%te! co/r e $rom % reco"ni<e! colle"e or /niver it0, % $ir t "r%!e civil ervice eli"i2ilit0 or it e:/iv%lent, %n! h% %c:/ire! %t le% t $ive 0e%r e9perience in 2/!"etin" or in %n0 rel%te! $iel!.; -he petitioner conten! th%t ince the %ppointin" %/thorit0 #ith re pect to the Provinci%l (/!"et O$$icer o$ Ri<%l #% ve te! in him 2e$ore, then, the re%l intent 2ehin! '9ec/tive Or!er No. 112 in empo#erin" him to recommen! nominee to the po ition o$ Provinci%l (/!"et O$$icer i to m%4e hi recommen!%tion p%rt %n! p%rcel o$ the %ppointment proce . Ee t%te th%t the phr% e 7/pon recommen!%tion o$ the loc%l chie$ e9ec/tive concerne!; m/ t 2e "iven m%n!%tor0 %pplic%tion in con on%nce #ith the t%te polic0 o$ loc%l %/tonom0 % "/%r%ntee! 20 the 19C) Con tit/tion /n!er Art. II, Sec. 2> %n! Art. B, Sec. 2 thereo$. Ee $/rther %r"/e th%t hi po#er to recommen! c%nnot v%li!l0 2e !e$e%te! 20 % mere %!mini tr%tive i /%nce o$ p/2lic re pon!ent .(, re ervin" to it el$ the ri"ht to $ill3 /p )>

VOL. 196, APRIL 19, 1991 San Juan vs. Civil Service Commission %n0 e9i tin" v%c%nc0 in c% e the petitionerF nominee !o not meet the :/%li$ic%tion re:/irement % em2o!ie! in p/2lic re pon!ent .(,F Loc%l (/!"et Circ/l%r No. 51 !%te! De2r/%r0 9, 19CC. -he :/e tione! r/lin" i $ollo# 6 1/ ti$ie! 20 the p/2lic re pon!ent CSC %

7A re:/ire! 20 %i! '.O. No. 112, the .(, Secret%r0 m%0 choo e $rom %mon" the recommen!ee o$ the Provinci%l Governor #ho %re th/ :/%li$ie! %n! eli"i2le $or %ppointment to the po ition o$ the P(O o$ Ri<%l. Not#ith t%n!in", the recommen!%tion o$ the loc%l chie$ e9ec/tive i merel0 !irector0 %n! not % con!ition sine #ua non to the e9erci e 20 the Secret%r0 o$ .(, o$ hi %ppointin" prero"%tive. -o r/le other#i e #o/l! in e$$ect "ive the l%# or '.O. No. 112 % !i$$erent interpret%tion or con tr/ction not inten!e! therein, t%4in" into con i!er%tion th%t %i! o$$icer h% 2een n%tion%li<e! %n! i !irectl0 /n!er the control %n! /pervi ion o$ the .(, Secret%r0 or thro/"h hi !/l0 %/thori<e! repre ent%tive. It c%nnot 2e "%in %i! th%t %i! n%tion%l o$$icer h% % imil%r role in the loc%l "overnment /nit, onl0 on %nother %re% or concern, to th%t o$ % Commi ion on A/!it re i!ent %/!itor. Eence, to pre erve %n! m%int%in the in!epen!ence o$ %i! o$$icer $rom the loc%l "overnment /nit, he m/ t 2e prim%ril0 the choice o$ the n%tion%l %ppointin" o$$ici%l, %n! the e9erci e thereo$ m/ t not 2e /n!/l0 h%mpere! or inter$ere! #ith, provi!e! the %ppointee $in%ll0 electe! meet the re:/irement $or the po ition in %ccor!%nce #ith pre cri2e! Civil Service L%#, R/le %n! Re"/l%tion . In other #or! , the %ppointin" o$$ici%l i not re tricte! or circ/m cri2e! to the li t /2mitte! or recommen!e! 20 the loc%l chie$ e9ec/tive in the $in%l election o$ %n %ppointee $or the po ition. Ee m%0 con i!er other nominee $or the po ition vi % vi the nominee o$ the loc%l chie$ e9ec/tive.; =CSC Re ol/tion No. C93C6C, p. 2G Rollo, p. 51? -he i /e 2e$ore the Co/rt i not limite! to the v%li!it0 o$ the %ppointment o$ one Provinci%l (/!"et O$$icer. -he t/" o$ #%r 2et#een the Secret%r0 o$ (/!"et %n! ,%n%"ement %n! the Governor o$ the premier province o$ Ri<%l over % eemin"l0 innoc/o/ po ition involve the %pplic%tion o$ % mo t import%nt con tit/tion%l polic0 %n! principle, th%t o$ loc%l %/tonom0. We h%ve to o2e0 the cle%r m%n!%te on loc%l %/tonom0. Where % l%# i c%p%2le o$ t#o interpret%tion , one in $%vor o$ centr%li<e! po#er in ,%l%c%M%n" %n! the other 2ene$ici%l to loc%l %/tonom0, the c%le m/ t 2e #ei"he! in $%vor o$ %/tonom0. )6 )6 S+PR',' CO+R- R'POR-S ANNO-A-'. San Juan vs. Civil Service Commission

-he e9erci e 20 loc%l "overnment o$ me%nin"$/l po#er h% 2een % n%tion%l "o%l ince the t/rn o$ the cent/r0. An! 0et, in pite o$ con tit/tion%l provi ion %n!, % in thi c% e, le"i l%tion m%n!%tin"

"re%ter %/tonom0 $or loc%l o$$ici%l , n%tion%l o$$icer c%nnot eem to let "o o$ centr%li<e! po#er . -he0 !en0 or #%ter !o#n #h%t little "r%nt o$ %/tonom0 h%ve o $%r 2een "iven to m/nicip%l corpor%tion . Pre i!ent ,cNinle0F In tr/ction !%te! April ), 19** to the Secon! Philippine Commi ion or!ere! the ne# Government 7to !evote their %ttention in the $ir t in t%nce to the e t%2li hment o$ m/nicip%l "overnment in #hich n%tive o$ the I l%n! , 2oth in the citie %n! r/r%l comm/nitie , h%ll 2e %$$or!e! the opport/nit0 to m%n%"e their o#n loc%l o$$icer to the $/lle t e9tent o$ #hich the0 %re c%p%2le %n! /21ect to the le% t !e"ree o$ /pervi ion %n! control #hich % c%re$/l t/!0 o$ their c%p%citie %n! o2 erv%tion o$ the #or4in" o$ n%tive control ho# to 2e con i tent #ith the m%inten%nce o$ l%#, or!er %n! lo0%lt0.; In thi initi%l or"%nic %ct $or the Philippine , the Commi ion #hich com2ine! 2oth e9ec/tive %n! le"i l%tive po#er #% !irecte! to "ive top priorit0 to m%4in" loc%l %/tonom0 e$$ective. -he 195> Con tit/tion h%! no peci$ic %rticle on loc%l %/tonom0. Eo#ever, in !i tin"/i hin" 2et#een pre i!enti%l control %n! /pervi ion % $ollo# 6 7-he Pre i!ent h%ll h%ve control o$ %ll the e9ec/tive !ep%rtment , 2/re%/ , or o$$ice , e9erci e "ener%l /pervi ion over %ll loc%l "overnment % m%0 2e provi!e! 20 l%#, %n! t%4e c%re th%t the l%# 2e $%ith$/ll0 e9ec/te!.; =Sec. 11, Article VII, 195> Con tit/tion? the Con tit/tion cle%rl0 limite! the e9ec/tive po#er over loc%l "overnment to 7"ener%l /pervi ion 999 % m%0 2e provi!e! 20 l%#.; -he Pre i!ent controls the e9ec/tive !ep%rtment . Ee h% no /ch po#er over loc%l "overnment . Ee h% onl0 supervision %n! th%t /pervi ion i 2oth general %n! circ/m cri2e! 20 t%t/te. In Tecson v. Salas" 5K SCRA 2)>, 2C2 =19)*?, thi Co/rt t%te!6 7999 Ee2ron v. Re0e , =1*K Phil. 1)> O19>CP? #ith the then A/ tice, no# Chie$ A/ tice, Concepcion % the ponente, cl%ri$ie! m%tter . A #% pointe! o/t, the pre i!enti%l competence i not even /pervi ion )) VOL. 196, APRIL 19, 1991 San Juan vs. Civil Service Commission in "ener%l, 2/t "ener%l /pervi ion % m%0 2e provi!e! 20 l%#. Ee co/l! not th/ "o 2e0on! the %pplic%2le t%t/tor0 provi ion , #hich 2in! %n! $etter hi !i cretion on the m%tter. ,oreover, % h%! 2een e%rlier r/le! in %n opinion penne! 20 A/ tice P%!ill% in ,on!%no v. Silvo %, =9) Phil. 1K5 O19>>P? re$erre! to 20 the pre ent Chie$ A/ tice in hi opinion in the Ee2ron c% e, /pervi ion "oe no $/rther th%n Qover eein" or the po#er or %/thorit0 o$ %n o$$icer to ee th%t /2or!in%te o$$icer per$orm their !/tie . I$ the l%tter $%il or ne"lect to $/l$ill them the $ormer m%0 t%4e /ch %ction or tep % pre cri2e! 20 l%# to m%4e them per$orm their !/tie .F =I2i!, pp. 1K)31KC? Control,

on the other h%n!, Qme%n the po#er o$ %n o$$icer to %lter or mo!i$0 or n/lli$0 or et % i!e #h%t % /2or!in%te h%! !one in the per$orm%nce o$ their !/tie %n! to /2 tit/te the 1/!"ment o$ the $ormer $or th%t o$ the l%tter.F It #o/l! $ollo# then, %ccor!in" to the pre ent Chie$ A/ tice, to "o 2%c4 to the Ee2ron opinion, th%t the Pre i!ent h%! to %2i!e 20 the then provi ion o$ the Revi e! A!mini tr%tive Co!e on / pen ion %n! remov%l o$ m/nicip%l o$$ici%l , there 2ein" no po#er o$ control th%t he co/l! ri"ht$/ll0 e9erci e, the l%# cle%rl0 peci$0in" the proce!/re 20 #hich /ch !i ciplin%r0 %ction #o/l! 2e t%4en.; P/r /%nt to thi principle /n!er the 195> Con tit/tion, le"i l%tion implementin" loc%l %/tonom0 #% en%cte!. In 19>9, Rep/2lic Act No. 226K, 7An Act Amen!in" the L%# Governin" Loc%l Government 20 Incre% in" -heir A/tonom0 %n! Reor"%ni<in" Loc%l Government ; #% p% e!. It #% $ollo#e! in 196) #hen Rep/2lic Act No. >1C>, the .ecentr%li<%tion L%# #% en%cte!, "ivin" 7$/rther %/tonomo/ po#er to loc%l "overnment .; -he provi ion o$ the 19)5 Con tit/tion move! the co/ntr0 $/rther, %t le% t in o$%r % le"%l provi ion %re concerne!, to#%r! "re%ter %/tonom0. It provi!e! /n!er Article II % % 2% ic principle o$ "overnment6 7S'C. 1*. -he St%te h%ll "/%r%ntee %n! promote the %/tonom0 o$ loc%l "overnment /nit , e peci%ll0 the 2%r%n"%0 to en /re their $/lle t !evelopment % el$3reli%nt comm/nitie .; An entire %rticle on Loc%l Government #% incorpor%te! into the Con tit/tion. It c%lle! $or % loc%l "overnment co!e !e$inin" more re pon ive %n! %cco/nt%2le loc%l "overnment tr/ct/re . An0 cre%tion, mer"er, %2olition, or /2 t%nti%l 2o/n!%r0 %lter%tion c%nnot 2e !one e9cept in %ccor!%nce #ith the loc%l "overn3 )C )C S+PR',' CO+R- R'POR-S ANNO-A-'. San Juan vs. Civil Service Commission

ment co!e %n! /pon %pprov%l 20 % ple2i cite. -he po#er to cre%te o/rce o$ reven/e %n! to lev0 t%9e #% peci$ic%ll0 ettle! /pon loc%l "overnment . -he e9erci e o$ "re%ter loc%l %/tonom0 i even more m%r4e! in the pre ent Con tit/tion. Article II, Section 2> on St%te Policie provi!e 6 7S'C. 2>. -he St%te h%ll en /re the %/tonom0 o$ loc%l "overnment .; -he 1K ection in Article B on Loc%l Government not onl0 reiter%te e%rlier !octrine 2/t "ive in "re%ter !et%il the provi ion m%4in" loc%l %/tonom0 more me%nin"$/l. -h/ , Section 2 %n! 5 o$ Article B provi!e6 7S'C. 2. -he territori%l %n! politic%l %/tonom0. /2!ivi ion h%ll en1o0 loc%l

S'C. 5. -he Con"re h%ll en%ct % loc%l "overnment co!e #hich h%ll provi!e $or % more re pon ive %n! %cco/nt%2le loc%l "overnment tr/ct/re in tit/te! thro/"h % 0 tem o$ !ecentr%li<%tion #ith e$$ective mech%ni m o$ rec%ll, initi%tive, %n! re$eren!/m, %lloc%te %mon" the !i$$erent loc%l "overnment /nit their po#er , re pon i2ilitie , %n! re o/rce , %n! provi!e $or the :/%li$ic%tion , election, %ppointment %n! remov%l, term, %l%rie , po#er %n! $/nction %n! !/tie o$ loc%l o$$ici%l , %n! %ll other m%tter rel%tin" to the or"%ni<%tion %n! oper%tion o$ the loc%l /nit .; When the Civil Service Commi ion interprete! the recommen!in" po#er o$ the Provinci%l Governor % p/rel0 !irector0, it #ent %"%in t the letter %n! pirit o$ the con tit/tion%l provi ion on loc%l %/tonom0. I$ the .(, Secret%r0 1e%lo/ l0 ho%r! the entiret0 o$ 2/!"et%r0 po#er %n! i"nore the ri"ht o$ loc%l "overnment to !evelop el$3 reli%nce %n! re ol/tene in the h%n!lin" o$ their o#n $/n! , the "o%l o$ me%nin"$/l loc%l %/tonom0 i $r/ tr%te! %n! et 2%c4. -he ri"ht "iven 20 Loc%l (/!"et Circ/l%r No. 51 #hich t%te 6 7S'C. 6.*8-he .(, re erve the ri"ht to $ill /p %n0 e9i tin" v%c%nc0 #here none o$ the nominee o$ the loc%l chie$ e9ec/tive meet the pre cri2e! re:/irement .; )9 VOL. 196, APRIL 19, 1991 San Juan vs. Civil Service Commission i /ltr% vire %n! i , %ccor!in"l0, et % i!e. -he .(, m%0%ppoint onl0 $rom the li t o$ :/%li$ie! recommen!ee nomin%te!20 the Governor. I$ none i :/%li$ie!, he m/ t ret/rn the li t o$nominee to the Governor e9pl%inin" #h0 no one meet thele"%l re:/irement %n! % 4 $or ne# recommen!ee #ho h%vethe nece %r0 eli"i2ilitie %n! :/%li$ic%tion . -he P(O i e9pecte! to 0nchroni<e hi #or4 #ith .(,. ,ore import%nt, ho#ever, i the proper %!mini tr%tion o$ $i c%l %$$%ir %t the loc%l level. Provinci%l %n! m/nicip%l 2/!"et %re prep%re! %t the loc%l level %n! %$ter completion %re $or#%r!e! to the n%tion%l o$$ici%l $or revie#. -he0 %re prep%re! 20 the loc%l o$$ici%l #ho m/ t #or4 #ithin the con tr%int o$ tho e 2/!"et . -he0 %re not $orm/l%te! in the inner %nct/m o$ %n %ll34no#in" .(, %n! /nil%ter%ll0 impo e! on loc%l "overnment #hether or not the0 %re relev%nt to loc%l nee! %n! re o/rce . It i $or thi re% on th%t there ho/l! 2e % "en/ine interpl%0, % 2%l%ncin" o$ vie#point , %n! % h%rmoni<%tion o$ propo %l $rom 2oth the loc%l %n! n%tion%l o$$ici%l . It i $or thi re% on th%t the nomin%tion %n! %ppointment proce involve % h%rin" o$ po#er 2et#een the t#o level o$ "overnment. It m%0 not 2e %mi to "ive 20 #%0 o$ %n%lo"0 the proce!/re $ollo#e! in the %ppointment o$ A/ tice %n! A/!"e . +n!er Article VIII o$ the Con tit/tion, nomin%tion $or 1/!ici%l po ition %re m%!e 20 the A/!ici%l %n! (%r Co/ncil. -he Pre i!ent m%4e the %ppointment $rom the li t o$ nominee /2mitte! to her 20 the Co/ncil. She c%nnot

%ppl0 the .(, proce!/re, re1ect %ll the Co/ncil nominee , %n! %ppoint %nother per on #hom he $eel i 2etter :/%li$ie!. -here c%n 2e no re erv%tion o$ the ri"ht to $ill /p % po ition #ith % per on o$ the %ppointin" po#erF per on%l choice. -he p/2lic re pon!entF "r%ve %2/ e o$ !i cretion i %""r%v%te! 20 the $%ct th%t .irector G%lve< re:/ire! the Provinci%l Governor to /2mit %t le% t three other n%me o$ nominee 2etter :/%li$ie! th%n hi e%rlier recommen!%tion. It #% % me%nin"le e9erci e. -he %ppointment o$ the priv%te re pon!ent #% $orm%li<e! 2e$ore the Governor #% e9ten!e! the co/rte 0 o$ 2ein" in$orme! th%t hi nominee h%! 2een re1ecte!. -he complete !i re"%r! o$ the loc%l "overnmentF prero"%tive %n! the m/" 2elie$ th%t the .(, h% %2 ol/te #i !om, %/thorit0, %n! !i cretion %re m%ni$e t. C* C* S+PR',' CO+R- R'POR-S ANNO-A-'. San Juan vs. Civil Service Commission

In hi cl% ic #or4 7Philippine Politic%l L%#; .e%n Vicente G. Sinco t%te! th%t the v%l/e o$ loc%l "overnment % in tit/tion o$ !emocr%c0 i me% /re! 20 the !e"ree o$ %/tonom0 th%t the0 en1o0. Citin" -oc:/eville, he t%te! th%t 7loc%l % em2lie o$ citi<en con tit/te the tren"th o$ $ree n%tion . 9 9 9 A people m%0 e t%2li h % 0 tem o$ $ree "overnment 2/t #itho/t the pirit o$ m/nicip%l in tit/tion , it c%nnot h%ve the pirit o$ li2ert0.; =Sinco, Philippine Politic%l L%#, 'leventh '!ition, pp. )*>3)*6?. O/r n%tion%l o$$ici%l ho/l! not onl0 compl0 #ith the con tit/tion%l provi ion on loc%l %/tonom0 2/t ho/l! %l o %ppreci%te the pirit o$ li2ert0 /pon #hich the e provi ion %re 2% e!. WE'R'DOR', the petition i here20 GRAN-'.. -he :/e tione! re ol/tion o$ the Civil Service Commi ion %re S'- ASI.'. -he %ppointment o$ re pon!ent Cecili% Alm%1o e i n/lli$ie!. -he .ep%rtment o$ (/!"et %n! ,%n%"ement i or!ere! to %ppoint the Provinci%l (/!"et O$$icer o$ Ri<%l $rom %mon" :/%li$ie! nominee /2mitte! 20 the Provinci%l Governor. SO OR.'R'.. +ernan ,C.J.-" %arvasa" Melencio./errera" Cru0" 'aras" +eliciano" Ganca co"'adilla" Bidin" Sarmiento" Gri1o.A#uino"Medialdea" 2egalado %n! Davide" Jr." JJ."conc/r. 'etition granted. 2esolutions set aside. Note."-he con tit/tion%l provi ion "/%r%nteein" the %/tonom0 o$ loc%l "overnment compel the concl/ ion th%t onl0 voter o$ the 2%r%n"%0 #i hin" to 2e e"re"%te! $rom % p%rent m/nicip%lit0 ho/l! 2e %llo#e! to vote on /ch %n i /e. = 'aredes vs. 34ecutive Secretar "12C SCRA 6.? 88o*o88 C1

R Cop0ri"ht 2*15 Centr%l (oo4 S/ppl0, Inc. All ri"ht re erve!.

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