Nathan Harmon Cambodia Update: Dear Friends and Family

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December, 2013 DEAR FRIENDS AND FAMILY, Merry Christmas from Cambodia! Praying that you are enjoying this holiday season with loved ones, and that the Lord's presence, love, and abundance is overflowing in your lives during this special time of year! st !"#$ b%s! I am in such a busy season right now! There has been a lot on my plate over the last couple of months, including working with outreach teams and ministry schools, hiring on new Khmer staff members to our Iris Cambodia team, and working to bring aid to families who lost their homes in a fire. We have been doing all these things on top of our continued ministry with street children and prostitutes in bars, and Khmer language study, which is although slow, is getting better and better every day! Last month, we staffed a missions outreach school hosted by one of our ministry friends, Extreme Prophetic. Over the course of the two weeks that the school took place, we brought the love of Jesus to people in slums, hospitals, on the streets, karaoke bars (usually used as places to solicit prostitution), and even dance clubs! We used some forms of prophetic evangelism, prayed for many sick people, reached countless beautiful children, and just simply loved on the broken people here in Phnom Penh. It was amazing to see God break though here, and we were able to see many healings, What a typical Khmer lesson usually divine connections made, and more importantly many people choosing to follow looks like for me! his is !orey, my Jesus! Khmer teacher, friend, and an As also mention above, we had the opportunity to help some families ama"ing man of #od. $'m thankful whose houses were completely destroyed by a devastating fire. One night in October, for him! in our very own neighborhood, a fire started in a house that quickly grew to become a blaze that engulfed around six other homes. You could see the orangey glow of the inferno just over the tops of the other houses in the neighborhood, and the whole community was in absolute chaoshundreds of people flooding the scene trying to get a glimpse of the fire, some trying their best to cut off and direct traffic or bring water to quench the flames, fire trucks attempting to wind their ways through the narrow streets to bring relief. When all was said and done, eight families had lost their homes, along with all of their possessions. A few of us went down the next day to assess the damage and were moved with compassion to try our best to help out these precious people. Jesus said to love your neighbor.....and love looks like something! In the end we decided to help these families in practical ways, and were able to bring them bags of rice, noodles, and oil for cooking. We took a day and helped to remove the charred remains of their houses so that they could start the rebuilding Can you tell who's not Cambodian? process. Others in the Christian community also worked with us to bring aid to the One of the families we helped, their fire victims, and we were able to give a donation of clothes, kitchen utensils, blankets, destroyed home in the background. toys, and money to bless and help them. Needless to say, the families were more than grateful that we were willing to help them, and we built great relationships with them over meals when they would invite us to eat with them as a thank you for our work. Please be praying as we continue to love on these families-that we would come to know them even better and that eventually, they will come to know the Lord! This nation is truly so ready for the harvest. Everywhere we go as we minister, there is such freedom in sharing

the Gospel. People want hope...they want Jesus! And we all believe that we are entering into a time of amazing harvest here in Cambodia. We really believe that we are on the brink of revival and are so excited for what God has planned for this amazing country! In these next two weeks we will be hosting an Iris Harvest School team from Mozambique, as well as a team from a ministry based in Holland that we are great friends with called Touch, Reach and Impact the Nations (TRIN). In all, we are preparing for around 40 people to join us to do ministry! It goes without saying that it has been madness preparing for them, and it will be crazy having them all here, but we are so excited for what the Lord is going to do as they partner with us! After spending a couple days ministering around in the city in slums, bars, and on the streets, we all will be going up to Siem Reap, a large town about 7 hours northwest of Phnom Penh. In Siem Reap, we will also be doing things like streets ministry, but the main event will be a three-night Gospel crusade that will be held on the grounds of a local church. The crusade will feature various music groups, worship, and a dynamic speaker %ome beautiful slum kids reading about named Mateus van der Steen, who will preach the Gospel to the expected 500-700 &esus during an outreach to their people in attendance. If this is anything like TRIN'S usual crusades, it will be a very community! powerful time! Typically, they see many healings, incredible miracles, and countless salvations. We are expecting great things!! +&me ,&r C+r"stm s--As I am preparing for these busy next two weeks, I am also getting very excited about going back to the States to visit for Christmas! I am so looking forward to spending about a month and a half back home to see my family, rest, and get refreshed from the work I am doing here in Cambodia. I plan to spend time in Idaho, Texas, Oklahoma and Tennessee, if things work out. I hope to also do some much needed fundraising in order to keep effectively ministering here as things with Iris Cambodia expand. If you live in any of these areas and would like for me to come speak at your church, youth group, bible study, etc., please let me know! I would love to present all of the great things the Lord is doing in this nation! As we wrap up 2013 and look forward to this fast approaching new year, I just want to say thank you so much to all of you who have continued to faithfully support me as I help to pioneer this work with Iris Cambodia this year! And I ask that you will please continue your support as we step into 2014, or if you don't already, please pray about partnering with me to see this nation brought to the Lord, and the injustice of child sex trafficking eradicated. 2014 is going to be a big year for us! One of change and growth! There are many projects that are starting to come together for this next year (which I can't tell you about quite yet!), and your help as we push forward into the new season God has for me and the rest of Iris Cambodia is so greatly appreciated! Thank you again for all of your prayer, financial support and encouragement! I am so blessed to have an amazing team back home cheering me on! I pray that you will have an amazing Christmas, and that this new year will be filled with the unending favor, rich love, and liberating joy of the Lord! God bless you!

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