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Web-Based Learning

K. Kaviarasu, M.A., M.Phil.,

Assistant Professor of English,
Bishop Heber College (Autonomous)
Tiruhirappalli ! "#$ $%&.
,hat -s ,eb.Base/ 0earning1
,eb.Base/ 0earning is a form of learning in
2hih the instrutor an/ stu/ent are separate/
b3 spae or time 2here the gap bet2een the t2o
is bri/ge/ through the use of online
The omputer is a 'e3 omponent of the
e/uational environment.
Teaher an/ stu/ent ommuniate over the
internet via email, /isussion boar/s an/ hat
' #
,hat -s ,eb.Base/ 0earning1
Teahers an post e5ternal lin's to
2ebsites that ontain ourse or researh
material on it.
6tu/ents an vie2 an/ print out ourse
material from their house.
6tu/ents an ta'e 7ui88es an/
assessments over the internet.
6tu/ents an also vie2 their gra/es from
the priva3 of their home.
' 9
Positives to ,eb.Base/ 0earning
Absence of teacher
.:ous is plae/ on stu/ent
.Enourages responsibilit3
.-nreases stu/ent -nteration;
.6tu/ent Pushe/ to learn, inheriting lea/ership s'ills
The internet
.Highl3 usable tool
.Allo2s stu/ents to aess 2i/e range of information
.Allo2s fle5ibilit3 to learn at all times
' +
Positives to ,eb.Base/ 0earning
.Provi/es ertain in/ivi/uals the abilit3 to partiipate
an/ be ative.
.Ever3one /oes not have the time or the lifest3le to be a
part of an atual lassroom e5periene.
Online learning
. provi/es the in/ivi/ual 2ith the abilit3 to use a
omputer for instrution an/ information.
.Computer s'ills are gaine/
virtual learning environment
no longer boun/ b3 spae an/ time
' <
=egatives to ,eb.Base/ E/uation
Academic Integrity
.As /emonstrate/ b3 a small surve3 on aa/emi
integrit3, both fault3 an/ stu/ents believe it easier to
heat in the on.line setting an/ har/er to /etet.
.B3 atering to ease, onveniene, value an/
aessibilit3, aa/emi institutions ma3 be shooting
themselves in the foot ! surel3 the generation that has
gro2n up 2ith omputers as a ommonplae tool is
savv3 enough to forge an/ plagiari8e 2ith ease.
' "
=egatives to ,eb.Base/ E/uation
Teacher Availability
.-nstrutors must be available onsistentl3 an/ learl3, having
forfeite/ the pro/utive time of the living lassroom.
.Even an involve/ online professor must ta'e e5tra measures to
maintain a signifiant presene, as stu/ents are often flustere/
b3 the pereive/ la' of prompt or lear ommuniations.
Lack of Training For Professors
. A strong higher e/uation re7uires more than the
simple transmission of fats ! it re7uires the
/evelopment of ritial thin'ing s'ills.
' &
E5petations of E/uators
Knoledge abo!t the Web
To/a34s e/uators are not onl3 e5pete/ to be
thoroughl3 'no2le/geable about their area of e5pertise,
but also about the 2eb.
Knoledge of Format and "oftare
E/uators are re7uire/ to post various assignments
in a format an/ soft2are that available to most learners,
2hih an ause muh /iffiult3.
' *
E5petations of E/uators
Facilitator rather than a Leader
The e/uators of to/a3 an/ the future, no longer
hol/ the stable position of a lea/er an/ a role mo/el, but
rather are failitators.
"t!dents as Leaders
-t is the e/uators4 responsibilit3 to balane ho2 to
be a failitator rather than a lea/er 2hile allo2ing
stu/ents to ta'e on the roles of lea/ers
' )
Challenges :or E/uators
#reate #omm!nity
As failitators, e/uators are e5pete/ to reate a
ommunit3 2here stu/ents are omfortable sharing an/
are not over2helme/ b3 the e5petations of online
E/uators are e5pete/ to alter their urriulum to
inorporate internet an/ aess to the urriulum via
online an/ email
' %$
,eb.base/ e/uation is an e5treme form of online
e/uation that inlu/es these important funtionalities>
?eal time announements
Posting of te5t, html, sprea/sheets, vi/eos, Po2erPoint,
au/io files
?eal time gra/e boo'
E5ternal lin's
@isussion boar/ an/ hat rooms
Automate/ 7ui8
Emails to in/ivi/uals
Curriulum map
' %%
' %#

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