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Connector 1 Pin Color 1 White/Green 2 Green 3 White/Orange 4 Blue 5 White/Blue 6

Connector 2 Pin Color 1 White/Green 2 Green 3 White/Green 4 Blue 5 White/Blue 6



7 White/Brown 8 Brown

7 White/Brown 8 Brown

Straight-Through cable ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Crossover cable:

Connector 1 Pin 1 2 4 5 6 7 8 Color White/Green Green Blue White/Blue Orange White/Brown Brown Pin 1 2 4 5 6 7 8

Connector 2 Color White/ Orange Orange White/Green Blue White/Blue Green White/Brown

3 White/Orange 3


Crossover cable


How-to: Simple 2 Computer Network wo/hub - Page: 1/1

Author: NgtCrwlr 5!!46 "ea#$

%etu& a $i'&le 2 co'&uter Peer to Peer (etwor) without u$ing a *u+ ,ir$t o--. /ou ha0e a -ew o- #eci$ion$ to 'a)e. what $&ee# networ) /ou want 1!1+&$ or 1!!1+&$. which networ) inter-ace car#$ to u$e PC2 0$ 2%A. an# twi$te# &air or coa3 ca+le$ Another one that 2 ha0e to -ini$h 4 Bea' 'e u& %cott/ 25' $hi-ting gear$ 6et$ -orget a+out all the #i--erent o&tion$ right now an# -ocu$ on the #etail$ o- '/ own $etu& u$ing 3Co' 1!/1!!78 ,a$t 9thernet networ) inter-ace car#$ :(2C5$; ,or two co'&uter$ /ou #o not nee# a hu+. all /ou nee# i$ an ethernet cro$$o0er ca+le "e-er to the <2= Cro$$o0er how>to on how to 'a)e /our own %tart +/ going to Control &anel. o&en the (etwor) 2con an# clic) on the 2#enti-ication ta+

1a)e $ure /ou gi0e each co'&uter a uni?ue na'e Cho$e a Wor)grou& na'e an# u$e the $a'e na'e on all co'&uter$ 7he co'&uter #e$cri&tion can +e whate0er /ou li)e

Click on

ccess Control tab! enable Share-level access control

Ne"t click the Con#iguration tab an$ %ou shoul$ see the #ollowing& Client -or 1icro$o-t (etwor)$. i- Client -or (etWare i$ there al$o /ou can highlight it an# clic) the re'o0e +utton. it i$ not nee#e# 7he &icture +elow $how$ a 3Co' (2C /ou will $ee the na'e -or whate0er (2C /ou ha0e 2- there i$ no entr/ -or /ou (2C then /ou ha0e to trou+le $hoot the (2C in$tallation 2 alwa/$ in$tall +oth (etB9@2 an# 2P8/%P8 on a -re$h in$tall. then once e0er/thing i$ wor)ing /ou can #elete whiche0er &rotocol /ou #on5t u$e *owe0er. i- /ou are going to &la/ 2P8 ga'e$ then /ou 'a/ a$ well lea0e +oth +ecau$e to $hare -ile$ /ou nee# (etB9@2 an# -or ga'e$ /ou will nee# 2P8 The screen below is part one o# two&

Part two&

2- an/thing i$ 'i$$ing clic) the a## +utton an# a## the a&&ro&riate &rotocol When /ou a## a &rotocol the networ) car# will auto'aticall/ create corre$&on#ing entrie$ -or it$el-

Now highlight TCP/'P #or %our N'C like in the picture below - then click the properties button&

Select speci#% an 'P a$$ress an$ enter the numbers e"actl% as the% appear below&

On the $econ# an# thir# 'achine$ u$e the $a'e nu'+er$ e3ce&t incre'ent the la$t #igit -or each 'achine 93a'&le the $econ# 'achine woul# +e 1A2 168 ! 2 an# a thir# 'achine woul# +e 1A2 168 ! 3 7he $u+net 1a$) $ta/$ the $a'e -or all 'achine$ an# in thi$ e3a'&le we are u$ing 255 255 255 !

Ne"t click on (NS Con#iguration an$ )nable (NS ,or *o$t enter the na'e /ou ga0e thi$ 'achine in the -ir$t $te& un#er the 2#enti-ication ta+ On the other 'achine$ u$e the uni?ue na'e gi0en to each 'achine -ro' $te& one 9nter 1A2 168 ! 1 into the -iel# with the #ot$ an# clic) the a## +utton @$e thi$ $a'e nu'+er -or all 'achine$ in the networ)

OB. /ou 'a#e it thi$ -ar now o&en a <O%>Pro'&t win#ow on the co'&uter 1A2 168 ! 1 an# t/&e &ing 1A2 168 ! 2 an# /ou $houl# $ee #ata returne# $howing the &ing ti'e +etween the two co'&uter$ 2- /ou recei0e an error /ou nee# to go +ac) an# chec) all othe $etting$ *oo$ +uck, 2- /ou ha0e an/ ?ue$tion$ or co''ent$ a+out our article$ &o$t the' to our 1e$$age Boar#$

How To Set -p a TCP/'P Peer-to-Peer Network Connection

"etire# BB Content <i$clai'er Ciew &ro#uct$ that thi$ article a&&lie$ to 7hi$ article wa$ &re0iou$l/ &u+li$he# un#er D15!575 On This Page 93&an# all E Colla&$e all SUMMARY 7he &roce$$ -or $etting u& a 7CP/2P &eer>to>&eer networ) connection +etween two co'&uter$ i$ not intuiti0el/ o+0iou$. e$&eciall/ i/ou ha0e ne0er $et u& networ)$ +e-ore 7hi$ article #e$cri+e$ how to &ut together a 7CP/2P &eer>to>&eer networ) connection +etween /our PC an# /our 1acinto$h ?uic)l/ an# ea$il/

Bac) to the to& MORE INFORMATION

*eneral Ph%sical Network Connection 'ssues

7here are three co''on t/&e$ o- networ) ca+ling: 7wi$te# Pair. 7hin(et. an# 7hic)(et

2- /ou are u$ing twi$te#>&air. which i$ thin wire with wi#e &hone connector$ :"F>45;. +oth /our PC an# 1acinto$h nee# to +e &lugge# into a networ) hu+ $o &ower i$ -lowing through the networ) ca+le to carr/ #ata <e&en#ing on the 'anu-acturer an# 'o#el. hu+$ u$uall/ allow +etween -our an# 2! 'achine$ to networ)

7/&icall/ no e3tra har#ware i$ re?uire# i- /ou are u$ing either 7hin(et. which loo)$ li)e Ca+le 7C wiring with a roun# &lug. or 7hic)(et. which i$ hea0/. 1/4 inch ca+le with <>$hell 15>&in connector$ 7he networ) car#$ can +e connecte# to each other #irectl/

%e0eral newer 1acinto$h 'o#el$ ha0e a +uilt>in networ) connector calle# ,rien#l/(et =ou are re?uire# to o+tain a networ) tran$cei0er. $uch a$ A$ante5$ 1!7 A#a&ter. to u$e one o- the ca+le$ 'entione# a+o0e

Bac) to the to&

Choosing 'P

$$resses #or .our /achines

,or $i'&licit/. u$e cla$$ B 2P a##re$$e$ -or /our &eer>to>&eer networ) 7he $&eci-ication$ -or cla$$ B 2P a##re$$e$ are a$ -ollow$:

7he -ir$t #igit o- the 2P a##re$$ 'u$t +e +etween 128 to 1A1 inclu$i0el/ 7he $u+net 'a$) i$: 255 255 ! ! 7he -ir$t two #igit$ o- the 2P a##re$$ 'u$t 'atch on +oth 'achine$ ,or e3a'&le:

machine1: machine2:

(O79: When creating an 2P a##re$$. a0oi# u$ing ! or 255 -or an/ o- the #igit$ +ecau$e the$e nu'+er$ are re$er0e# -or $&ecial u$e

*ere5$ a goo# e3a'&le o- a $et o- 2P a##re$$ to u$e:


PC Running Windows NT or Windows 95:

Bac) to the to&

Con#iguring TCP/'P on the /acintosh

2- /ou $ee 1ac7CP on /our 1acinto$h control &anel. /ou are running 1ac7CP 2- /ou $ee 7CP/2P in$tea#. /ou are running A&&le5$ O&en 7ran$&ort

7he new PC2>+a$e# Power1ac$ onl/ co'e with O&en 7ran$&ort Ol#er 'o#el$ o- the 1acinto$h co'e with 1ac7CP on the %/$te' 7 3 in$tallation 'e#ia Chec) A&&le5$ #ocu'entation -or in$tallation #etail$

7o con-igure /our $/$te' u$ing 1ac7CP:

,ro' the 1ac7CP control &anel. $elect 9thernet or 9thernet Built>2n an# enter the -ollowing:


IP ddress:

Clic) 1ore. an# enter the -ollowing:

!. 5. '. *. ). 9. 10.

"#tain ddress: Manua$$% C$ass: Net: +u#net: Node: ,atewa%: Name +er-er: & ()500 0 25'10 .#$an/0


Clic) OB. an# clo$e the control &anel "e$tart /our 1acinto$h to en$ure that the $etting$ ta)e &lace

(O79: 1ac7CP 'a/ not re$&on# to networ) &ac)et$ with it$ 2P a##re$$ until /ou initiate a 7CP/2P networ) connection -ro' the 1acinto$h en# A&&le ha$ a &rogra' a0aila+le calle# 1ac7CP Ping that initialiGe$ /our 7CP/2P networ) connection on $tart u& @$ing 1ac7CP Ping allow$ /our PC to $ee /our 1acinto$h

7o con-igure /our $/$te' u$ing O&en 7ran$&ort 7CP/2P:

Go to the 7CP/2P control &anel. an# enter the -ollowing $etting$:


Connect 1ia:


(. !. 5. '. *. ).

Con2igure: IP ddress: +u#net Mas/: Name +er-er:

manua$$% .#$an/0 .#$an/0

3omain Name:

Router ddress: .#$an/0

Clo$e the control &anel. an# re$tart /our 1acinto$h to en$ure the $etting$ ta)e &lace

Bac) to the to&

Con#iguring TCP/'P on 0in$ows NT

1 2 3

Go to the (etwor) control &anel ,ro' the 2n$talle# (etwor) %o-tware li$t +o3. $elect 7CP/2P Protocol. an# clic) Con-igure 1a)e $ure the 9na+le Auto'atic <*CP Con-iguration i$ #e$electe#. an# enter the -ollowing:

!. 5.

IP ddress: +u#net Mas/:

6 7

1a)e $ure the <e-ault Gatewa/ an# the Pri'ar//%econ#ar/ W2(% %er0er entrie$ are +lan) Clic) <(%. an# en$ure e0er/thing i$ +lan) e3ce&t -or the *o$t (a'e. which contain$ the na'e o- /our Win#ow$ (7 'achine Clic) OB

Clic) A#0ance#. an# en$ure that 9na+le 61*O%7% 6oo)u& i$ $electe# 90er/thing el$e $houl# +e either +lan) or #e$electe# Clic) OB

A 1!

Clo$e the (etwor) control &anel. an# re$tart Win#ow$ (7 ,in# the -ile na'e# *o$t$ $a' in the HWinntH%/$te'32H<ri0er$ #irector/ 1a)e a co&/ an# na'e it *o$t$. lea0ing it in the $a'e #irector/


9#it the *o$t$ -ile. an# a## the -ollowing line at the +otto':

12. m%mac


,ro' the ,ile 'enu. choo$e %a0e =ou are now rea#/ to te$t the connection

Bac) to the to&

Con#iguring TCP/'P on 0in$ows 12

1 2 3

,ro' the (etwor) control &anel. $elect 7CP/2P. an# clic) Pro&ertie$ Go to W2(% Con-iguration. an# $elect <i$a+le W2(% re$olution Go to the 2P A##re$$. $elect %&eci-/ an 2P A##re$$. an# enter:

!. 5.

IP ddress: +u#net Mas/:

6 7 8 A

Go to Gatewa/. an# 'a)e $ure it i$ e'&t/ Go to <(% co-iguration. an# $elect <i$a+le <(% Clic) OB. an# clo$e out the (etwor) control &anel "e$tart Win#ow$ A5 2n the 'ain Win#ow$ #irector/. u$uall/ C:HWin#ow$. -in# the -ile na'e# *o$t$ $a' Co&/ the -ile. an# na'e it *o$t$ Place the -ile in the 'ain Win#ow$ #irector/


9#it the *o$t$ -ile. an# a## the -ollowing line at the +otto':

11. m%mac


,ro' the ,ile 'enu. choo$e %a0e =ou are now rea#/ to te$t the connection

(O79: 2- the 1%( login #ialog +o3 a&&ear$ when /ou are connecting. clic) Cancel to continue 7o #i$a+le thi$ +eha0ior. run the 2nternet a&&let -ro' the control &anel an# clear the @$eAuto<ial o&tion in the Auto<ial 7a+ Bac) to the to&

Testing the TCP/'P Connection

7o te$t the networ) connection. u$e the Ping co''an# line utilit/ on the PC O&en an 1%><O%/Co''an# win#ow an# t/&e one othe -ollowing:

C:34ping m%mac


C:34ping 125&155&155&15

"e&lace 15! 1!! 1!! 1! an# '/'ac with whate0er /ou $et in the *o$t$ -ile @$ing '/'ac cau$e$ the 7CP/2P $er0ice to loo) u& the na'e in the *o$t$ -ile to re$ol0e it to an 2P a##re$$ 7he e3&ecte# out&ut -ro' Ping loo)$ li)e the -ollowing:


Pinging with (2 #%tes o2 data: Re5$% 2rom #%tes6(2 time610ms TT7625! Re5$% 2rom #%tes6(2 time.10ms TT7625! Re5$% 2rom #%tes6(2 time.10ms TT7625! Re5$% 2rom #%tes6(2 time.10ms TT7625!
2- /ou recei0e a Ba# 2P a##re$$ error. /ou nee# to chec) /our *o$t$ -ile entr/ to en$ure that the 2P a##re$$ an# na'e 'atch what i$ $et on the 1acinto$h

2- /ou recei0e a "e?ue$t ti'e# out error. /ou nee# to chec) the &h/$ical networ) connection an# en$ure that the 2P a##re$$ in the *o$t$ -ile 'atche$ what i$ $et on the 1acinto$h 2- /ou are running 1ac7CP. /ou can run 1ac7CP Ping to initialiGe the 7CP/2P networ)

Network Setup (Peer-To-Peer)

Physical Connections
Wired Networking Practical Learning: Wiring the Network
1 2 3 %hut #own all co'&uter$ an# the router :i- nece$$ar/; 7urn on one co'&uter /ou will u$e to $etu& the router

A-ter in$talling the o&erating $/$te'$ on the co'&uter$ that will &ri'aril/ &artici&ate in the networ). /ou connect the co'&uter$ an# the router =ou can $tart connecting the &iece$ whether the co'&uter$ are on

=ou router $houl# ha0e co'e e?ui&&e# with a &iece o- &a&er or a +rochure o- Ju$t a -ew &age$ that l in$truction$ to -ollow to $etu& the router One o- the earl/ in$truction$ 'a/ a$) /ou to in$ert the C< the router. in the C< #ri0e an# wait -or the in$truction$ ,ollow the$e in$truction$ -aith-ull/

4 5

A-ter $etting u& an# con-iguring the router. turn it o-- an# turn o-- the co'&uter /ou u$e# to $et it u& o&tional; Connect each o- the other co'&uter$ to the router u$ing an "F>45 ca+le -or each connection:

2- /ou ha# turne# o-- :$o'e o-; the 'achine$. -ir$t turn on the router 7hen. a-ter a -ew $econ#$. turn on 2- /ou recei0e $o'e 'e$$age$ in#icating that a networ) wa$ #etecte#. -ine 2- not. #on5t worr/. we will ch later

Wireless Networking

2- /ou &lan to $etu& a wirele$$ networ) u$ing a wirele$$ router. /ou will nee# to u$e one co'&uter to $et i

Practical Learning: Wirelessly Connecting a Network

1 %tart the co'&uter /ou will u$e to $etu& the router :/ou $houl# turn the other$ o--;:

1o$t. i- not all. wirele$$ router$ co'e with 0er/ ea$/ to -ollow in$truction$ 1o$t o- the' u$uall/ a$)

in$ert the C< that acco'&anie$ the router. that i$. +e-ore &h/$icall/ in$talling the router Con$ult the :u$uall/ Ju$t one or a -ew &iece$ o- &a&er or a $'all +rochure; an# -aith-ull/ -ollow it$ C<5$ in$tructio the in$truction$ woul# in#icate to /ou when to connect the co'&uter an# the wirele$$ router 7o #o t a ca+le :u$uall/ $u&&lie# to /ou; to connect one en# to the co'&uter an# another en# to the router:

Becau$e the $te&$ to &er-or' #e&en# on the router :or the 'anu-acturer;. we will let /ou &er-or' a$ #e$cri+e# +/ their #ocu'e

4 5

A-ter in$talling an# $etting u& the wirele$$ router. turn it o-- an# turn the co'&uter o--

2- /ou #i#n5t /et. in$tall the wirele$$ networ) car#:$; on the other co'&uter:$; ,or an/ co'&uter that #oe$n5t ha0e a wirele$$ networ) car# +ut ha$ a wire# networ) car#. connect i wirele$$ router u$ing an "F>45 ca+le 7he co'&uter$ that ha0e a networ) car# will not nee# a &h/$ic the wirele$$ router:

7urn on the router A-ter a -ew $econ#$. turn on the co'&uter$ one +/ one =ou 'a/ not nee# to chec) whether the/ wor) at thi$ ti'e or not We will chec) thi$ later

Network Connections
Network Setup on First Computer

A-ter e$ta+li$hing the &h/$ical or wirele$$ connection$ o- the co'&uter$. /ou can electronicall/ connect the'. te$t or chec) that the/ can I$eeI each other 1icro$o-t Win#ow$ 8P 'a)e$ networ)ing ri#iculou$l/ ea$/ 2n -act. when writing the$e le$$on$. a-ter &h/$icall/ connecting the co'&uter$ to the router an# turning e0er/thing on. the whole networ) ha# +een +uilt an# there wa$ no &articularl/ nece$$ar/ con-iguration to &er-or': e0er/thing wa$ rea#/ %till. in the ne3t -ew $ection$. we will &reten# that the networ) i$ not :/et; wor)ing 7o I0irtuall/I connect the networ). 1icro$o-t Win#ow$ 8P &ro0i#e$ the (etwor) %etu& WiGar#. which i$ a $erie$ o- #ialog +o3e$ that can gui#e /ou in thi$ &roce$$ 7o $tart thi$ wiGar#:

Practical Learning: Wirelessly Connecting a Network

1. On one o- the co'&uter$ that run$ either 1icro$o-t Win#ow$ 8P :*9 or Pro;. clic) %tart >K
:All; Progra'$ >K Acce$$orie$ >K Co''unication$ >K Network Setup 0i6ar$

2. 7he -ir$t &age o- the wiGar# will &re$ent a 'e$$age an# a +ullete# li$t +ut nothing to

"ea# the te3t an# clic) (e3t

(. 7he $econ# &age o- the wiGar# al$o #i$&la/$ a 'e$$age:

"ea# the line$ o- te3t an# clic) (e3t

!. 2n the thir# &age o- the wiGar#. i- /ou ha0e alrea#/ create# a connection to the 2nternet.
/ou can acce&t the -ir$t ra#io +utton 2- /ou ha0en5t gotten or con-igure# a connection to the 2nternet. a$ i$ the ca$e -or the co'&uter$ in our $erie$ o- le$$on$ $o -ar. clic) the $econ# ra#io +utton:

Clic) (e3t the Other ra#io +utton

'. 2n the -ourth &age o- the wiGar#. a$ we are not #ealing with the 2nternet at thi$ ti'e. clic)

Clic) (e3t not $etting u&. or concerne# with. the 2nternet right now. clic) the This Computer 7elongs To Network That That (oes Not Have n 'nternet Connection ra#io +utton

). 2n the -i-th &age o- the wiGar#. rea# the o&tion$ o- the three ra#io +utton$ Becau$e we are

Clic) (e3t #e$cri&tion $uch a$ the role or the &o$ition o- the co'&uter 7here are no real rule$ to -ollow -or thi$ te3t. onl/ $ugge$tion$ ,or e3a'&le. +ecau$e thi$ #e$cri&tion will $how in Win#ow$ 93&lorer or other win#ow$. #on5t 'a)e it too long =ou can al$o inclu#e an/ character$ /ou want

10. 2n the $i3th &age o- the wiGar#. in the Computer (escription te3t +o3. t/&e a $hort

11. 2n the Computer Name te3t +o3. t/&e a na'e -or the co'&uter ,or thi$ na'e. there are
rule$ /ou 'u$t -ollow:

12 A-ter entering the #e$cri&tion an# the na'e o- the co'&uter. clic) (e3t

1(. 2n it$ $e0enth &age. the wiGar# &ro'&t$ /ou to enter the na'e o- /our networ) 2t
$ugge$t$/SH8/) =ou can acce&t thi$ na'e or change it:

14 A-ter t/&ing a na'e -or the networ) :/ou can $till change the na'e later;. clic) (e3t

15. 2n the eighth &age o- the wiGar#. rea# the te3t:

,or our &roJect. acce&t the Turn 8n 9ile

n$ Printer Sharing ra#io +utton an# clic) (e3t

1'. 2n the ninth &age o- the wiGar#. rea# the te3t:

Clic) (e3t

1*. A-ter clic)ing (e3t. the wiGar# will $tart creating the -ile$ u$e# to $etu& a networ). +a$e#
on /our &re0iou$ $election$:

When it ha$ create# the -ile$. it woul# &re$ent a new &age o- the wiGar# 2n the tenth &age o- the wiGar#. rea# the te3t (or'all/. /ou $houl# create a $etu& #i$):

7o create a $etu& #i$). /ou will nee# either a -lo&&/ #ri0e or a -la$h #ri0e :al$o calle# a Ju'& #ri0e; :or an/ &orta+le #ri0e that the co'&uter allow$; ,or our le$$on$ an# i- /our co'&uter ha$ a 3 5 -lo&&/ #ri0e. acce&t the Create Network Setup (isk ra#io +utton Clic) (e3t

1). 2n the ele0enth &age o- the wiGar#. /ou 'a/ +e &re$ente# with the onl/ &orta+le 'e#iu'
a0aila+le 2- /our co'&uter -oun# 'ore than one 'e#iu'. $uch a$ a -lo&&/ #ri0e an# a -la$h #ri0e. /ou woul# +e &re$ente# with the o&tion to choo$e which one /ou woul# u$e *ere i$ an e3a'&le:

2- nece$$ar/. $elect the #ri0e /ou woul# u$e an# clic) (e3t 2- /ou $elect the -lo&&/ #ri0e. 'a)e $ure /ou in$ert a -lo&&/ #i$) in the #ri0e 7he -ollowing &age woul# a$) /ou whether /ou want to -or'at it. which /ou $houl# #o:

an# clic) (e3t

19. A-ter clic)ing (e3t. the wiGar# woul# co&/ the nece$$ar/ -ile$ in the 'e#iu' :-la$h #ri0e or
-lo&&/; A-ter co&/ing the -ile$. it woul# gi0e /ou in$truction$ on what to #o ne3t:

A-ter rea#ing the in$truction$. re'o0e the #i$) an# clic) (e3t

20. 2n the la$t &age. rea# the te3t:

Clic) ,ini$h

21. A-ter clic)ing ,ini$h. a 'e$$age +o3 will a$) /ou whether /ou want to re$tart the

Clic) =e$

Network Setup on Additional Computers

A-ter $etting u& the networ) on one co'&uter. /ou can continue with the ne3t co'&uter =ou two alternati0e$: /ou can u$e the $a'e networ) wiGar# or /ou can u$e the $etu& #i$) /ou woul# ha0e create# 7o $etu& the networ) on the other co'&uter:$; that will +e &art o- /our networ):

Practical Learning: Connecting Additional Computers

1 2

On the ne3t co'&uter. clic) %tart >K (etwor) Place$ @n#er (etwor) 7a$)$. clic) %et @& A *o'e Or O--ice (etwor)

(. 2n the -ir$t &age o- the wiGar#. rea# the te3t an# clic) (e3t

!. 2n the $econ# &age o- the wiGar#. rea# the te3t an# clic) (e3t

5. 2n the thir# &age o- the wiGar#. acce&t the -ir$t ra#io +utton an# clic) (e3t

'. 2n the -ourth &age o- the wiGar#. in the Computer (escription te3t +o3. t/&e a $hort
#e$cri&tion that can #e-ine or in#icate what thi$ co'&uter i$ u$e# -or

*. 2n the Computer Name te3t +o3. t/&e a na'e that will #i$tingui$h thi$ co'&uter in the
networ) One o- the rule$ /ou 'u$t o+$er0e i$ that the na'e 'u$t +e uni?ue in the networ) 7hi$ 'ean$ that /ou cannot u$e the $a'e na'e /ou ha0e alrea#/ gi0en to another co'&uter in the $a'e networ):

A-ter entering the #e$cri&tion an# the na'e o- the co'&uter. clic) (e3t /ou enter the $a'e na'e /ou $&eci-ie# -or the networ) o- the -ir$t co'&uter:

9. 2n the -i-th &age o- the wiGar#. it i$ $o'ewhat i'&ortant :+ut it i$ not a re?uire'ent; that

2- /ou $&eci-/ a #i--erent na'e. /ou will en# u& with 0ariou$ networ)$. which can +e anno/ing or con-u$ing +ut woul# wor) -ine 1! A-ter entering the na'e o- the networ). clic) (e3t

11. 7he wiGar# will tr/ to chec) i- that na'e wa$ alrea#/ $&eci-ie# -or another co'&uter o- the
$a'e networ) 2- it -in#$ that another co'&uter i$ u$ing that na'e. then it woul# allow thi$ co'&uter to IJoinI the networ) 2- it -in#$ out that no other co'&uter i$ u$ing that na'e. then it woul# create it A-ter chec)ing the na'e. the wiGar# will &re$ent /ou with a $u''ar/ &age:

A-ter rea#ing it. clic) (e3t 12 7he wiGar# will then create the nece$$ar/ -ile$ to 'a)e thi$ co'&uter &art o- the networ) A-ter creating the -ile$. it woul# &re$ent a &age gi0ing /ou to o&tion to create a $etu& #i$) 7hi$ ti'e. #ecline +/ clic)ing the la$t ra#io +utton

1(. Clic) (e3t

1!. Clic) ,ini$h

15 =ou will +e a$)e# whether /ou want to re$tart the co'&uter or not Clic) =e$ A$ an alternati0e. an# a$ in$tructe# when creating the $etu& #i$): 1 On the other co'&uter. &ut the $etu& #i$) in the #ri0e
utilit/ or 0iewer. acce$$ the #ri0e that contain$ the #i$) /ou create# an# #ou+le>clic) the -ile it contain$

2. @$ing Win#ow$ 93&lorer. 1/ Co'&uter or another -ile

3 4

,ollow the in$truction$ on the $creen 7he/ are &rett/ 'uch $el->e3&lanator/ When a$)e# to re$tart the co'&uter. #o $o

Viewing Network Connections

My Network Places
Once /ou ha0e +uilt a co'&uter networ). -ro' ti'e to ti'e. /ou will nee# to chec) what co'&uter$ are a0aila+le an#/or what -ile$ or -ol#er$ ha0e +een $hare# 7o a$$i$t /ou with thi$. 1icro$o-t Win#ow$ 8P &ro0i#e$ a win#ow na'e# 1/ (etwor) Place$ 7o 0iew the a0aila+le connecte# co'&uter$:

Practical Learning: Viewing the Connected Computers

1 On one o- the co'&uter$. clic) %tart >K 1/ (etwor) Place$ 2- /ou #on5t $ee that o&tion in the right colu'n o- the %tart 'enu. #e&en#ing o- /our con-iguration. clic) %tart >K %etting$ >K (etwor) Connection$ 7hen. un#er Other Place$. clic) 1/ (etwor) Place$ A$ an alternati0e. /ou can clic) %tart >K Control Panel or %tart >K %etting$ >K Control Panel @n#er Other Place$. clic) 1/ (etwor) Place$ @n#er (etwor) 7a$)$. clic) Ciew Wor)grou& Co'&uter$

How to Set Up a Peer-to-Peer Network

&% 7%sis8 e9ow Contri#utor

Creating a peer-to-peer network in Windows XP is used in the home to connect two com5uters. Because peer-topeer networks are used with few computers, it's not a high-security type of connection. Peer-to-peer networks should only be used in the home when two or three computers need to share files. or instance, if you ha!e a desktop and a laptop, a peer-to-peer network is beneficial.
3i22icu$t%: Moderate

Things You'll Need:

1 :thernet ca#$e 2or each com5uter


+et the IP addresses o2 the com5uters. In Windows ;P8 the IP addresses are set in the <Networ/ Connections< 2o$der in the Contro$ Pane$. In this 2o$der8 right=c$ic/ the <7oca$ Networ/< and se$ect <Pro5erties.< The easiest wa% to assign IP addresses is using the 192.1').0.> 2ormat. Re5$ace <>< with a num#er 2rom 1 to 25!. :ach com5uter needs a di22erent IP address. +et the su#net mas/ to 2. 2 ttach the ca#$es to the networ/ card o2 the com5uter. Connect each ca#$e to the hu#. This 5art o2 the setu5 connects the com5uters 5h%sica$$%. When %ou #rowse the networ/8 %ou shou$d #e a#$e to see the other com5uter since the IP addresses are in the same range. (. ( Right=c$ic/ a 2o$der to share and se$ect <+haring.< In this screen8 se$ect <+hare this ?o$der.< @ou can a$so gi-e the 2o$der an a$ias in the $a#e$ed te>t #o>. This is the name the other com5uter dis5$a%s when %ou #rowse shared 2o$ders on the networ/. +ince this is a sma$$8 5eer=to=5eer networ/8 there is no need to set 5ermissions. !. ! Right=c$ic/ an% 5rinters %ou wish to share and se$ect <Pro5erties.< In the 5ro5erties screen o2 the 5rinter8 ena#$e sharing. This setting ma/es 5rinting ca5a#$e to the 5rinter 2rom one machine to the other

Read more: 9ow to +et A5 a Peer=to=Peer Networ/ B htt5:CCwww.ehow.comChowD5(12*)5Dset=u5= 5eerto5eer=networ/.htm$Ei>FF1'R/i7RPr

How to /ake a Categor% 2 / Cat 2) Patch Cable

+ Nshack&com wa$ the 0er/ -ir$t eco''erce we+$ite to

o--er -ree online tutorial$ -or ca+le connection$ 7o $a/ that our article$ ha0e +een &o&ular o0er the $&an o- 'an/ /ear$ woul# +e an un#er$tate'ent But ti'e 'arche$ on an# we now ha0e three 'aJor u&#ate$ ,or one. we ha0e u&#ate# thi$ 0er/ &o&ular tutorial. an# two. we now ha0e a 0i#eo tutorial to go with it But 'o$t i'&ortantl/. we ha0e now #e0elo&e# a totall/ new $/$te' -or ter'ination ca+le$ calle# the :uickTre;< P=8 S%stem< Wow4 A-ter o0er 1! =ear$ o- wor)ing with ca+le$. tool$ an# connector$. an# a-ter )ee&ing on to& o- our tool. ca+le. an# connector $u&&lier$. we ha0e &ut it all together to -or'ulate thi$ $/$te' -or the &re$ent a -uture o- ca+ling co'&onent$ What #oe$ all thi$ 'ean to the

con$u'erL Co'&ati+ilit/. "elia+ilit/. <e&en#a+ilit/. ea$e o- u$e an# 0irtuall/ -ool>&roo- an# re&eata+le re$ult$

<ue to an o0erwhel'ing re$&on$e to our categor/ 5 M 6 tutorial. an# 'an/ re?ue$t$ -or in-or'ation an# wiring #iagra'$ o- I$traight throughI an# Icro$$o0erI :cro$$>&inne#; &atch cor#$. 2 ha0e 'a#e thi$ in-or'ational &age an# technical 0i#eo On thi$ &age. we will co0er 'a)ing &atch cor#$. an# other technical an# non>technical i$$ue$ relating to categor/ 5 an# 6 &atching an# connecti0it/ -ro' #e0ice to #e0ice Below. /ou will -in# the #iagra'$ -or 568A. 568B. an# cro$$o0er &atch ca+le$ 2 $ugge$t that /ou rea# on. &a$t the #iagra'$ -or $o'e 0er/ u$e-ul an# i'&ortant in-or'ation A$ alwa/$. there continue$ to +e Contro0er$ie$ o0er $tan#ar#$ an# &ractice$ regar#ing the u$e an# 'a)ing o- &atch cor#$. an# @7P ca+le in general Plea$e $ee our $ection +elow title#: IContro0er$ie$ an# Ca0eat$ : Categor/ 5. 59. an# Cat 6 Patch Ca+le$I 2 ho&e that /ou will -in# it intere$ting an# in-or'ati0e

--Tony Casazza, RCDD

2>?-7 0iring



Pair #

Wire WhiteC&$ue

Pin # 5

Pair #

Wire WhiteC&$ue

Pin # 5 ! 1

1=WhiteC&$ue &$ueCWhite WhiteC"ran ge 2=Wht.C"range "range White WhiteC,ree n (=WhiteC,reen ,reenCWhit e ' 2 ! 1

1=WhiteC&$ue &$ueCWhite WhiteC,ree n ,reenCWhit e WhiteC"ran ge "rangeCWhi te

2= WhiteC,reen

( (= WhiteC"range


WhiteC&row n !=WhiteC&rown &rownCWhit e < 568-B Diagram

* != WhiteC&rown )

WhiteC&row n &rownCWhit e

< 568-A Diagram

Notes 9or 0iring (iagrams


1& ,or &atch ca+le$. 568>B wiring i$ +/ -ar. the 'o$t co''on 'etho# 2& 7here i$ no #i--erence in connecti0it/ +etween 568B an# 568A ca+le$ 9ither wiring $houl# wor) -ine on an/ $/$te'N :N$ee note$ +elow; @& ,or a $traight through ca+le. wire +oth en#$ i#entical A& ,or a cro$$o0er ca+le. wire one en# 568A an# the other en# 568B 2& <o not con-u$e &air nu'+er$ with &in nu'+er$ A &air nu'+er i$ u$e# -or re-erence onl/ :eg: 1!Ba$e7 9thernet u$e$ &air$ 2 M 3; 7he &in nu'+er$ in#icate actual &h/$ical location$ on the &lug an# Jac)

Patch Cable

ssembl% 'nstructions

1& Cut the ca+le to the length that /ou will nee# 2- /ou are &lanning to u$e +oot$. thi$ woul# +e a goo# ti'e to $li& the' on Place each +oot -acing out on the ca+le 2& %)in the ca+le a+out 1 5#own ,or -a$t an# #e&en#a+le $)inning we reco''en# our Duic)7re8O 9P Ca+le $tri&&er @& "e'o0e all o- the twi$t$ in the ca+le$ &air$ 79C>72P: @$e a &iece o- the re'o0e# in$ulation to 'a)e it -ro' each &air $traighten each wire +etween the

ea$/ to re'o0e the twi$t$ @n>twi$t each &air. an# -inger$

A& Cat 6 ca+le ha$ a center $&ine that nee#$ to +e re'o0e# Pull on the $&ine an# -ol# the &air$ +ac) 7hen cut the $&ine a$ clo$e the ca+le$ en# a$ &o$$i+le


2& Place the wire$ in the or#er o- one o- the two #iagra'$ $hown a+o0e :568B or 568A; *ere we ha0e cho$en the 568B #iagra' which i$ +/ -ar the 'o$t &o&ular 2- /ou are un$ure. go with the 568B wiring

>&Bring all o- the wire$ together. until the/ touch *ol# the grou&e# :an# $orte#; wire$ together tightl/. +etween the thu'+. an# the -ore-inger At thi$ &oint. rechec) the wiring $e?uence with the #iagra'

B&79C>72P: Cut the wire$ on ea$ier to in$tall the loa#>

a 0er/ $har& angle to 'a)e it +ar:in the ne3t $te&;

?&2n$ert the loa#+ar on the wire$ one wire at a ti'e 7hi$ i$ wh/ we reco''en#e# cutting the wire$ on an angle We reco''en# our :uickTre;< connectors with loa# +ar -or the +e$t re$ult$

1&Chec) the wiring $e?uence one 'ore ti'e 7han $li#e the loa# +ar #own all the wa/ an# 'a)e a $traight cut a+out ! 25 &a$t the loa#+ar A &er-ectl/ $traight cut i$ e$$ential here 7hat i$ wh/ we $trongl/ reco''en# our new :uickTre;< 0ire Surgeon )lectricians Scissors&

15&2n$ert the connector onto the loa# +ar a$$e'+l/ *ol# the &lug with the co&&er connector$ u& an# the loc)ing cli& -acing #own 2n thi$ con-iguration. the Brown Pair o- wire$ $houl# +e to the right $i#e

:$ee #iagra' on the right;

11&,or Cri'&ing we reco''en# our :uickTre;< =atchet Crimper #or =C-A2 an$ =C-11/12& Pu$h the connector all o- the wa/ in an# then $?ueeGe #own all the wa/ on the cri'&er "e'o0e the connector -ro' the cri'&er +o#/

12&%li#e the +oot$ :i- u$e#; all the wa/ u& to the connector 2- nece$$ar/. u$e a ta&&ing 'otion a$ $hown in the illu$tration

1@&"e&eat the &roce#ure on the other en# o- the ca+le u$ing the $a'e wiring #iagra' (O79: 2- /ou wi$h to 'a)e a cro$$o0er ca+le. than u$e the other #iagra' :in thi$ ca$e 568> A;

1A&7e$t the ca+le u$ing a high ?ualit/ -our &air te$ter ,or thi$ we reco''en# our + NT)ST-P=8 Cable Tester&

Notes =egar$ing /aking Categor% 2 Patch Cable

1D7he "F>45 &lug$ are nor'all/ 'a#e -or either $oli# con#uctor$ or $tran#e# con#uctor$ 2t i$ 0er/ i'&ortant to +e $ure that the &lug that /ou u$e 'atche$ the con#uctor t/&e 2t i$ e3tre'el/ #i--icult to tell the #i--erence +etween the two +/ loo)ing at the' When /ou +u/ the$e &lug$. +e $ure to categoriGe. an# $tore the' care-ull/ @$ing the wrong t/&e can cau$e inter'ittent &ro+le'$ 7he :uickTre;< Categor% 2)! ? Con$uctor /o$ular Plugs . O" :uickTre;< Categor% >! ? Con$uctor /o$ular Plugs that we $ell are rate# -or +oth %oli# an# %tran#e# ca+le 2DOr#inaril/. it woul# +e ta+oo to untwi$t the &air$ o- an/ categor/ 5 or 6 ca+le 7he one e3ce&tion to thi$ rule i$ when cri'&ing on "F>45 &lug$ 2t woul# +e i'&o$$i+le to in$ert the wire$ into the channel$ without -ir$t untwi$ting an# $traightening the' Be $ure not to e3ten# the un>twi$ting. &a$t the $)in &oint 2- /ou #o it &ro&erl/. /ou will win# u& with no 'ore than 1/2I o- untwi$te# con#uctor$ :u& to 1/2I o- untwi$t 'eet$ the cat 5 or 6 $&eci-ication; @D2- the co'&lete# a$$e'+l/ #oe$ not &a$$ continuit/. /ou 'a/ ha0e a &ro+le' in one. or +oth en#$ ,ir$t tr/ gi0ing each en# another cri'& 2- that #oe$ not wor). then care-ull/ e3a'ine each en# Are the wire$ in the &ro&er or#erL <o all o- the wire$ -ull/ e3ten# to the en# o- the connectorL Are all o- the &in$ &u$he# #own -ull/ Cut o-- the $u$&ecte# +a# connector. an# re>ter'inate it 2- /ou $till ha0e a &ro+le'. then re&eat the &roce$$. thi$ ti'e gi0ing 'ore $crutin/ to the en# that wa$ not re&lace#

2>?7 Es& 2>?

n$ Caveats: Categor% 2! 2)!

n$ Cat > Patch Cables

,or &atch ca+le$. 568>B wiring i$ +/ -ar. the 'o$t co''on wiring 'etho# Cirtuall/ all &re> a$$e'+le# &atch ca+le$ are wire# to the B $tan#ar# 7here i$ no #i--erence in connecti0it/ +etween 568B an# 568A ca+le$ 7here-ore. a 568B &atch ca+le $houl# wor) -ine on a 568A ca+ling $/$te'. an# 0i$a>0er$a

=e--se 8# 8l$ Cables We ha0e $een thi$ ha&&en ti'e an# ti'e again Per-ectl/ goo# &atch ca+le$ that ha0e +een wor)ing -ine -or /ear$. get re'o0e# -ro' their in$tallation. an# re>in$talle# on the $a'e. or #i--erent networ) 7he re$ult can +e a night'are What ha&&en$ i$ that the ca+le. o0er ti'e. a#a&t$ to the wa/ that it i$ +ent in it5$ original in$tallation When the$e ca+le$ are re'o0e# an# re>in$talle#. the/ can either co'&letel/ lo$e their connection. or #e0elo& inter'ittent &ro+le'$ 7hi$ i$ #ue to $tre$$e$ that 'a/ +e o&&o$ite to what the/ were originall/ $u+Ject to 2- the integrit/ o- /our networ) i$ 'ore 0alua+le than the &rice o- new &atch ca+le$. then we $trongl/ $ugge$t that /ou u$e +ran# new ca+le$ -or all clo$et cleanu&$. networ) 'o0e$. etc

Stran$e$ Es& Soli$ 0ire Al'o$t all &atch ca+le$ that are 'a#e ha0e $tran#e# wire %tran#e# wire i$ nor'all/ $&eci-ie# -or u$e in &atch ca+le$ #ue to it$ $u&erior -le3i+ilit/ 7here ha$ +een $o'e tal) recentl/. in the technical $ector o- the $tructure# wiring co''unit/. regar#ing the &o$$i+le u$e o- $oli# con#uctor$ -or &atch ca+le$ 7he rea$on -or the $&otlight on $oli# wire i$ that it i$ $u&&o$e#l/ 'ore $ta+le. un#er a 0ariet/ o- con#ition$ Plea$e note that we now o--er cu$to' Soli$ copper categor% 2) patch cables in Plenum in$ulation in length$ o- u& to 2A5 -eet 7he$e ca+le$ are $uita+le -or u$e in air han#ling :Plenu'; ceiling$ an# en0iron'ent$

9eature$ Pro$uct, QuickTreX Wire Surgeon Electricians Scissors

QuickTreX Wire Surgeon Electrician Sci or

Cra2ted in ,erman% o2 dura#$e ice= tem5ered +o$ingen stain$ess stee$ that ho$ds u5 under e>treme use. This wire shear is 5recision designed 2or c$ean cutting and s5ecia$$% ground 2or use with wire8 #raiding8 etc. +$ight serrations on the #$ade 5re-ent wire s$i55age and ma/e

de5enda#$e 5recise cuts 5ossi#$e. S!" E GC=;9;7 M+RP "#$.%% #our Price "&$.'( The ergonomica$$% designed so2t ru##er hand$e 5ro-ides 2atigue$ess use suita#$e 2or right or $e2t= handed 5eo5$e. Whether %ou are a 5ro2essiona$ or amateur8 %ou wi$$ agree that these are the #est wire cutting scissors that %ou ha-e e-er usedH.

$%oo e &'tion Quantit()

Di count ) Idiscounted at

! or more K 5L o22 A*aila+ilit() Asua$$% shi5s within 1 to 2 da%s. "rgent &r,er )



We %a*e all t%e 'lug an, t%e +oot t%at (ou-ll nee, to make (our o.n ca+le/

0A1 %ack/com ell all o2 t%e *er( +e t tool 3 te ter an, toolkit 2or in talling an, trou+le %ooting "TP co''er ca+ling/

We al o carr( o2 4i+er &'tic Te t 5n trument /

+hare one Networ/ Ca#$e 2or t.o Networ/ 3e-ices: Networ/ +5$itter IPairJ8 Networ/ +5$itter Mit IInc$udes Ca#$esJ or Run 1oice N 3ata o-er one C T5 Ca#$e: 1oiceC3ata +5$itter.

Pin 1 2 3 4 ! " #

Function Transmit (+) Transmit (-) Receive (+) --Receive (-) ---

Wire Color White-Orange Orange White-Green Blue White-Blue Green White-Brown Brown

)bo!e !alues are relati!e to the cable connector, not the *+C.

Making Your Own Network Cables

(o 'atter whether /ou5re &utting together a $'all ho'e networ). or 'aintaining a 'aJor networ) in /our o--ice. /ou5ll nee# networ) ca+le$ 7he 'o$t co''onl/ u$e# t/&e i$ Categor/ 5 :$hort: Cat5;. which $u&&ort$ $&ee#$ u& to 1!! 1+/$ :1ega+it$ &er $econ#; =ou can either go +u/ Cat 5 ca+le in the $tore. or /ou can 'a)e it /our$el2- /ou #eci#e to +u/ it in the $tore. /ou5ll &a/ a &re'iu' &rice -or the con0enience. +ut i- /ou onl/ nee# 2 or three ca+le$ an# #on5t -ore$ee the nee# -or 'ore in the near -uture. or nee# a lot o- ca+le$ right awa/ an# #on5t ha0e the ti'e to 'a)e the' /our$el-. then thi$ i$ &ro+a+l/ the wa/ to go 2- /ou #eci#e to 'a)e /our own Cat 5 ca+le. /ou5ll $a0e a lot o- 'one/ in the long run. a$ +u/ing roll$ o- ca+le. a +aggie o- "F>45 connector$. an# the nece$$ar/ tool$ will +e a lot chea&er an# &a/ -or it$el- in a $hort &erio# o- ti'e i- /ou ha0e an ongoing nee#

What you need

Cat 5 ca+le > /ou can +u/ a 1!!! -eet roll o- Cat 5 ca+le at co'&uter $tore$ an# in#u$tr/ $u&&l/ hou$e$ -or $o'ewhere +etween 6 an# 1! cent$ a -oot. #e&en#ing on the ?ualit/ <on5t +e chea&. get the #ecent ?ualit/ $tu-- =ou #on5t want to en# u& with networ) &ro+le'$ #ue to +a# ca+le$ Chec) to 'a)e $ure that the color>co#ing on the wire$ i$ ea$il/ recogniGa+le Al$o &a/ attention to the #i--erence +etween $oli# an# $tran#e# wire ca+le %oli# wire ca+le 'ean$ that each one o- the 8 wire$ in$i#e the ca+le con$i$t$ o- one $oli# co&&er allo/ wire %oli# wire ca+le i$ u$uall/ u$e# -or wiring in$i#e wall$ a$ it #oe$ not -le3 0er/ ea$il/ an# i$ inten#e# -or wire$ that will ne0er 'o0e 2t ha$ +etter con#ucti0it/ than $tran#e# ca+le. which 'ean$ /ou can run ethernet o0er -arther #i$tance$ with $oli# core %tran#e# wire ca+le 'ean$ that each one o- the 8 wire$ in$i#e the ca+le con$i$t$ o- a -ew #oGen 0er/ -ine hair>li)e $tran#$ that +en# an# -le3 0er/ ea$il/ %tran#e# wire ca+le i$ u$uall/ u$e# -or 'a)ing &atch ca+le$ +ecau$e o- it$ -le3i+ilit/ :the wire$ won5t +rea) a$ ea$il/ -ro' +eing 'o0e# aroun# an# twi$te# -re?uentl/;

"F>45 connector$ > 7he/ u$uall/ co'e in +ag$ o- 5!. 1!! etc an# co$t le$$ than a ?uarter each Pa/ attention to the t/&e o- "F>45 connector /ou get an# 'a)e $ure it i$ inten#e# -or the t/&e o- Cat5 wire /ou5re u$ing 7here are two #i--erent )in# o- "F>45 connector$. #e&en#ing on whether /ou u$e the' with $oli# or $tran#e# wire ca+le a$ 'entione# a+o0e @$ing the wrong )in# with the wrong ca+le will 'o$t li)el/ re$ult in a +a# connection

Cri'&ing tool > While thi$ i$ the e3&en$i0e &art o- 'a)ing /our own ca+le$. it5$ onl/ a one>ti'e $tartu& co$t 7he/ run an/where -ro' 1! to 5! +uc)$ #e&en#ing on the ?ualit/ an# -eature$ Bee& in 'in# that the cri'&er$ will &a/ -or the'$el0e$ a-ter /ou 'a)e a -ew ca+le$ A goo# cri'&ing tool ha$ a &air o- wire cutter$ +uilt in. a$ well a$ a +la#e to $tri& in$ulation 2t al$o 'ight $u&&ort cri'&ing o- other connector$ $uch a$ "F>11

<iagonal Cutter Plier$ > =ou5ll nee# a &air o- the$e to cut the wire$ in ca$e the cri'&er #oe$n5t co'e with a +uilt>in wire cutter

QQ &re0iou$ &age

What type of cable do you want to make? This page: traight through cables

7here are two t/&e$ o- networ) ca+le$ co''onl/ u$e# in PC networ)$ > %traight>through an# cro$$>o0er Cro$$>o0er: A cro$$>o0er ca+le i$ u$e# to connect two co'&uter$ 0ia their (2C$. without u$ing a hu+ or $witch :(ote: =ou can onl/ connect two co'&uter$ at one ti'e. connecting three or 'ore will re?uire a hu+ or $witch o- $o'e $ort; %traight>through: A $traight>through networ) ca+le i$ Ju$t what the na'e i'&lie$. a ca+le that &a$$e$ #ata $traight through -ro' one en# to another %traight>through ca+le$ are u$e# -or a 0ariet/ o- connection$ :e g connecting a co'&uter to a hu+ or $witch. connecting a co'&uter to a ca+le/2%<(/<%6 'o#e'. an# lin)ing $witche$ an# hu+$ together ; 6et5$ $tart with a $traight>through ca+le an# then we5ll get -anc/ with a cro$$>o0er ca+le

Cutting! tripping! "nd orting The Wires

Cut a &iece o- Cat 5 a$ long a$ /ou nee# When /ou cut. re'e'+er the ol# $a/ing: 1ea$ure twice. cut once 1a)e $ure the cut on each en# i$ clean an# $traight

%tri& a+out an inch o- the in$ulation o-- the ca+le Cut it +ac) nice an# $?uare %o'e cri'&ing tool$ $uch a$ the one u$e# in thi$ article co'e with a +uilt>in wire $tri&&er =ou &ut the ca+le in to a $to& on one $i#e o- the cutter 2t will cut the Jac)et the right length to 'a)e a &er-ect cri'& 2t i$ e3tre'el/ i'&ortant that /ou onl/ cut the &la$tic in$ulation/Jac)et an# not the wire <a'aging one o- the 8 wire$. e0en i- /ou Ju$t nic) it or &artiall/ cut it. will ruin /our ca+le

@ntwi$t the wire$ =ou5ll notice that there are 4 &air$ o- 'ulti>colore# wire$ in$i#e %ort the &air$ +/ color =ou $houl# en# u& with wire$ color co#e# a$ -ollow$: +lue/+lue>white. orange/orange>white. green/green>white. +rown/+rown>white (ote: %o'e Cat 5 ca+le $)i'&$ on the color>co#ing an# /ou will ha0e to )ee& the trac) o- which wire wa$ wra&&e# aroun# which 2- at all &o$$i+le. chec) the ca+le +e-ore /ou +u/ an# 'a)e $ure the color>co#ing i$ ea$/ to recogniGe 2not. /ou5ll +e cur$ing u& a $tor' later an# wi$h /ou woul# ha0e $&ent the e3tra 5 +uc)$ on the +etter ca+le

(ow align the wire$ in the -ollowing or#er -ro' le-t to right 7he or#er i$ i'&ortant $ince there i$ a wiring $tan#ar# #e-ine# +/ the 7eleco''unication$ 2n#u$tr/ A$$ociation :72A; htt&://www tiaonline org 2t5$ calle# the 92A/72A>568 Co''ercial Buil#ing 7eleco''unication$ Wiring %tan#ar#. an# /ou can -in# 'ore in-or'ation on it here:htt&://www #igital>#eli0er/ co'/%tan#ar#$ ht'R$5







Get the wire$ line# u& an# nice an# $traight 7hen cli& o-- the to& 'illi'eter $o that the/ are all the $a'e length an# $tic) out a+out hal- an inch -ro' the in$ulate# &art

"ttaching the #$%&' Connector

QQ &re0iou$ &age 7he +e$t wa/ to in$ert the ca+le into the "F>45 connector i$ thi$:

*ol# an "F>45 connector $o that the &la$tic relea$e cli& i$ -acing awa/ -ro' /ou. an# the o&ening -or the wire$ i$ &ointing #own While $?ueeGing the ca+le $o that the Jac)et #oe$ not 'o0e on the wire$. in$ert the $orte# an# aligne# wire$ care-ull/ into the "F>45 connector &artwa/ =ou5ll -eel $o'e re$i$tance a$ the wire$ enter the groo0e$ in the connector 6oo)ing at the $i#e o- the connector that5$ -acing /ou :$houl# +e the one without the cli&;. 0eri-/ that the wire$ are $till in the correct or#er %o'eti'e$ the act o- &u$hing the wire$ into the connector can cau$e the or#er o- the wire$ to +e $witche# at the la$t 'o'ent @$e a 'agni-/ing gla$$ i- nee#e# Pu$h the wire$ the re'aining wa/ into the connector 1a)e $ure that the wire$ ha0e gone all the wa/ into the connector an# are touching the en# o- the "F>45 connector =ou $houl# $ee a line o- 8 +are wire en#$ 2- one i$ 'i$$ing an# that in#i0i#ual wire ha$n5t gone -ar enough into the connector. &ull the wire$ out. line u& the en#$ an# &ut the' in again =ou can5t $ee thi$ &ro+le' -ro' the $i#e > /ou can onl/ $ee it -ro' the en# (ow &u$h the Jac)et a$ -ar a$ it will go into the connector

Getting all o- the wire$ line# u& an# in$erte# correctl/ can +e a little tric)/. $o ta)e /our ti'e 7hi$ get$ ea$ier a$ /ou get the -eel oit 2- e0er/thing went well. it $houl# loo) li)e thi$:


%ee how the en# o- the in$ulation $it$ $nug in$i#e the "F>45. an# how the wire$ go all the wa/ to the en#L Below are two e3a'&le$ how it $houl# (O7 loo) 2n the e3a'&le on the le-t the wire$ were le-t too long. which lea0e$ wire$ un&rotecte# +etween the "F>45 an# the in$ulation 2n the e3a'&le on the right. the wire$ were cut too $hort an# now #on5t reach -ar enough to 'a)e contact


<ou+le>chec) one la$t ti'e that the wire$ are aligne# correctl/ an# all the wa/ in 7hen in$ert the "F>45 connector into the a&&ro&riate o&ening o- the cri'&ing tool Gi0e the han#le a nice. tight $?ueeGe without cru$hing the "F>45 2- /ou ha0e &urcha$e# a &air o- ratchet t/&e cri'&er$ /ou will )now that /ou are #one when the/ relea$e 2- /ou +ought a chea&>o &air. chec) to 'a)e $ure that all o- the little 'etal contact$ are e0en an# at the $a'e height +elow the &la$tic o- the &lug

(ow re&eat thi$ entire &roce#ure to &ut an "F>45 &lug on the other en# o- the ca+le @$e the e3act $a'e wiring $che'e a$ on the -ir$t en#. which will 'a)e it a $traight>through ca+le (ote: 2- /ou #eci#e# to $&en# a cou&le e3tra +uc)$ on the $train relie- $lee0e$. +e $ure to &ut the' on an# -acing the correct #irection +e-ore /ou cri'& the $econ# en#

" cross%o)er cable

QQ &re0iou$ &age 7he cro$$>o0er ca+le can +e 'a#e u$ing the $a'e $te&$ a$ the $traight>through ca+le 7he onl/ #i--erence i$ the or#er in which the wire$ are &ut into the $econ# connector On the $traight>through ca+le /ou u$e the e3act $a'e or#er o- wire$ On a cro$$>o0er ca+le /ou u$e a #i--erent or#er on each en# 7he -ir$t en# u$e$ the $a'e color $che'e a$ a $traight>through ca+le:

7he $econ# en# u$e$ the -ollowing color $che'e:












2- /ou ta)e a clo$e loo) an# co'&are the two en#$. /ou5ll notice how the green an# the orange &air tra#e &lace$. which 'a)e$ it a cro$$>o0er ca+le (ote: When /ou 'a)e a cro$$>o0er ca+le. 'ar) it to #i$tingui$h it -ro' /our $traight>through ca+le$ =ou can &ut colore# ta&e on it. u$e a 'ar)er. u$e a #i--erent color ca+le. whate0er wor)$ -or /ou 2- /ou #on5t. e0entuall/ /ou5ll get it 'i3e# in with /our other ca+le$ an# lo$e /our 'in# tr/ing to -igure out wh/ /our connection to the networ) i$ ho$e#

Test *t
Once /our ca+le i$ -ini$he#. /ou $houl# te$t it to 'a)e $ure it wor)$ ,or S2!>3! /ou can &urcha$e a ca+le te$ter 2n$ert the two en#$ o- the ca+le into the Jac)$ on the te$ter an# watch the light$ 2- the/ all light u&. /ou ha0e a goo# connection -or each wire an# the ca+le chec)$ out

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