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where the heart is by adam andrusiak

BLACK SCREEN Short AUDIO MONTAGE of a plane flight: airport noise; airplane noise & seatbelt chime; airplane landing; traffic noise & honking. During montage FADE IN: "where the heart is" Abruptly end montage with the sound of a door opening.

INT. SUBURBAN HOME - FRONT DOOR - DAY Jacob (tousled, tired) arrives carrying a large suitcase with an airport claim sticker and a duffel bag. A bouquet of flowers is in his left hand, the wedding ring visible. He drops the bags at the threshold and kicks off his shoes. Then he places the flowers on a table and walks down the hall, stretching.

INT. KITCHEN - CONTINUOUS Jacob goes to the fridge and pulls out a beer. He twists off the cap and tosses it into the sink while he drinks.

INT. LIVING ROOM - CONTINUOUS He collapses into the couch with deep satisfaction. moment he sits with his eyes closed. Someone is walking down the hallway behind him. Abruptly, Jacob turns and reaches for the remote on the table beside him. He sees movement in the hallway. JACOB Honey? The person moves out of sight. Honey? JACOB Is that you? Jacob follows. For a


INT. HALLWAY - CONTINUOUS He immediately sees RACHEL (lingerie, housecoat). Oh, god! JACOB You surprised me!

Elated, he steps up and kisses her. During the kiss, he picks up the flowers from the nearby table. JACOB And I thought getting home a day early would surprise you. Rachel stares at him, almost through him. JACOB You are surprised, arent you? least a little? At

He presents the flowers to her. She continues to stare at him, making no move to take them. She mutters something under her breath. Jacob smiles. JACOB Stunned? Another whispered mutter; louder this time but its impossible to make out any words. Jacobs smile falters. her outfit. He lowers the flowers and looks at

JACOB I like what youre wearing. She stares down at the flowers, then back to him. JACOB Honey, why are you home at this time? Are you sick? I was worried when you stopped calling. Rachels starts the whispering mutter again and doesnt stop. JACOB I... I cant understand you. She gets louder but no easier to understand.


JACOB What are you saying?! She abruptly falls silent. Still staring.

JACOB Honey, I... Why... He looks at her lingerie; looks up the staircase. JACOB I should put my bags in the bedroom. Rachel begins to mutter again. Jacob tosses the flowers back on the table and scoops up the duffel bag. Okay! Im JACOB going!

Her muttering continues unbroken and he flees up the stairs.

INT. UPSTAIRS HALLWAY - CONTINUOUS Jacob approaches a half-open door. behind it. Romantic music plays

Reluctantly, he reaches out and puts his hand on the door. He pushes it open slowly.

INT. BEDROOM - CONTINUOUS The bedroom is neat and empty. The bed made.

Jacob looks around, dropping the duffel bag as he goes. At the base of the dresser he finds the source of the music. A fallen laptop, the attached webcam knocked askew. He picks it up and stops the music. A video is paused on the image of his wife sitting on the bed. Shes wearing the same outfit. He puts the laptop onto the dresser and presses play.


RACHEL (LAPTOP) Hi Sugar! Youve been gone a long time and I thought you might be getting lonely. So Im making you a little something to remind you of what youre missing. Jacobs face lights up with surprise and relieved tension. A short, abrupt laugh escapes him. JACOB Honey! Im watching your video! You are the surprise master! LAPTOP: Rachel leans forward to push a button on the keyboard. The music starts playing. RACHEL (LAPTOP) Remember this song, Sugar? LAPTOP: She starts to get up, still leaning forward. Cleavage fills the screen. RACHEL (LAPTOP) Remember these? LAPTOP: She turns the laptop and begins to dance backward. There is someone standing in the doorway behind her. She only has eyes for the camera. Jacob stares. Transfixed.

LAPTOP: She dances and the figure looms in the shadows of the hallway. She turns around, head down, working at the knot on her housecoat. Then she give a short scream and stumbles backward, blocking the screen. RACHEL (LAPTOP) Oh, my god! Sugar?! Sugar, is that you? LAPTOP: She walks away from the laptop and we can see that it is, indeed, Jacob. Jacob, sitting on the bed, looks aghast. RACHEL (LAPTOP) You are my surprise master! LAPTOP: She runs forward and throws her arms around him for a kiss.


RACHEL (LAPTOP) How are you home? LAPTOP: Jacob makes a low muttering sound. RACHEL (LAPTOP) What? LAPTOP: He begins muttering again, louder. RACHEL (LAPTOP) Sugar, what are you saying? LAPTOP: The whispering mutter grows in volume... ...which is matched by the whispering mutter of Rachel, standing in the hallway behind Jacob. She clutches the bouquet awkwardly at the top, crushing the flowers. Jacob sits frozen, unwilling to turn around. RACHEL (LAPTOP) (whisper) Youre scaring me.

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