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Subject: English

Submitted to
Suparna Roy
University of Information Technology & Science (UITS) angla!esh

Submitte! by

Somyra "asnat I# $o: %&'(&)*+, atch $o: ((

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Internet Communication
The Internet is one of the greatest humankind's inventions of the last century. It is fast and easy way to get a lot of valuable information. Internet evolved from ARPANET Advanced Research Pro!ect Agency" a research network established by #nited $tates defense de%artment in &'('. )owever* some %eo%le believe that the Internet creates many %roblems. +rom my %oint of view I think that the Internet brings us advantages as well as disadvantages.

+irst of all* the Internet brings us many benefits. Peo%le can have access to the latest news* weather* traffic* bid,and,asked -uotations* etc. Another im%ortant benefit is that the Internet is a great means of communication. A few years ago it was rather difficult to imagine that it would be %ossible to communicate with %eo%le from all around the world. $tudents have the o%%ortunity to s%eak to the %rofessors from %restigious universities* ask their o%inions and e.tend their range of interests. Peo%le have the o%%ortunity to communicate with the %eo%le from other countries* find out their customs* traditions and even visit each other. I think that the Internet makes our world smaller and friendlier. /e've got the chance to learn more about the world's history* our forefathers and gain more knowledge.

+rom the other hand* many -uestions and difficulties arose with the a%%earance of the Internet. +or* children got the easy access to the information they are not su%%osed to read. Also* %eo%le's security and %rivacy are often violated through steeling and gathering information about %eo%le and then selling it. 0any banks had to increase their Internet security because 1f hacking. .

)owever* I believe that Internet gave us more advantages and o%%ortunities than disadvantages and %roblems.

Interest in communication has been stimulated by advances in science and technology* which* by their nature* have called attention to man as a communicating creature. Among the first and most dramatic of the inventions resulting from technological ingenuity were the telegra%h and tele%hone* followed by others like wireless radio and tele%hoto %eriodicals* devices. The develo%ment motion of %o%ular and news%a%ers television led and to broadcasting* %ictures*

institutional and cultural innovations that %ermitted efficient and ra%id communication between a few individuals and large %o%ulations2 these media have been res%onsible for the rise and social %ower of the new %henomenon of mass communication. There are five revolutionary mass communication mediums that were characteri3ed by Al Reis in his most recent book* 4&& Immutable 5aws of Internet 6randing7. The first mass communication vehicle was the book* where it served as a channel to distribute information in an organi3ed and orderly fashion. The book was the dynamic mechanism behind the s%read of technology* which made it easier for %ast generation to gather and collect information to be distributed on a wider scale that was not %ossible without the hel%.







referred to as the 4Internet7* have o%ened u% new hori3ons of %ublic access to information* education and cultural resources. At the same time* the Internet %rovides an ama3ing tool for individual and grou% e.%ression with %ossibilities of reaching a much larger audience than before at a low cost.

In recent years* the 8ouncil of Euro%e has ado%ted several legal and %olitical instruments* which %rovide answers to the regulatory challenges %osed by the Internet. The 8onvention on 8yber crime* o%ened for signature in 9::&* enables mutual assistance between $tates regarding certain com%uter,related crimes. Another is Recommendation Rec 9::&" ; on self,regulation concerning cyber content self,regulation and user %rotection against illegal or harmful content on new communications and information services"* which deals with the issue of illegal and harmful Internet content in general* advocating a self,regulatory a%%roach* with a view to %rotecting freedom of e.%ression and information as well as other fundamental values. 1ver the %ast few years* there has been a marked tendency by some governments to restrict and control access to the Internet in a manner which is incom%atible with international norms on freedom of e.%ression and information. Against this background* the $teering 8ommittee on the 0ass 0edia 8<00" of the 8ouncil of Euro%e decided to draw u% a <eclaration where such %ractices* es%ecially when %olitically motivated* would be strongly condemned. It was considered a%%ro%riate to deal in the same te.t with other as%ects of the Internet where freedom of e.%ression and information is %articularly at stake* namely regarding the removal of barriers to the %artici%ation of individuals in the information society* the freedom to %rovide services via the Internet* the liability of intermediaries* as well as anonymity.

A first draft of this <eclaration was made available for %ublic comment on the web site of the 8ouncil of Euro%e in A%ril 9::9. $everal organi3ations and individuals sent in their comments and they have been duly taken into account during the finali3ation of the draft.

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