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Wolverine gig after fellow Aussie Dougray Scott got held up making Mission: Impossible 2.) The Wolverine marks Jackmans sixth outing as the character, beginning with X-Men. Considering that most franchises get rebooted and actors replaced after three lms, having a single man play the role for more than a decade is quite a feat. So 13 years on, a lot is riding on The Wolverine, in part because the characters rst solo outing, 2009s X-Men Origins: Wolverine, was considered a dud by critics and fanboys alike. Oh, yeah. Im aware of the disappointment [some people felt], and on some level, for good reason, the actor says. Everyone would stop me in the street to tell me all about it. Its a character thats been around for a while, and people are passionate about it, and theyre not bashful in coming forward. Jackman promises that this movie will be different, presenting a purer picture of the character. The plot is based on one of the most beloved comicbookarcsinhistory,1982s Wolverine by writer Chris Claremont and artist Frank Miller (of Sin City and Batman: The Dark Knight Returns). Jackman rst read the series preparing for X-Men and immediately told producer Lauren Shuler Donner, Now this is a movie! Hes been waiting 13 years to see it on-screen. The Wolverine nds Logan traveling to Japan at the behest of a dying former soldier, whose life the hero saved during World War II. Once there, Wolverine hooks up with the old mans granddaughter, Mariko (Tao Okamoto), battles ninjas, yakuza and the armored Silver Samurai (Will Yun Lee). He may also lose his healing power. I always thought it would be a great juxtaposition to have this guy in Japan, because in many ways, he embodies the opposite of all Japanese traditionsand honorand codes, Jackman says. Hes a lone wolf. He does what he wants. As the lm progresses, Wolverine learns to appreciate the Japanese way of life. This is a person whos lost. Hes a warrior but hes struggling to nd purpose, Jackman says. That whole code of the samurai and honor and braveryand him coming to respect that and know himself is a really good canvas for the writers to work with. The movie could have been very different. Initially, Darren Aronofsky of Black Swan was hired to direct. He later dropped out of the project, saying he was reluctant to spend so much time overseas away from his family, but rumor had it that he bolted after clashing with the studio over the lms rating. Aronofsky was supposedly keen to do a hard-edged, blood-soaked, R-rated adventure. Jackman says thats not entirely true and that Aronofsky wasnt completely sold on making a lm for adults. Atthe end of the day, even Darren was aware that I run into so many 12-yearolds or 13-yearolds [to whom] Wolverine is not just cool, hes very important, Jackman says. To deliberately exclude them was never something we were going to do lightly. For fans who love Jackman in the role that made him worldfamous, this may well be one of the last times to see him on screen. The 44-year-old is currently shooting the sequel to X-Men: First Class, called X-Men: Days of Future Past, and after that, he doesnt yet have plans to strap on the claws again. I dont want to tease you and say this is the last one, Jackman says. But my basic philosophy is that I go movie-to-movie and see how it all goes, but if I dont feel I have anything new or different to offer or the story doesnt progress in some way, then I wont be doing it. So, yes, there may come a time for someone else to grow those iconic muttonchops. But heres hoping not for many years. reed.tucker@nypost.com After losing 30 pounds to star in Les Miserables, Jackman bulked up for The Wolverine by eating at least 6,000 calories a day. Svetlana Khodchenkova plays Viper.


Sunday, July 21, 2013


WOlverines fOXes

ts hard being 150 years old, like Wolverine. For one thing, good luck nding a lady to be with you (unless its Anna Nicole Smith). Throughout his six on-screen appearances, Wolverine, ak a Logan, has had quite a few relationships with females none of them healthy.Heres a refresher. R.T.

Wolverine. In X-Men: The Last Stand, Wolverine is forced to kill her after a dark power known as the Phoenix possesses her, leaving him devastated. She appears in dreams to Logan in The Wolverine.

MariKO yashida
Logans love interest in The Wolverine is played by newcomer Tao Okamoto, an actor that Hugh Jackman, who is also a producer on the movie, helped personally select. Mariko is the granddaughter of a billionaire Japanese tycoon whose life Wolverine saved during World War II. After the old man dies, Logan is forced to protect Mariko from moneyhungry criminals.

Kayla silverfOX
Wolverine is living peacefully in the Canadian wilderness with his love in X-Men Origins: Wolverine until Sabretooth (Liev Schreiber) shows up and supposedly murders her. At the end of the movie, Logan discovers that Silverfox (played by Lynn Collins) didnt actually die, but is alive. In the end, she sacrices herself for her love.

He got his cut look with a water regimen that had him drink four gallons a day, then nothing for 24 hours. Jackmans trainer sought vein-iture to emphasize Wolverines animallike nature.

viper Jean grey

Grey (Famke Janssen) is a member of the X-Men with telekinetic powers. Although she was engaged to Cyclops (James Marsden), Grey also nds herself attracted to An evil mutant (played by Russian Svetlana Khodchenkova) in a slinky green dress whose kiss means death. She pursues Wolverine and Mariko in Japan during The Wolverine.

Splash News

Tao Okamoto as Mariko.

X-Men Origins: WOlverine The story begins in the 1800s, showing Logans childhood, but most of the action is set in the 1970s and 1980s, as Logan is recruited into the Weapon X project and becomes Wolverine.

X-Men, X2: X-Men United, XMen: the last stand Released between 2000 and 2006,

the three original films (pictured above from left in chronological order) take place in the present day.

the WOlverine The story picks up a few months after the events of The Last Stand, with Logan alone and still grappling with the death of Jean Grey (Famke Janssen).

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