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Seth Clark Professor Hartman Comm 3215 September 30, 2013 Pr Mini-Plan Worksheet Situational Analysis: Just re entl!

m! frien"s an" personal trainers #anner S!l$ia an" Matt %on& ha$e 'oine" to&ether to reate their o(n &!m) *fter puttin& in man! !ears trainin& lients throu&h (ell-kno(n &!ms su h as +n Shape Cit! an" #he ,it ,a tor!, Matt an" #anner "e i"e" it (as in their best interest to $enture off from the bi& name &!ms an" reate their o(n names for themsel$es) #he! sa$e" up their mone! an" took out a fe( loans an" no( #he +ron Compoun" has been establishe" in their name) Matt transforme" his (hole &ara&e to in lu"e all the $ariations of (ei&hts an" ma hines that !ou (oul" fin" in an! ma'or &!m in or"er to "eli$er an intense (orkout) #o&ether the! ha$e ombine" their "ifferent (orkout te hni-ues to help people rea h their fitness &oals) Matt is a bo"!buil"er an" nutritionist (ho lo$es to push people to their e.treme ma., an" #anner is e.-militar! an" en'o!s seein& his lients push har" to earn the results the! ha$e been (antin& to see in themsel$es) *s a team, these t(o men oul" help hun"re"s of people throu&hout the #urlo k area to tr! an" &et in shape an" li$e a healthier lifest!le) +t seems latel! that (orkin& out is a ne( tren" an" almost the / ool0 thin& to "o amon&st a (i"e ran&e of in"i$i"uals, but obesit! rates are still at an all time hi&h here in the 1nite" States) * or"in& to the Centers for 2isease Control an" Pre$ention 3C2C4, more than 50 per ent of people (ho ha$e t!pe 2 "iabetes are obese or o$er(ei&ht) Stu"ies ha$e pro$en

that ph!si al a ti$it! an lea" to an elon&ate" life span) 6! (orkin& out, !ou are also boostin& !our immune s!stem an" emotions) 7ou an ut the risk of ar"io$as ular "isease, "epression, stroke, an" a fe( t!pes of an er) #he benefits of li$in& a health! lifest!le are $er! important to li$in& a lon& omfortable life) So (hile a lot of *meri ans ha$e be&un the ne( tren" of (orkin& out, there are still millions of people out there (ho oul" use some "ail! ph!si al a ti$it! to raise their health le$els) + belie$e if #he +ron Compoun" &ot its name out an" booste" its atten"an e it (oul" help out so man! people in the #urlo k area) Audience: #he au"ien e + (ill be hoosin& is mainl! 20-35 !ear ol" a"ults) * or"in& to stu"ies this is the a&e (hen ph!si al performan e rea hes its peak le$el) 6oth male an" female au"ien es (ill be in lu"e") *t this a&e man! people are in the mi""le of their olle&e !ears or 'ust settlin& "o(n after olle&e) Colle&e isn8t a pla e (here (e are re-uire" to "o ph!si al a ti$it! like in hi&h s hool an" e$er!one has hear" of the /freshman fifteen0) +t is the e.tra (ei&ht that freshman put on "ue to stress or e. essi$e part!in& in olle&e) #his + (h! + hose to pi k this a&e le$el) Objective One9 #o promote #he +ron Compoun" an" raise a(areness b! 25: b! ;o$ember 1st) Strate&!9 6! postin& fl!ers aroun" #urlo k an" han"in& them out to people) #a ti s9 Create fl!ers to be passe" out) 2etermine spots to put fl!ers 3on telephone poles, buil"in&s, olle&es, stores, et )4 <o to spots an" ph!si all! pass out fl!ers to people an" post them up) Objective Two9 #o raise atten"an e at #he +ron Compoun" b! 20 per ent b! ;o$ember

1st) Strate&!9 6! reatin& a ,a ebook e$ent pa&e an" in$itin& people from all o$er #urlo k to atten") #a ti s9 Create an +ron Compoun" ,a ebook pa&e) Set an e$ent "ate (here the ommunit! an 'oin in for a &roup (orkout) Sen" out in$ites to frien"s an" ha$e them sen" in$ites to their frien"s an" ommunit!) Evaluation9 + (ill e$aluate pro&ress throu&h he kin& the ,a ebook pa&e to see if there are follo(ers) *lso b! he kin& atten"an e before the e$ent "ate an" after the e$ent "ate + an see if atten"an e has raise" b! 20 per ent or not) 6! "oin& a publi sur$e! of the area + oul" also see if a(areness (as raise" for #he +ron Compoun")

Works Cited =>besit! +n *meri a)= Obesity In America) ;)p), n)") Web) 25 Sept) 2013) http9??obesit!inameri a)or&?un"erstan"in&-obesit!?obesit!-relate"-"iseases? Staff, Ma!o Clini ) ise9 A 6enefits of Be&ular Ph!si al * ti$it!)= Mayo Clinic) Ma!o ,oun"ation for Me"i al @"u ation an" Besear h, 23 Jul! 2011) Web) 2A Sept) 2013) http9??((()ma!o lini ) om?health? ise?HC01DAD =*<+;< *;2 @E@BC+S@)= AGING AND EXERCISE) ;)p), n)") Web) 25 Sept) 2013) http9??((()sports i)or&?en ! ?a&in&e.?a&in&e.)html

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