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9 DA DL1Ck

1he naLural Way Lo lose welghL and deLox ln 9 uays

1hls 9 uay ueLox came abouL as a resulL of seelng how many people losL an enormous amounL of
welghL and were moLlvaLed Lo eaL beLLer and be healLhler, uslng Lhe lorever Llvlng Clean 9

l have ad[usLed Lhe program Lo be more naLural Way-frlendly and for people who are dalry
lnLoleranL or vegans.

1hls program ls deslgned Lo lncrease Lhe process of heallng and repalr, deLoxlflcaLlon and welghL
loss. When you have compleLed lL, you can follow on wlLh a 21 Day Natura| Way to We|ght
Ma|ntenance and nea|th.

1he producLs used ln Lhe program are from lorever Llvlng and can be ordered from us on 011 463
6942 /suebk[Lelkomsa.neL, or our webslLe: www.healLhnaLurally.myflpblz.com. ?ou can follow
Lhe program wlLhouL Lhese producLs and wlll lose welghL, buL are more llkely Lo see resulLs sooner
uslng Lhem.

1hose noL wanLlng Lo lose excess welghL can also use Lhls program as a deLox program. l suggesL
you do noL use Lhe naLural appeLlLe suppressanL Carclnla, and llmlL Lhe lnLake of omesLeen [ulce
Lo only 1 x 30ml dally. As on all deLox programs, Lhere ls llkely Lo be some welghL loss, Lo llmlL Lhe
loss, lncrease Lhe quanLlLles of food.

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Iorever A|oe 2 Go -
(A|oe Ge| w|th Mangosteen &
omegranate [u|ce)
1hls ls Lhe lnner gel from Lhe mosL nuLrlLlous aloe on earLh, Aloe 8arbadensls Mlller,
More Lhan 73 nuLrlenLs
200 acLlve compounds
20 mlnerals
18 amlno aclds
12 vlLamlns
ComblnaLlon of omegranaLe and MangosLeen [ulce, wlLh pear, raspberry,
blackberry and blueberry [ulces and grape seed exLracL. MangosLeen ls a naLural
appeLlLe suppressanL and LogeLher wlLh omegranaLe conLalns Lhe hlghesL levels of
anLloxldanLs. AnLloxldanLs desLroy free radlcals and cancer cells and slow down Lhe
agelng process. 1hey wlll help your skln respond well and ad[usL Lo welghL loss.
Cranverry - conLalns drled cranberry [ulce) - shown Lo prevenL urlnary LracL
lnfecLlons and Candlda lnfecLlons, ofLen a problem wlLh welghL and healLh lssues
and correcL meLabollc raLe, resveraLrol a powerful anLloxldanL for superb healLh ,
MangosLeen whlch slows converslon of carbohydraLes Lo faL & naLurally suppresses
appeLlLe and 8eLa-Clucanase, whlch can help sLablllze blood sugar and lmprove
dlgesLlon, especlally absorpLlon and gas problems
Iorever 8ee o||en - 100
chewab|e tab|ets
ConLalns Lrace amounLs of,
vlLamlns C, u, L, k
8 Complex
Lnzymes & Co enzymes
laLLy aclds (Cmega 3 & 6) from planLs
Amlno aclds - all 8 essenLlal
Pelps malnLaln energy, sLamlna, dlgesLlve, lmmune, clrculaLory and nervous
Iorever 8|ossom 1ea A|oe

Aloe 8lossoms Clnger Clnnamon
Crange peel lennel Cardamom

Allsplce 8lackberry leaf Cloves
Chamomlle Cymnema SylvesLre - known for sLablllzlng blood sugar

Pave Lhls Lea aL Lhe end of Lhe flrsL Lwo days before bed and any oLher Llme you feel
llke a hoL beverage or have low blood sugar.
Iorever Nature's 18 - opLlonal.
lf allerglc Lo 8ee ollen, Lhen
Lake ln place of 8ee ollen
Chewable, greaL LasLlng LableL, made from more Lhan 18 of Lhe mosL nuLrlLlous
frulLs and vegeLables avallable. 1hls ls your sweeL LreaL 3 Llmes a day afLer 8reakfasL,
lunch and dlnner and one as a snack mld afLernoon.

kCGkAM: DAS 1 & 2

Morn|ng - Wake up
CpLlonal: A cup of Aloe 8lossom 1ea
1ake 1 Cranverry cap
Co for 20 mlnuLe brlsk walk
1 Aloe2Co sacheL followed by 230ml waLer
M|d-Morn|ng Snack
2 lorever 8ee ollen LableLs wlLh mln. 230ml waLer
Note: when tak|ng 8ee o||en for f|rst t|me start w|th x tab|et, 3 x a day on the f|rst day,
to ensure no a||erg|c react|on, then each day |ncrease by x tab|et unt|| hav|ng 2 tab|ets 2 x a
day on th|s program.
1 Cranverry
20 mlnuLes laLer:
1 Aloe2Co sacheL
2 8ee ollen LableLs

2S0m| SMCC1nIL:
x cup raw almonds
30ml omesLeen ower (CpLlonal)
130ml lresh apple or orange [ulce (or 100 pure such as Ceres [ulces)
1 cup (230ml) ln LoLal of any of Lhe followlng, fresh or frozen:
SLrawberrles (or any berrles)
CpLlonal 1-2 Lsp. ropeas or any oLher planL based proLeln powder
Add a llLLle waLer lf Loo Lhlck

1 Cranverry
20 mlnuLes laLer:
1 Aloe2Co SacheL followed by 230ml waLer
2 8ee ollen LableLs
1 Aloe2Co SacheL

kCGkAM: DAS 3-9

Morn|ng - Wake up
CpLlonal: A cup of Aloe 8lossom 1ea
1ake 1 Cranverry
Co for 20 mlnuLe brlsk walk
1 Aloe2Co SacheL followed by 230ml waLer

230 ml SMCC1PlL
x Cup raw almonds
30ml omesLeen ower (CpLlonal)
130ml lresh apple or orange [ulce (or 100 pure llke Ceres [ulces)
1 cup (230ml) ln LoLal of any of Lhe followlng - fresh or frozen
SLrawberrles (or any berrles)
CpLlonal 1-2 Lsp. ropeas or any oLher planL based proLeln powder
8lend unLll smooLh, add a llLLle waLer lf Loo Lhlck

2 lorever 8ee ollen 1ableLs & 230ml waLer
1 Cranverry
WalL 20 mlnuLes
1 Aloe2Co SacheL followed by 230ml waLer
230 ml SMCC1PlL (as for breakfasL)
1 Cranverry
WalL 20 mlnuLes
1 Aloe2Co SacheL followed by230ml waLer
2 8ee ollen LableLs
vLCL1A8LL MLAL and 8AW S1A81L8S - see 8eclpes for opLlons
x Cup raw almonds
30ml omesLeen ower (CpLlonal)
130ml lresh apple or orange [ulce (or 100 eg. Ceres [ulces)
1 cup (230ml) ln LoLal of any of Lhe followlng, fresh or frozen:
SLrawberrles (or any berrles)
CpLlonal 1-2 Lsp. ropeas or any oLher planL based proLeln powder
8lend unLll smooLh, add a llLLle waLer lf Loo Lhlck

VLGL1A8LL MLALS - made up of any comb|nat|ons of the fo||ow|ng:
(A|ways start w|th raw vegetab|es)
Pave 2 cups of one of Lhe followlng salads
WlLh as much cucumber, celery, leLLuce and LomaLoes as you llke

Crudites 4 1bs Pummus or one of Lhe oLher dresslngs
Cucumber, celery, leLLuce, LomaLo - as much as you llke - Lhere ls no llmlL Lo Lhese
vegeLables, you can eaL Lhem wlLh any meal.
2 LomaLoes
1 carroL
Cabbage / lettuce &
Avocado Salad
1 cup shredded cabbage or leLLuce x Cup red peppers chopped
x medlum avocado, cubed 1 LomaLo dlced
x cup chlckpeas (garbanzo beans) Mary-Ann's Seasonlng salL Lo LasLe

Cabbage / Lettuce & Corn
1 cup shredded cabbage or leLLuce
x cup frozen corn defrosLed, or fresh corn cuL off cob
x cup chopped cllanLro (corlander)
1 dlced rlpe LomaLo
8 llghLly roasLed, chopped almonds ([usL Loss ln a pan over a hlgh Lemp for a few
mlnuLes and chop)
!ulce of 1 lemon or llme
Mary-Ann's Seasonlng salL
1-2 1bsp. Pummus or 2 Lsp ollve oll (10ml), exLra vlrgln & cold pressed
Lettuce Roll Ups LeLLuce leaves - whole and unbroken
Any of Lhe dresslngs allowed
x cup of any 4 vegeLables such as,
1omaLoes CarroLs eas corn
snap peas arLlchokes asparagus red/yellow/orange pepper
cucumber and celery - as much as you llke
chlckpeas (garbonza beans) roasLed veg
Roasted Eggplant Salad
with Cranberries
2 cups leLLuce or cabbage
1 1bsp. drled cranberrles unsweeLened, or sweeLened wlLh plneapple [ulce (noL
sugar and no preservaLlves)
1 small eggplanL dlced and roasLed

*8oasL eggplanLs and oLher veggles such as red pepper, baby marrow by sprlnkllng
wlLh Mary-Ann's Perb or Carllc & Perb salL and grlll (broll) ln hoL oven or on an
elecLrlc or sLove Lop grlll.
Grilled Vegetable Salad
with Peas
2 cups leLLuce or cabbage
1 cup peas, fresh or frozen, defrosLed
1cup dlced roasLed vegeLables*
Any of Lhe followlng:
zucchlnl cuL lnLo sLrlps small eggplanL sllced or dlced
small beeL sllced or dlced carroL dlced
arLlchokes green beans
broccoll caullflower
Comblne wlLh any of Lhe dresslngs allowed
Hummus 1 cup chlckpeas (garbanzo beans)
!ulce from 1 small lemon
1 Lsp. Mary-Ann's Carllc & Perb salL
1 flaL Lsp. ground cumln
A llLLle waLer Lo Lhln
8lend lngredlenLs well addlng 30-100ml Lahlnl lasL
?ou can have 4 1bsp. Pummus any Llme as a dresslng
Tomato, Avocado, Basil &
Pea er
x avocado
1 LomaLo
6 fresh basll leaves or 1 Lsp drled
4 Cashew nuLs
100ml fresh or frozen peas
Mary-Ann's Carllc & Perb Lo LasLe
8lend unLll smooLh and serve. Add a llLLle waLer lf needed
Tomato, Celery, Cashew &
1 LomaLo
10cm plece of celery
4 raw cashew nuLs
3 ollves - seeds removed
Mary-Ann's Carllc & Perb or Perb salL Lo LasLe, Lhln wlLh a llLLle waLer lf needed.
8lend and serve.
Pea, Avocado & Mint x cup fresh or frozen peas
x avocado
A few mlnL leaves
Mary-Ann's Perb salL Lo LasLe.
Tomato, Avocado &

1 LomaLo
x avocado
3cm plece cucumber
Mary-Ann's Perb or Carllc and Perb salL Lo LasLe
Add waLer lf needed Lo Lhln
8lend well and serve
Curried Pea, Avocado &
1 Lsp curry powder or 1 chlll flnely chopped
1 Lsp ollve oll
x avocado
1 LomaLo
Mary-Ann's Carllc & Perb salL or Perb salL Lo LasLe
1oss well and serve. Add a llLLle waLer lf needed.
Any 1 Lopplng/sauce/ slde dlsh ln Lhls caLegory can be served wlLh any maln meal
Homemade tomato sauce
serves 2 portions
300ml LomaLo puree or flnely blended or chopped LomaLoes
1 Lsp. Mary-Ann's Carllc & Perb salL
1 Lsp. Mary-Ann's vegeLable sLock
2 Lsp. lrucLose powder or honey
Slmmer genLly
Dry stir-fried mushrooms ury sLlr-fry 2 cups fresh mushrooms wlLh Mary-Ann's Seasonlng salL (Lo dry sLlr
fry add mushrooms Lo pan on medlum Lo hl heaL llghLly season. Add a few drops of waLer lf needed)

Curried vegetables
serves 4 meals
1-2 Lsp. curry powder of your cholce
1 Lsp. Mary-Ann's veg sLock powder
1 Cup blended LomaLoes or puree (opLlonal)
Mary-Ann's Carllc & Perb salL Lo LasLe
1 cup dlced baby marrows (zucchlnl),
x cup dlced carroLs, x cup peas,
1cup broccoll flnely chopped or equlvalenL of veg of your cholce.
1 leek - flnely chopped. ury sLlr fry Lhe leek. Add curry powder and veg sLock
powder, plus 1 cm waLer and slmmer
Add resL of vegeLables sLlrrlng all Lhe Llme
Add 1 cup waLer lf needed and slmmer genLly wlLh Lhe lld on - nlcesL eaLen Lhe nexL

Homemade baked beans
Serves 4 meals
230g WhlLe beans - soak overnlghL, rlnse well and place ln 3-4 cups waLer and brlng
Lo Lhe boll. Slmmer for 1 hour,
C8 2 Cans whlLe beans, dralned
1 1bsp. Mary-Ann's veg sLock powder
1 Lsp. Mary-Ann's Carllc & Perb salL
2 1bsp. frucLose or 3 graLed apples
Slmmer wlLh lld off unLll mosL of waLer evaporaLed
Add 300ml chopped LomaLo and slmmer for a whlle longer
When beans sofL ready to serve.
NC1L: ?ou may have 1 cup of beans per meals, 2 cups lf you choose Lo exclude Lhe
lreezes well
Chili beans 230g 8ed beans - soak overnlghL, rlnse well and place ln 3-4 cups waLer and brlng Lo
Lhe boll. Slmmer for 1 hour
1 1bsp. Mary-Ann's veg sLock
1 Lsp. Mary-Ann's Carllc & Perb salL
2 1bsp. frucLose or 3 graLed apples
Slmmer wlLh lld off unLll mosL of waLer evaporaLed
Add 300ml LomaLo and slmmer a whlle longer
When beans sofL, add Lhe followlng:
1 leek and 1 red pepper flnely chopped and dry sLlr frled, wlLh 1-2 chllles
SLlr and serve wlLh fresh corlander
?ou may have 1 cup of bean aL each meal, 2 lf you exclude Lhe sLarch
lreezes well

WlLh any 1 of Lhe followlng carbohydraLes (sLarch):

(if you want to lose weight
faster you can leave these
carbohydrates out and add
an extra cup of salad or
neutral vegetables instead
1 medlum baked poLaLo
1 Cup rlce pasLa
x cup brown rlce
1 cup mllleL
1 cup qulnoa
x cup polenLa
1 med sweeL poLaLo
2-3 flax crackers
1 brown rlce or corn LorLlllas
2 sweeL corn on Lhe cob
3 cups dry popped popcorn wlLh any of our seasonlngs
2 cups vegeLable and lenLll soup or pea soup
Check ouL www.naLuralway.co.za for lngredlenLs and cooklng meLhods for Lhese
foods and reclpes.
Bedtime and any time - Aloe Blossom Tea

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