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Present Simple and Present Continuous

Circle the correct answer. 1. Dina ____________swimming in the summer. a. like b. dont like c. likes d. is liking

2. The Sun ______________ so brightly in the sky now. a. shines b. is shining c. shine d. are shining

3. Those girls _____________playing tennis in the yard. a. arent b. isnt c. dont d. doesnt

4. _______anybody know the road to the sea a. do b. is c. are d. does

!. "ow many apples __________there in the apple#tree a. does b. is c. are d. do

$. Sally usually ___________to the cinema once a month. a. is going b. goes c. go d. dont go

%. "e ne&er _______________basketball with 'hmed. a. doesnt play b. plays c. dont play d. isnt play

(. )ho ____________*nglish poems well in your class a. reads b. does read c. is read d. does reading

+. ,ob _________a-raid o- mice. a. are b. do c. is d. does

1.. )ho __________*nglish in your -amily a. do speak b. speaks c. is speaking d. dont speak

11. )hat time _____________it a. are b. does c. do d. is

12. /ariam ____________because she -ailed /ath e0am. a. cries b. is crying c. does cry d. is cries

13. )here ________1abio _________ a. do22li&es b. does c. does222 li&e d. do22li&e

14. "ow much _________it __________ a. do22costs b. does2..cost c. do22cost d. does22..costs

1!.)ho _____________sports in the mornings a. is doing b. do c. is do d. does

1$. /y -riends ______________lunch now. a. are ha&e b. are ha&e c. are ha&ing d. do ha&e

1%. 3eorge ____________many color-ul crayons. a. has b. ha&e c. is hasing d. is ha&ing

1(. 1ish _______________without water. a. isnt li&e b. doesnt li&e c. dont li&e d. isnt li&es

1+. )ho _________T4 in my room now a. is watching b. watches c. does watch d. is watches

2.. )hat _________you _______________tonight a. are2..does b. c. are22doing d.

21. ________your sister __________good marks at school

a. does2..has b. does22ha&e

c. is22ha&ing

d. is22.has

22. )ho ___________guitar at music lessons at your school a. plays b. does play c. do play d. are playing

23. )hat kind o- books ___________your brother __________to read a. is222like b. do22like c. does 22like d. does22likes

24. ' &ery big restaurant ____________on the right. 5an you see it a. are b. is c. does d. do

2!. 2222help your parents on weekends a. b. does222help c. are22helping d.

2$. "ow old _________'hmed a. is b. does c. has d. ha&e

2%. )hat time ___________6ony __________in the morning a. does2..get up b. does22gets up c. do22.gets d. do2..get

2(. /ary _______not doing her homework now. a. has b. is c. does d. do

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