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In Town Square

Chester Emma and Raj Chester Emma Chester

: Hay Emm, Hay Raj.. How are you?? : Hay Chester, Im fine.. How about you? : Im fine too thanks. What are you doing here? : We are just wa king around the town s!uare, and how about you?? : Im just ooking for some stuffs, Im star"ing be#ause I ha"ent got breakfast yet.

Raj Chester

: $ooh, How %ity you are, Is your other doesnt #ook any food? : &o, 'he does not. (y %arents went to )andung ast night. )y the way, Where is *aimin? I didnt see him for about a week.


: Ha"e you not heard about his #ase? He is in hos%ita right now. He got serious %rob ems with his hea th. He is an a #oho i#.


: What? +ou are joking me. I see that He has an i ness be#ause He ooks ike a bag of bones. )ut I sti dont be ie"e it.


: +eah, thats true Chester. *aimin is an a #oho i#, He was fainting in his room be#ause He o"erdosed a #oho i# drinks.

Emma Chester

: I heard that He is a so a bar f y. He a ways drunks e"ery night. : Im sad to hear that. *aimin is my best friend. He has many %rob ems in his ife and His fami y didnt #are anymore about him. ,here is bad b ood between *aimin and his fami y.

Emma Raj

: I a so know about that, that is a basket #ase. : +eah, I see.. I think he has to a%o ogi-e to his fami y and he #an ba#k to s!uare one after he #ome out from the hos%ita .

Chester Emma and Raj

: I ho%e too. I gotta go now. 'ee you ater.. : $k, see you..

13.4 Circle the correct word

.. ,he robber ga"e u% and %o i#e #aught them. ,he %o i#e #a ed the dogs of/off. 0. I think it is enough for today. I #a the time/time for tonight. 1. I dont think her % an wi work. It seems ike kind of a #an of worms/worms to me. 2. I thought making a rainbow #ake wou d be an easy job, but I just #ant ha#k/so "e it. 3. If you #ant get/take the .st base, you are ha"ing diffi#u ties starting this %roje#t. 4. In (ajor of (athemati#s, Chester #ant hand e/ho d a #and e to Emma. 5. I dont know that 6nna and *aijo was di"or#ed, but I know that their ife is #at and dog/mouse ife. 7. Im "ery tired this morning. I just need a #at s ee%/na%. 'o, do not disturb me8 9. :ohn is a s y bussinesmen, he a ways #ats i#k/bite the money to #orru%t. .;. ,his is my bussiness. <o not disturb me if you dont want to #at#h/get he .

The Owner of Inter Milan Football Club

(assimo (oratti is the owner of Inter (i an =ootba C ub. He has deep pockets be#ause he is a so a Chief E>e#uti"e $ffi#er ?CE$@ of 'aras '.%.6 ,a grou% that is engaged in the refining of %etro eum. He took o"er as the owner of Inter from Ernesto *e egrini in .993 where Inter #onsidered to be undera#hie"er. (any %eo% e #ritisi-e his eadershi%. He a ways make a dead wron de#ision,

es%e#ia y in transfer market. =or instan#e, He broke the wor d transfer fee re#ord in :u y. He s%ent for about A10 mi ion to %ur#hase Cristian Bieri ,a su%erstar % ayer, from Ca-io. Bieri % ayed we by s#oring 00 goa s in 03 games in the first season but he has fai ed to deli!er the oods in the ne>t season. 6s the most e>%ensi"e % ayer at that time, he fai ed to show his best abi ity. He was often getting injury during the ne>t season. ,he oya fans of Inter a ways said that (oratti was dicin with death buying an e>%ensi"e % ayer ike Bieri. ,hey said that it was wasting the money and it wou d be dangerous for the stabi ty of # ub finan#es. In o"era , he is a so the one of su##essfu Inter (i ans owner. He dedi#ated his ife for Inter. <uring the two de#ades under his eadershi%, Inter has # in#hed fi"e '#udetti/'erie 6, four Co%%a Ita ia ?0;;3, 0;;4, 0;.;, 0;..@, four 'u%er#o%%a Ita iana ?0;;3, 0;;4, 0;;7, 0;.;@, one DE=6 Cham%ions Ceague ?0;.;@, one =I=6 C ub Wor d Cu% ?0;.;@ and one DE=6 Cu% ?.997@. Inter won the '#udetto, the Co%%a Ita ia and the Cham%ions Ceague in the 0;.; season, to be#ome the first e"er team to a#hie"e the feat in Ita y.

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