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HISTORY OF NAUJAN The town of Naujan was established in 163 unde! a Ro"al de#!

ee issued b" $in% &hilli' of S'ain( &!io! to the a!!i)al of the S'ania!ds* t!a#es of an ea!lie! #i)ili+ation e,isted* as e)iden#ed b" the unea!thed a!tifa#ts of -hinese o!i%in datin% f!o. the Sun%* Yuan* and the /in% d"nasties in ba!an%a"s of 0ao and San Jose( This !einfo!#es the theo!" that the nati)es of Naujan we!e the -hinese du!in% those ea!l" "ea!s( Its na.e a##o!din% to le%end* #a.e f!o. the wo!d* 1nauhaw2* o! 1went thi!st"2( Still* the /an%"ans that a!e of .ala"an des#ent a!e 3nown to be the fi!st inhabitants and we!e just 'ushed to the inte!io! .ountanous a!ea due to the a!!i)al of -h!istian settle!s( The" #u!!entl" !eside in the !ese!)ation a!eas of 4a!an%a"s /etol+a* -abu!o* 4alite* &aitan* /a%tiba" and 4anuton( In the 15th #entu!"* a Re#olle#t '!iest built a #hu!#h in 4a!!io 4an#u!o with walls .ade of stone( This se!)ed as the house of wo!shi' and at the sa.e ti.e as a fo!t and a 'la#e of !efu%e a%ainst the /o!o in)ade!s( Howe)e! in 1678* the /o!os we!e able to #on9ue! the. and bu!ned the fo!t( In 16 6* the /o!o !aids #eased and the settle.ent was t!ansfe!!ed to /atandan% Naujan" 3nown as"an alon% the sea#oast( At that ti.e* the !ebellion a%ainst S'anish !ule sta!ted to b!ea3 out in /indo!o( Naujan has its on sha!e of !e)olutiona!ies( F!an#is#o /anala"sa" had his own insu!!e#tiona!" fo!#es a%ainst the S'ania!ds( -a'tain ;ale!iano <asi# was then the &!esidente del /uni#i'al of Naujan( He went unde!%!ound when the A.e!i#ans sta!ted to !ule /indo!o and de#la!ed hi. 1tulisan2( He was e)entuall" #a'tu!ed and was senten#ed to life i.'!ison.ent( This was late! #o..uted to fi)e "ea!s in e,ile in the island of -ulion* &alawan whe!e he died( The %ue!illa .o)e.ent a%ainst the Ja'anese O##u'ation was headed b" =steban 4elon#io* Feli, 4o9uio and <o.e!sindo 0ela To!!e( 0u!in% the /a!tial :aw "ea!s* Fathe! =d 0ela To!!e was the '!o.inent son of Naujan who a#ti)el" fou%ht the di#tato!shi'( On Janua!" 8* 1 >?* unde! A#t 176>* Naujan was !e#o%ni+ed as a full@'led%ed .uni#i'alit" while it bounda!ies we!e 'e!.anentl" established in 1 1


PHYSICAL ENVIRONMENT Geographical Location

Naujan, which has a total land area of 52,804.15 hectares, is located at the center of the eastern plains of the province of Oriental Mindoro. It is appro i!atel" #4 $ilo!eters fro! %alapan %it", the provincial capital, via the national hi&hwa". Naujan is 'ounded in the north '" %alapan %it", in the northwest '" the !unicipalit" of (aco, in the east '" part of the )erde Island *assa&e and +a'las ,trait, in the south '" the town of )ictoria, in the southeast '" the town of *ola and in the southwest '" the town of ,a'la"an, province of Occidental Mindoro. Naujan is the lar&est !unicipall" in Oriental Mindoro in ter!s of land area, accountin& for 12 percent of the province-s total land area.

+he topo&raph" of the !unicipalit" of Naujan is &enerall" 'road plain with ru&&ed !ountain. +he !ost pro!inent landfor!s are Mount Naujan with an elevation of 425 !eters, Mount +inan&isan with #08 !eters and .o!e /ill with 258 !eters.

Naujan falls under %li!atic +"pe III which is descri'ed as havin& no ver" pronounced !a i!u! rain period with a short dr" season lastin& fro! one to three !onths. 0reas of this t"pe are partl" shielded fro! the Northeast !onsoon.
Major Products

1ice, corn, coconut, coffee, 'lac$ pepper, cala!ansi, 'anana, ra!'utan, lan2ones, !an&o, papa"a, pineapple, po!elo, &uava, avocado, jac$fruit, starapple, santol, &u"a'ano, chico, tiesa, ve&eta'les, rootcrops, livestoc$, poultr", fish, etc.
Water Resources

Rivers, Creeks, and Springs ,everal rivers and strea!s cut across the 'road plain of Naujan. +he lon&est in the Ma&3asawan& +u'i&, which is a'out 45 $ilo!eters and traverses fro! ,an 0ndres, flowin& towards the coast in the northeastern side into ,an 0ntonio and 5strella (a". Other pro!inent rivers include the %atuiran 1iver 6(a&to7 and (uca"ao 1iver. (oth (uca"ao and Ma&3asawan& +u'i& are cate&ori2ed as %lass % '" the .epart!ent of 5nviron!ent and Natural 1esources 6.5N17. +he 'eneficial use of %lass % if or recreational and industrial uses as well as for the propa&ation and &rowth of fish and other a8uatic resources. Other rivers include .ulan&an, +i'an&lin, (ulwa&an, *ina&sa'an&an, Matandan& Naujan, %atuiran, *an&&alaan, Macatoc 6separatin& Naujan and )ictoria7 and (utas fro! which Naujan 9a$e flows out. %ree$s in the !unicipalit" include Mapalo, (a!'an&, Ma'ini and +a'an&. +here is one hot sprin& in *un&ao that e tends to (uloc3 'uloc (a" in (aran&a" Monte!a"or.
The Naujan Lake

+he Naujan la$e is considered as a *rotected 0rea and is classified as a national par$ '" virtue of *rocla!ation No. ##5 dated :anuar" 25, 14;8 6restorin& the la$e proper as part of the Naujan 9a$e

National *ar$7. +he !unicipalit" of Naujan, *ola, ,ocorro and )ictoria adjoin the Naujan 9a$e. +he 'oundaries covers appro i!atel" 8,125 hectares of open water, 1,#;# hectares of !arshland and 4,;<5 hectares of terrestial catch!ent or a total of 14,1;# hectares to&ether with the 20 $ilo!eters len&th of (utas 1iver. +he outflow river 6(utas7 for! part of the protected areas as its function is ver" vital in the !aintenance of the fish diversit" and productivit" of the la$e since it is the trans!i&rator" route of fishes fro! the la$e to the coastal areas.

=uarr"in& activities 6&ravel and sand7 are located alon& Ma&3 asawan& +u'i& 1iver in (aran&a"s ,to. Ni>o, 0piton&, ,ta. Maria, ,an Nicolas, +i&$an and (a&on& (uha". +hese are also underta$en alon& (a&to 1iver 6'aran&a" 0ran&in7 and .ulan&an 1iver 6'aran&a" Metol2a7. +he waterwa"s used for these activities are hi&hl" suscepti'le to erosion and siltation.

?eolo&icall", Naujan was once su'!er&ed '" shallow sea after last &lacial period. +his is reflected in, a!on& other thin&s, fossils of !arine life found inland in the !ountain slopes alon& the 'oarder with the !unicipal of *ola. +he pre3colonial histor" of Naujan unfolded when %hinese cera!ics and other o'jects 'elon&in& to the ,un& period. 6,un&, @uan and Min& d"nasties7 were e cavated in the 'aran&a"s of ,an :ose, .ao and ,itio (athala in 9a&una. It is fairl" certain that certain traded relations 'etween %hina and natives of Naujan, e isted over the "ears. Nao3/an&, as the earl" !issionaries called the place, was esta'lished '" the 0u&ustinians in 1;00 and one of the oldest towns in the *hilippines. +he first settle!ent was esta'lished apparentl" in 'aran&a" (ancuro, 9ater, as soon as it 'eco!e safe fro! Moro raids, settle!ents closer to the coastlines were esta'lished, nota'l" at Matandan& Naujan and 9u!an& (a"an. +he present Naujan

'eca!e a !unicipalit" on :anuar" 04, 1405 under 0ct No. 1280. Its 'oundaries were esta'lished per!anentl" in 1414. +he !an&"ans who are of Mala"an descent were the first inha'itants. +he" occupied the plains 'ut were pushed to the interior upon arrival of %hristian settlers. Now the" are !ostl" !ountain dwellers inha'itin& the slopes of Mount /alcon down to the &overn!ent reservation area in Metol2a. +hese tri'es are now settled in (aran&a"s %a'uro, (alite, *aitan, Ma&ti'a" and (anuton. ,u'se8uent political develop!ents were !ar$ed '" insurrection led '" Arancisco Manala"sa" a&ainst the ,paniards and %aptain )aleriano ?asic a&ainst the 0!ericans. +he &uerilla !ove!ent a&ainst the :apanese was headed '" 5ste'an (eloncio and ?o!ersindo dela +orre. Aather 5dicio dela +orre spearheaded the !ove!ent a&ainst irrelevant s"ste!s of the !odern societ".

Naujan at present, is a Airst3%lass !unicipalit", with all the a!enities of a town of its si2e. It has a !odern +own *la2a, a %onference %enter 6the (aha" +u$lasan7, a si2ea'le &"!nasiu! and a startin& +rac$ and Aield for its 'uddin& athletes. It also has a series of resorts alon& its lon& coastline, a welco!e presence for its people and visitors ali$e.


%arlos (asa, *residente Municipal :anuar" <, 140#3March 2<, 140# (onifacio 5vora, *residente Municipal March 28, 140#3Ma" 24, 140# 9eon ?aron&, *residente .el +ownship Ma" #0, 140#3Octo'er 15, 141; 0&ustin ?aron&, *residente Municipal Octo'er 1;, 141;3Octo'er 15, 1422 :ose 9. (asa, *residente Municipal Octo'er 1;, 14223.ece!'er #1, 142<

,antia&o ?aron&, Municipal *resident :anuar" 1, 14283.ece!'er #1, 14#4 *orfirio %o!ia, Municipal Ma"or :anuar" 1, 14#53.ece!'er #1, 1440 %irilo ,. ?a'a, Municipal Ma"or :anuar" 1, 14413.ece!'er #1, 1442 :0*0N5,5 O%%B*0+ION 61442314457 0&ustin ?aron&, Municipal Ma"or Aelicisi!o ?arin&, Municipal Ma"or Marciano 1oldan, 0ctin& Mun. Ma"or Ae'ruar" 28, 144;3March 10, 144; 0!'rosio 9. ,alva, 0ctin& Mun. Ma"or March 11, 144;3.ece!'er #1, 144; %irilo ,. ?a'a, Municipal Ma"or :anuar" 1, 144<C .ece!'er #1, 144< Marciano 1oldan, Municipal Ma"or :anuar" 1, 1448C .ece!'er #1, 1451 0!ando Mel&ar ,r., 0l$alde :anuar" 1, 1452C .ece!'er #1, 1454 *orfirio %o!ia, 0l$alde :anuar" 1, 14;0C .ece!'er #1, 14;2 Manuel Marcos, Municipal Ma"or :anuar" 1;, 14;2C .ece!'er #1, 14;< 0!ando Mel&ar ,r., Mun. Ma"or :anuar" 1, 14;8C March 21, 14<5 Manuel Marcos, Municipal Ma"or March 22, 14<5C March #1, 148; 1olando Mendo2a, OI% Mun. Ma"or 0pril 1, 148;C Nove!'er #0, 148< 0rnulfo (autista, M?OO3.I9? .ece!'er 1, 148;C .ece!'er <, 148; 0udel 0. 0ra&o, OI% Mun. Ma"or .ece!'er 8, 148<C Ae'ruar" 1, 1488 Nelson (. Mel&ar, Municipal Ma"or Ae'ruar" 2, 1488C :une #0, 144<

Nor'erto M. Mendo2a, Municipal Ma"or :ul" 1, 144<C :une #0, 200< 1o!ar ?. Marcos, Municipal Ma"or :ul" 1, 200<C :une 8, 2010 Dilson 0. )ira", Municipal Ma"or :une 4, 2010C :une #0, 2010 Maria Angeles C. Casubuan, Municipal Mayor, July 1, 2010-Presen Source: Naujan in Retrospect

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