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John G. Watson MT302 Organizational Behavior Unit Four: Case In i!ent " Frustrate! at #ge 30 Jul$ %& 200'

Frustrate! at #ge 30 ". #nal$ze Bo( using the Maslo) nee! hierar h$* This )ee+,s ase overing Bo( is a great e-a./le o0 the .an$ /eo/le )ho are e-/erien ing the ver$ sa.e li0est$le hanges he has gone through. For e-a./le& here )e )ill (e !is ussing ho) (o( a0ter gra!uating 0ro. ollege in "''1 resi!e! in a great areer earning 230&000 /er $ear an! !ue to ho) the .an$ hanges that are ta+ing /la e in the )or+0or e throughout #.eri a no) earns 2%%&000 /er $ear. In a!!ition& ho) the hanges Bo( e-/erien e! is in relations )ith Maslo),s hierar h$ nee!s. The .eaning o0 hierar h$ o0 nee!s theor$ sa$,s that a hierar h$ o0 0ive nee!s e-ist su h that as ea h nee! is su(stantiall$ satis0ie!& the ne-t nee! (e !o.inant 45o((ins 6 Ju!ge& 2007 /."378. In the ase )ith Bo(& he starte! out great in li0e 0ul0illing his ollege nee!s& 0in!ing a great 9o( an! (eing in a great areer an! 0ul0illing his se urit$ nee!s thin+ing he )as going to retire ($ the age o0 0ort$. Through this& he rea he! )hat Maslo) alls sel0:a tualization in )hi h he a hieve! the !rive to (e o.e )hat he )as a/a(le o0& gro)ing& a hieving his /otential& an! having sel0:0ul0ill.ent 45o((ins 6 Ju!ge& 2007 /.2"78. ;i+e late (loo.ers in li0e )ho gra!uate! in their late thirties an! earl$ 0orties& I .$sel0 unli+e Bo( have sustaine! the lo)er or!er o0 Maslo),s hierar h$ o0 /h$siologi al nee!s throughout .$ earl$ /art in li0e learning ho) to a//re iate an! (e grati0ie! )ithin )ith the s.all things in li0e that reall$ .atters.

<ue to the in li0e o0 0ul0illing ea h o0 Bo(,s hierar h$ nee!s in )hi h he !i! not have to struggle an! learn the survival to s+ills to .a+e en! .eet& I 0eel it is )hat ause! Bo( to 0eel 0rustrate!. This .a$ have lessene! his sel0:estee. )hen so ieties e ono.i an! 9o( loss se urit$ vanishe! in )hi h he no) earns 2%%&000 /er $ear an! have !e(ts to /a$ o00 an! is /ressure! to (u$ a ho.e& settle !o)n an! get .arrie!.

2. #nal$ze Bo(=s la + o0 .otivation using organizational 9usti e an! e-/e tan $ theor$. B$ loo+ing at Bo(=s la + o0 .otivation 0ro. his areer turning events )e .a$ anal$ze )here it .a$ have ste. 0ro.:0ro. an organizational 9usti e an! the e-/e tan $ theor$ stan!/oint. There are three 9usti es in organizational 9usti e an! the$ are .ulti!i.ensional. The$ are !istri(utive& /ro e!ural& an! intera tional. #s )e /ro ee! to un!erstan! the .eaning o0 organizational 9usti e& )hi h is )hat is 0air in the )or+/la e an! resi!es in the /er e/tion o0 the /erson. We are a(le to onne t Bo(=s /er e/tion 0ro. a !istri(utive 9usti e stan!/oint resi!ing in the 0a t that he )ent 0ro. earning 230&000 /er $ear to 2%%&000 an! as he lai.s& >?e .a$ never earn 230&000 again until 20 $ears 0ro. no) 45o((ins 6 Ju!ge& 2007 /.2"78.@ To Bo( or 0or an$one else 0or that .atter this situation is an ineAuit$ in )hi h their (eing un!er re)ar!e! 0or their Auali0i ations an! s+ills. Bo(=s ineAuit$ also 0ro. o./aring hi.sel0 to the %0 .illion #.eri an )hose /ea+ earning are (ehin! the. an! his 0ather. #s the ase lai.s Bo( states& >The rules have hange! an! the generation Ber=s is getting hit har! 45o((ins 6 Ju!ge& 2007 /.2"78.@ I0 )e are to /ro ee! to un!erstan! the se on! ele.ent o0 9usti e >/ro e!ural@ in )hi h is to un!erstan! the

/ro ess use! to !eter.ine an out o.e:Bo( e-/lains& >I=. 0rustrate!. I 0eel li+e .$ generation got a (a! !eal. We initiall$ got great 9o(s )ith unrealisti all$ high /a$. I a!.itC )e )ere s/oile! 45o((ins 6 Ju!ge& 2007 /.2"78.@ Din e& there are no s/e i0i s in the ase as to )h$ Bo( )ith!re) 0ro. his 9o( o0 )h$ he earns hal0 o0 his usual in o.e. I an onl$ assu.e it is !ue to !o)nsizing an! the urrent restru turing o0 our )or+0or e in #.eri a an! this is a 0a tor o0 Bo(=s la + o0 .otivation. #lthough there are& less evi!en e o0 intera tional 9usti e Bo( goes on to lai.& >We have no 9o( se urit$& the o./etition 0or 9o(s o.(ine! )ith /ressures ($ (usiness to +ee/ ost !o)n .ean a 0uture )ith .ini.u. raises 45o((ins 6 Ju!ge& 2007 /. 2"78.@ Bo( is .ore un.otivate! (e ause he /er eives his situation su h that the o./anies he )or+s 0or treats hi. )ith no !ignit$& on ern or res/e t. ?e 0eels as the ase soun!s that )hether the (la.e is e-ternall$ or internall$ it is un0air (e ause he gra!uate! at a goo! ti.e& ha! a great 9o( title& !rives a Euro/ean s/orts ar& an! )as ver$ o/ti.isti a(out his 0uture. Fo) his la + o0 .otivation is ausing hi. to )orr$ a(out /a$ing his (ills& to settle !o)n an! .arr$& an! to (u$ a ho.e. On the other han!& i0 Bo( a e/te! an! e.(ra e! Gi tor Groo.=s e-/e tan $ theor$ he )oul! (e a(le to hange the out o.e o0 all o0 his situations an! events that are o urring in his areer as )ell as his /ersonal li0e. E-/e tan $ theor$ .u h li+e sel0 /ro/hes$ )hi h one re eives an out o.e through the (elie0 that the$ are alrea!$ re eiving it& relies on the strength o0 one,s e00ort / e in )hi h sa$ Bo( 0or e-a./le& .a$ e-ert so.e a.ount o0 e00ort )ith the /ro(a(ilit$ that )ill lea! to / e. This in return lea!s to a re)ar! relationshi/ in )hi h sa$ Bo( )oul! (elieve that / at a ertain level )oul! lea! to a !esire!

out o.e. In the en!& this re)ar! lea!s to a /ersonal goal relationshi/ that satis0ies sa$ Bo(=s /ersonal goals or nee!s 45o((ins 6 Ju!ge& 2007 /.2038. Through the a//li ation o0 goal setting& using e-/e tan $ theor$& an! sel0 /ro/hes$& Bo( an li0e hi.sel0 u/ an! (e o/ti.isti on e again an! (egin to attra t an! reate the li0est$le he on e ha! or (etter.

3. I0 $ou )ere Bo(=s (oss& )hat .otivation*

oul! $ou !o to /ositivel$ in0luen e his

I0 I )ere Bo(=s (oss I )oul! get to +no) hi. .ore /ersonall$ to 0in! out an$ goals he has in the o./an$& a little a(out his /ersonal li0e li+e his$ li0e. I )oul! o(serve his /otential an! s+ills .ore losel$ that an (ene0it the o./an$. I )oul! have to .a+e sure that I i./le.ent the e-/e tan $ theor$ an! 0ollo) through )ith all the e./lo$ees I .anage so the$ an ontinue to e- el an! 0eel a//re iate! 0or the )or+ that the$ !o. This an .otivate hi. to !o e- ellent )or+ (e ause i0 there are o/enings 0or a!van e.ents he oul! (e a goo! an!i!ate i0 he is .otivate!& the !rive to su ee!& the Auali0i ation& an! the s+ills. I )oul! reassure Bo( as )ell as other e./lo$ees ($ having (rie0 .eetings !uring the )ee+ on ho) the o./an$ is !oing an! ho) i./ortant their /arti i/ation in the o./anies /rogra.s are ontri(uting to the great su essH!isa//oint.ents o0 the

o./an$ as to .otivate hi. to ontinue to !o great or (etter. #s a .anager& I )oul! /rovi!e Bo( )ith 0ee!(a + so he .a$ +no) ho) the )or+ he !oes ea h !a$ is (ene0iting the usto.ers. I )oul! i./le.ent /ro e!ure 9usti e ($ /rovi!ing /ro ess ontrol& e-/lanations& an! /rovi!e hi. lear reasons as to

)h$ he is re eiving the re)ar!. I0 the o./an$ annot /rovi!e Bo( a raise or a su(stantial one& I )oul! use reative re)ar!s 0or / e li+e reate ontests& give out ti +ets& as the$ .a$ (e earn unli.ite!l$ )hen I a +no)le!ge hi. 0or his goo! / e.

%. What are the i./li ations o0 this ase 0or e./lo$ers hiring Generation Bers* The i./li ation this ase suggest o0 hiring Generation Bers& is that even though the$ have a ollege !egree e./lo$ers )oul! have to let the. +no) the$ are in

o./etition 0or their 9o(s an! that the$ .a$ onl$ get /ai! hal0 o0 )hat the$ )ere /ai! $ears ago 45o((ins 6 Ju!ge& 2007 /.2"78. It has to (e out in the o/en to the Generation Bers that there is no 9o( se urit$ !ue to (usinesses tr$ing to +ee/ osts !o)n an! the$ )ill /ro(a(l$ re eive onl$

.ini.u. 0uture raises in salaries 45o((ins 6 Ju!ge& 2007 /.2"78.

7 5e0eren es

5o((ins& D.I.& 6 Ju!ge& T.#. 420078. Organizational Behavior4"2th. e!.8.Irenti e ?all.

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