Curriculum Vitae Vance

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Curriculum Vitae for V

ance Stevens

Experienced as Lecturer in ESL & Computing CALL Coordinator & Consultant (Computer-Assisted Language Learning) Teacher Coordinator / Specialist in eLearning / Educational Technology Independent and Networked Learning / Teacher Training & Professional Development P.O. Box: 41637, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates Mobile: (+971) 50-614-3987 / email: vancestev @ Portals:;;

I like to teach and learn in an atmosphere which encourages an understanding of how the most appropriate affordances of technology can enable effective pedagogy. I have a strong background in teaching English as a second and foreign language and recognized expertise in educational technology, including research and many publications and presentations on innovations in CALL and social networking. I have a proven track record in the coordination and implementation of educational technology projects, in leadership of online communities of practice, and in teacher training for instructional technology. I see myself as a teacher, coordinator, manager, or part of a team of teachers, trainers, coaches, or developers helping to implement transformative changes in educational practices within an institution of higher learning.

MA/ESL, U. of Hawaii at Manoa, thesis research in computer-assisted language learning (B.S. in Biology, University of Houston, Main Campus)

Work Experience
2012 to present Initially teacher trainer with focus on Independent Learning Center, then EFL instructor for IELTS, HCT Al Ain Mens College / PACE at KBZAC (Aviation College) 2011 to 2012 EFL instructor and English teaching faculty coordinator working for Higher Colleges of Technology, Abu Dhabi Mens College, CERT, at UAE Naval College. I developed and taught courses in academic writing, and academic presentation as well as IELTS in 1 to 1 laptop context 2003-2011 - Lecturer of Computing at Petroleum Institute in Abu Dhabi Taught and developed curriculum for MS Office, Visual BASIC, HTML, & collaboration tools e.g. Google Docs, Delicious) 1997- 2003 - CALL Coordinator for the Amideast UAE/MLI Project in Abu Dhabi, UAE coordinator and consultant in contract to design technology-based language center, labs, learning resources center, trained teachers to function in this environment, and facilitate their training each other 1995-1997 - Director of ESL Software Design, Courseware Publishing International in Cupertino, California designed & developed ESL courseware using Authorware and speech recognition 1985-1995 - Lecturer of ESL / Coordinator for CALL and Self- Access Learning, Sultan Qaboos Univ. Language Centre - duties included setting up learning labs and self access resource center, teaching ESL, managing CALL facilities, and developing courseware 1983-1985 - Instructor and academic designer, Institute of English Studies, Hawaii Preparatory Academy, Kamuela, Hawaii, USA - established and ran IES including creating curriculum for secondary level ESL students, implemented CALL facility, including creation of courseware 1981-1982 Graduate teaching assistant teaching ESL skills courses and ESL Methodology at University of Hawaii, Manoa, while pursuing MA studies, conducted research in CALL 1976-1981 Lecturer of EFL at University of Petroleum and Minerals. Headed a team of teachers to implement the first mainframe-based CALL tutorials in the Language Center at UPM.

This version updated April 27, 2013

Curriculum Vitae for V

ance Stevens

In addition to 20 years experience teaching all levels and skills in various EFL and ESL contexts: LMS/CMS Scripting Multimedia Web sites Webcasting various sound, Moodle BASIC and Maintain several Elluminate image and video Blackboard Authorware HTML websites, Adobe Connect I have editors; e.g.: Nicenet blogs, wikis, WiZiQ Desire to Learn taught: Sound Forge, podcasts, other Google+ Hangout DIYLMS HTML/CSS photoediting; social networking Webcast experience with Real Producer, Wiki portals Visual podcasting portals I have taught: BASIC Hot Potatoes MS Encoder, Skype, (in Excel, Windows Movie Simplecast, Nicecast, macros) Maker, Audacity streaming Hangouts General knowledge of issues in Instructional Technology and ability to keep abreast documented at blog e-porfolio (listing of podcast and other blog sites) at

Services to Profession
1. Vice president, Executive Committee APACALL (Asia-Pacific Assoc. for CALL)
2. On the Internet editor of the TESL-EJ (Electric Online Journal) 3. E-Sphere section editor of Writing and Pedagogy 4. I also serve or have served on editorial and review boards of a. CALICO Journal b. Computer Assisted Language Learning (CALL-Journal) c. International Journal of Pedagogies and Learning d. Teaching English with Technology e. TESOL Quarterly 1985-1988 5. Currently on the TESOL Arabia EdTech SIG Leadership team 6. 1998-present - Founder and coordinator of robust, long-time community of practice Webheads in Action at

Experience in Teacher Training:

I regularly make presentations in the form of plenary and keynote addresses, papers, panel discussions, teacher training workshops and courses for peers at professional conferences and seminars worldwide both face-to-face and online. Most recent efforts are: 2011-12 Researched effectiveness of academic communication course I developed at UAE Naval College, trained teachers at KBZAC, Al Ain in techniques employed, researched outcome; documented results in proceedings of HCT eLearning in Action Sharjah
2009-ongoing coordinate weekly online professional development seminar at archives: 2006-ongoing - On coordinating team of TESOL-sponsored Electronic Village Online (EVO), annual 5 to 6-week free online teacher training session; mine include courses on forming communities of practice, webpresence, webcasting, Multiliteracies, and MOOCs 2004-2011 Several times facilitated 6-week courses in Multiliteracies for Social Networking and Collaborative Learning Environments.for the TESOL Principles and Practices of Online Teaching program and for EVO, archived at I designed and taught courses as part of the Petroleum Institute AUP Computing professional development and community outreach program for teachers, students, and staff at the PI 21st Century Skills for Professional Development Online Enhancing Student Performance and Professional Development Online Full info at
This version updated April 27, 2013

Curriculum Vitae for V

ance Stevens

I am a native speaker of English, married, with two grown children. I have traveled widely and can communicate in several languages. I like hiking and camping, I run regularly, have run full / half marathons. I am a PADI scuba diving instructor on active status since 1993. Languages spoken: English (native) French (advanced), Arabic (intermediate), Spanish (false beginner), German (false beginner)

References available on request, and can include supervisors in my present workplace For additional information, search for "Vance Stevens" in Web search engines; e.g. Google

Books and Articles

I have authored or contributed to over 90 articles, book chapters, and edited works, all seeking to validate the benefits of using technology in education and language learning. My most recent publications in the past 5 years are: Stevens, V. (2013). What's with the MOOCs? TESL-EJ, Volume 16, Number 4, pp. 1-14: Also available at: Stevens, V. (2012). Learning2gether: Wiki-based worldwide teacher professional development.In Davidson, P., Al-Hamly, M. Coombe, C., Troudi, S, and Gunn, C. (Eds.) 18th TESOL Arabia Conference Proceedings: Achieving Excellence through Life Skills Education. Stevens, V. (2012). DIYLMS: Learner-centered Do-it-yourself Learning Management System. In Dowling, S., Gunn, C., Raven, J., Gitsaki, C. (Eds.). Opening up Learning: HCT Educational Technology Series. HCT Press: Abu Dhabi; ISBN 978-9948-16-864-5), pp.103-112. Available: DIYLMS is on pp.0-11; available: Yilmaz, B, and Stevens, V. (2012). Webheads in Action: A community of practice scaffolding multiliteracies skills in teacher professional development. Writing & Pedagogy 4,1:135146. Adams, S., Montagne, M., Rodriguez, J. and Stevens, V. (2012). Collaborative Learning for Teachers and Students: Earth Day and Earthbridges. TESL-EJ, Volume 16, Number 1, pp. 114: Also available at Stevens, V. (2012). Turning a 3-hour Face-to-Face Seminar into an Opportunity for Extended Online Blended Learning. ELTAF Newsletter 16, Spring 2012, pages 16-21. Available: Stevens, Vance. (2012). Learner-centered Do-it-yourself Learning Management Systems. TESLEJ, Volume 15, Number 4, pp. 1-14: Also at Aiden Yeh, Sandra Rogers, Heike Philp, Kalyan Chattopadhyay, Carla Arena & Vance Stevens. (2011). The Electronic Village Online Provides Free Professional Development Annually. TESOL Italy Newsletter.Vol XXI, No. 3, June-July 2011; pp.0-10. Stevens, Vance. (2011). Writing in a Multiliterate Flat World, Part II: Finding Audiences through Tagging and Aggregation. Writing & Pedagogy, Vol. 3.1, pp.153-168. Stevens, Vance. (2011). Transforming Learning with Creative Technogogy: Achieving the Aha! Moment. TESL-EJ, Volume 14, Number 4, pp.1-9: Stevens, Vance. (2010). The Ning Thing. TESL-EJ, Volume 14, Number 1:; pdf:

This version updated April 27, 2013

Curriculum Vitae for V

ance Stevens

Stevens, Vance. (2010). Writing in a multiliterate flat world, Part I. Multiliterate approaches to writing and collaboration through social networking. Writing & Pedagogy, Vol. 2.1, pp.117131. Stevens, Vance. (2010). Shifting sands, shifting paradigms: Challenges to developing 21st century learning skills in the United Arab Emirates. Chapter 20 in Egbert, J. (2010). CALL in Limited Technology Contexts, CALICO Monograph Series, Volume 9. pp.227-239. Stevens, Vance. (2010). Webheads and Distributed Communities of Practice. Global Neighbors: Newsletter of TESOL's English as a Foreign Language Interest Section, EFLIS News March 2010 Volume 9 Number 1: Stevens, V. (2010). How can teachers deal with technology overload: Reader response to Allan, J. (2009). Are language teachers suffering from technology overload? TESOL Arabia Perspectives 16(2), 22-23.TESOL Arabia Perspectives 17(1), 22-23. Stevens, Vance. (2009). Modeling Social Media in Groups, Communities, and Networks. TESLEJ, Volume 13, Number 3: Stevens, Vance. (2009). Writing in the eSphere: Where Connectivity and Literacy Collide. Writing & Pedagogy, Vol.1 #1. pp.125-130. Stevens, Vance. (2009 July 15). Engaging Collaborative Writing through Social Networking. In Koyama, Toshiko; Noguchi, Judy; Yoshinari,Yuichiro; and Iwasaki, Akio (Eds.). Proceedings of the WorldCALL 2008 Conference. The Japan Association for Language Education and Technology (LET). ISBN: 978-4-9904807-0-7, pp.68-71. Stevens, Vance. (2009). Life-long learner autonomy meets Electronic Village Online. TESOL Arabia Learner Independence Special Interest Group, Conference Newsletter 2009, p.9. Akayoglu, S., Altun, A., & Stevens, V. (2009). Social presence in synchronous textbased computer-mediated communication. Egitim Arastirmalari - Eurasian Journal of Educational Research, 34, 1-16. Stevens, Vance, and Gavin Dudeney. (2009). Online Conferences and Teacher Professional Development: SLanguages and WiAOC 2009. TESL-EJ, Volume 13, Number 1:; also, Seferoglu, Glge, and Stevens, Vance (Eds.). (2009). Current Issues and Future Trends in Computer-Assisted Language Learning and Teaching. Special issue of EJER (Egitim Arastirmalari-Eurasian Journal of Educational Research, Vol.9: Issue 34). Ankara: Ani Yayincilik Egitim Arashrmalan. Stevens, Vance. (2008). Trial by Twitter: The rise and slide of the year's most viral microblogging platform. TESL-EJ, Volume 12, Number 1:; also Stevens, Vance. (2008). Class of the future: Language learners can now meet up with native speakers in their home country, without leaving their computers. Vance Stevens enters the virtual world of Second Life. The Linguist (June/July), pp. 18-20. Available: Stevens, Vance, Nelba Quintana, Rita Zeinstejer, Saa Sirk, Doris Molero & Carla Arena. (2008). Writingmatrix: Connecting Students with Blogs, Tags, and Social Networking. In Stevens, Vance & Elizabeth Hanson-Smith, Co-editors. (2008). Special Feature: Proceedings of the Webheads in Action Online Convergence, 2007. TESL-EJ, Volume 11, Number 4: Stevens, Vance & Elizabeth Hanson-Smith, Co-editors. (2008). Special Feature: Proceedings of the Webheads in Action Online Convergence, 2007. TESL-EJ, Volume 11, Number 4: The complete listing of all my publications and presentations is at
This version updated April 27, 2013

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