Childhood Obesity

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The prevalence of childhood obesi ! has been increasin"l! #nan icipa ed $orld$ide% &an! researches have associa ed childhood obesi ! o fas foods' h#s in a(e of fr#i s and ve"e ables has been on he do$n rend beca#se he!)re e*pensive' elevision vie$in"' less ph!sical ac ivi ! and en"a"in" +ore o hi"h echnolo"! "ad"e s ha children #se $hile si in" also (no$n as ,co#ch po a o lifes !le-' overea in" or bin"e ea in"' and he +os con roversial is paren al ne"li"ence% Paren s in he ./s cen #r! have a b#sier $or( sched#le han before% T!picall!' +o hers' for ins ance' s a!ed ho+e preparin" ho+e coo(ed food and a(in" care of he children a ho+e% A fa her' he! sa!' brin"s ho+e he bacon% 0# as of oda!' bo h paren s' beca#se of he de+ands and needs of he fa+il!' he! $or( o s#s ain he de+ands of heir children $i hin he socie !% Paren s provide heir children ins an foods $i h fe$er n# rien s' "ive $an s of heir children o reciproca e heir absence% 1one are he da!s $hen $e as (ids $ere able o r#n aro#nd' cli+b rees' s$i+ rivers' ca ch dra"onflies' pla! "a+es li(e , patentero, taguan' a"' 2#+pin" rope' chinese "ar er' e c%- 3isi in" $i h "randparen s and han"in" o# $i h friends' $i h nar! a ho#"h abo# child +oles ers in o#r +ids % Those da!s are "one' ha 4s $h! oda!4s children are no as ac ive or as adven #ro#s as $e $ere beca#se of hese hin"s% Thro#"h a hle ic co+pe i ions and o her school ac ivi ies' o#r children are a#"h life chan"in" s(ills ha he! $ill #se in heir ad#l hood% I find ha he children no$ are hi"hl!

in elli"en and ver! adep in echnolo"!% A $o !ear old can s#rf he ne and pla! "a+es even $i ho# ins r#c ions fro+ ad#l s% The! +i"h lac( o# in ph!sical ac ivi ies li(e $e #sed o do b# he! are in ellec #all! "if ed in +ore $a!s han $e $ere a heir a"e% Ta(e he i+e o al( o a (id and !o# $ill be as onished ho$ +a #re he5she so#nds% This s #d! has ca#"h +! co"ni6ance for so+e reasons ha have affec ed +e as a paren and as a researcher% I +a! provide #s +ore insi"h s on $ha obesi ! and o her ea in" disorders are% I is for paren s4 (no$led"e on ho$ o deal $i h he s rains of life per ainin" o develop+en al iss#es on children% This +a! enli"h en ever! individ#als he effec of fas foods and ha ho+e7coo(ed foods are +ore n# ri io#s% This $o#ld also help #s reali6e ha childhood obesi ! can lead o +#l iple heal h ris(s s#ch as blood press#re proble+s' respira or! abnor+ali ies' d!slipidae+ia' and dis #rbances of "l#cose +e abolis+' and his iss#e sho#ld no be disre"arded b! he paren s' care"ivers' food prod#cers and especiall! he "overn+en % For so+e par ic#lar

concerns' i +a! help i+prove one4s seden ar! lifes !le in o a +ore prod#c ive and ener"e ic one' ha involves he bondin" of paren 7child rela ionship and +a(e i s ron"er% 8i h a rapid increase of childhood obesi ! in he $orld' his sho#ld ca ch he a en ion of all he heal h specialis s li(e he n# ri ionis s' he die icians' he

develop+en al and behavio#ral paedia ricians and of co#rse +os

ha sho#ld be

concerned are he paren s he+selves% Paren s sho#ld be +ore a$are and preca# io#s on he food in a(e of heir children% 0o h food in a(e and ac ivi ! in !o#n" children are s ron"l! infl#enced b! paren s% 0e of "ood e*a+ple on heir ea in" habi s as his $o#ld con rib# e o he children4s $ell7bein" and "ood heal h habi s%

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