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Based on Thye Wedding Dance Act 1 Scene 1: Background: painted mountain backdrop props: water jar(gusi),firewoods( bund!

es),kayabang,sangi,cup out of coconut she!! Background music:f!ute "#ady p!aying f!ute(right part of the stage)(spot!ight on her) #umnay wi!! pass behind her$ "#umnay (spot!ight wi!! fo!!ow her) is carrying the jar of water when she passed by %wiyao resting$ #umnay shy!y spoke to %wiyao$ "&usic wi!! tone down$ Brighten the !ight(no co!or) Lumnay: mayat ay agew mo' (ou !ook tired$ Wou!d you !ike to drink some water)(knee!s and gi*e %wiyao water) "%wiyao took the water and drank it$ Awiyao: Thank you for the water$ +t is sure!y refreshing$ (awkward!y ask),ow about you) Do you need some firewoods) #umnay: +-m fine$ .an + get some of your firewoods then) We needed it much$ "%wiyao wi!! fi/ a bund!e of firewoods and set it to her basket$ Awiyao: (whi!e bund!ing the firewoods) (whi!e !umnay wi!! carry the basket and about tto !ea*e)may + ask your name) "!umnay wi!! turn back$ Lumnay:#umnay$ &y name is #umnay$ The daughter of #angcao Awiyao: (ou ca!! me %wiyao$(ga0ing at her eyes, #umnay smi!es shy!y) "They stared at each other$(free0e) Music/Song Number: +tettem ta humgopak Tete ehton nakakto!ak %n na!po nidadawi 1idadawi dawin bob!e +tettem (2/) ino Background narration by %wiyao: .ou!d it be her) The woman + waited a!! my !ife) Background narration by #umnay: 3abunyan, +s he the man for me) Music/Song Number: +tettem ta humgopak Tete ehton nakakto!ak %n na!po nidadawi 1idadawi dawin bob!e +tettem (2/) ino

Awiyao:+t is a!most noon$ + must !ea*e so that + may return to the *i!!age before the night fa!!s$ + do, howe*er, promise you, that + wi!! return$ %nd when + do, + sha!! throw my spear in the stair of your house$ Lumnay:+ wi!! be waiting for your return, %wiyao$ + wi!! be waiting$ "Both wi!! e/it, %wiyao wi!! go right and #umnay wi!! e/it !eft$4 steps !ast g!ace the e/it$#ight goes off$ Approx: 6 min Scene 2: 5rops:6angsa, "!ights off 5rops man wi!! put the bonfire on the midd!e of the stage then turn the !ights(of the bonfire on)$ "Dancers wi!! enter from both sides of the stage(4 dancers,2 gong p!ayers) must ha*e syncroni0e steps$ "!ights on (red) "when the dancers shouts (music wi!! change to faster pace)%wiyao and #umnay wi!! come out of the stage meeting at the midd!e and wi!! do the .ourt Dance$ "&usic wi!! tone down but the dancing continues$ "whi!e dancing they must stare at each others eye$ B1B#: + promise to !o*e you with a!! my !ife$ B1B%: and + promise to be a good husband to you$ + !o*e you$ 7*eryone e/its$ !ight goes off Approx: 5 min Act 2 Scene 1 5rops: bonfire, cooking pots, mortar and pest!e &usic: nan !ayad nan!ikatan "interpretati*e dance "#umnay in the dark corner, %wiyao on spot!ight$ Awiyao: +8m sorry this had to be done$ + am rea!!y sorry$ But neither of us can he!p it$ "pause Awiyao: Why don-t you go out and join the dancing women) "pause Awiyao: (ou shou!d join the dancers, as if9as if nothing happened$ ",e !ooked at the woman hudd!ed in a corner of the room$ %wiyao: 6o out9go out and dance$ +f you rea!!y don-t hate me for the separation, go out and dance$ :ne of the men wi!! see you dance we!!, he wi!! !ike your dancing; he wi!! marry you$ Who knows but that, with him, you wi!! be !uckier than you were with me) Lumnay: + don-t want any man$ + don-t want any other man$(s!ight mo*ement$

"deep sigh Awiyao: (ou know *ery we!! that + don-t want any other woman, either$ (ou know that, don-t you) #umnay, you know it, don-t you) "si!ence Awiyao: (ou know it, #umnay, don-t you) "pause Lumnay: (es, + know$ %wiyao: +t is not my fau!t$ (ou cannot b!ame me; + ha*e been a good husband to you$ "pause Lumnay: 1either can you b!ame me$ %wiyao: (ou, you ha*e been *ery good to me$ (ou ha*e been a good wife$ + ha*e nothing to say against you$ ",e set some of the burning wood in p!ace$ Awiyao: +t-s on!y that a man must ha*e a chi!d$ <e*en har*ests are just too !ong to wait$ (es, we ha*e waited !ong$ We shou!d ha*e another chance, before it is too !ate for both of us$ "This time, the woman stirred, stretched her right !eg out and bent her !eft !eg in (profi!e)$ (!ight brightens)<he wound the b!anket more snugg!y around herse!f$ Lumnay: (ou know that + ha*e done my best$ + ha*e prayed to 3abunyan much$ + ha*e sacrificed many chickens in my prayers$ Awiyao: (es, + know$ Lumnay: (ou remember how angry you were once when you came home from your work in the terrace because + butchered one of our pigs without your permission) + did it to appease 3abunyan, because, !ike you, + wanted so much to ha*e a chi!d$ But what cou!d + do) Awiyao: 3abuniyan does not see fit for us to ha*e a chi!d$ ",e stirred the fire$ The sparks rose through the crack!es of the f!ames$ The smoke and soot went up to the cei!ing$ "#umnay !ooked down and unconscious!y started to pu!! at the rattan that kept the sp!it bamboo f!ooring in p!ace$ <he tugged at the rattan f!ooring$ 7ach time she did this, the sp!it bamboo went up and came down with a s!ight ratt!e$ The gongs of the dancers c!amorous!y ca!!ed in her ears through the wa!!s$ "%wiyao went to the corner where #umnay sat, paused before her, !ooked at her bron0ed and sturdy face, then turned to where the jars of water stood, pi!ed one o*er the other$ %wiyao took a coconut cup and dipped it in the top jar and drank$ #umnay had fi!!ed the jars from the mountain creek ear!y that e*ening$ Awiyao: =seated> + came home because + did not find you among the dancers$ :f course, + am not forcing you to come, if you don-t want to join my wedding ceremony$ + came to te!! you that &adu!imay, a!though + am marrying her, can ne*er become as good as you are$ <he is not as strong in p!anting beans, not as fast in c!eaning water jars, not as good in keeping a house c!ean$ (ou are one of the best wi*es in the who!e *i!!age$ "pause Lumnay: That has not done me any good, has it) ",e !ooked at him !o*ing!y$ <he a!most seemed to smi!e$ ",e put the coconut cup aside on the f!oor and came c!oser to her$ ,e he!d her face between his hands and !ooked !onging!y at her face$ BNBA: (ou wi!! not be mine anymore$(he !ets go of her face) 1ow you ha*e to go back to your parents$

"#umnay is sti!! p!aying with the mat$ Awiyao: This house is yours$ + bui!t it for you$ &ake it your own$ #i*e in it as !ong as you wish$ + wi!! bui!d another house for &adu!imay$ "pause "#umany is in feta! position but sti!! seated whi!e %wiyao is knee!ing in front of her$ Lumnay: + ha*e no need for a house$ +-!! go to my own house$ &y parents are o!d$ They wi!! need he!p in the p!anting of the beans, in the pounding of the rice$ Awiyao: + wi!! gi*e you the fie!d that + dug out of the mountain during the first year of our marriage$ (ou know + did it for you$ (ou he!ped me to make it for the two of us$ Lumnay: + ha*e no use for any fie!d$ ",e !ooked at her, then stand and turned away and became si!ent$ They were si!ent for a !ong time$(?@ seconds) <ound:sound of gong( court dance sound)(4 seconds) the sound wi!! s!owy tone down$ Lumnay: 6o back to the dance$ +t is not right for you to be here$ They wi!! wonder where you are, and &adu!imay wi!! not fee! good$ 6o back to the dance$ Awiyao: + wou!d fee! better if you cou!d come and dance9for the !ast time$ <ound:Thegangsas will play again.(5 sec) then off Lumnay: (ou know + cannot$ "%wiyao wi!! face !umnay and s!ow!y knee!s down Awiyao:(ho!d her hands) #umnay, #umnay, if + did this, it is because of my need for a chi!d$ (ou know that !ife is not worth !i*ing without a chi!d$ They ha*e mocked me behind my back$ (ou know that$ Lumnay:(takes her hand from awiyaos grip) + know it$ + wi!! pray that 3abunyan wi!! b!ess you and &adu!imay$ "<he bit her !ips now, then co*er her head with the c!oth,and sobbed$ "awiyao wi!! s!ow!y e/it( !ight wi!! focus to !umnay) Lumnay: %wiyao, %wiyao, my husband, + did e*erything to ha*e a chi!d$ "(stands and fu!! front)<he took away the b!anket that co*ered her$ Lumnay: #ook at me$ #ook at my body$ Then it was fu!! of promise$ +t cou!d dance; it cou!d work fast in the fie!d; it cou!d c!imb the mountains fast$ 7*en now, it is firm, fu!!$ But, %wiyao, 3abunyan ne*er b!essed me$ %wiyao, 3abunyan is crue! to me$ %wiyao, + am use!ess$ + must die$ Awiyao:it wi!! not be right to die$ "#umnay wi!! run towards awiyao and hug his back$ Lumnay: + don-t care about the fie!ds$ + don-t care about the house$ + don-t care for anything but you$ +-!! ne*er ha*e another man$ Awiyao: (he faces her then ho!d her shou!ders)Then, you-!! a!ways be fruit!ess$ Lumnay: +f i8!! go back to my father, +-!! die$ Awiyao: Then you hate me$ +f you die, it means you hate me$ (ou do not want me to ha*e a chi!d$ (ou don-t want my name to !i*e on in our tribe$ "awiyao touches her face Awiyao: +f + do not try a second time, it means +-!! die$ 1obody wi!! get the fie!ds that + ha*e car*ed out of the mountains; nobody wi!! come after me$ Lumnay: +f you fai!9if you fai! this second time9no9no, + don-t want you to fai!$ Awiyao: +f + fai!, +-!! come back to you$ Then both of us wi!! die together$ Both of us wi!! *anish

from the !ife of our tribe$ Sound:gong (4 sec) Lumnay: +-!! keep my beads$ %wiyao, !et me keep my beads$ Awiyao: (ou wi!! keep the beads$ They come from farAoff times$ &y grandmother said they came from way up 1orth, from the s!antAeyed peop!e across the sea$ (ou keep them, #umnay$ They are worth twenty fie!ds$ Lumnay: +-!! keep them because they stand for the !o*e you ha*e for me$+ !o*e you$ + !o*e you and ha*e nothing to gi*e$ "!ights on "dancers and singers wi!! enter from the !eft part of the stage$ They wi!! sing ay ay sa!idummay in a me!!ow way (circ!es the coup!e) wi!! they c!ean up the stage on the second round$ %wiyao and #umnay wi!! e/it gracefu!!y whi!e the !ight dims$ Act 3 Scene 1 "gong sounds "enters &adu!imay from the right (shouting)(downstage) &adu!imay: %wiyao' %wiyao' : %wiyao' They are !ooking for you at the dance' w!i"e Madu"imay is "oo#ing $or Awiyao bac#ground narration by Awiyao and Lumnay: Awiyao: + am not in a hurry$ Lumnay: The e!ders wi!! sco!d you$ (ou had better go$ Awiyao: 1ot unti! you te!! me that it is a!! right with you$ Lumnay: +t is a!! right with me$ Awiyao: + do this for the sake of the tribe$ Lumnay: + know Lumnay: %wiyao' "%wiyao comes out from the !eft$+t wi!! be on the down stage Madu"imay:%wiyao' Where ha*e you been) The e!ders ha*e been asking for your presence$ Awiyao:&adu!imay, forgi*e me$ + just went to ta!k to someone$ Madu"imay:+ knew it, you went to see !umnay don8t you) Awiyao:+ just went to bid her goodbye$ Madu"imay: +s she going back to her father)(soft) Awiyao: + don8t know$ Madu"imay:,ow was your ta!k with #umnay) Were you ab!e to sort out your fee!ings) (concern) Awiyao:+ !o*e #umnay and #umnay !o*es me$ That is for sure$ +f we do not succeed in bearing a chi!d, + sha!! return to her and die with her$ Madu"imay: how about me) + !o*e Bangan but +8m forced to marry you$ Why do we ha*e to fo!!ow the e!ders) Why can8t + be happy as anyone e!se) Awiyao: +8m sorry &adu!imay$ :ne thing that + can promise you, gi*e me a son and + wi!! promise to be with you and !o*e you more that how Bangan cares for you$ "&adu!imay smi!es then enters the dancers$ Both wi!! join the dance$ &usic: gangsa( court dance)

"Dancers circ!es them then e/it$

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