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August 2009

Issue 31

PC Miracles Connection
How To Save Hundreds
of Dollars And Get More
Inside Done Using A VPN
If you’ve ever used an online away from the office at a fixed
software like Log Me In or Go To My location such as their home. But for
PC to work from home or from the business owners and employees who
Tweating road, you know what a pain in the travel a lot and need access via their
neck it can be. It only works about laptops, remote control may not be
Could Land half the time, is usually slow, and you the best solution. Typically, these
You In Jail have to pay a fee to use it. But lots of folks need to use a VPN to be able to
companies these days want their to get work done quickly and
See Page 2
employees to work from home or seamlessly.
from the road as a way to cut their Advantages Of A VPN
costs and get more done. So how do
15 Years of Thanks - you work from home without the The VPN is like a long cable that
Largest Company above mentioned hassles? connects your computer to the office
With Most network from anywhere in the world
International For less than the cost of a new allowing you to use a single
Locations computer, a Virtual Private Network computer for all your work. This
(VPN) will provide fast, safe and reduces the capital expense for
Story On Page 2 secure access to your data and remote employees and makes it
other network resources from easier for your sales people or other
anywhere in the world. road warriors to get work done. If
5 Simple Ways To
Until recently, only large you have multiple offices, a VPN can
Prevent Damage
enterprise organizations could afford connect the office networks together
From Viruses &
to install and maintain a VPN. Today so all employees have seamless
Spyware this technology is integrated into access to company data they need.
See Page 3 firewalls and other unified threat VPN Helps Local Lawyer
management (UTM) devices, making
the VPN affordable to businesses of While listening to trial testimony, a
15% Discount all sizes. local lawyer remembered he had
Just Schedule case notes from a deposition that
Which One Do I Use? would refute the testimony of the
A VPN or
Terminal Server Remote control of your office witness. Unfortunately, he could not
Connection computer is a great solution for those remember the details and the notes
Before August 31 that occasionally find themselves (Continued on page 2)

Look on Page 4 for our new “typo” contest. Win a 2GB Jump Drive!
Page 2 Continued From Page 1 PC Miracles Connection

(Continued from page 1) one in the office for the employee to remote
control using Log Me In software. This was
and transcript were buried in the case expensive to deploy, difficult to maintain
information stored on the server in his office. and the limitations of remote control
Using his cellular wireless access card, his annoyed the new employees. If a VCR had
was able to connect to the server at his office been installed, the remote employees would
using the VPN, quickly search for the case have only needed one computer and could
notes using the practice management have accessed the data across the VPN just
software installed on his laptop, print it on like those working in the office, saving them
his portable printer, and use it during cross hundreds of dollars and countless hours fo
examination. time.
Accounting Firm Hires Remote Talent FREE REPORT
A small accounting firm we know found The Ultimate Small Business Guide To
several, talented, potential hires located in Setting Up A ‘Work From Home’
nearby states. The candidates didn’t want to Connection
move so instead of losing the talent to their Everything you need to know about
competitor, the firm allowed these hires to working remotely. To get your FREE copy,
telecommute. Initially, this required two simply call us at 248-620-2201 or e-mail us at
computers, one at the employee’s home and

15 Years of Thanks! Meet Our Largest Customer with

International Locations: The Eur-Am Center. The European-American
Center for International Education (The Eur-Am Center) is charting pathways toward a
global future. The Center was created in partnership with a consortium of 12 Universities
from all over the world and private-sector allies in the United States and Europe. From
their US headquarters in Bingham Farms, Murray D. Wikol, President of the Eur-Am
Center offers students the opportunity to spend a semester studying abroad in The
Abbey at Pontlevoy, France. The Abbey, built in the 11th Century A.D. is located in the
beautiful Loire Valley about 210 km SW from Paris. PC Miracles is proud to be the Eur-
Am Center’s IT partner providing services to connect their offices in Michigan with those
in France 4,000 miles away.

Tweeting Could Land You In Jail

The Associated Press reports that Guatemalan Jean Anleu may spend five years in a Guatemalan
jail for his anti-government Twitter rant. It makes him the first person in the world to be arrested
for a tweet!
Using his Internet alias “jeanfer,” Anleu advised Guatemalan depositors to “take cash out of Ban-
rural and bankrupt the bank of the corrupt.” According to prosecutors, these words “illegally un-
dermined” the banking system, violating a 3008 law enacted by the fledgling democratic govern-
Foreign governments aren’t the only ones concerned about the use of social networking sites.
Many US businesses are revising their acceptable use policies regarding company-owned technol-
ogy to include social networking. A recent survey estimated the annual cost to US businesses in
lost wages due to personal use of technology on company time topped $1 billion. FREE assistance
with the creation or modification of acceptable use policies is one of the many benefits enjoyed by
our Effort Free IT clients.
PC Miracles Connection Page 3

Stop Malware Before It

Destroys Your Data You’re Never Too
5 Simple Ways To Prevent Old To Tweet
Damage From Viruses & Spyware
The Reuters news agency re-
#1. Install Business Grade Anti-Virus Software ports that more than 3% of the
The proliferation of free anti-virus applications has enticed 84,000 centenarians use Twit-
many business owners to be penny wise and pound foolish. ter to tweet with their friends
These programs are lacking several areas of protection vital and family at least once a
to keeping a business network secure, and licensing is usu- week. This trendy technology
ally restricted to non-commercial use. We deploy only indus- seems to have skipped a gen-
trial strength protection products for our Effort Free IT clients. eration with most of these very
They keep you safe without slowing you down. senoir citizens being taught to
#2. Install Real Time Anti-Spyware Protection tweet by their grandchildren
Over the last 12 months, spyware has grown from an annoy- and great grandchildren. An-
ance to the #1 threat to your data. It is critical that business other 10% utilize email, 12%
computers have reel time protection (sometimes referred to share photos on the Internet
as active protection) against spyware in addition to virus pro- and 4% download music.
tection. Unfortunately most real time anti-spyware products
Folks born around 1900 have
conflict with anti-virus software. Our Effort Free IT clients re-
overcome a lot to have the
ceive the benefit of our extensive testing ensuring they re-
ceive maximum protection and compatibility. privilege of these modern
#3. Keep Anti-malware Software Updated & Running
Anti-virus and anti-spyware software must be updated ♦ Their life expectancy at
every few hours. We monitor each system on our Effort Free birth was 46.7 years.
IT and push updates as soon as they are available from the ♦ There were 8,000 cars and
software vendor. We also monitor and immediately restart 10 miles of paved roads in
your protection should it be turned off by the user, system the USA.
error or previously unknown threat.
♦ The average worker spent
#4. Don’t Click On Email Links Or Attachments 59 hours per week to make
We cannot say this often enough and this is the #1 reason $12.98.
given when we receive a call complaining about a possible
infection. Links in a malicious email don’t send you to the lo- ♦ Police arrested women for
cation promised. Instead they redirect you to a malicious smoking in pubic.
website. If you aren’t expecting an email with an attachment,
it is likely malicious even if sent from friend.
#5. Use A Hardware Based Firewall Or UTM “Education is when
Firewalls and Unified Threat Management (UTM) devices
are a must for every business network. They are the first line
you read the fine
of defense against viruses, spyware, spam and hackers. UTIs print. Experience is
can block access to known bad websites and more. what you get if you
For more ideas on protecting your network call us at don't.”
248-620-2201 or send an email to Pete Seager
Services We Offer:

• Effort-Free IT Managed Services

PC Miracles, Inc.
9207 Andersonville Rd. • Authorized DellTM Partner
Clarkston, MI 48346 • General Network Repair & Troubleshooting • Network Design & Implementation
• Disaster Recovery
Phone: 248-620-2201 • Virus Protection & Removal
Fax: 248-484-7128
• Network Security
• E-mail & Internet Solutions
Supporting Business Systems • Wireless Networking
Since 1994
• Spam Filtering
• Storage Solutions

I’d Love To Hear From You!

Is there an article you would like to comment on? Is there a
Who Wants To Win a topic you wants me to research? Have a funny story or a
resource you want to share with the other subscribers? Send it
to me! We are always looking for new and usefull content to
2GB USB Jump Drive? add to the PC Miracales Connection.

Dan Izydorek
Call: 248-620-2201
Go Online:
E-mail Dan:

All you’ve got to do is count the

number of “typos” and grammar
errors in this edition of the
PC Miracles Connection.
That’s all there is to it!
How easy is that?
Calls us now with your answer!
Ask for Dan or Mike
July’s Contest Answers: 1a, 2a, 3d, 4a.

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