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1. Theres a lot of people on the beach today. 2.

My sister has a long, black hair and shes not very tall. 3. What time did you arrive to eville last night! ". #ohn started his university career last $eek and he is en%oying it, although he gets a lot of home$ork from his teachers. ". The Marys flat is much bigger than mine. &. arah is happy $ith her %ob and she earns much money. '. (ook at #ohn) *es $earing a horrible %eans today. +. ,Whats she like!- ,*amburgers... *o$ many home$ork do you have to do every day! /. *e goes back to home at + oclock. 10. Who does live in that house! 11. 1 kno$ him since 2010. 12. The ne2t year 1 $ant to study 3erman. 13. 1 dont kno$ nothing about that restaurant. 1". 1s it an 4uropean city! 1&. ,Mum, $heres the salt! 1 dont find it.

1. Theres There are a lot of people on the beach today.

2. My sister has a 5no article6 long, black hair and shes not very tall.The hair on your head is 789:78T;<(4, so $e dont put an article.

3. What time did you arrive to in eville last night!;==1>4 18 ? 9:78T=14 , 91T14 ;8@ T:W8 . ;==1>4 ;T ? :T*4= A(;94 5buildings, parks, shops, airports, etc.6 We dont say arrive to.

". #ohn started his university career degree last $eek and he is en%oying it, although he gets a lot of home$ork from his teachers. ;t university $e study for a degree and after university $e hope to have a professional career. *es studying for a Maths degreeB for a degree in Maths.

". The Marys flat is much bigger than mine. 8: ;=T19(4. #ohns car, arahs boyfriend, ;nas mother, etc.

&. arah is happy $ith her %ob and she earns much a lot of money. We use M79* in interrogative and negative sentences $ith uncountables. 1n affirmative sentences, $e use a lot of.

'. (ook at #ohn) *es $earing a horrible %eans today.#4;8 is a A(7=;( W:=@ 5like trousers, py%amas,clothes or shorts6

+. ,Whats she like!- ,*amburgers.- This is an inappropriate ans$er to the Cuestion. Whats she like! D E9Fmo es!

,Whats she like!- , hes very pretty and friendly.-

.. *o$ many *o$ much home$ork do you have to do every day! We use *o$ much ? uncountables. *ome$ork is uncountable in 4nglish. =emember that the verb is 1837(;= $ith uncountables. ,Where is your home$ork!-

/. *e goes back to home at + oclock. 8: A=4A: 1T1:8 go 5back6 come 5back6 arrive home get return >erbs of movementGhome <7T be stay at home 8: A=4A: 1T1:8

study rela2, etc

10. Who does live lives in that house! When W*: is the sub%ect of a Cuestion in the Aresent imple and the Aast imple, $e dont put an au2iliary verb.

11. 1 kno$ have kno$n him since 2010. 5Aresent Aerfect6

12. The ne2t year 1 $ant to study 3erman. 8o article $ith ne2t year, ne2t $eek, ne2t Monday or last $eek, last month, etc.

13. 1 dont kno$ nothing anything about that restaurant.The verb is negative, so $e cant use a compound of no.

1". 1s it an a 4uropean city! <efore this sound, $e dont use an. a euro a uniform a university

1&. ,Mum, $heres the salt! 1 dont it. =emember that $e use the Aresent habitual actions.

cant find imple for

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