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The Proud Deer Long ago in a jungle lived a young and proud deer.

He was very proud of his pair of large and beautiful antlers. Wherever he went, he would show off his antlers to the other animals. The animals agreed that the deers antlers were indeed beautiful. The deer also had four strong legs. He could run very fast with them. But he did not li e his own legs because they were thin. !ne day, some hunters were hunting for deer in the jungle. They wanted to get some antlers to hang up on the wal s of their homes. "ll the animals ran deeper into the jungle to escapee from the hunters. The deer ran the fastest. #nfortunately for the deer, its beautiful antlers got stuc between two branches. He could not free himself no matter how hard he tried. $oon the hunters came and caught him. The deer was very sad. His thin legs would have saved him if not for his beautiful antlers. We do not be too proud of oneself.

Plop is Here Three little rabbits live together besides a la e. The la e is at the edge of the jungle. " big ripe fruit falls into the la e. The three rabbits hear a loud %plop sound. They are very frightened. They run away as fast as they can. " fo& sees the rabbits running. He as , 'Why are you running so fast() '*lop is here+) shout the rabbits. ',uic + -un+) The fo& becomes frightened too. He runs together with the rabbits. " mon ey sees them and as , ' Why are you running so fast() '*lop is here+) shouts the fo&. ',uic + -un+) The mon ey becomes frightened too. He runs together with them. The other animals see them running. They become frightened too. They run together with them. The animals eep running. The more they run, the more frightened they become. $oon they reach the foot of a hill. " lion sees them and as s, 'Why are you all running so fast() '*lop is here+) shouts the tiger. ',uic + -un+) 'Who is *lop() as s the lion. 'Where is he() '. dont now,) answers the tiger. '"s the elephant.) $o the lion as s the elephant. The elephant answers, ' . dont now. "s the bear.) $o the lion as s the bear. The bear answers, ' . dont now. "s the wolf.) .n the end, the lion as s the rabbits. The rabbits show the lion the la e. '*lop lives in this la e,) they say. "t that very moment, another big fruit falls from a tall tree. The fruit falls into the la e. The animals hear a loud %plop sound. The lion smiles and says, '/ow you now 0 *lop is a fruit+) "ll the other animals laugh loudly at themselves.

Moral: 1o not simply follow what other people do. We must now the reason for doing it.

The Two Kid Cross The River The little ids live on the ban s of a river. They are the white id and the blac The white id lives on the east ban . The blac id lives on the west ban . id.

There is a piece of log across the river. This log is very narrow. !nly one id can go across it at a time. !ne day, the white id wants to go to the west ban . He sings a song as he crosses the river. The blac The two id wants to go over the east ban . He, too, sings a song as he crosses the river. ids eep wal ing. They meet at the centre of the log.

The white id lifts his head and says, '2ove bac + Let me cross first+) The blac id, too, lifts his head and says, '3ou must move bac + Let me cross first+

The white id becomes angry. He shouts, 'Why must . move bac ( . was here first+) The blac id becomes angry too. He shouts, '. was here first, not you+)

The two ids start 4uarrelling. Both are too stubborn to give way. The two ids lower their heads. They point their horns towards each other. The two ids begin to fight. They ma e a lot of noise. 5inally, two ids fall into the river with a splash+

Moral: .f two people are stubborn wor ing out a problem, both may lose out in the end.

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