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(START OF HIS PUBLIC MINISTRY) LUKE 3 John the Baptist Prepares the


In the fifteenth year of the reign of Tiberius Caesarwhen Pontius Pilate was governor of Judea !erod tetrar"h of #alilee his brother Phili$ tetrar"h of Iturea and Tra"onitis and Lysanias tetrar"h of %bilene &during the high $riesthood of %nnas and Caia$has the word of #od "a'e to John son of (e"hariah in the desert) !e went into all the "ountry around the Jordan $rea"hing a ba$tis' of re$entan"e for the forgiveness of sins) *%s is written in the boo+ of the words of Isaiah the $ro$het,

-% voi"e of one "alling in the desert .Pre$are the way for the Lord 'a+e straight $aths for hi') / Every valley shall be filled in every 'ountain and hill 'ade low) The "roo+ed roads shall be"o'e straight the rough ways s'ooth) 0 %nd all 'an+ind will see #od.s salvation). John said to the "rowds "o'ing out to be ba$ti2ed by hi' -3ou brood of vi$ers4 5ho warned you to flee fro' the "o'ing wrath6 7Produ"e fruit in +ee$ing with re$entan"e) %nd do not begin to say to yourselves .5e have %braha' as our father). 8or I tell you that out of these stones #od "an raise u$ "hildren for %braha') 9The a:e is already at the root of the trees and every tree that does not $rodu"e good fruit will be "ut down and thrown into the fire)1; -5hat should we do then6- the "rowd as+ed) 11 John answered -The 'an with two tuni"s should share with hi' who has none and the one who has food should do the sa'e)1& Ta: "olle"tors also "a'e to be ba$ti2ed) -Tea"her - they as+ed -what should we do613 -<on.t "olle"t any 'ore than you are re=uired to - he told the') 1* Then so'e soldiers as+ed hi' -%nd what should we do6!e re$lied -<on.t e:tort 'oney and don.t a""use $eo$le falselybe "ontent with your $ay)1

John preached for the conversion of the people from their Social Sin (promoting Social Justice).

The $eo$le were waiting e:$e"tantly and were all wondering in their hearts if John 'ight $ossibly be the Christ) 10John answered the' all -I ba$ti2e you with water) >ut one 'ore $owerful than I will "o'e the thongs of whose sandals I a' not worthy to untie) !e will ba$ti2e you with the !oly ?$irit and with fire) 11!is winnowing for+ is in his hand to "lear his threshing floor and to gather the wheat into his barn but he will burn u$ the "haff with un=uen"hable fire)- 17%nd with 'any other words John e:horted the $eo$le and $rea"hed the good news to the') 19 >ut when John rebu+ed !erod the tetrar"h be"ause of !erodias his brother.s wife and all the other evil things he had done &;!erod added this to the' all, !e lo"+ed John u$ in $rison)

The Baptis" an# $enea%o&! o' Jes(s 5hen all the $eo$le were being ba$ti2ed Jesus was ba$ti2ed too) %nd as he was $raying heaven was o$ened &&and the !oly ?$irit des"ended on hi' in bodily for' li+e a dove) %nd a voi"e "a'e fro' heaven, -3ou are 'y ?on who' I love@ with you I a' well $leased)&1


Jesus, when he was baptized by John, became Johns disciple in promoting Social Justice.

Aow Jesus hi'self was about thirty years old when he began his 'inistry) !e was the son so it was thought of Jose$h the son of !eli &*the son of Batthat the son of Levi the son of Bel+i the son of Jannai the son of Jose$h &/ the son of Battathias the son of %'os the son of Aahu' the son of Esli the son of Aaggai &0the son of Baath the son of Battathias the son of ?e'ein the son of Jose"h the son of Joda &1 the son of Joanan the son of Chesa the son of (erubbabel the son of ?healtiel the son of Aeri &7the son of Bel+i the son of %ddi the son of Cosa' the son of El'ada' the son of Er &9 the son of Joshua the son of Elie2er the son of Jori' the son of Batthat the son of Levi 3;the son of ?i'eon the son of Judah the son of Jose$h the son of Jona' the son of Elia+i' 31 the son of Belea the son of Benna the son of Battatha the son of Aathan the son of <avid 3&the son of Jesse the son of Dbed the son of >oa2

the son of ?al'on EdF the son of Aahshon 33 the son of %''inadab the son of Ca' EeF the son of !e2ron the son of Pere2 the son of Judah 3*the son of Ja"ob the son of Isaa" the son of %braha' the son of Terah the son of Aahor 3/ the son of ?erug the son of Ceu the son of Peleg the son of Eber the son of ?helah 30the son of Cainan the son of %r$ha:ad the son of ?he' the son of Aoah the son of La'e"h 31 the son of Bethuselah the son of Eno"h the son of Jared the son of Bahalalel the son of Kenan 37the son of Enosh the son of ?eth the son of %da' the son of #od)

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