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by Ellie Weiser
!""#$% Bick, you'ie a successful social
entiepieneui anu you'ie active in
the YP0 (Young Piesiuents' 0igani-
zation), which is a netwoik of CE0s
fiom aiounu the woilu. Please tell
us about YP0 anu youi involvement
with them.
&#'(% YP0 is compiiseu of leau-
eis, CE0s of companies of a ceitain
thiesholu size who have achieveu
that leaueiship at a point befoie
theii 4Sth biithuay. It's an intei-
national oiganization that's opei-
ateu foi moie than Su yeais. Now,
incluuing WP0 (Woilu Piesiuents'
0iganization), which is the giauu-
ate oiganization foi leaueis ovei Su,
theie aie almost 2u,uuu membeis in
moie than 1uu countiies. As they aie
unuei one leaueiship, I tenu to iefei
to both as YP0. I have been a membei
since 1998.

!""#$% YP0's tagline is "Leaueiship
Beyonu Business." What uoes that

&#'(% YP0 was founueu with the iuea
that "it's lonely at the top." Fiom the
outsiue, being a successful leauei
looks gieat -- you'ie iunning a busi-
ness with a lot of employees, you've
accumulateu a substantial amount of
net woith, you have the image, peiks
anu piestige that goes with all of that.
Theie aie, of couise, also uownsiues,
incluuing the fact that often you have
no one to go to because you have to
keep up youi game face. People may
ask, "Bow aie things." anu you ieply,
"Things aie gieat," even though you'ie
about to lose youi laigest customei,
the bank's going to close you uown,
youi wife's leaving you anu youi kius
have uiug pioblems. In auuition to
auvice anu suppoit about business
matteis, YP0 focuses on being a bet-
tei peison anu a bettei membei of
youi family anu community.

!""#$% Bow uo YP0 membeis finu
&#'(% Nost poweiful, by fai aie YP0
"Foiums" -- gioups that all membeis
paiticipate in. In these confiuential
Foiums, 8-12 membeis meet on a
iegulai basis, geneially monthly,
to shaie ueeply peisonal issues
anu suppoit each othei in theii life
!""#$% You weie iesponsible foi
co-cieating the YP0 Peace Action
Netwoik (PAN), baseu on the YP0
Foiums. What is PAN anu what is its
&#'(% PAN is an oiganization within
YP0 cieateu shoitly aftei Septembei
11th. PAN's fiist goal was to biing
togethei YP0eis fiom both siues in
conflict-iiuuen aieas into Foiums,
wheie using YP0 Foium methouolo-
gy, they coulu talk to each othei con-
fiuentially, uevelop ueep peisonal
ielationships, anu woik togethei. We
felt that if people in these iegions,
who aie iunning the laigest com-
panies in theii iespective countiies
coulu ieally connect, it coulu leau to
gieat outcomes.

!""#$% Bas it been effective.
&#'(% It's been incieuible! In the Niu-
ule East Isiaeli YP0 membeis meet
on a ueeply peisonal level with Aiab
membeis fiom countiies thioughout
the iegion. We uiu the same in Inuia
anu Pakistan, two countiies that
weie inches fiom a bieaking point in
2uuS, which coulu have leu to nucle-
ai Aimageuuon. Thiough the Inuo-
Whole-Self Leadership
A Discussion with Entrepreneur and YPO Global
Humanitarian Award Recipient, Dick Simon
!"#$ &"'() "* + *,-"+. ,)/-,0-,),1- 23( 3+* 41"./ +)5 .,5 *1##,**61. -,+. ,*7
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Pak Foium 1SS Inuian YP0eis, who
owneu a significant poition of Inuia's
uBP (uioss Bomestic Piouuct), went
to Pakistan to meet with theii Paki-
stani YP0 counteipaits anu iealize
that 'we aie all the same.' Theie may
be political issues anu uivisions, but
they aie iesolvable, iathei than cause
foi wai anu ongoing conflict.

!""#$% Biu political leaueis get
involveu. When was this.

&#'(% The Inuia Pakistan meeting
happeneu in late 2uuS, when theie
was veiy active conflict, no uiplo-
matic ielations, anu only one open
boiuei ciossing between the 1.S bil-
lion inhabitants of both countiies.
We spent thiee uays togethei, incluu-
ing moie than thiee houis with uen-
eial Peivez Nushaiiaf, then piesi-
uent of Pakistan. At the meeting the
Piesiuent announceu that he woulu
ie-open Pakistani aiispace to Inuian
flights, anu within a month anu a
half of oui meeting, the Piesiuent of
Pakistan was meeting with the then
Piime Ninistei of Inuia, both iefei-
iing to feeuback they hau peisonally
ieceiveu fiom YP0eis.
!""#$% Weie you peisonally involveu
in the PAN meetings.

&#'(% veiy much so. I've spent most
of the last uecaue helping YP0eis anu
WP0eis engage in a iange of activi-
ties that make a uiffeience thiough-
out the woilu.

!""#$% Aie YP0 membeis continuing
to facilitate inteinational situations.
&#'(% 0ui involvement has bioau-
eneu to economic uevelopment, envi-
ionmental issues, euucation, health
anu helping uisauvantageu chiluien.
Theie aie moie than 2uuu YP0
membeis acioss the globe involveu
in what aie now calleu "Social Entei-
piise Netwoiks." These netwoiks
pioviue the platfoim foi membeis to
woik togethei to make a uiffeience.
As an example, membeis have gotten
togethei to accomplish a vaiiety of
aiu anu iecoveiy activities ielateu to
the ciisis in Baiti.
!""#$% The woiu 'leaueiship' typically
iefeis to business. But as YP0WP0
membeis uemonstiate, leaueiship
is about fai moie than heauing-up
a boaiu. Bo you think oui society
uefines leaueiship too naiiowly.

&#'(% uoou leaueis unueistanu that
leaueiship is about a lot moie than
uictating stiategy anu efficiently giv-
ing people instiuctions to uo things.
0f couise, a leauei has to execute
well to make things happen, but the
ieal key to leaueiship is one's ability
to ielate to people in a iange of uif-
feient ways. Leauing fiom the heau is
helpful, but it's uefinitely not just the
intellect. Emotional intelligence anu
a ueep sense of spiiitual leaueiship
aie ciitical.
!""#$% What uo YP0 anu WP0 mem-
beis get fiom the Boffman Piocess.
&#'(% Eveiy YP0 anu WP0 mem-
bei I've spoken with who has been
thiough the Piocess has come out
uiamatically changeu both peison-
ally, anu in theii leaueiship style.
They can communicate bettei, anu
all iepoit feeling so much moie cleai,
with uiamatically impioveu ielations
with theii spouses, chiluien, paients,
fiienus anu employees!

!""#$% Bick, you uiu the Piocess in
2uu7. Bow uiu you heai about it.
&#'(% I founu out about it thiough
Baviu NcCue, a membei of my YP0
Foium. Baviu anu his wife }anet hau
been to the Piocess anu he stiongly
suggesteu that I go. About a week lat-
ei I saw both of them anu mentioneu
to }anet that Baviu hau suggesteu
that I go anu askeu what she thought.
With that she waxeu on about how
fantastic anu loving hei husbanu
is -- I mean, she useu eveiy lov-
ing supeilative. So I saiu "Boy, I've got
to get me some of that!" |Chucklesj

!""#$% Why uiu you want to uo the

&#'(% I went foi what I call "well caie"
in thiee aieas. Fiist was that my wife
Patty anu I weie appioaching oui
2Sth weuuing anniveisaiy anu while
we hau a gieat life anu thiee wonuei-
ful chiluien, I knew it coulu be even
bettei if we coulu stiengthen oui
sense of connecteuness. The seconu
was that while I loveu the woik I was
uoing with YP0 anu PAN, I was uoing
eveiything fienetically anu seeing
that same pattein in my chiluien.
Anu the thiiu was what I'u call my
almost "intellectual cuiiosity" about
spiiituality. 0n all thiee uimensions,
the ietuins weie a thousanu-folu
what I coulu have expecteu.

!""#$% Biu you change as a leauei
thiough the Piocess.
&#'(% Befinitely. I got a fai bettei
unueistanuing of wheie othei peo-
ple aie coming fiom by being moie
open anu having moie awaieness of
myself, anu being able to bettei heai
otheis anu unueistanu theii neeus
anu ieality. I leaineu to iecognize
that a lot of someone's ieaction is
baseu on tiansfeience. Being able
to see anu unueistanu tiansfeience
makes a huge uiffeience in avoiuing
conflict anu communicating bettei.
!""#$% When the uaik siue stops iun-
ning the show we can be fai moie

&#'(% A lot of leaueiship is about
helping people uo what they want to
be uoing. The moie one can compas-
sionately unueistanu who a peison is
anu wheie they'ie coming fiom,
the bettei leauei one becomes.

!""#$% Last yeai you helpeu the
Boffman Institute launch oui
fiist evei Leaueiship Q2. Please
tell us about that.

&#'(% In conveisations with Raz
Ingiasci, Boffman's CE0, I point-
eu out that a lot of giauuates
woulu benefit fiom a piogiam
specifically foi leaueis. Boff-
man giaus aie out theie leauing
-- anu I'm not just talking about
leauing in business oi foimal
oiganizations -- because eveiy-
one leaus something. These
people woulu like to be bettei at
using the Boffman tools in theii
uaily leaueiship activities, anu
to moie ueeply embouy Spiiit-
baseu leaueiship. So the Insti-
tute put togethei the fantastic
Leaueiship Q2 piogiam, which
launcheu last Febiuaiy in Nas-
sachusetts, anu was helu in Septem-
bei at White Sulphui Spiings. It will
be offeieu again in Nay anu Novem-
bei of this yeai.
!""#$% 0thei than the Leaueiship Q2,
how else can the Boffman Institute
suppoit leaueis in being theii best.
&#'(% In Boston, unuei the uiiection
of the Boffman Institute anu the leau-
eiship of wonueiful Piocess teachei
Billaiy Illick, seveial Boffman giauu-
ates who aie leaueis put togethei a
pilot piogiam of Boffman uiauuate
Foiums. Theie is a similai gioup in
New Yoik. These Foiums aie small
gioups of giauuates with fixeu mem-
beiship (8-12 membeis) who meet
eveiy month oi two to giow anu
uevelop anu suppoit each othei in
using the Boffman tools anu othei
impoitant aieas.
!""#$% Bow uoes the Boffman uiauu-
ate Foium uiffei fiom a iegulai giau-
uate gioup.
&#'(% At a iegulai giauuate gioup,
which is gieat, people attenu when
they choose to, wheieas this is a fixeu
membeiship wheie you'ie in, you'ie
committeu, anu eveiyone has 1uu%
attenuance. Foi the gioup itself anu
the othei membeis, a complete com-
mitment to attenu is impoitant. This
commitment, combineu with total
confiuentiality anu continuity, cie-
ates a safe enviionment foi membeis
to bonu extiemely closely, anu shaie
anu woik on theii most intimate
!""#$% Wheie woulu you like to see
the Boffman uiauuate Foiums go
fiom heie.
&#'(% I hope ovei time theie will be a
lot moie of them. In YP0, almost
eveiy one of the 2u,uuu mem-
beis is in a Foium anu almost
eveiyone will tell you that it's
theii most valueu pait of YP0
membeiship. YP0 has people
with insane tiavel scheuules,
but they plan theii tiavel to
nevei miss a Foium meeting
because they'ie so valuable.

!""#$% What woulu you tell a
business leauei about what the
Piocess can uo foi them.

&#'(: I'u let them know that you
can uiamatically eniich youi
life expeiience by shifting youi
peispective. I'u say iight now
you'ie a iacing cai but you'ie
iunning on only a few cylinueis.
Because you'ie such a goou iac-
ing cai, you can go ieally fast.
But imagine what it woulu be
like if you coulu get all the cyl-
inueis fiiing! Also, imagine how
much happiei you anu youi family
coulu be, anu this is a gieat way to
move in that uiiection.
!""#$% What Boffman couises have
you taken, anu what's been the

&#'(% Not only was the Piocess
a life-changing expeiience, but it
was a launching pau foi othei pio-
giams that have taken me even fui-
thei. I took the Piocess, then the Q2,
then the Leaueiship Q2. The whole
sequence was moie than incieuible.
Now I keep it all alive in my Boffman
!"#$ &"'() +)5 6+'".;
uiauuate Foium.

!""#$% Was it haiu foi you to bieak
away fiom youi busy life to go to the

&#'(% I almost uiun't go. }ust befoie
my Piocess I was in the Niuule East
foi PAN, wheie liteially, the Satuiuay
night befoie the stait of my couise
I'u met with Queen Rania anu King
Abuullah of }oiuan with othei YP0
leaueis. I got home anu my kius, who
weie usually veiy suppoitive of my
tiavels, weie like, "Bau, you'ie going
away again anu we can't even call
you." So I almost cancelleu. Thank-
fully my wife hau the intuitive wis-
uom to say, "You shoulu go." A fel-
low YP0ei anu goou fiienu who is a
Piocess giauuate saiu, "Bick, the best
thing you coulu evei uo foi youi fam-
ily is go." So I tiusteu anu I went.

!""#$% Was the Piocess haiu foi you
to take in because of youi intellect.

&#'(% This fiienu gave me gieat auvice
when he saiu, "tiust the piocess of
the Piocess," iathei than being in my
intellect, because I was goou at figui-
ing things out (anu thinking I might
know bettei). Befoie going I even
askeu him, "Aie the teacheis ieally
smait, because a couple of times
when I hau uone theiapy I coulun't
stanu when I felt that I was smait-
ei than the theiapist!" (Laughtei).
Anu with that he saiu, "Ah, the 'know-
it-all pattein.' You'll spenu time
bashing that!"

!""#$% (Laughtei). When uiu youi wife
Patty uo the Piocess, anu how uiu it
affect youi ielationship.

&#'(: She uiu it about a yeai latei,
but oui maiiiage staiteu shifting the
uay I got back. 0nce I staiteu chang-
ing, it openeu up a lot of space. 0ne
of the things that I've shaieu with
othei YP0 leaueis is that in a family
uynamic, it's impoitant to keep youi
sense of self-impoitance baseu on
youi piofessional success in check
because if you have youi family oi
youi spouse always kept in the back-
giounu, it's easy foi them to feel that
the ielationship is not equal. Thiough
the Piocess I came to see that if the
ielationship was stiuctuieu in such
a way that I was always "winning,"
then Patty was losing, anu I ceitainly
uiun't want that.
!""#$% So you came to expeiience youi
ielationship with Patty uiffeiently.
&#'(% Aftei the Piocess I iealizeu that
I hau unconsciously set up a family
uynamic baseu on a metaphoi of a
ponu, wheie the 'winnei' was who-
evei coveieu moie of the suiface of
that ponu with iecognition, money
oi uoing 'impoitant things.' Aftei the
Piocess, I iealizeu that, while I was
uoing activities that I ieally loveu anu
believe aie impoitant, I was so busy
that most of my ielationships weie
a mile wiue anu an inch ueep anu I
saw that Patty hau these ieally ueep
fiienuships. Netnet we both hau the
same amount of 'volume'.

!""#$% That's a beautiful way to look
at it.

&#'(% While my kius aie still a bit
young to uo the Piocess, the shift in
oui maiiiage, coupleu with Patty's
anu my inuiviuual happiness, has
leu to an even stiongei family bonu.
I'm veiy, veiy giateful anu I hope
othei YP0eis, WP0eis, anu business
leaueis will feel that theii lives anu
families aie woith enough to take
the time to finu the iichness I founu
-- a iichness that goes fai beyonu a
fabulous caieei.

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