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Lesson Plan

JAIPURIA INSTITUTE OF MANAGEMENT Program: MBA Semester: III Facult !ame: MS" S#!I$A %&'(D&#)* %ourse %o+e: MB IB 02 %ourse $itle: I!$,)!A$I'!AMA).,$I!/ Date: 01-08-2013 Batch: 2012-2014 Section: IB

Unit I 1 2 3 4 7 < > 8 Unit II 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 1< 1>

International Mar2eting: Meaning3 Sco0e 4 Im0ortance" International Mar2eting 'rientation3 ,P)/ A00roach An o5er5ie6 o1 the International Mar2eting Management Process3 International Mar2eting ,n5ironment Quiz + Case International Mar2eting ,n5ironment 8%ontinue+93 :oint ;enture3 M4A3 Setting-u0 o1 6holl o6ne+ su=si+iaries a=roa+3 Strategic Alliance Quiz + Case Study %ase Stu+ %ontinuation International Pro+uct an+ Pricing Strategies3 Pro+uct Designing3 Pro+uct Stan+ar+i?ation ;s A+a0tation3 Managing Pro+uct -ine Quiz + Case International $ra+e Pro+uct -i1e % cle3 !e6 Pro+uct De5elo0ment !e6 Pro+uct De5elo0ment 8continue+93 Pricing o1 International Mar2ets3 Factors a11ecting International Price Determination Price @uotations an+ $erms o1 Sale Quiz + Case

Case Title


Evaluation (eight age

Date o1 %om0letion


Nestle, Pg No.33 of Te t !oo"


%&'(eal Net)e(lands, Pg No.*+, of Te t !oo"


18 Unit III 1A 20 21 22 23 24 27 26 2> 28 2A 30 31

%ase Stu+ %ontinuation Managing International Distri=ution an+ Promotion Distri=ution %hannel Strateg International Distri=ution %hannels International Distri=ution %hannels$heir )oles 4 Functions Selection an+ Management o1 '5erseas Interme+iaries International Distri=ution -ogistics Quiz + Case Buil+ing Bran+s in International Mar2ets International Promotion MiB International Promotion MiB C A+5ertising 4 other mo+es o1 communication /lo=al A+5ertising3 )egulations Me+ia 4 Message %onsi+erationsPlanning 1or $ra+e Fairs 4 ,Bhi=itions Quiz + Case %ase Stu+ %ontinuation

T)e #i( Ca(go Co$petition, Pg No.*-. of te t !oo"

/o$inno&s Pizza /ist(i0ution Plan, Pg No.312 of Te t !oo"

Penet(ating 3edia 3a("et ac(oss !ounda(ies, Pg No.343 of te t !oo"

Unit I5 32 33 34 37 3< Unit 5 3> 38 3A 40

,merging $ren+s in International Mar2eting- )egionalism ;s Multilaterism $ra+e Bloc2s C Im0ortant /rou0ing in the (orl+ -egal Dimensions in International Mar2eting3 )ole o1 IMF an+ ($'" Quiz + Case %ase Stu+ %ontinuation Mar2eting )esearch 1or I+enti1 ing '00ortunities in International Mar2ets #se o1 'nline %hannels 1or International Mar2eting '0erations Quiz + Case %ase Stu+ %ontinuation
Ca$p0ell&s IQ 3eals, Pg No. +34 of te t 0oo" # Case on 5ic"s, Pg No.+2, of te t 0oo"


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