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1 Luckett, Nehemiah (M . 31 ) 2 Talen, William (M . 63 )

Charge Type

"creening Charges
!L 1'+.1+(a) 9riminal Tre 5a in the Third De2ree (de#endant :1,1 count) (de#endant :2,1 count) ;nla(#ul - em4l3 (de#endant :1,1 count) (de#endant :2,1 count) Tre 5a (de#endant :1,1 count) (de#endant :2,1 count) Di orderl3 9onduct (de#endant :1,1 count) (de#endant :2,1 count) Di orderl3 9onduct (de#endant :1,1 count) (de#endant :2,1 count)

Mi demea nor

David Born tein Deponent/addre !olice ss "##icer Manuel $ilva, $hield %%&' o# the Midto(n North !recinct Occurrence )*12*2+13 , Date Ti!e 13,2+,++ Occurrence in ide 13&+ Location -venue "# The -merica , N.W /"01

!L 2'+.1+ !L 1'+.+% !L 2'+.2+(1) !L 2'+.2+(2)

"tatutory Language

Co!plaint Language

the de#endant kno(in2l3 entered and remained unla(#ull3 in a 4uildin2 and u5on real 5ro5ert3 (hich (a #enced and other(i e enclo ed in a manner de i2ned to e6clude intruder 7 the de#endant a em4led (ith #our or more other 5er on #or the 5ur5o e o# en2a2in2 (ith them in tumultuou and violent conduct likel3 to cau e 5u4lic alarm7 the de#endant kno(in2l3 entered and remained unla(#ull3 in and u5on 5remi e 7 the de#endant , (ith intent to cau e 5u4lic inconvenience, anno3ance and alarm and reckle l3 creatin2 a ri k thereo#, made unrea ona4le noi e7 the de#endant , (ith intent to cau e 5u4lic inconvenience, anno3ance and alarm and reckle l3 creatin2 a ri k thereo#, en2a2ed in #i2htin2 and in violent, tumultuou and threatenin2 4ehavior. 8 am in#ormed 43 0o4ert Bon2iorno, (ho (ork a the 4ranch mana2er at the 9ha e Bank at the a4ove location,

that he o4 erved a 2rou5 com5ri ed o# de#endant William Talen, de#endant Nehemiah Luckett, and a55ro6imatel3 even 5eo5le (ho (ere (earin2 #ro2 ma k *hat in ide o# the 4ank at the a4ove location. 8 am #urther in#ormed 43 Mr. Bon2iorno that he o4 erved de#endant Talen and the individual in the #ro2 ma k *hat houtin2 and creamin2 loudl3, in um and u4 tance, <W. -0. 9"M8N= >"0 /";?,< amon2 other 5hra e , (hile (alkin2 u5 to the 4ank@ cu tomer and em5lo3ee . 8 am #urther in#ormed 43 Mr. Bon2iorno that he o4 erved de#endant Talen creamin2 a 5eech in a loud and commandin2 voice, (hile de#endant Talen (alked a4out the 4ank. 8 am #urther in#ormed 43 Mr. Bon2iorno that he o4 erved man3 o# the a4ove individual handin2 out 3ello( 5iece o# 5a5er to the cu tomer and em5lo3ee in the 4ank. 8 am #urther in#ormed 43 Mr. Bon2iorno that, at the time, the 4ank (a o5en #or 4u ine and multi5le cu tomer (ere 5re ent in ide o# the 4ank in order to conduct 4u ine , 4ut that Mr. Bon2iorno o4 erved that the de#endant @ action di ru5ted the 4ank@ a4ilit3 to conduct 4u ine . 8 am #urther in#ormed 43 Mr. Bon2iorno that, (hile (earin2 a name ta2 that identi#ied him a the 4ranch mana2er, he re5eatedl3 ordered 4oth de#endant Talen and de#endant Luckett to leave the 4ank immediatel3. 8 am #urther in#ormed 43 Mr. Bon2iorno that, de 5ite hi re5eated order to the de#endant to leave the 4ank, the3 remained in ide o# the 4ank and continued to en2a2e in the a4oveAindicated conduct. 8 am #urther in#ormed 43 Mr. Bon2iorno that, a a mana2er o# the a4ove 4ank, the de#endant did not have 5ermi ion or authorit3 to remain in ide o# the 4ank a#ter he had ordered them to leave. Moreover, 8 am in#ormed 43 Mr. Bon2iorno that the 4ank location i enclo ed 43 multi5le (all , a roo#, and door(a3 in a manner de i2ned to e6clude intruder . 8 am #urther in#ormed 43 Mr. Bon2iorno that he ha (atched 9ha e Bank ecurit3 #oota2e o# the a4ove incident and that the #oota2e ho( de#endant Luckett enter the 4ank (ith de#endant Talen, remain in the 4ank (ith de#endant Talen, and then leave the 4ank (ith de#endant Talen. Moreover, 8 am #urther in#ormed 43 Mr. Bon2iorno that the a4ove #oota2e al o ho( de#endant Luckett (alkin2 a4out the 4ank (ith 3ello( 5iece o# 5a5er in hi hand and then 5lacin2 tho e 5iece o# 5a5er on multi5le #lat ur#ace in the 4ank.

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