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Hello everyone! My name is Antonio, and I'm here today to talk about the setting of the Book.

I'm going to speak for about five minutes, dont worry it will be short and I hope you really en oy it. If you have any !uestions while I am talking about it don't hesitate to ask! "ell, here we go, #he setting of this book is lo$ated in %windon. In theory the name of this town is derived from the words swine and dun.As you $an see in the pi$ture a dun is a type of medieval fort. Anybody knows where is lo$ated this town& 'o one& 'o problem I'll show you. As you $an see in the map it is lo$ated in %outh "est (ngland. )ondon is eighty one miles to the east. Although some of you think that %windon is a small town, you aren't right, this town has a population of *'( H+',-(, (I.H#/ 0I1( %I2 H+',-(, people, so it isn't a small town. 'ow, I'll e3plain when was $reated this town.At the beginning, this town was a small village, but one day #his town be$ame known as the -ailway town. "hy& be$ause the $ompany .reat "estern -ailway built a small village to house some of its workers, from that moment on, this small village began to grow to be$ome what it is today. If you want to travel to %windon, what $an you do& Although it isn't a small town, there aren't many things to do to visit or have fun, but if you are interested in it. I'll show you some pla$es to visit. If you are looking for some leisure, maybe if you are an adventure traveller I'd re$ommend that you should go to $limbing $enter. Here, you will spend all your energy. %upposing that you prefer something more rela3, or you are tired of $limbing, let met tell you that you must go to health hydro. Here, you $an rela3 by turkish baths, fitness $lasses and so on. In the $ase that you like nature, I'd re$ommend you two parks. #he first one is 4oate "ater 4ountry 5ark. Here you $an find6 nature reserve, golf $ourse, BB7, and so on. %o, it is a good pla$e to have fun.

#he other one is )ydiard 5ark, it's a wonderful pla$e, Here you $an see woodlands, lakes and pastures. %o if you want to visit some rela3ing pla$e, this is your pla$e. But the most important pla$e is... %team museum. As I said before, this town owes everthing it is to the .reat "estern -ailway. As usual, they give spe$ial importan$e to %team, and railway. Here, you $an see how the trains were made, the offi$es, a railway station, and so on. If you like museum, you should go to there. #o $on$lude, )et met tell you that those who are looking for a pea$eful life without many emotions, this is your perfe$t town. %o, if you want to move to %windon, ust tell me and I'll give you some instru$tions for do it. "That's all, folks!! I hope you en oy it. #hank you.

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