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James Tsouvalas 10/17/2013 Mid Term Paper: Oliver Stones Nixon Oliver Stones 1995 iopi!

Nixon remains one o" t#e most a!!urate politi!al "ilms to ever !ome out o" $oll%&ood' T#at ein( said) it is not per"e!tl% !on"ined to t#e #istori!al re!ord at t#e time) and Stone !learl% made some !al!ulated devian!es and assertions so as to ma*e t#e "ilm &or* on a more !onsistent level' T#ou(# in its totalit%) t#e "ilm (ets t#in(s !orre!t "ar more o"ten t#at it t&ists t#e trut#) a rarit% "or $oll%&ood iopi!s) and Stones depi!tion) ased on t#e vastl% in!omplete #istori!al re!ord o" 1995) #as !ome to e even more a!!urate over t#e last almost t&o de!ades o" ne& in"ormation' +e"ore #as#in( out &#ere t#e "ilm deviated "rom t#e a!tual li"e and times o" ,i!#ard -i.on) it is &ort# pointin( out *e% elements o" t#e 37t# President o" t#e /nited States t#at t#e "ilm (ot ri(#t' Most nota l%) t#e "ilm !onve%ed a -i.on pla(ued t#rou(#out #is li"e % a trou led !#ild#ood) one in &#i!# #e lived in "ear o" #is "at#er) and pain"ull% desirin( #is mot#ers a""e!tion and approval' 0et &#ile emp#asi1in( t#e impa!t t#at -i.ons mot#er #ad on #im) t#e "ilm did not "or(et t#e model t#at -i.ons "at#er &as to #im) as t#rou(#out t#e movie &e see -i.on mentionin( #is "at#ers determination and &or* et#i! at !ampai(n stops' 2ventuall% -i.on des!ri es #is "at#er as a man &#o) 3stru((led #is &#ole li"e4) a li"est%le t#at -i.on !ertainl% &ent on to emulate' -i.on too* pride in t#e "a!t t#at) 3t#e% never eat #im 5#is "at#er64) a tellin( s%mpat#% !onsiderin( #is "at#er &as a small7to&n (ro!er) and !learl% #ad no real enemies !onspirin( a(ainst #im' -i.on) #o&ever) sa& it di""erentl%) and #e assuredl% learned t#at "rom #is "at#er) t#ose "eelin(s o" ot#ers !onsistentl% tr%in( to ruin %ou) and ta*in(

al&a%s ta*in( t#in(s personall%' 8 tellin( 9uestion is as*ed o" -i.on % #is &i"e Pat in t#e movie) a relations#ip !learl% e.a((erated in t#e "ilm) t#ou(# nonet#eless tellin() &#en s#e as*s -i.on) 3T#e%re all your enemies: 0ou personall%4) re"errin( to t#e media) t#e li eral elite) and all o" -i.ons ot#er re(ular tar(ets' $is repl%) 30es) t#is is a out me' ;#% !ant %ou understand t#at<4' -i.on !ompletel% en(ul"ed in #is politi!al attles) real or ima(ined) in t#e !onte.t o" vi!ious personal atta!*s) is a s#o!*in(l% a!!urate portra%al o" t#e "ormer President' 8(ain) t#e "ilm does a (reat =o o" tra!in( t#is >vi!tim mentalit% a!* to #is "at#er) a trait o" -i.on o"ten overloo*ed due to t#e prevalen!e o" #is mot#ers in"luen!e on #im) &#i!# is o viousl% no less important) and also !overed &ell % t#e "ilm' T#rou(#out t#e iopi!) -i.on is s#o&n #aunted % t#e memor% o" #is mot#er possi l% ein( disappointed in #is et#i!al lapses) a &oman #e "amousl% re"erred to as 3a saint4' T#e relations#ip and impa!t o" -i.ons mot#er) as &ell as t#e devastatin( in"luen!e t#e deat# o" #is t&o rot#ers "rom tu er!ulosis on #im) presents a stri*in(l% a!!urate pi!ture o" -i.ons earl% li"e' ;#at sets t#is iopi! apart "rom most ot#ers is its !onsistent attention to detail) and no&#ere is t#at more prevalent t#an in t#e paintin( o" a ver% !omplete pi!ture o" -i.ons "ormative %ears) &#i!# o"t7!ited presidential #istorian James ?avid +ar er la eled as essential "or understandin( t#e a!tions o" a man ta*en as president' On top o" providin( a t#orou(#l% a!!urate portrait o" t#e "ormative %ears o" President ,i!#ard -i.on) t#e "ilm did an admira le =o at !apturin( t#e immense personal "la&s t#at pla(ued #im t#rou(#out #is li"etime' 8t t#e time o" t#e "ilms release in 1995) Stone dre& ire "rom some staun!# -i.on supporters "or several s!enes depi!tin( -i.on as a #opeless stammerin( al!o#oli!' Stone de"ended t#e depi!tion at t#e time % pointin( to resear!#ed -i.on oo*s &ritten % Step#en 8m rose) @a&n +rodie) and Tom ;i!*er as eviden!e -i.ons rampant pro lems &it# al!o#ol' -o& in 2013 &e see t#at #istor% #as !learl% vindi!ated Stones portra%al

o" -i.on) as &it# t#e release o" a plet#ora o" ;#ite $ouse tapes &e !an de"initel% see t#at President -i.on !ondu!ted #imsel" stri*in(l% similar to #o& 8nt#on% $op*ins portra%ed #im in t#e "ilm' A" an%t#in() t#e depi!tion did not (o "ar enou(#) as a sent &ere mentions o" -i.ons p#arma!euti!al a uses) as it seems 9uite !lear no& t#at t#e President &as not onl% a #eav% drin*er) ut in!redi l% dependant on sleepin( pills and e.treme 3anti7an.iet%4 pills a!tuall% intended to !alm sei1ures) ot# o" &#i!# &ere o tained &it#out a pres!ription % !lose "riends' An retrospe!t) t#e seemin( li erties ta*en % Stone on t#e "la&s o" President -i.on) li erties ta*en due to an in!omplete #istori!al re!ord at t#e time) !learl% re"eren!ed at t#e e(innin( o" t#e "ilm) #ave seemin(l% een vindi!ated % re!ent revelations' One o" t#e most la!*in( elements o" t#e "ilm !an e e.!used a&a% % t#e "a!t t#at prior to 1995 an% eviden!e to its e.isten!e &as virtuall% non7e.istent' T#is element is t#e ela orate s%stem o" sa ota(e or!#estrated % t#en !andidate ,i!#ard -i.on and #is !ampai(n sta"" o" t#e Bietnam pea!e pro!ess in t#e "inal &ee*s o" t#e 19CD presidential ele!tion' 8(ain) t#is "a!t &as not *no&n at t#e time) and rumors surroundin( it #ad =ust e(an to sur"a!e due to t#e &or*s o" ?avid Ta%lor and E#arles ;#eeler' T#e reasonin( e#ind t#e plan &as simpleF -i.ons est !#an!e at &innin( t#e ele!tion &as paintin( #imsel" as t#e 3pea!e4 !andidate) &it# #is 3se!ret plan4 to end t#e &ar) and i" President Jo#nson su!!ess"ul ended t#e &ar) -i.ons ma=or sellin( point in t#e 19CD !ampai(n &ould e!ome moot' -i.on vie&ed #is onl% !#an!e at t#e lon(7 a&aited presiden!% as !reatin( an ela orate plan to *eep t#e Sout# Bietnamese away "rom t#e ne(otiatin( ta le re!entl% !reated in Paris &it# t#e -ort# Bietnamese de!idin( to !ome to t#e ta le) and President Jo#nson orderin( a !easin( o" t#e in!essant om in(' To a!#ieve #is end) mere !iti1en ,i!#ard -i.on) alon( &it# #is !ampai(n mana(er Jo#n Mit!#ell) rela%ed se!ret messa(es to t#e Sout# Bietnamese 8m assador to e passed alon( to Sout# Bietnamese

President -(u%en van T#ieu) all t#rou(# a Bietnamese orn 8meri!an ,epu li!an 8nna E#ennault' Mit!#ell &ould provide t#e messa(es to E#ennault) &#o &ould rela% t#em to t#e am assador) and t#en on t#e President' T#e messa(es o"ten entailed -i.ons empt% promises to enti!e President T#ieu to sta% a&a% "rom t#e pea!e tal*s) and "alse (uarantees t#at i" t#e% did sta% a&a%) #e &ould &in t#e ele!tion) and (rant t#em mu!# lar(er !on!essions "rom t#e -ort# Bietnamese' -eedless to sa%) President -i.on &as ele!ted in 19CD) t#e Bietnam ;ar did not end in 19CD) and instead &as e.panded into Eam odia and Gaos under President -i.on) ultimatel% !ostin( an additional 22)000 8meri!an lives) all resultin( "rom t#e ina ilit% to ne(otiate an end to t#e &ar in 19CD due to !andidate -i.ons deli erate sa ota(e' Man% #ave la eled t#e a!t as treasonous) aidin( t#e enem% % stallin( t#e a ilit% o" t#e /nited States and its allies to end one o" t#e &orst &ars in its #istor%' 8t t#e ver% least) -i.on undou tedl% violated t#e Go(an 8!t) si(ned into la& in 1799) &#i!# ma*es ille(al) 38n% !iti1en o" t#e /nited States) &#erever #e ma% e) &#o) &it#out aut#orit% o" t#e /nited States) dire!tl% or indire!tl% !ommen!es or !arries on an% !orresponden!e or inter!ourse &it# an% "orei(n (overnment or an% o""i!er or a(ent t#ereo") &it# intent to in"luen!e t#e measures or !ondu!t o" an% "orei(n (overnment or o" an% o""i!er or a(ent t#ereo"'4 T#e violation o" t#e la& is !lear) and simpl% put) no iopi! o" ,i!#ard -i.on !an e !onsidered !omplete &it#out t#e in!lusion o" t#e intri!a!ies o" t#is ille(al) and ar(ua l% treasonous a!t' 8(ain) t#e lame does not "all on Stone) &#o !learl%!ised #is due dili(en!e in resear!#in( t#e 37t# President) ut on t#e /nited States (overnment) &#i!# *ept t#is su version o" t#e most asi! demo!rati! institutions #idden "rom its !iti1enr% "or over "our de!ades' 8not#er s#ort!omin( o" t#e "ilm lies in its do&npla%in( o" t#e role o" Trini Eardo1a) a "i!tional !#ara!ter ased on -i.ons real7li"e lon(time "riend and ma"ia !onne!ted +e e ,e o1o'

,e o1o &as still alive at t#e time o" t#e "ilm) and presuma l% "or le(al reasons) Stone !#an(ed t#e name o" +e e to a "i!tionali1ed version o" #im' Heepin( t#e !#ara!ter in t#e "ilm despite possi le le(al retaliation &as admira le on t#e part o" Stone) t#ou(# one must &onder i" it lead to a do&npla%in( o" t#e immense impa!t t#at ,e o1o #ad on t#e li"e o" President -i.on' Trini is s#o&n in a "e& s!enes) t#ou(# more as a side note and !lose !on"idant o" -i.on' $o&ever) t#eir relations#ip seems to e limited to t#e e.tent o" "riends) even t#ou(# t#e% are seen as ein( to(et#er in ?allas t#e da% o" t#e Henned% assassination' $o&ever) in a!tualit%) +e e &as more t#an =ust a leisure !ompanion) and undou tedl% pla%ed a *e% role in developin( -i.ons !onne!tions &it# ot# t#e ma"ia and &ealt#% usinessmen' An t#e "ilm) t#e a!tual importan!e o" +e e ,e o1o is missin() !onsiderin( #e &as t#e 3 a(man4 "or -i.on) #ad a residen!% on t#e ;#ite $ouse (rounds) and &as ver% involved in -i.ons &e o" ille(al and unet#i!al a!tivities) even personall% a!!eptin( mone% on e#al" o" -i.on "rom t#e li*es o" $o&ard $u(#es' Bie&in( t#e "ilm one &ould (ain t#e impression t#at 3Trini4 &as little more t#an a !lose "riend o" -i.on) sort o" a "un7lovin( "riend #e en=o%ed #avin( around) t#ou(# #e &as !learl% a *e% element in t#e -i.on !rime spree'

@urt#ermore) apparentl% due to t#e pra!ti!al reasons o" ma*in( a "ilm a le to e !ompre#ended % t#e vie&er) several di""erent usinessmen !onta!ts o" ,i!#ard -i.on &ere !om ined into t#e sin(ular !omposite !#ara!ter o" t#e "i!tional Ja!* Jones' Jones) portra%ed % Garr% $a(man) is a i( usiness #ead &#o is !onstantl% !ontrollin( -i.on) virtuall% u%in( #is lo%alt% leadin( up to t#e 19CD ele!tion' T#e "i!tional !#ara!ter is ased on several real li"e t%!oons) in!ludin( t#e in"amous $o&ard $u(#es) Elint Mur!#ison) and $'G' $u(#es) amon( ot#ers' T#e "ilm did do an admira le =o o" portra%in( &#at &as surel% !ontroversial at t#e time

a ,i!#ard -i.on seemin(l% at t#e &#im o" lar(e usiness t%!oons in smo*% rooms) su servient to t#eir interests "or a !lear pri!e' $o&ever) leadin( up to t#e 1972 ele!tion) a"ter alread% ein( ele!ted President) -i.on is s#o&n standin( up to t#e li*es o" t#ese deep po!*ets) spe!i"i!all% t#e "i!tional Ja!* Jones' ;#en Jones as*s -i.on i" #e is t#reatenin( #im) -i.on replies &it#) 3t#e President o" t#e /nited States doesnt t#reaten) #e doesnt #ave to'4 ;#ile t#e s!ene ma*es "or (reat !inema) t#e impli!ation t#at -i.on at an% point stood up "or #is !onvi!tions) and turned #is a!* on #is &ealt#% ene"a!tors) is simpl% in!onsistent &it# t#e !#ara!ter o" t#e man' @urt#ermore) t#e role o" $u(#es spe!i"i!all% is a sent "rom t#e "ilm) and #istor% #as illustrated t#at #e (ave -i.on lar(e undles o" mone% throughout #is politi!al !areer) and -i.on t#rou(# various politi!al o""i!es made lar(e !on!essions to $u(#es and #is usiness dealin(s e!ause o" it' Simpl% put) t#e "ilm doesnt reall% !apture t#e e.tent and s!ope o" !orruption t#at surrounded -i.on t#rou(#out #is politi!al !areer) spe!i"i!all% at t#e #ands o" $u(#es) and rat#er portra%s it as simpl% a pro7 usiness !andidate ein( supported % usinessmen) &#en in a!tualit% t#e relations#ip &as mu!# more !orrupt t#an t#at' At most assuredl% involved spe!i"i! amounts o" mone% ille(all% #anded over "or spe!i"i! (overnmental a!ts) or simpl% put) !orruption at its most asi!'

$o&ever) despite t#e apparent do&npla%in( o" t#e a!tual relations#ips et&een -i.on and t#e li*es o" $u(#es) Stone did t#ro&7in one mention o" $u(#es t#at reall% proved to e e.!eptionall% a!!urate' ;#en #is aides are "irst tellin( -i.on a out t#e ;ater(ate ur(lars ein( !au(#t) $aldeman in"orms t#e President t#at) 3Ats possi le t#e% &ere loo*in( "or eviden!e o" an ille(al $u(#es donation to t#e ?emo!rats) so t#e ?emo!rats !ouldnt ma*e an issue o" %our $u(#es mone%4' T#us Stone presents #is vie& o" t#e motivations "or t#e ;ater(ate ur(lar%)

lon( a m%ster% and point o" !ontention et&een t#ose &#o #ave studied -i.on' Eonsiderin( t#e "ilm &as made in 1995) t#e lin*a(e o" $u(#es donations to ;ater(ate turned out to e stri*in(l% a!!urate) alt#ou(# it is mu!# more li*el% t#at t#e ur(lar% &as an attempt to tap Garr% O+riens p#one) a "ello& mem er o" t#e $u(#es pa%roll) to see if #e *ne& a out -i.ons ille(al ri e' T#is more re"ined t#eor% o" t#e $u(#es7;ater(ate !onne!tion seems to e su stantiated % one o" t#e ;ater(ate ur(lars) &#o later revealed t#at t#e purpose o" t#e rea*7in &as) 3to "ind out &#at O+rien #ad o" a dero(ator% nature a out us) not "or us to (et somet#in( on #im'4 T#us) Stones t#eor% presented is not entirel% !orre!t) t#ou(# a (reat amount o" !redit must e a&arded to #im "or utili1in( t#e $u(#es7;ater(ate !onne!tion in 1995) &#en man% dismissed it as spe!ulation) %et #istor% #as illustrated it to e t#e most pro a le motivation e#ind t#e repeated rea*7ins'

An !on!lusion) Oliver Stones Nixon is pro a l% t#e most !omplete presidential iopi! ever put out % $oll%&ood' Simpl% put) Stone (ot a lot o" t#in(s ri(#t) lar(el% due to t#e immense resear!# !ondu!ted % #im and #is sta"") in!ludin( #irin( as !onsultants ;#ite $ouse la&%ers Jo#n ?ean and Jo#n Sears) intervie&in( t#e livin( inner7!ir!le o" -i.ons sta"") and even #irin( *e% -i.on aide 8le.ander +utter"ield) &#o in"amousl% revealed t#e ela orate tapin( s%stem o" -i.on) and even ma*es a rie" appearan!e in t#e "ilm as #imsel"' ;#at &e are le"t &it# no& is not a per"e!tl% a!!urate "ilm) ut one t#at !onsiderin( its release in 1995) %ears e"ore any o" t#e -i.on tapes #ad een released to t#e pu li!) is s#o!*in(l% a!!urate' One !an onl% e impressed at #o& stri*in(l% similar t#e entire portrait painted % Stone is to t#e one o" t#e real7li"e -i.on) despite t#e "a!t t#at in 1995 most o" t#at portrait &as still a !omplete m%ster% to t#e 8meri!an people' $ope"ull%) t#at portrait &ill !ontinue to e re"ined over t#e %ears) as

#istorians do t#eir est to un!over t#e trut#s t#at -i.on "ou(#t so #ard to *eep #idden'

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