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Laura Megargel Live Lesson Reflection Jack The Solar System Katie and I chose to present a lesson based

d around the Solar System !e decided to focus on the difference bet"een Rotation and Revolution #ur overall ob$ective "as that Jack "ould be able to communicate the differences and similarities bet"een revolution% rotation and orbit% and also be able to use models to demonstrate revolution and rotation of the planets around the sun !e "ere able to assess the students

achievement based on visual demonstrations and his ability to communicate ne" kno"ledge orally and through "ritten "ork Throughout the lesson key &uestions "ere used to at first scaffold Jack% but later to assess his understanding of the concepts and vocabulary It "as evident by the end of the lesson that "e did achieve our overall ob$ectives and that Jack "as not only able to physically demonstrate 'Revolution(% 'Rotation(% and '#rbit( but "as also able to verbally communicate them The goal of the lesson "as to challenge the students vocabulary and language development I feel the vocabulary "e chose "ould be ne" to Jack because of his age !e did feel that if Jack had heard the vocabulary before% he may not kno" the actual meaning of the "ords )t first the terms 'Revolution( and 'Rotation( "ere confusing to Jack because their meanings are so similar !e "ere able to scaffold his understanding of the vocabulary by providing a hands*on demonstration of the "ords Jack "as then able to visuali+e "hat the meaning of these "ords "ere% and "as able to see the differences bet"een them The difficulty to grasp these vocabulary "ords sho"ed that the "ords "ere challenging enough for him

The one thing I noticed "ith our lesson "as that it "ent by pretty &uickly !e did use our e,tension activity but "e found that Jack "as more kno"ledgeable on the Solar System than "e had assumed If Jack "as a student in our classroom "e "ould-ve been better able to prepare a lesson more suitable for his abilities #ther than moving through the lesson &uickly% I felt the activities "ere appropriate and necessary for understanding the vocabulary I felt the demonstration of 'Rotation( 'Revolution( and '#rbit( by having $ack move around the sun "as e,tremely successful ho"ever I feel the globe demonstration could-ve been improved The globe moving sho"ed rotation ho"ever demonstrating Revolution "as difficult $ust because of the si+e of the globe If I could do this lesson again I "ould get rid of the .lobe demonstration only using it to sho" rotation% and find another activity to use in its place This could be a video or something else If "e "ere to repeat this lesson "ith an /LL student Katie and I "ould have to "ork on our o"n verbal communication !e spoke very &uickly to Jack% kno"ing he "as able to understand us If this "as an /LL student they may have gotten confused or not understand "hat "e "ere saying )nother thing I didn-t reali+e "as that "e didn-t really provide any foundation of the Solar System or any background kno"ledge 0or some /LL students the Solar System may be an e,tremely abstract concept to them% so learning about specifics from the Solar System may be e,tremely difficult 0or an /LL student I "ould ultimately slo" do"n the teaching of the lesson and also make sure to provide background information on the Solar system to the students so I am not over"helming them "ith complete abstract topics and information

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