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Ferrous Alloys
11.1 (a) List the four classifications of steels. (b) For each, briefly describe the properties and typical applications. Solution This question asks that we list ou! "lassi i"ations o steels# an$# o! ea"h# to $es"!i%e &!o&e!ties an$ "ite t'&i"al a&&li"ations. Low Ca!%on Steels P!o&e!ties( non!es&onsi)e to heat t!eat*ents+ !elati)el' so t an$ weak+ *a"hina%le an$ wel$a%le. T'&i"al a&&li"ations( auto*o%ile %o$ies# st!u"tu!al sha&es# &i&elines# %uil$in,s# %!i$,es# an$ tin "ans. Me$iu* Ca!%on Steels P!o&e!ties( heat t!eata%le# !elati)el' la!,e "o*%inations o *e"hani"al "ha!a"te!isti"s. T'&i"al a&&li"ations( !ailwa' wheels an$ t!a"ks# ,ea!s# "!anksha ts# an$ *a"hine &a!ts. Hi,h Ca!%on Steels P!o&e!ties( ha!$# st!on,# an$ !elati)el' %!ittle. T'&i"al a&&li"ations( "hisels# ha**e!s# kni)es# an$ ha"ksaw %la$es. Hi,h Allo' Steels -Stainless an$ Tool. P!o&e!ties( ha!$ an$ wea! !esistant+ !esistant to "o!!osion in a la!,e )a!iet' o en)i!on*ents. T'&i"al a&&li"ations( "uttin, tools# $!ills# "utle!'# oo$ &!o"essin,# an$ su!,i"al tools.

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11.1 (a) %ite three reasons why ferrous alloys are used so e'tensi(ely. (b) %ite three characteristics of ferrous alloys that limit their utili)ation. Solution -a. 2e!!ous allo's a!e use$ e/tensi)el' %e"ause( -1. I!on o!es e/ist in a%un$ant quantities. -1. E"ono*i"al e/t!a"tion# !e inin,# an$ a%!i"ation te"hniques a!e a)aila%le. -3. The allo's *a' %e tailo!e$ to ha)e a wi$e !an,e o &!o&e!ties. -%. 4isa$)anta,es o e!!ous allo's a!e( -1. The' a!e sus"e&ti%le to "o!!osion. -1. The' ha)e a !elati)el' hi,h $ensit'. -3. The' ha)e !elati)el' low ele"t!i"al "on$u"ti)ities.

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11.3 *hat is the function of alloyin& elements in tool steels+ Solution The allo'in, ele*ents in tool steels -e.,.# C!# 5# 6# an$ Mo. "o*%ine with the "a!%on to o!* )e!' ha!$ an$ wea!0!esistant "a!%i$e "o*&oun$s.

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11.7 %ompute the (olume percent of &raphite , -r in a ../ wt0 % cast iron, assumin& that all the carbon e'ists as the &raphite phase. Assume densities of ." and 1.. &2cm . for ferrite and &raphite, respecti(ely. Solution 6e a!e aske$ to "o*&ute the )olu*e &e!"ent ,!a&hite in a 3.8 wt9 C "ast i!on. It i!st %e"o*es ne"essa!' to "o*&ute *ass !a"tions usin, the le)e! !ule. 2!o* the i!on0"a!%on &hase $ia,!a* -2i,u!e 11.1.# the tie0line in the an$ ,!a&hite &hase iel$ e/ten$s !o* essentiall' : wt9 C to 1:: wt9 C. Thus# o! a 3.8 wt9 C "ast i!on

CGr C0 100 3.5 = = 0.965 CGr C; 100 0 C 0 C; 3.5 0 = = 0.035 CGr C; 100 0

Gr =

Con)e!sion !o* wei,ht !a"tion to )olu*e !a"tion o ,!a&hite is &ossi%le usin, Equation <.=a as

0.035 2.3 g/cm 3 = 0.965 0.035 + 3 7.9 g/cm 2.3 g/cm 3

> :.111 o! 11.1 )ol9

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11.8 3n the basis of microstructure, briefly e'plain why &ray iron is brittle and weak in tension. Solution ?!a' i!on is weak an$ %!ittle in tension %e"ause the ti&s o the ,!a&hite lakes a"t as &oints o st!ess "on"ent!ation.

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11.= %ompare &ray and malleable cast irons with respect to (a) composition and heat treatment, (b) microstructure, and (c) mechanical characteristics. Solution This question asks us to "o*&a!e )a!ious as&e"ts o ,!a' an$ *allea%le "ast i!ons. -a. 6ith !es&e"t to "o*&osition an$ heat t!eat*ent( -ray iron001.8 to 7.: wt9 C an$ 1.: to 3.: wt9 Si. 2o! *ost ,!a' i!ons the!e is no heat t!eat*ent a te! soli$i i"ation. 4alleable iron001.8 to 7.: wt9 C an$ less than 1.: wt9 Si. -%. 6ith !es&e"t to *i"!ost!u"tu!e( -ray iron00?!a&hite lakes a!e e*%e$$e$ in a e!!ite o! &ea!lite *at!i/. 4alleable iron00?!a&hite "luste!s a!e e*%e$$e$ in a e!!ite o! &ea!lite *at!i/. -". 6ith !es&e"t to *e"hani"al "ha!a"te!isti"s( -ray iron00Relati)el' weak an$ %!ittle in tension+ ,oo$ "a&a"it' o! $a*&in, )i%!ations. 4alleable iron00Mo$e!ate st!en,th an$ $u"tilit'. 6hite i!on is heate$ in a nono/i$i@in, at*os&he!e an$ at a te*&e!atu!e %etween A:: an$ <:: C o! an e/ten$e$ ti*e &e!io$.

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11.B %ompare white and nodular cast irons with respect to (a) composition and heat treatment, (b) microstructure, and (c) mechanical characteristics. Solution This question asks us to "o*&a!e white an$ no$ula! "ast i!ons. -a. 6ith !e,a!$ to "o*&osition an$ heat t!eat*ent( *hite iron001.8 to 7.: wt9 C an$ less than 1.: wt9 Si. No heat t!eat*ent+ howe)e!# "oolin, is !a&i$ $u!in, soli$i i"ation. 5odular cast iron001.8 to 7.: wt9 C# 1.: to 3.: wt9 Si# an$ a s*all a*ount o M, o! Ce. A heat t!eat*ent at a%out B::C *a' %e ne"essa!' to &!o$u"e a e!!iti" *at!i/. -%. 6ith !e,a!$ to *i"!ost!u"tu!e( *hite iron00The!e a!e !e,ions o "e*entite inte!s&e!se$ within &ea!lite. 5odular cast iron00No$ules o ,!a&hite a!e e*%e$$e$ in a e!!ite o! &ea!lite *at!i/. -". 6ith !es&e"t to *e"hani"al "ha!a"te!isti"s( *hite iron00E/t!e*el' ha!$ an$ %!ittle. 5odular cast iron00Mo$e!ate st!en,th an$ $u"tilit'.

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11.A 6s it possible to produce malleable cast iron in pieces ha(in& lar&e cross7sectional dimensions+ *hy or why not+ Solution It is not possible to &!o$u"e *allea%le i!on in &ie"es ha)in, la!,e "!oss0se"tional $i*ensions. 6hite "ast i!on is the &!e"u!so! o *allea%le i!on# an$ a !a&i$ "oolin, !ate is ne"essa!' o! the o!*ation o white i!on# whi"h *a' not %e a""o*&lishe$ at inte!io! !e,ions o thi"k "!oss0se"tions.

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Nonferrous Alloys

11.< *hat is the principal difference between wrou&ht and cast alloys+ Solution The &!in"i&al $i e!en"e %etween w!ou,ht an$ "ast allo's is as ollows( w!ou,ht allo's a!e $u"tile enou,h so as to %e hot o! "ol$ wo!ke$ $u!in, a%!i"ation# whe!eas "ast allo's a!e %!ittle to the $e,!ee that sha&in, %' $e o!*ation is not &ossi%le an$ the' *ust %e a%!i"ate$ %' "astin,.

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11.1: *hy must ri(ets of a 101 aluminum alloy be refri&erated before they are used+ Solution Ri)ets o a 1:1B alu*inu* allo' *ust %e !e !i,e!ate$ %e o!e the' a!e use$ %e"ause# a te! %ein, solution heat t!eate$# the' &!e"i&itation ha!$en at !oo* te*&e!atu!e. On"e &!e"i&itation ha!$ene$# the' a!e too st!on, an$ %!ittle to %e $!i)en.

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11.11 *hat is the chief difference between heat7treatable and non7heat7treatable alloys+ Solution The "hie $i e!en"e %etween heat0t!eata%le an$ nonheat0t!eata%le allo's is that heat0t!eata%le allo's *a' %e st!en,thene$ %' a heat t!eat*ent whe!ein a &!e"i&itate &hase is o!*e$ -&!e"i&itation ha!$enin,. o! a *a!tensiti" t!ans o!*ation o""u!s. Nonheat0t!eata%le allo's a!e not a*ena%le to st!en,thenin, %' su"h t!eat*ents.

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11.11 -i(e the distincti(e features, limitations, and applications of the followin& alloy &roups8 titanium alloys, refractory metals, superalloys, and noble metals. Solution Titaniu* Allo's 4istin"ti)e eatu!es( !elati)el' low $ensit'# hi,h *eltin, te*&e!atu!es# an$ hi,h st!en,ths a!e &ossi%le. Li*itation( %e"ause o "he*i"al !ea"ti)it' with othe! *ate!ials at ele)ate$ te*&e!atu!es# these allo's a!e e/&ensi)e to !e ine. A&&li"ations( ai!"!a t st!u"tu!es# s&a"e )ehi"les# an$ in "he*i"al an$ &et!oleu* in$ust!ies. Re !a"to!' Metals 4istin"ti)e eatu!es( st!en,ths. Li*itation( so*e e/&e!ien"e !a&i$ o/i$ation at ele)ate$ te*&e!atu!es. A&&li"ations( e/t!usion $ies# st!u"tu!al &a!ts in s&a"e )ehi"les# in"an$es"ent li,ht ila*ents# /0!a' tu%es# an$ wel$in, ele"t!o$es. Su&e!allo's 4istin"ti)e eatu!es( &e!io$s. A&&li"ations( ai!"!a t tu!%ines# nu"lea! !ea"to!s# an$ &et!o"he*i"al equi&*ent. No%le Metals 4istin"ti)e eatu!es( hi,hl' !esistant to o/i$ation# es&e"iall' at ele)ate$ te*&e!atu!es+ so t an$ $u"tile. Li*itation( e/&ensi)e. A&&li"ations( Cewel!'# $ental !esto!ation *ate!ials# "oins# "atal'sts# an$ the!*o"ou&les. a%le to withstan$ hi,h te*&e!atu!es an$ o/i$i@in, at*os&he!es o! lon, ti*e e/t!e*el' hi,h *eltin, te*&e!atu!es+ la!,e elasti" *o$uli# ha!$nesses# an$

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Forming Opera ions

11.13 %ite ad(anta&es and disad(anta&es of hot workin& and cold workin&. Solution The a$)anta,es o "ol$ wo!kin, a!e( -1. A hi,h qualit' su! a"e inish. -1. The *e"hani"al &!o&e!ties *a' %e )a!ie$. -3. Close $i*ensional tole!an"es. The $isa$)anta,es o "ol$ wo!kin, a!e( -1. Hi,h $e o!*ation ene!,' !equi!e*ents. -1. La!,e $e o!*ations *ust %e a""o*&lishe$ in ste&s# whi"h *a' %e e/&ensi)e. -3. A loss o $u"tilit'. The a$)anta,es o hot wo!kin, a!e( -1. La!,e $e o!*ations a!e &ossi%le# whi"h *a' %e !e&eate$. -1. 4e o!*ation ene!,' !equi!e*ents a!e !elati)el' low. The $isa$)anta,es o hot wo!kin, a!e( -1. A &oo! su! a"e inish. -1. A )a!iet' o *e"hani"al &!o&e!ties is not &ossi%le.

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11.17 disad(anta&es.

(a) %ite ad(anta&es of formin& metals by e'trusion as opposed to rollin&. (b) %ite some

Solution -a. The a$)anta,es o e/t!usion as o&&ose$ to !ollin, a!e as ollows( -1. Pie"es ha)in, *o!e "o*&li"ate$ "!oss0se"tional ,eo*et!ies *a' %e o!*e$. -1. Sea*less tu%in, *a' %e &!o$u"e$. -%. The $isa$)anta,es o e/t!usion o)e! !ollin, a!e as ollows( -1. Nonuni o!* $e o!*ation o)e! the "!oss0se"tion. -1. A )a!iation in &!o&e!ties *a' !esult o)e! a "!oss0se"tion o an e/t!u$e$ &ie"e.

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Cas ing
11.18 List four situations in which castin& is the preferred fabrication techni9ue. Solution 2ou! situations in whi"h "astin, is the &!e e!!e$ a%!i"ation te"hnique a!e( -1. 2o! la!,e &ie"es an$Do! "o*&li"ate$ sha&es. -1. 6hen *e"hani"al st!en,th is not an i*&o!tant "onsi$e!ation. -3. 2o! allo's ha)in, low $u"tilities. -7. 6hen it is the *ost e"ono*i"al a%!i"ation te"hnique.

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11.1= %ompare sand, die, in(estment, lost foam, and continuous castin& techni9ues. Solution 2o! sand castin&# san$ is the *ol$ *ate!ial# a two0&ie"e *ol$ is use$# o!$ina!il' the su! a"e inish is not an i*&o!tant "onsi$e!ation# the san$ *a' %e !euse$ -%ut the *ol$ *a' not.# "astin, !ates a!e low# an$ la!,e &ie"es a!e usuall' "ast. 2o! die castin&# a &e!*anent *ol$ is use$# "astin, !ates a!e hi,h# the *olten *etal is o!"e$ into the *ol$ un$e! &!essu!e# a two0&ie"e *ol$ is use$# an$ s*all &ie"es a!e no!*all' "ast. 2o! in(estment castin&# a sin,le0&ie"e *ol$ is use$# whi"h is not !eusa%le+ it !esults in hi,h $i*ensional a""u!a"'# ,oo$ !e&!o$u"tion o $etail# an$ a ine su! a"e inish+ an$ "astin, !ates a!e low. 2o! lost foam castin& # the &atte!n is &ol'st'!ene oa*# whe!eas the *ol$ *ate!ial is san$. Co*&le/ ,eo*et!ies an$ ti,ht tole!an"es a!e &ossi%le. Castin, !ates a!e hi,he! than o! in)est*ent# an$ the!e a!e ew en)i!on*ental wastes. 2o! continuous castin& # at the "on"lusion o the e/t!a"tion &!o"ess# the *olten *etal is "ast into a "ontinuous st!an$ ha)in, eithe! a !e"tan,ula! o! "i!"ula! "!oss0se"tion+ these sha&es a!e $esi!a%le o! su%sequent se"on$a!' *etal0 o!*in, o&e!ations. The "he*i"al "o*&osition an$ *e"hani"al &!o&e!ties a!e !elati)el' uni o!* th!ou,hout the "!oss0se"tion.

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Mis!ellaneous Te!"ni#ues
11.1B 6f it is assumed that, for steel alloys, the a(era&e coolin& rate of the heat7affected )one in the (icinity of a weld is 10:%2s, compare the microstructures and associated properties that will result for 10!0 (eutectoid) and ;.;0 alloys in their <A=s. Solution This &!o%le* asks that we s&e"i ' an$ "o*&a!e the *i"!ost!u"tu!es an$ *e"hani"al &!o&e!ties in the heat0a e"te$ wel$ @ones o! 1:A: an$ 737: allo's assu*in, that the a)e!a,e "oolin, !ate is 1: CDs. 2i,u!e 1:.1B shows the "ontinuous "oolin, t!ans o!*ation $ia,!a* o! an i!on0"a!%on allo' o eute"toi$ "o*&osition -1:A:.# an$# in a$$ition# "oolin, "u!)es that $elineate "han,es in *i"!ost!u"tu!e. 2o! a "oolin, !ate o 1: CDs -whi"h is less than 38CDs. the !esultin, *i"!ost!u"tu!e will %e totall' &ea!lite00&!o%a%l' a !easona%l' ine &ea!lite. On the othe! han$# in 2i,u!e 1:.1A is shown the CCT $ia,!a* o! a 737: steel. 2!o* this $ia,!a* it *a' %e note$ that a "oolin, !ate o 1:CDs &!o$u"es a totall' *a!tensiti" st!u"tu!e. Pea!lite is so te! an$ *o!e $u"tile than *a!tensite# an$# the!e o!e# is *ost likel' *o!e $esi!a%le.

E/"e!&ts !o* this wo!k *a' %e !e&!o$u"e$ %' inst!u"to!s o! $ist!i%ution on a not0 o!0&!o it %asis o! testin, o! inst!u"tional &u!&oses onl' to stu$ents en!olle$ in "ou!ses o! whi"h the te/t%ook has %een a$o&te$. Any other reproduction or translation of this work beyond that permitted by Sections 10 or 10! of the 1" # $nited States %opyri&ht Act without the permission of the copyri&ht owner is unlawful.

11.1A >escribe one problem that mi&ht e'ist with a steel weld that was cooled (ery rapidly. Solution I a steel wel$ is "oole$ )e!' !a&i$l'# *a!tensite *a' o!*# whi"h is )e!' %!ittle. In so*e situations# "!a"ks *a' o!* in the wel$ !e,ion as it "ools.

E/"e!&ts !o* this wo!k *a' %e !e&!o$u"e$ %' inst!u"to!s o! $ist!i%ution on a not0 o!0&!o it %asis o! testin, o! inst!u"tional &u!&oses onl' to stu$ents en!olle$ in "ou!ses o! whi"h the te/t%ook has %een a$o&te$. Any other reproduction or translation of this work beyond that permitted by Sections 10 or 10! of the 1" # $nited States %opyri&ht Act without the permission of the copyri&ht owner is unlawful.

Annealing Pro!esses
11.1< 6n your own words describe the followin& heat treatment procedures for steels and, for each, the intended final microstructure8 full annealin&, normali)in&, 9uenchin&, and temperin&. Solution 2ull annealin,00Heat to a%out 8:C a%o)e the A3 line# 2i,u!e 11.1: -i the "on"ent!ation o "a!%on is less than the eute"toi$. o! a%o)e the A1 line -i the "on"ent!ation o "a!%on is ,!eate! than the eute"toi$. until the allo' "o*es to equili%!iu*+ then u!na"e "ool to !oo* te*&e!atu!e. The inal *i"!ost!u"tu!e is "oa!se &ea!lite. No!*ali@in,00Heat to at least 88 C a%o)e the A3 line 2i,u!e 11.1: -i the "on"ent!ation o "a!%on is less than the eute"toi$. o! a%o)e the A"* line -i the "on"ent!ation o "a!%on is ,!eate! than the eute"toi$. until the allo' "o*&letel' t!ans o!*s to austenite# then "ool in ai!. The inal *i"!ost!u"tu!e is ine &ea!lite. Euen"hin,00Heat to a te*&e!atu!e within the austenite &hase !e,ion an$ allow the s&e"i*en to ull' austeniti@e# then quen"h to !oo* te*&e!atu!e in oil o! wate!. The inal *i"!ost!u"tu!e is *a!tensite. Te*&e!in,00Heat a quen"he$ -*a!tensiti". s&e"i*en# to a te*&e!atu!e %etween 78: an$ =8: C# o! the ti*e ne"essa!' to a"hie)e the $esi!e$ ha!$ness. The inal *i"!ost!u"tu!e is te*&e!e$ *a!tensite.

E/"e!&ts !o* this wo!k *a' %e !e&!o$u"e$ %' inst!u"to!s o! $ist!i%ution on a not0 o!0&!o it %asis o! testin, o! inst!u"tional &u!&oses onl' to stu$ents en!olle$ in "ou!ses o! whi"h the te/t%ook has %een a$o&te$. Any other reproduction or translation of this work beyond that permitted by Sections 10 or 10! of the 1" # $nited States %opyri&ht Act without the permission of the copyri&ht owner is unlawful.

11.1: %ite three sources of internal residual stresses in metal components. *hat are two possible ad(erse conse9uences of these stresses+ Solution Th!ee sou!"es o !esi$ual st!esses in *etal "o*&onents a!e &lasti" $e o!*ation &!o"esses# nonuni o!* "oolin, o a &ie"e that was "oole$ !o* an ele)ate$ te*&e!atu!e# an$ a &hase t!ans o!*ation in whi"h &a!ent an$ &!o$u"t &hases ha)e $i e!ent $ensities. Two a$)e!se "onsequen"es o these st!esses a!e $isto!tion -o! wa!&a,e. an$ !a"tu!e.

E/"e!&ts !o* this wo!k *a' %e !e&!o$u"e$ %' inst!u"to!s o! $ist!i%ution on a not0 o!0&!o it %asis o! testin, o! inst!u"tional &u!&oses onl' to stu$ents en!olle$ in "ou!ses o! whi"h the te/t%ook has %een a$o&te$. Any other reproduction or translation of this work beyond that permitted by Sections 10 or 10! of the 1" # $nited States %opyri&ht Act without the permission of the copyri&ht owner is unlawful.

11.11 -i(e the appro'imate minimum temperature at which it is possible to austeniti)e each of the followin& iron?carbon alloys durin& a normali)in& heat treatment8 (a) 0.10 wt0 %, (b) 0. # wt0 %, and (c) 0."/ wt 0 %. Solution -a. 2o! :.1: wt9 C# heat to at least <:8 C -1==:2. sin"e the A3 te*&e!atu!e is A8: C -18=:2.. -%. 2o! :.B= wt9 C# heat to at least BA1 C -177:2. sin"e the A3 te*&e!atu!e is B1BC -137:2.. -". 2o! :.<8 wt9 C# heat to at least A7: C -18782. sin"e the A"* te*&e!atu!e is BA8C -17782..

E/"e!&ts !o* this wo!k *a' %e !e&!o$u"e$ %' inst!u"to!s o! $ist!i%ution on a not0 o!0&!o it %asis o! testin, o! inst!u"tional &u!&oses onl' to stu$ents en!olle$ in "ou!ses o! whi"h the te/t%ook has %een a$o&te$. Any other reproduction or translation of this work beyond that permitted by Sections 10 or 10! of the 1" # $nited States %opyri&ht Act without the permission of the copyri&ht owner is unlawful.

11.11 ?i)e the a&&!o/i*ate te*&e!atu!e at whi"h it is $esi!a%le to heat ea"h o the ollowin, i!onF"a!%on allo's $u!in, a ull anneal heat t!eat*ent( -a. :.18 wt9 C# -%. :.78 wt9 C# -". :.A8 wt9 C# an$ -$. 1.1: wt9 C. Solution -a. 2o! :.18 wt9 C# heat to a%out AA: C -181:2. sin"e the A3 te*&e!atu!e is A3:C -171:2.. -%. 2o! :.78 wt9 C# heat to a%out A3:C -18182. sin"e the A3 te*&e!atu!e is BA: C -17382.. -". 2o! :.A8 wt9 C# heat to a%out BBBC -173:2. sin"e the A1 te*&e!atu!e is B1B C -137:2.. -$. 2o! 1.1: wt9 C# heat to a%out BBBC -173:2. sin"e the A1 te*&e!atu!e is B1B C -137:2..

E/"e!&ts !o* this wo!k *a' %e !e&!o$u"e$ %' inst!u"to!s o! $ist!i%ution on a not0 o!0&!o it %asis o! testin, o! inst!u"tional &u!&oses onl' to stu$ents en!olle$ in "ou!ses o! whi"h the te/t%ook has %een a$o&te$. Any other reproduction or translation of this work beyond that permitted by Sections 10 or 10! of the 1" # $nited States %opyri&ht Act without the permission of the copyri&ht owner is unlawful.

11.13 *hat is the purpose of a spheroidi)in& heat treatment+ 3n what classes of alloys is it normally used+ Solution The &u!&ose o a s&he!oi$i@in, heat t!eat*ent is to &!o$u"e a )e!' so t an$ $u"tile steel allo' ha)in, a s&he!oi$iti" *i"!ost!u"tu!e. It is no!*all' use$ on *e$iu*0 an$ hi,h0"a!%on steels# whi"h# %' )i!tue o "a!%on "ontent# a!e !elati)el' ha!$ an$ st!on,.

E/"e!&ts !o* this wo!k *a' %e !e&!o$u"e$ %' inst!u"to!s o! $ist!i%ution on a not0 o!0&!o it %asis o! testin, o! inst!u"tional &u!&oses onl' to stu$ents en!olle$ in "ou!ses o! whi"h the te/t%ook has %een a$o&te$. Any other reproduction or translation of this work beyond that permitted by Sections 10 or 10! of the 1" # $nited States %opyri&ht Act without the permission of the copyri&ht owner is unlawful.

$ea Trea men of S eels

11.17 @riefly e'plain the difference between hardness and hardenability. Solution Ha!$ness is a *easu!e o a *ate!ialGs !esistan"e to lo"ali@e$ su! a"e $e o!*ation# whe!eas ha!$ena%ilit' is a *easu!e o the $e&th to whi"h a e!!ous allo' *a' %e ha!$ene$ %' the o!*ation o *a!tensite. Ha!$ena%ilit' is $ete!*ine$ !o* ha!$ness tests.

E/"e!&ts !o* this wo!k *a' %e !e&!o$u"e$ %' inst!u"to!s o! $ist!i%ution on a not0 o!0&!o it %asis o! testin, o! inst!u"tional &u!&oses onl' to stu$ents en!olle$ in "ou!ses o! whi"h the te/t%ook has %een a$o&te$. Any other reproduction or translation of this work beyond that permitted by Sections 10 or 10! of the 1" # $nited States %opyri&ht Act without the permission of the copyri&ht owner is unlawful.

11.18 *hat influence does the presence of alloyin& elements (other than carbon) ha(e on the shape of a hardenability cur(e+ @riefly e'plain this effect. Solution The &!esen"e o allo'in, ele*ents -othe! than "a!%on. "auses a *u"h *o!e ,!a$ual $e"!ease in ha!$ness with &osition !o* the quen"he$ en$ o! a ha!$ena%ilit' "u!)e. The !eason o! this e e"t is that allo'in, ele*ents !eta!$ the o!*ation o &ea!liti" an$ %ainiti" st!u"tu!es whi"h a!e not as ha!$ as *a!tensite.

E/"e!&ts !o* this wo!k *a' %e !e&!o$u"e$ %' inst!u"to!s o! $ist!i%ution on a not0 o!0&!o it %asis o! testin, o! inst!u"tional &u!&oses onl' to stu$ents en!olle$ in "ou!ses o! whi"h the te/t%ook has %een a$o&te$. Any other reproduction or translation of this work beyond that permitted by Sections 10 or 10! of the 1" # $nited States %opyri&ht Act without the permission of the copyri&ht owner is unlawful.

11.1= <ow would you e'pect a decrease in the austenite &rain si)e to affect the hardenability of a steel alloy+ *hy+ Solution A $e"!ease o austenite ,!ain si@e will $e"!ease the ha!$ena%ilit'. Pea!lite no!*all' nu"leates at ,!ain %oun$a!ies# an$ the s*alle! the ,!ain si@e# the ,!eate! the ,!ain %oun$a!' a!ea# an$# "onsequentl'# the easie! it is o! &ea!lite to o!*.

E/"e!&ts !o* this wo!k *a' %e !e&!o$u"e$ %' inst!u"to!s o! $ist!i%ution on a not0 o!0&!o it %asis o! testin, o! inst!u"tional &u!&oses onl' to stu$ents en!olle$ in "ou!ses o! whi"h the te/t%ook has %een a$o&te$. Any other reproduction or translation of this work beyond that permitted by Sections 10 or 10! of the 1" # $nited States %opyri&ht Act without the permission of the copyri&ht owner is unlawful.

11.1B 5ame two thermal properties of a li9uid medium that will influence its 9uenchin& effecti(eness. Solution The two the!*al &!o&e!ties o a liqui$ *e$iu* that in luen"e its quen"hin, e e"ti)eness a!e the!*al "on$u"ti)it' an$ heat "a&a"it'.

E/"e!&ts !o* this wo!k *a' %e !e&!o$u"e$ %' inst!u"to!s o! $ist!i%ution on a not0 o!0&!o it %asis o! testin, o! inst!u"tional &u!&oses onl' to stu$ents en!olle$ in "ou!ses o! whi"h the te/t%ook has %een a$o&te$. Any other reproduction or translation of this work beyond that permitted by Sections 10 or 10! of the 1" # $nited States %opyri&ht Act without the permission of the copyri&ht owner is unlawful.

11.1A %onstruct radial hardness profiles for the followin&8 (a) A /07mm (17in.) diameter cylindrical specimen of an !#;0 steel alloy that has been 9uenched in moderately a&itated oil Solution In the *anne! o E/a*&le P!o%le* 11.1# the equi)alent $istan"es an$ ha!$nesses ta%ulate$ %elow we!e $ete!*ine$ !o* 2i,u!es 11.17 an$ 11.1B b. Ra$ial Position Su! a"e 3D7 A Mi$!a$ius Cente! The !esultin, ha!$ness &!o ile is &lotte$ %elow. Equi)alent 4istan"e# ** B 11 17 1= HRC Ha!$ness 87 8: 78 77

(b) A /7mm (.7in.) diameter cylindrical specimen of a /1;0 steel alloy that has been 9uenched in moderately a&itated oil Solution In the *anne! o E/a*&le P!o%le* 11.1# the equi)alent $istan"es an$ ha!$nesses ta%ulate$ %elow we!e $ete!*ine$ !o* 2i,u!es 11.17 an$ 11.1B b.
E/"e!&ts !o* this wo!k *a' %e !e&!o$u"e$ %' inst!u"to!s o! $ist!i%ution on a not0 o!0&!o it %asis o! testin, o! inst!u"tional &u!&oses onl' to stu$ents en!olle$ in "ou!ses o! whi"h the te/t%ook has %een a$o&te$. Any other reproduction or translation of this work beyond that permitted by Sections 10 or 10! of the 1" # $nited States %opyri&ht Act without the permission of the copyri&ht owner is unlawful.

Ra$ial Position Su! a"e 3D7 A Mi$!a$ius Cente! The !esultin, ha!$ness &!o ile is &lotte$ %elow.

Equi)alent 4istan"e# ** 13 1B.8 11 18

HRC Ha!$ness 71 3B 33 31

(c) A #/7mm (1

1 2

7in.) diameter cylindrical specimen of an !#10 steel alloy that has been 9uenched in

moderately a&itated water Solution In the *anne! o E/a*&le P!o%le* 11.1# the equi)alent $istan"es an$ ha!$nesses ta%ulate$ %elow we!e $ete!*ine$ !o* 2i,u!es 11.18 an$ 11.1B a. Ra$ial Position Su! a"e 3D7 A Mi$!a$ius Cente! Equi)alent 4istan"e# ** 1.8 B 11 13 HRC Ha!$ness 71 31 18 17

E/"e!&ts !o* this wo!k *a' %e !e&!o$u"e$ %' inst!u"to!s o! $ist!i%ution on a not0 o!0&!o it %asis o! testin, o! inst!u"tional &u!&oses onl' to stu$ents en!olle$ in "ou!ses o! whi"h the te/t%ook has %een a$o&te$. Any other reproduction or translation of this work beyond that permitted by Sections 10 or 10! of the 1" # $nited States %opyri&ht Act without the permission of the copyri&ht owner is unlawful.

The !esultin, ha!$ness &!o ile is &lotte$ %elow.

(d) A 07mm (1

3 4

7in.) diameter cylindrical specimen of a 10;0 steel alloy that has been 9uenched in

moderately a&itated water. Solution In the *anne! o E/a*&le P!o%le* 11.1# the equi)alent $istan"es an$ ha!$nesses ta%ulate$ %elow we!e $ete!*ine$ !o* 2i,u!es 11.17 an$ 11.1B a. Ra$ial Position Su! a"e 3D7 A Mi$!a$ius Cente! The !esultin, ha!$ness &!o ile is &lotte$ %elow. Equi)alent 4istan"e# ** 3 A 13 18 HRC Ha!$ness 7A 3: 13 11

E/"e!&ts !o* this wo!k *a' %e !e&!o$u"e$ %' inst!u"to!s o! $ist!i%ution on a not0 o!0&!o it %asis o! testin, o! inst!u"tional &u!&oses onl' to stu$ents en!olle$ in "ou!ses o! whi"h the te/t%ook has %een a$o&te$. Any other reproduction or translation of this work beyond that permitted by Sections 10 or 10! of the 1" # $nited States %opyri&ht Act without the permission of the copyri&ht owner is unlawful.

E/"e!&ts !o* this wo!k *a' %e !e&!o$u"e$ %' inst!u"to!s o! $ist!i%ution on a not0 o!0&!o it %asis o! testin, o! inst!u"tional &u!&oses onl' to stu$ents en!olle$ in "ou!ses o! whi"h the te/t%ook has %een a$o&te$. Any other reproduction or translation of this work beyond that permitted by Sections 10 or 10! of the 1" # $nited States %opyri&ht Act without the permission of the copyri&ht owner is unlawful.

11.1< %ompare the effecti(eness of 9uenchin& in moderately a&itated water and oil by &raphin&, on a sin&le plot, radial hardness profiles for #/7mm (1 ha(e been 9uenched in both media. Solution 6e a!e aske$ to "o*&a!e the e e"ti)eness o quen"hin, in *o$e!atel' a,itate$ wate! an$ oil %' ,!a&hin,# on a sin,le &lot# ha!$ness &!o iles o! a =8 ** -101D1 in.. $ia*ete! "'lin$!i"al s&e"i*en o an A=3: steel that has %een quen"he$ in %oth *e$ia. 2o! *o$e!atel' a,itate$ wate!# the equi)alent $istan"es an$ ha!$nesses o! the se)e!al !a$ial &ositions H2i,u!es 11.1Ba an$ 11.18I a!e ta%ulate$ %elow. Ra$ial Position Su! a"e 3D7 A Mi$!a$ius Cente! Equi)alent 4istan"e# ** 1.8 B 11 13 HRC Ha!$ness 81 73 3= 33
1 2

7in.) diameter cylindrical specimens of an !#.0 steel that

6hile o! *o$e!atel' a,itate$ oil# the equi)alent $istan"es an$ ha!$nesses o! the se)e!al !a$ial &ositions H2i,u!es 11.1Bb an$ 11.18I a!e ta%ulate$ %elow. Ra$ial Position Su! a"e 3D7 A Mi$!a$ius Cente! These $ata a!e &lotte$ he!e. Equi)alent 4istan"e# ** 1: 18 1A 1: HRC Ha!$ness 3B 31 1< 1A

E/"e!&ts !o* this wo!k *a' %e !e&!o$u"e$ %' inst!u"to!s o! $ist!i%ution on a not0 o!0&!o it %asis o! testin, o! inst!u"tional &u!&oses onl' to stu$ents en!olle$ in "ou!ses o! whi"h the te/t%ook has %een a$o&te$. Any other reproduction or translation of this work beyond that permitted by Sections 10 or 10! of the 1" # $nited States %opyri&ht Act without the permission of the copyri&ht owner is unlawful.

E/"e!&ts !o* this wo!k *a' %e !e&!o$u"e$ %' inst!u"to!s o! $ist!i%ution on a not0 o!0&!o it %asis o! testin, o! inst!u"tional &u!&oses onl' to stu$ents en!olle$ in "ou!ses o! whi"h the te/t%ook has %een a$o&te$. Any other reproduction or translation of this work beyond that permitted by Sections 10 or 10! of the 1" # $nited States %opyri&ht Act without the permission of the copyri&ht owner is unlawful.

Pre!ipi a ion $ar%ening

11.3: %ompare precipitation hardenin& (Section 11.") and the hardenin& of steel by 9uenchin& and temperin& (Sections 10./, 10.#, and 10.!) with re&ard to (a) Bhe total heat treatment procedure (b) Bhe microstructures that de(elop (c) <ow the mechanical properties chan&e durin& the se(eral heat treatment sta&es Solution -a. 6ith !e,a!$ to the total heat t!eat*ent &!o"e$u!e# the ste&s o! the hardenin& of steel a!e as ollows( -1. Austeniti@e a%o)e the u&&e! "!iti"al te*&e!atu!e. -1. Euen"h to a !elati)el' low te*&e!atu!e. -3. Te*&e! at a te*&e!atu!e %elow the eute"toi$. -7. Cool to !oo* te*&e!atu!e. 6ith !e,a!$ to precipitation hardenin& # the ste&s a!e as ollows( -1. Solution heat t!eat %' heatin, into the soli$ solution &hase !e,ion. -1. Euen"h to a !elati)el' low te*&e!atu!e. -3. P!e"i&itation ha!$en %' heatin, to a te*&e!atu!e that is within the soli$ two0&hase !e,ion. -7. Cool to !oo* te*&e!atu!e. -%. 2o! the hardenin& of steel # the *i"!ost!u"tu!es that o!* at the )a!ious heat t!eatin, sta,es in &a!t -a. a!e( -1. Austenite -1. Ma!tensite -3. Te*&e!e$ *a!tensite -7. Te*&e!e$ *a!tensite 2o! precipitation hardenin& # the *i"!ost!u"tu!es that o!* at the )a!ious heat t!eatin, sta,es in &a!t -a. a!e( -1. Sin,le &hase -1. Sin,le &hase00su&e!satu!ate$ -3. S*all &late0like &a!ti"les o a new &hase within a *at!i/ o the o!i,inal &hase. -7. Sa*e as -3. -". 2o! the hardenin& of steel # the *e"hani"al "ha!a"te!isti"s o! the )a!ious ste&s in &a!t -a. a!e as ollows( -1. Not i*&o!tant -1. The steel %e"o*es ha!$ an$ %!ittle u&on quen"hin,.
E/"e!&ts !o* this wo!k *a' %e !e&!o$u"e$ %' inst!u"to!s o! $ist!i%ution on a not0 o!0&!o it %asis o! testin, o! inst!u"tional &u!&oses onl' to stu$ents en!olle$ in "ou!ses o! whi"h the te/t%ook has %een a$o&te$. Any other reproduction or translation of this work beyond that permitted by Sections 10 or 10! of the 1" # $nited States %opyri&ht Act without the permission of the copyri&ht owner is unlawful.

-3. 4u!in, te*&e!in,# the allo' so tens sli,htl' an$ %e"o*es *o!e $u"tile. -7. No si,ni i"ant "han,es u&on "oolin, to o! *aintainin, at !oo* te*&e!atu!e. 2o! precipitation hardenin& # the *e"hani"al "ha!a"te!isti"s o! the )a!ious ste&s in &a!t -a. a!e as ollows( -1. Not i*&o!tant -1. The allo' is !elati)el' so t. -3. The allo' ha!$ens with in"!easin, ti*e -initiall'.# an$ %e"o*es *o!e %!ittle+ it *a' so ten with o)e!a,in,. -7. The allo' *a' "ontinue to ha!$en o! o)e!a,e at !oo* te*&e!atu!e.

E/"e!&ts !o* this wo!k *a' %e !e&!o$u"e$ %' inst!u"to!s o! $ist!i%ution on a not0 o!0&!o it %asis o! testin, o! inst!u"tional &u!&oses onl' to stu$ents en!olle$ in "ou!ses o! whi"h the te/t%ook has %een a$o&te$. Any other reproduction or translation of this work beyond that permitted by Sections 10 or 10! of the 1" # $nited States %opyri&ht Act without the permission of the copyri&ht owner is unlawful.

11.31 *hat is the principal difference between natural and artificial a&in& processes+ Solution 2o! &!e"i&itation ha!$enin,# natu!al a,in, is allowin, the &!e"i&itation &!o"ess to o""u! at the a*%ient te*&e!atu!e+ a!ti i"ial a,in, is "a!!ie$ out at an ele)ate$ te*&e!atu!e.

E/"e!&ts !o* this wo!k *a' %e !e&!o$u"e$ %' inst!u"to!s o! $ist!i%ution on a not0 o!0&!o it %asis o! testin, o! inst!u"tional &u!&oses onl' to stu$ents en!olle$ in "ou!ses o! whi"h the te/t%ook has %een a$o&te$. Any other reproduction or translation of this work beyond that permitted by Sections 10 or 10! of the 1" # $nited States %opyri&ht Act without the permission of the copyri&ht owner is unlawful.


Ferrous Alloys Nonferrous Alloys

11.41 @elow is a list of metals and alloys8 Clain carbon steel @rass -ray cast iron Clatinum Stainless steel Bitanium alloy Select from this list the one metal or alloy that is best suited for each of the followin& applications, and cite at least one reason for your choice8 (a) Bhe block of an internal combustion en&ine (b) %ondensin& heat e'chan&er for steam (c) Det en&ine turbofan blades (d) >rill bit (e) %ryo&enic (i.e., (ery low temperature) container (f) As a pyrotechnic (i.e., in flares and fireworks) (&) <i&h7temperature furnace elements to be used in o'idi)in& atmospheres Solution -a. ?!a' "ast i!on woul$ %e the %est "hoi"e o! an en,ine %lo"k %e"ause it is !elati)el' eas' to "ast# is wea! !esistant# has ,oo$ )i%!ation $a*&in, "ha!a"te!isti"s# an$ is !elati)el' ine/&ensi)e. -%. Stainless steel woul$ %e the %est "hoi"e o! a heat e/"han,e! to "on$ense stea* %e"ause it is "o!!osion !esistant to the stea* an$ "on$ensate. -". Titaniu* allo's a!e the %est "hoi"e o! hi,h0s&ee$ ai!"!a t Cet en,ine tu!%o an %la$es %e"ause the' a!e li,ht wei,ht# st!on,# an$ easil' a%!i"ate$ )e!' !esistant to "o!!osion. Howe)e!# one $!aw%a"k is thei! "ost. -$. A tool steel woul$ %e the %est "hoi"e o! a $!ill %it %e"ause it is )e!' ha!$ !etains its ha!$ness at hi,h te*&e!atu!e an$ is wea! !esistant# an$# thus# will !etain a sha!& "uttin, e$,e. -e. 2o! a "!'o,eni" -low0te*&e!atu!e. "ontaine!# an alu*inu* allo' woul$ %e the %est "hoi"e+ alu*inu* allo's ha)e an 2CC "!'stal st!u"tu!e# an$ the!e o!e# a!e $u"tile at )e!' low te*&e!atu!es. - . As a &'!ote"hni" in la!es an$ i!ewo!ks# *a,nesiu* is the %est "hoi"e %e"ause it i,nites easil' an$
E/"e!&ts !o* this wo!k *a' %e !e&!o$u"e$ %' inst!u"to!s o! $ist!i%ution on a not0 o!0&!o it %asis o! testin, o! inst!u"tional &u!&oses onl' to stu$ents en!olle$ in "ou!ses o! whi"h the te/t%ook has %een a$o&te$. Any other reproduction or translation of this work beyond that permitted by Sections 10 or 10! of the 1" # $nited States %opyri&ht Act without the permission of the copyri&ht owner is unlawful.

4a&nesium =inc Bool steel Aluminum Bun&sten

%u!ns !ea$il' in ai! with a )e!' %!i,ht la*e. -,. Platinu* is the %est "hoi"e o! hi,h0te*&e!atu!e u!na"e ele*ents to %e use$ in o/i$i@in, at*os&he!es %e"ause it is )e!' $u"tile# has a !elati)el' )e!' hi,h *eltin, te*&e!atu!e# an$ is hi,hl' !esistant to o/i$ation.

E/"e!&ts !o* this wo!k *a' %e !e&!o$u"e$ %' inst!u"to!s o! $ist!i%ution on a not0 o!0&!o it %asis o! testin, o! inst!u"tional &u!&oses onl' to stu$ents en!olle$ in "ou!ses o! whi"h the te/t%ook has %een a$o&te$. Any other reproduction or translation of this work beyond that permitted by Sections 10 or 10! of the 1" # $nited States %opyri&ht Act without the permission of the copyri&ht owner is unlawful.

11.41 A &roup of new materials are the metallic &lasses (or amorphous metals). *rite an essay about these materials in which you address the followin& issues8 (1) compositions of some of the common metallic &lasses, (1) characteristics of these materials that make them technolo&ically attracti(e, (.) characteristics that limit their utili)ation, (;) current and potential uses, and (/) at least one techni9ue that is used to produce metallic &lasses. Solution -a. Co*&ositionall'# the *etalli" ,lass *ate!ials a!e !athe! "o*&le/+ se)e!al "o*&ositions a!e as ollows( 2eA:B1:# 2eB1C!AP13CB# 2e=BCo1AB17Si# P$BB.8Cu=.:Si1=.8# an$ 2e7:Ni3AMo7B1A. -%. These *ate!ials a!e e/"e&tionall' st!on, an$ tou,h# e/t!e*el' "o!!osion !esistant# an$ a!e easil' *a,neti@e$. -". P!in"i&al $!aw%a"ks o! these *ate!ials a!e 1. "o*&li"ate$ an$ e/oti" a%!i"ation te"hniques a!e !equi!e$+ an$ 1. inas*u"h as )e!' !a&i$ "oolin, !ates a!e !equi!e$# at least one $i*ension o the *ate!ial *ust %e s*all00i.e.# the' a!e no!*all' &!o$u"e$ in !i%%on o!*. -$. %ooks. -e. P!o$u"tion te"hniques in"lu$e "ent!i u,e *elt s&innin,# &lana!0 low "astin,# !a&i$ &!essu!e a&&li"ation# a!" *elt s&innin,. Potential uses in"lu$e t!ans o!*e! "o!es# *a,neti" a*&li ie!s# hea$s o! *a,neti" ta&e &la'e!s# !ein o!"e*ents o! &!essu!e )essels an$ ti!es# shiel$s o! ele"t!o*a,neti" inte! e!en"e# se"u!it' ta&es o! li%!a!'

E/"e!&ts !o* this wo!k *a' %e !e&!o$u"e$ %' inst!u"to!s o! $ist!i%ution on a not0 o!0&!o it %asis o! testin, o! inst!u"tional &u!&oses onl' to stu$ents en!olle$ in "ou!ses o! whi"h the te/t%ook has %een a$o&te$. Any other reproduction or translation of this work beyond that permitted by Sections 10 or 10! of the 1" # $nited States %opyri&ht Act without the permission of the copyri&ht owner is unlawful.

11.43 3f the followin& alloys, pick the one(s) that may be stren&thened by heat treatment, cold work, or both8 A/0/00 titanium, A=.1@ ma&nesium, #0#1 aluminum, %/1000 phosphor bron)e, lead, #1/0 steel, .0; stainless steel, and %1 100 beryllium copper. Solution This question &!o)i$es us with a list o se)e!al *etal allo's# an$ then asks us to &i"k those that *a' %e st!en,thene$ %' heat t!eat*ent# %' "ol$ wo!k# o! %oth. Those allo's that *a' %e heat t!eate$ a!e eithe! those note$ as Jheat t!eata%leJ -Ta%les 11.= th!ou,h 11.<.# o! as *a!tensiti" stainless steels -Ta%le 11.7.. Allo's that *a' %e st!en,thene$ %' "ol$ wo!kin, *ust not %e e/"e&tionall' %!ittle# an$# u!the!*o!e# *ust ha)e !e"!'stalli@ation te*&e!atu!es a%o)e !oo* te*&e!atu!e -whi"h i**e$iatel' eli*inates lea$.. The allo's that all within the th!ee "lassi i"ations a!e as ollows( Heat T!eata%le =18: steel C1B1:: Be0Cu =:=1 Al Col$ 6o!ka%le =18: steel C1B1:: Be0Cu =:=1 Al 3:7 stainless steel R8:8:: Ti C81::: &hos&ho! %!on@e AK31B M, Both =18: steel C1B1:: Be0Cu =:=1 Al

E/"e!&ts !o* this wo!k *a' %e !e&!o$u"e$ %' inst!u"to!s o! $ist!i%ution on a not0 o!0&!o it %asis o! testin, o! inst!u"tional &u!&oses onl' to stu$ents en!olle$ in "ou!ses o! whi"h the te/t%ook has %een a$o&te$. Any other reproduction or translation of this work beyond that permitted by Sections 10 or 10! of the 1" # $nited States %opyri&ht Act without the permission of the copyri&ht owner is unlawful.

11.47 A structural member 100 mm (; in.) lon& must be able to support a load of /0,000 5 (11,1/0 lb f) without e'periencin& any plastic deformation. -i(en the followin& data for brass, steel, aluminum, and titanium, rank them from least to &reatest wei&ht in accordance with these criteria. Yield Strength &MPa 'ksi() ;1/ (#0) !#0 (11/) .10 (;/) //0 (!0) Density 'g/cm 3( !./ ." 1. ;./

Alloy @rass Steel Aluminum Bitanium

Solution This &!o%le* asks us to !ank ou! allo's -%!ass# steel# titaniu*# an$ alu*inu*.# !o* least to ,!eatest wei,ht o! a st!u"tu!al *e*%e! to su&&o!t a 8:#::: N -11#18: l% . loa$ without e/&e!ien"in, &lasti" $e o!*ation. 2!o* Equation =.1# the "!oss0se"tional a!ea - A:. *ust ne"essa!il' "a!!' the loa$ - F. without e/"ee$in, the 'iel$ st!en,th -y.# as

0 =

Now# ,i)en the len,th l# the )olu*e o *ate!ial !equi!e$ -,. is Cust

= lA0 =

lF Ly

2inall'# the *ass o the *e*%e! -m. is

= =

He!e is the $ensit'. Usin, the )alues ,i)en o! these allo's

(brass) =

(8.5 g/cm3 ) (10 cm)(50, 000 N)

1 m 2 6 2 (415 10 N / m ) 2 10 cm

= 102 g

E/"e!&ts !o* this wo!k *a' %e !e&!o$u"e$ %' inst!u"to!s o! $ist!i%ution on a not0 o!0&!o it %asis o! testin, o! inst!u"tional &u!&oses onl' to stu$ents en!olle$ in "ou!ses o! whi"h the te/t%ook has %een a$o&te$. Any other reproduction or translation of this work beyond that permitted by Sections 10 or 10! of the 1" # $nited States %opyri&ht Act without the permission of the copyri&ht owner is unlawful.

(steel) =

(7.9 g/cm3 ) (10 cm)(50, 000 N)

2 (860 10 6 N / m2 ) 12 m 10 cm

= 46 g

(aluminum) =

(2.7 g/cm 3) (10 cm)(50, 000 N)

2 (310 10 6 N / m2 ) 12 m 10 cm

= 43.5 g

(titanium) =

(4.5 g/cm 3) (10 cm)(50, 000 N)

1 m 2 6 2 (550 10 N / m ) 2 10 cm

= 40.9 g

Thus# titaniu* woul$ ha)e the *ini*u* wei,ht -o! *ass.# ollowe$ %' alu*inu*# steel# an$ %!ass.

E/"e!&ts !o* this wo!k *a' %e !e&!o$u"e$ %' inst!u"to!s o! $ist!i%ution on a not0 o!0&!o it %asis o! testin, o! inst!u"tional &u!&oses onl' to stu$ents en!olle$ in "ou!ses o! whi"h the te/t%ook has %een a$o&te$. Any other reproduction or translation of this work beyond that permitted by Sections 10 or 10! of the 1" # $nited States %opyri&ht Act without the permission of the copyri&ht owner is unlawful.

11.48 >iscuss whether it would be ad(isable to hot work or cold work the followin& metals and alloys on the basis of meltin& temperature, o'idation resistance, yield stren&th, and de&ree of brittleness8 tin, tun&sten, aluminum alloys, ma&nesium alloys, and a ;1;0 steel. Solution Tin woul$ al*ost alwa's %e hot0wo!ke$. E)en $e o!*ation at !oo* te*&e!atu!e woul$ %e "onsi$e!e$ hot0wo!kin, inas*u"h as its !e"!'stalli@ation te*&e!atu!e is %elow !oo* te*&e!atu!e -Ta%le B.1.. Tun,sten is ha!$ an$ st!on, at !oo* te*&e!atu!e# has a hi,h !e"!'stalli@ation te*&e!atu!e# an$ e/&e!ien"es o/i$ation at ele)ate$ te*&e!atu!es. Col$0wo!kin, is $i i"ult %e"ause o its st!en,th# an$ hot0wo!kin, is not &!a"ti"al %e"ause o o/i$ation &!o%le*s. Most tun,sten a!ti"les a!e a%!i"ate$ %' &ow$e! *etallu!,'# o! %' usin, "ol$0wo!kin, ollowe$ %' annealin, "'"les. Most alu*inu* allo's *a' %e "ol$0wo!ke$ sin"e the' a!e $u"tile an$ ha)e !elati)el' low 'iel$ st!en,ths. Ma,nesiu* allo's a!e no!*all' hot0wo!ke$ inas*u"h as the' a!e quite %!ittle at !oo* te*&e!atu!e. Also# *a,nesiu* allo's ha)e !elati)el' low !e"!'stalli@ation te*&e!atu!es. A 717: steel "oul$ %e "ol$0wo!ke$ in an o)e!0te*&e!e$ state whi"h lea)es it so t an$ !elati)el' $u"tile# a te! whi"h quen"hin, an$ te*&e!in, heat t!eat*ents *a' %e e*&lo'e$ to st!en,then an$ ha!$en it. This steel woul$ &!o%a%l' ha)e a !elati)el' hi,h !e"!'stalli@ation te*&e!atu!e# an$ hot0wo!kin, *a' "ause o/i$ation.

E/"e!&ts !o* this wo!k *a' %e !e&!o$u"e$ %' inst!u"to!s o! $ist!i%ution on a not0 o!0&!o it %asis o! testin, o! inst!u"tional &u!&oses onl' to stu$ents en!olle$ in "ou!ses o! whi"h the te/t%ook has %een a$o&te$. Any other reproduction or translation of this work beyond that permitted by Sections 10 or 10! of the 1" # $nited States %opyri&ht Act without the permission of the copyri&ht owner is unlawful.

$ea Trea men of S eels

11.4= A cylindrical piece of steel 1/ mm (1.0 in.) in diameter is to be 9uenched in moderately a&itated oil. Surface and center hardnesses must be at least // and /0 <A%, respecti(ely. *hich of the followin& alloys will satisfy these re9uirements8 10;0, /1;0, ;.;0, ;1;0, and !#;0+ Dustify your choice(s). Solution In *o$e!atel' a,itate$ oil# the equi)alent $istan"es !o* the quen"he$ en$ o! a one0in"h $ia*ete! %a! o! su! a"e an$ "ente! &ositions a!e 3 ** -1DA in.. an$ A ** -11D31 in..# !es&e"ti)el' H2i,u!e 11.1B bI. ha!$nesses at these two &ositions o! the allo's "ite$ -as $ete!*ine$ usin, 2i,u!e 11.17. a!e ,i)en %elow. Su! a"e Ha!$ness -HRC. 8: 8= 8B 8B 8B Cente! Ha!$ness -HRC. 3: 7< 8B 88 83 The

Allo' 1:7: 817: 737: 717: A=7:

Thus# allo's 737:# 717:# an$ A=7: will satis ' the "!ite!ia o! %oth su! a"e an$ "ente! ha!$nesses.

E/"e!&ts !o* this wo!k *a' %e !e&!o$u"e$ %' inst!u"to!s o! $ist!i%ution on a not0 o!0&!o it %asis o! testin, o! inst!u"tional &u!&oses onl' to stu$ents en!olle$ in "ou!ses o! whi"h the te/t%ook has %een a$o&te$. Any other reproduction or translation of this work beyond that permitted by Sections 10 or 10! of the 1" # $nited States %opyri&ht Act without the permission of the copyri&ht owner is unlawful.

11.4B A cylindrical piece of steel / mm (. in.) in diameter is to be austeniti)ed and 9uenched such that a minimum hardness of ;0 <A% is to be produced throu&hout the entire piece. 3f the alloys !##0, !#;0, !#.0, and !#10, which will 9ualify if the 9uenchin& medium is (a) moderately a&itated water, and (b) moderately a&itated oil+ Dustify your choice(s). Solution -a. This &!o%le* "alls o! us to $e"i$e whi"h o A==:# A=7:# A=3:# an$ A=1: allo's *a' %e a%!i"ate$ into a "'lin$!i"al &ie"e B8 ** -3 in.. in $ia*ete! whi"h# when quen"he$ in *il$l' a,itate$ wate!# will &!o$u"e a *ini*u* ha!$ness o 7: HRC th!ou,hout the enti!e &ie"e. The "ente! o the steel "'lin$e! will "ool the slowest an$ the!e o!e will %e the so test. In *o$e!atel' a,itate$ wate! the equi)alent $istan"e !o* the quen"he$ en$ o! a B8 ** $ia*ete! %a! o! the "ente! &osition is a%out 1B ** -11D1= in.. H2i,u!e 11.1B aI. The ha!$nesses at this &osition o! the allo's "ite$ -2i,u!e 11.18. a!e ,i)en %elow. Cente! Ha!$ness -HRC. 8A 71 3: 11

Allo' A==: A=7: A=3: A=1:

The!e o!e# onl' A==: an$ A=7: allo's will ha)e a *ini*u* o 7: HRC at the "ente!# an$ the!e o!e# th!ou,hout the enti!e "'lin$e!. -%. This &a!t o the &!o%le* asks us to $o the sa*e thin, o! *o$e!atel' a,itate$ oil. In *o$e!atel' a,itate$ oil the equi)alent $istan"e !o* the quen"he$ en$ o! a B8 ** $ia*ete! %a! at the "ente! &osition is a%out 18.8 ** -101D31 in.. H2i,u!e 11.1B bI. The ha!$nesses at this &osition o! the allo's "ite$ -2i,u!e 11.18. a!e ,i)en %elow. Cente! Ha!$ness -HRC. 83 3B 1= M 1:

Allo' A==: A=7: A=3: A=1:

E/"e!&ts !o* this wo!k *a' %e !e&!o$u"e$ %' inst!u"to!s o! $ist!i%ution on a not0 o!0&!o it %asis o! testin, o! inst!u"tional &u!&oses onl' to stu$ents en!olle$ in "ou!ses o! whi"h the te/t%ook has %een a$o&te$. Any other reproduction or translation of this work beyond that permitted by Sections 10 or 10! of the 1" # $nited States %opyri&ht Act without the permission of the copyri&ht owner is unlawful.

The!e o!e# onl' the A==: allo' will ha)e a *ini*u* o 7: HRC at the "ente!# an$ the!e o!e# th!ou,hout the enti!e "'lin$e!.

E/"e!&ts !o* this wo!k *a' %e !e&!o$u"e$ %' inst!u"to!s o! $ist!i%ution on a not0 o!0&!o it %asis o! testin, o! inst!u"tional &u!&oses onl' to stu$ents en!olle$ in "ou!ses o! whi"h the te/t%ook has %een a$o&te$. Any other reproduction or translation of this work beyond that permitted by Sections 10 or 10! of the 1" # $nited States %opyri&ht Act without the permission of the copyri&ht owner is unlawful.

11.4A A cylindrical piece of steel .! mm (1

1 2

in.) in diameter is to be austeniti)ed and 9uenched such

that a microstructure consistin& of at least !00 martensite will be produced throu&hout the entire piece. 3f the alloys ;.;0, ;1;0, !#;0, /1;0, and 10;0, which will 9ualify if the 9uenchin& medium is (a) moderately a&itated oil and (b) moderately a&itated water+ Dustify your choice(s). Solution -a. Sin"e the "oolin, !ate is lowest at the "ente!# we want a *ini*u* o A:9 *a!tensite at the "ente! &osition. 2!o* 2i,u!e 11.1B b# the "oolin, !ate is equal to an equi)alent $istan"e !o* the quen"he$ en$ o 11 ** -1D1 in... A""o!$in, to 2i,u!e 11.17# the ha!$ness "o!!es&on$in, to A:9 *a!tensite o! these allo's is 8: HRC. Thus# all we nee$ $o is to $ete!*ine whi"h o the allo's ha)e a 8: HRC ha!$ness at an equi)alent $istan"e !o* the quen"he$ en$ o 11 ** -1D1 in... At an equi)alent $istan"e o 11 ** -1D1 in..# the ollowin, ha!$nesses a!e $ete!*ine$ !o* 2i,u!e 11.17 o! the )a!ious allo's. Allo' 737: 717: A=7: 817: 1:7: Thus# onl' allo's 737: an$ 717: will quali '. -%. 2o! *o$e!atel' a,itate$ wate!# the "oolin, !ate at the "ente! o a 3A ** $ia*ete! s&e"i*en is B ** -8D1= in.. equi)alent $istan"e !o* the quen"he$ en$ H2i,u!e 11.1B aI. At this &osition# the ollowin, ha!$nesses a!e $ete!*ine$ !o* 2i,u!e 11.17 o! the se)e!al allo's. Allo' 737: 717: A=7: 817: 1:7: Ha!$ness -HRC. 8B 88 87 81 33 Ha!$ness -HRC. 8= 83 7< 73 18

It is still ne"essa!' to ha)e a ha!$ness o 8: HRC o! ,!eate! at the "ente!+ thus# allo's 737:# 717:# A=7:# an$ 817: quali '.

E/"e!&ts !o* this wo!k *a' %e !e&!o$u"e$ %' inst!u"to!s o! $ist!i%ution on a not0 o!0&!o it %asis o! testin, o! inst!u"tional &u!&oses onl' to stu$ents en!olle$ in "ou!ses o! whi"h the te/t%ook has %een a$o&te$. Any other reproduction or translation of this work beyond that permitted by Sections 10 or 10! of the 1" # $nited States %opyri&ht Act without the permission of the copyri&ht owner is unlawful.

11.4< A cylindrical piece of steel "0 mm (.

1 2

in.) in diameter is to be 9uenched in moderately a&itated

water. Surface and center hardnesses must be at least // and ;0 <A%, respecti(ely. *hich of the followin& alloys will satisfy these re9uirements8 10;0, /1;0, ;.;0, ;1;0, !#10, !#.0, !#;0, and !##0+ Dustify your choices. Solution A ninet'0*illi*ete! -th!ee an$ one0hal in"h. $ia*ete! "'lin$!i"al steel s&e"i*en is to %e quen"he$ in *o$e!atel' a,itate$ wate!. 6e a!e to $e"i$e whi"h o ei,ht $i e!ent steels will ha)e su! a"e an$ "ente! ha!$nesses o at least 88 an$ 7: HRC# !es&e"ti)el'. In *o$e!atel' a,itate$ wate!# the equi)alent $istan"es !o* the quen"he$ en$ o! a <: ** $ia*ete! %a! o! su! a"e an$ "ente! &ositions a!e 3 ** -1DA in.. an$ 11 ** -BDA in..# !es&e"ti)el' H2i,u!e 11.1B aI. The ha!$nesses at these two &ositions o! the allo's "ite$ a!e ,i)en %elow. The ha!$nesses at these two &ositions o! the allo's "ite$ a!e ,i)en %elow -as $ete!*ine$ !o* 2i,u!es 11.17 an$ 11.18.. Su! a"e Ha!$ness -HRC. 8: 8= 8B 8B 71 81 8= =7 Cente! Ha!$ness -HRC. M 1: 37 83 78 M 1: 1A 3A 88

Allo' 1:7: 817: 737: 717: A=1: A=3: A=7: A==:

Thus# allo's 737:# 717:# an$ A==: will satis ' the "!ite!ia o! %oth su! a"e ha!$ness -*ini*u* 88 HRC. an$ "ente! ha!$ness -*ini*u* 7: HRC..

E/"e!&ts !o* this wo!k *a' %e !e&!o$u"e$ %' inst!u"to!s o! $ist!i%ution on a not0 o!0&!o it %asis o! testin, o! inst!u"tional &u!&oses onl' to stu$ents en!olle$ in "ou!ses o! whi"h the te/t%ook has %een a$o&te$. Any other reproduction or translation of this work beyond that permitted by Sections 10 or 10! of the 1" # $nited States %opyri&ht Act without the permission of the copyri&ht owner is unlawful.

11.41: A cylindrical piece of ;1;0 steel is to be austeniti)ed and 9uenched in moderately a&itated oil. 6f the microstructure is to consist of at least /00 martensite throu&hout the entire piece, what is the ma'imum allowable diameter+ Dustify your answer. Solution 2!o* 2i,u!e 11.17# the equi)alent $istan"e !o* the quen"he$ en$ o a 717: steel to ,i)e 8:9 *a!tensite -o! a 71.8 HRC ha!$ness. is 1B ** -101DA in... Thus# the quen"hin, !ate at the "ente! o the s&e"i*en shoul$ "o!!es&on$ to this equi)alent $istan"e. Usin, 2i,u!e 11.1B b# the "ente! s&e"i*en "u!)e takes on a )alue o 1B ** -101DA in.. equi)alent $istan"e at a $ia*ete! o a%out A3 ** -3.3 in...

E/"e!&ts !o* this wo!k *a' %e !e&!o$u"e$ %' inst!u"to!s o! $ist!i%ution on a not0 o!0&!o it %asis o! testin, o! inst!u"tional &u!&oses onl' to stu$ents en!olle$ in "ou!ses o! whi"h the te/t%ook has %een a$o&te$. Any other reproduction or translation of this work beyond that permitted by Sections 10 or 10! of the 1" # $nited States %opyri&ht Act without the permission of the copyri&ht owner is unlawful.

11.411 A cylindrical piece of !#;0 steel is to be austeniti)ed and 9uenched in moderately a&itated oil. 6f the hardness at the surface of the piece must be at least ;" <A%, what is the ma'imum allowable diameter+ Dustify your answer. Solution 6e a!e to $ete!*ine# o! a "'lin$!i"al &ie"e o A=7: steel# the *ini*u* allowa%le $ia*ete! &ossi%le in o!$e! 'iel$ a su! a"e ha!$ness o 7< HRC# when the quen"hin, is "a!!ie$ out in *o$e!atel' a,itate$ oil. 2!o* 2i,u!e 11.18# the equi)alent $istan"e !o* the quen"he$ en$ o an A=7: steel to ,i)e a ha!$ness o 7< HRC is a%out 11 ** -18D31 in... Thus# the quen"hin, !ate at the su! a"e o the s&e"i*en shoul$ "o!!es&on$ to this equi)alent $istan"e. Usin, 2i,u!e 11.1B b# the su! a"e s&e"i*en "u!)e takes on a )alue o 11 ** equi)alent $istan"e at a $ia*ete! o a%out B8 ** -3 in...

E/"e!&ts !o* this wo!k *a' %e !e&!o$u"e$ %' inst!u"to!s o! $ist!i%ution on a not0 o!0&!o it %asis o! testin, o! inst!u"tional &u!&oses onl' to stu$ents en!olle$ in "ou!ses o! whi"h the te/t%ook has %een a$o&te$. Any other reproduction or translation of this work beyond that permitted by Sections 10 or 10! of the 1" # $nited States %opyri&ht Act without the permission of the copyri&ht owner is unlawful.

11.411 6s it possible to temper an oil79uenched ;1;0 steel cylindrical shaft 100 mm (; in.) in diameter so as to &i(e a minimum tensile stren&th of !/0 4Ca (11/,000 psi) and a minimum ductility of 110EL+ 6f so, specify a temperin& temperature. 6f this is not possible, then e'plain why. Solution This &!o%le* asks i it is &ossi%le to te*&e! an oil0quen"he$ 717: steel "'lin$!i"al sha t 1:: ** -7 in.. in $ia*ete! so as to ,i)e a *ini*u* tensile st!en,th o A8: MPa -118#::: &si. an$ a *ini*u* $u"tilit' o 119EL. In o!$e! to sol)e this &!o%le* it is ne"essa!' to use 2i,u!es 11.1: a an$ 11.1:c# whi"h &lot# !es&e"ti)el'# tensile st!en,th an$ $u"tilit' )e!sus te*&e!in, te*&e!atu!e. 2o! the 1:: ** $ia*ete! line o 2i,u!e 11.1: a# te*&e!in, te*&e!atu!es less than a%out 8=:NC a!e !equi!e$ to ,i)e a tensile st!en,th o at least A8: MPa. 2u!the!*o!e# !o* 2i,u!e 11.1:c# o! the 1:: ** $ia*ete! line# te*&e!in, te*&e!atu!es ,!eate! than a%out 8A8NC will ,i)e $u"tilities ,!eate! than 119EL. Hen"e# it is not possible to te*&e! this allo' to &!o$u"e the sti&ulate$ *ini*u* tensile st!en,th an$ $u"tilit'. To *eet the tensile st!en,th *ini*u*# B-te*&e!in,. M 8=:NC# whe!eas o! $u"tilit' *ini*u*# B-te*&e!in,. O 8A8NC+ thus# the!e is no o)e!la& o these te*&e!in, te*&e!atu!e !an,es.

E/"e!&ts !o* this wo!k *a' %e !e&!o$u"e$ %' inst!u"to!s o! $ist!i%ution on a not0 o!0&!o it %asis o! testin, o! inst!u"tional &u!&oses onl' to stu$ents en!olle$ in "ou!ses o! whi"h the te/t%ook has %een a$o&te$. Any other reproduction or translation of this work beyond that permitted by Sections 10 or 10! of the 1" # $nited States %opyri&ht Act without the permission of the copyri&ht owner is unlawful.

11.413 6s it possible to temper an oil79uenched ;1;0 steel cylindrical shaft 11./ mm (0./ in.) in diameter so as to &i(e a minimum yield stren&th of 1000 4Ca (1;/,000 psi) and a minimum ductility of 1#0EL+ 6f so, specify a temperin& temperature. 6f this is not possible, then e'plain why. Solution This &!o%le* asks i it is &ossi%le to te*&e! an oil0quen"he$ 717: steel "'lin$!i"al sha t 11.8 ** -:.8 in.. in $ia*ete! so as to ,i)e a *ini*u* 'iel$ st!en,th o 1::: MPa -178#::: &si. an$ a *ini*u* $u"tilit' o 1=9EL. In o!$e! to sol)e this &!o%le* it is ne"essa!' to use 2i,u!es 11.1: b an$ 11.1:c# whi"h &lot# !es&e"ti)el'# 'iel$ st!en,th an$ $u"tilit' )e!sus te*&e!in, te*&e!atu!e. 2o! the 11.8 ** $ia*ete! line o 2i,u!e 11.1: b# te*&e!in, te*&e!atu!es less than a%out =::NC a!e !equi!e$ to ,i)e a 'iel$ st!en,th o at least 1::: MPa. 2u!the!*o!e# !o* 2i,u!e 11.1:c# o! the 11.8 ** $ia*ete! line# te*&e!in, te*&e!atu!es ,!eate! than a%out 88:NC will ,i)e $u"tilities ,!eate! than 1B9EL. Hen"e# it is possible to te*&e! this allo' to &!o$u"e the sti&ulate$ *ini*u* 'iel$ st!en,th an$ $u"tilit'+ the te*&e!in, te*&e!atu!e will lie %etween 88:NC an$ =::NC.

E/"e!&ts !o* this wo!k *a' %e !e&!o$u"e$ %' inst!u"to!s o! $ist!i%ution on a not0 o!0&!o it %asis o! testin, o! inst!u"tional &u!&oses onl' to stu$ents en!olle$ in "ou!ses o! whi"h the te/t%ook has %een a$o&te$. Any other reproduction or translation of this work beyond that permitted by Sections 10 or 10! of the 1" # $nited States %opyri&ht Act without the permission of the copyri&ht owner is unlawful.

Pre!ipi a ion $ar%ening

11.417 %opper7rich copper?beryllium alloys are precipitation hardenable. After consultin& the portion of the phase dia&ram (Fi&ure 11..0), do the followin&8 (a) Specify the ran&e of compositions o(er which these alloys may be precipitation hardened. (b) @riefly describe the heat7treatment procedures (in terms of temperatures) that would be used to precipitation harden an alloy ha(in& a composition of your choosin&, yet lyin& within the ran&e &i(en for part (a). Solution This &!o%le* is "on"e!ne$ with the &!e"i&itation0ha!$enin, o "o&&e!0!i"h Cu0Be allo's. It is ne"essa!' o! us to use the Cu0Be &hase $ia,!a* -2i,u!e 11.3:.# whi"h is shown %elow.


The !an,e o "o*&ositions o)e! whi"h these allo's *a' %e &!e"i&itation ha!$ene$ is %etween

a&&!o/i*atel' :.1 wt9 Be -the *a/i*u* solu%ilit' o Be in Cu at a%out 3:: C. an$ 1.B wt9 Be -the *a/i*u* solu%ilit' o Be in Cu at A==C.. -%. The heat t!eat*ent &!o"e$u!e# o "ou!se# will $e&en$ on the "o*&osition "hosen. 2i!st o all# the solution heat t!eat*ent *ust %e "a!!ie$ out at a te*&e!atu!e within the &hase !e,ion# a te! whi"h# the s&e"i*en is quen"he$ to !oo* te*&e!atu!e. 2inall'# the &!e"i&itation heat t!eat*ent is "on$u"te$ at a te*&e!atu!e within the P 1 &hase !e,ion. 2o! e/a*&le# o! a 1.8 wt9 Be0<A.8 wt9 Cu allo'# the solution heat t!eatin, te*&e!atu!e *ust %e %etween a%out =::C -111:2. an$ <::C -1=8:2.# while the &!e"i&itation heat t!eat*ent woul$ %e %elow =:: C

E/"e!&ts !o* this wo!k *a' %e !e&!o$u"e$ %' inst!u"to!s o! $ist!i%ution on a not0 o!0&!o it %asis o! testin, o! inst!u"tional &u!&oses onl' to stu$ents en!olle$ in "ou!ses o! whi"h the te/t%ook has %een a$o&te$. Any other reproduction or translation of this work beyond that permitted by Sections 10 or 10! of the 1" # $nited States %opyri&ht Act without the permission of the copyri&ht owner is unlawful.

-111:2.# an$ &!o%a%l' a%o)e 3::C -8B:2.. Below 3::C# $i usion !ates a!e low# an$ heat t!eat*ent ti*es woul$ %e !elati)el' lon,.

E/"e!&ts !o* this wo!k *a' %e !e&!o$u"e$ %' inst!u"to!s o! $ist!i%ution on a not0 o!0&!o it %asis o! testin, o! inst!u"tional &u!&oses onl' to stu$ents en!olle$ in "ou!ses o! whi"h the te/t%ook has %een a$o&te$. Any other reproduction or translation of this work beyond that permitted by Sections 10 or 10! of the 1" # $nited States %opyri&ht Act without the permission of the copyri&ht owner is unlawful.

11.418 A solution heat7treated 101; aluminum alloy is to be precipitation hardened to ha(e a minimum tensile stren&th of ;/0 4Ca (#/,1/0 psi) and a ductility of at least 1/0EL. Specify a practical precipitation heat treatment in terms of temperature and time that would &i(e these mechanical characteristics. Dustify your answer. Solution 6e a!e aske$ to s&e"i ' a &!a"ti"al heat t!eat*ent o! a 1:17 alu*inu* allo' that will &!o$u"e a *ini*u* tensile st!en,th o 78: MPa -=8#18: &si.# an$ a *ini*u* $u"tilit' o 189EL. 2!o* 2i,u!e 11.1B a# the ollowin, heat t!eatin, te*&e!atu!es an$ ti*e !an,es a!e &ossi%le to the ,i)e the !equi!e$ tensile st!en,th. Te*&e!atu!e -C. 1=: 1:7 17< 111 Ti*e Ran,e -h. :.:10:.1 :.:101: 30=:: O 380Q

6ith !e,a!$ to te*&e!atu!es an$ ti*es to ,i)e the $esi!e$ $u"tilit' H2i,u!e 11.1B bI( Te*&e!atu!e -C. 1=: 1:7 17< 111 Ti*e Ran,e -h. M :.:1# O 7: M :.18 M 1: M 8::

2!o* these ta%ulations# the ollowin, *a' %e "on"lu$e$( It is not &ossi%le to heat t!eat this allo' at 1=: C so as to &!o$u"e the $esi!e$ set o &!o&e!tiesR the!e is no o)e!la& o the two sets o ti*e !an,es. At 1:7C# the heat t!eatin, ti*e woul$ %e %etween :.:1 an$ :.18 h+ ti*es l'in, within this !an,e a!e i*&!a"ti"all' sho!t. At 17<C# the ti*e woul$ %e %etween 3 an$ 1: h. 2inall'# at 111C# the ti*e !an,e is 38 to a%out 8:: h.

E/"e!&ts !o* this wo!k *a' %e !e&!o$u"e$ %' inst!u"to!s o! $ist!i%ution on a not0 o!0&!o it %asis o! testin, o! inst!u"tional &u!&oses onl' to stu$ents en!olle$ in "ou!ses o! whi"h the te/t%ook has %een a$o&te$. Any other reproduction or translation of this work beyond that permitted by Sections 10 or 10! of the 1" # $nited States %opyri&ht Act without the permission of the copyri&ht owner is unlawful.

11.41= 6s it possible to produce a precipitation7hardened 101; aluminum alloy ha(in& a minimum tensile stren&th of ;1/ 4Ca (#1,#1/ psi) and a ductility of at least 110EL+ 6f so, specify the precipitation heat treatment. 6f it is not possible, e'plain why. Solution This &!o%le* inqui!es as to the &ossi%ilit' o &!o$u"in, a &!e"i&itation0ha!$ene$ 1:17 alu*inu* allo' ha)in, a *ini*u* tensile st!en,th o 718 MPa -=1#=18 &si. an$ a $u"tilit' o at least 119EL. In o!$e! to sol)e this &!o%le* it is ne"essa!' to "onsult 2i,u!es 11.1B a an$ 11.1Bb. Below a!e ta%ulate$ the ti*es !equi!e$ at the )a!ious te*&e!atu!es to a"hie)e the sti&ulate$ tensile st!en,th. Te*&e!atu!e -C. 1=: 1:7 17< 111 Ti*e Ran,e -h. M :.8 M 18 101::: O 380Q

6ith !e,a!$ to te*&e!atu!es an$ ti*es to ,i)e the $esi!e$ $u"tilit'( Te*&e!atu!e -C. 1=: 1:7 17< 111 Ti*e Ran,e -h. M :.:1# O 1: M :.7# O 38: M 1: M 1:::

2!o* these ta%ulations# the ollowin, *a' %e "on"lu$e$( At 1=:C# the heat t!eatin, ti*e woul$ nee$ to %e less than :.:1 h -1.1 *in.# whi"h is i*&!a"ti"all' sho!t. At 1:7C# the heat t!eat*ent woul$ nee$ to %e less than :.7 h -17 *in.# whi"h is a little on the sho!t si$e. At 17<C# the ti*e !an,e woul$ %e %etween 1 an$ 1: h. 2inall'# at 111C# this &!o&e!t' "o*%ination is &ossi%le o! )i!tuall' all ti*es less than a%out 1::: h.

E/"e!&ts !o* this wo!k *a' %e !e&!o$u"e$ %' inst!u"to!s o! $ist!i%ution on a not0 o!0&!o it %asis o! testin, o! inst!u"tional &u!&oses onl' to stu$ents en!olle$ in "ou!ses o! whi"h the te/t%ook has %een a$o&te$. Any other reproduction or translation of this work beyond that permitted by Sections 10 or 10! of the 1" # $nited States %opyri&ht Act without the permission of the copyri&ht owner is unlawful.

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