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Environmental Protection

By: Ashley Schnaar, Merrick Wolfe, and Ellery Rosenzweig

Rachel Carsons Silent Spring Showed DDTs harmful effects to the world First true environmental laws and regulations were made in the 1970s Surveys show that most Americans are concerned with environmental conditions

In 1970 Americans drove 1.1 trillion miles, in 1994 this number was doubled, and again doubled in 2000

1 gallon of gas = 25 pounds of carbon dioxide

(From extraction, production, or direct burning) U.S. Transportation Emissions

CO2 causes extreme weather changes, loss of ecosystems, and hazardous health effects for people

Choice 1: Strengthening Laws and Their Enforcement

Much progress has been made by government, but more must be done Stronger Laws, better enforcement Better protection of public lands, including national parks More efficient government environmental spendings

Shifting laws to favor environment, Not big business and Better Protection of Public Lands
Much of government focuses on economical health, disregarding the environment Nestle Water/ Ice Mountain Sanctuary Spring? Evart Spring? Lowers water table and dries up wells of surrounding Michigan residents Court ordered lowering to 218 gallons per minute

More Efficient Environmental Government Spendings

Only 30% of this 1.5% is used for the most pressing issues 1.5% includes EPA, national parks, and more

Choice 2: Using Incentives, Not Regulations

Regulatory Overkill The Clean Water Act Zero Discharge The Safe drinking Water Act Required spending of $24,000

What can be done???

Reduce, to the minimum, the role of government Automobile efficiency standards Cost > Gain

Environmental regulations should help humans (not rare bugs and plants)

Put more public land into private hands. Better interests than government.

Big Costs, Small Benefits

Estimated cost per life saved:
Ban on flammable children sleepwear Ban on toxic waste disposal on land Ban on unvented space heaters $100,000 per life saved $4.2 Billion per life saved $100,000 per life saved

Choice 3: Working Toward a Sustainable Environment

Global problems
Supporters look at the nations environmental health in global ecosystem. All over the world what is happening to environment. Natural disasters. Hurricanes, floods, etc.

Changing the Climate

Global Warming Increasing the temperature by even 1 degree can make a huge difference. US produces 25% of air pollution. Insurance Industry First affected by the change Money will help people in natural disasters.

Saving Nature
Decrease in pollution Carpooling, use of fans, planting more trees, and natural gas or solar power engines for car. Conserve Water! Consume Less and Give Back! Saving plants and animals Some plants used as medicine.

Choice 1: Government needs to crack down by strengthening
environmental laws and having higher enforcement rates Choice 2:People who believe in this choice 2, think that government should have little to no regulation of the environment and its protection Choice 3: The supports of choice 3 believe that we need to eliminate environmentally unsafe practices, produces, and lifestyle to create a sustainable environment.

What do you think the solution is? Is there any other solutions the this problem?

First Earth Day: April 22, 1970

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