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Emily Schwabe Its the story of a self-proclaimed chatterbox with a creative spin on life who flew across the

Atlantic to represent the United States and had a change of perspective. It wasnt just the experience I had in Ireland that helped to solidify my passion for the mass communication field, but also the journey that brought me there. Selected by USA Swimming in 2010, I represented the US to compete in Ireland, and there realized a passion beyond the cap and goggles; communications. While gaining valuable swimming experience, I always had my eyes on what was going on behind the camera, as I shadowed the media liaison that covered our trip. As my gateway into the sports field, swimming has provided me with a sense of devotion, a strong will and a compelling desire to succeed, all of which I bring to all aspects of my life. With a childhood full of talks too much comments on report cards, a love for public speaking, and an abundance of ambition and character, I am confident in the career path I want to pursue. Who knows, I might solidify some teachers beliefs that I could just be the next David Letterman. My academic role in high school became clear to me as I discovered my knack for creating themes outside of the ordinary as the yearbook editor. Emerging as a leader in class discussions, I found my ability to communicate different perspectives and raise the ceiling of creativity with my peers. As I dove into all aspects of mass communication at Louisiana State University, where I spent my first two years of college, I learned I never wanted to turn back. After picking up a southern twang, I have now found myself wearing funny looking overalls and singing about the moon all while immersing in my passion as next years PRSSA Vice President here at Madison. I discovered just what it means to be a Badger during my work with Bucky! PR in highlighting the universitys highly intelligent repertoire and long history of impactful innovation through a social media campaign for the Wisconsin Festival of Ideas held this past April. After countless #UWinnovation and #MakeHistory twitter hash tags the event ended up doubling its original goal of attendance. The faculty and students were able to come together to celebrate and further UW innovation. Who knows, they may have even discovered our generation's Aldo Leopold. College can often be compared to a circus, cant it? Rarely having it all together and perfecting the balance of an adventurous side with a business side. My sophomore year fell nothing short of such a term. Seriously, I mean the tightrope walkers, the popcorn, the clowns, the muscle men in tights; a scary mental image, I know. Nevertheless, my work in LSUs Student Media Marketing department with the LSU Living Expo event significantly enhanced my strategic communication skills. In an effort to bridge the gap between what local housing and lifestyle companies had to offer to LSU students, I used my communicable skills and engaged companies in what became the largest Living Expo LSU had seen yet. Students were immediately attracted to the event through tactful advertisements which highlighted benefits such as free food and the preview of tightrope walkers; and after all, what college student wouldnt want to grasp their circus-like qualities (we all know Wandos gets to see them). Proving to myself that I could plan and run a large successful event strengthened my confidence in this field of work and continued to show me that I belong in no other area of work or study. Whether I was sitting in the office tackling a creative advertisement idea, or running around putting last minute touches on an event, my tasks never ceased to bring out the best in me. My involvement in Bucky! PR, LSU Student Media and my continued devotion to seize creativity is testimony to the fact that I believe the School of Journalism and Mass Communication would fall nothing short of a perfect fit for me. Whether my pre-conceived nonlinear career path guides me towards being the next David Letterman or the newest Edelman employee, acceptance into this distinguished school can only help to increase my professional and personal preparedness in the diverse roles I aspire to hold in the mass communications field.

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