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Shape of my heart He deals the cards as a meditation And those he plays never suspect He doesn't play for the

money he wins He doesn't play for the respect He deals the cards to find the answer The sacred geometry of chance The hidden law of probable outcome The numbers lead a dance I know that the spades are the swords of a soldier I know that the clubs are weapons of war I know that diamonds mean money for this art But that's not the shape of my heart He may play the jack of diamonds He may lay the ueen of spades He may conceal a king in his hand !hile the memory of it fades I know that the spades are the swords of a soldier I know that the clubs are weapons of war I know that diamonds mean money for this art But that's not the shape of my heart That's not the shape" the shape of my heart And if I told you that I loved you #ou'd maybe think there's something wrong I'm not a man of too many faces The mask I wear is one Those who speak know nothing And find out to their cost $ike those who curse their luck in too many places And those who fear are lost I know that the spades are the swords of a soldier I know that the clubs are weapons of war I know that diamonds mean money for this art But that's not the shape of my heart That's not the shape" the shape of my heart

%orma inimii mele &l 'mparte c(r)ile ca o contemplare *i cei cu care joac( niciodat( nu b(nuiesc +( el nu joac( pentru a c,-tiga bani" .u joac( pentru a/-i c,-tiga respectul" &l 'mparte c(r)ile pentru a afla r(spunsul" 0eometria sacr( a norocului" $egea ascuns( a re1ultatului posibil" .umerele conduc un dans2 &u -tiu c( picile sunt s(biile unui soldat" *tiu c( treflele sunt arme de r(1boi" *tiu c( 'n arta asta carourile 'nseamn( bani" 3ar nu asta e forma inimii mele2 4oate s( joace cu valetul de caro" 4oate s( pun( jos dama de pic(" 4oate s( ascund( un rege 'n m,n(" 5n timp ce amintirea inimii se stinge2 &u -tiu c( picile sunt s(biile unui soldat" *tiu c( treflele sunt arme de r(1boi" *tiu c( 'n arta asta carourile 'nseamn( bani" 3ar nu asta e forma inimii mele" .u asta e forma" forma inimii mele2 *i dac( )i/a- 1ice c( te iubesc Ai putea crede c( ceva nu/i 'n regul(" .u sunt un om cu prea multe fe)e" 6asca ce/o port e una2 +ei ce vorbesc nu -tiu nimic *i afl( pe pielea lor Asemenea celor care/-i blestem( 1ilele de prea multe ori *i asemenea celor care se tem -i sunt pierdu)i2 &u -tiu c( picile sunt s(biile unui soldat" *tiu c( treflele sunt arme de r(1boi" *tiu c( 'n arta asta carourile 'nseamn( bani" 3ar nu asta e forma inimii mele" .u asta e forma" forma inimii mele2

http788lyricstranslate2com &ngle1( 9om,n( 9ead more at http788lyricstranslate2com8ro8shape/my/heart/forma/inimii/mele2html:Adu0r;eg6<tr%l=>2??


If blood will flow when flesh and steel are one 3rying in the colour of the evening sun Tomorrow's rain will wash the stains away But something in our minds will always stay 4erhaps this final act was meant To clinch a lifetime's argument That nothing comes from violence and nothing ever could %or all those born beneath an angry star $est we forget how fragile we are >n and on the rain will fall $ike tears from a star like tears from a star >n and on the rain will say How fragile we are how fragile we are >n and on the rain will fall $ike tears from a star like tears from a star >n and on the rain will say How fragile we are how fragile we are How fragile we are how fragile we are

3aca sangele va curge cand trupul omenesc si otelul vor fi tot una" Se usuca in nuanta soarelui noptii 4loaia de maine va spala rusinea2 3ar va ramane mereu ceva in mintea noastra222 4oate ca hotararea asta finala a fost menita" 4entru a incheia argumentul vietii +a nimic nu vine din violenta si nici nu ar putea veni vreodata2 4entru toti cei ce s/au nascut sub o stea agitata" +a nu cumva sa uitam cat de fragili suntem2 4loaia va cadea mereu" +a lacrimile de la o stea" ca lacrimile de la o stea2 4loaia va spune mereu" +at de fragili suntem" cat de fragili suntem2 4loaia va cadea mereu" +a lacrimile de la o stea" ca lacrimile de la o stea2 4loaia va spune mereu" +at de fragili suntem" cat de fragili suntem2 +at de fragili suntem" cat de fragili suntem2 9ead more at http788lyricstranslate2com8ro8fragile/fragil2html/@:6I jagByvwuAa%wr2??

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