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FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Tessa Gunnell Telephone: (301)600-3780 Email: TGunnell@FrederickCountyMD.


C. BURR ARTZ LIBRARY HOSTS MUSICAL INSTRUMENT PETTING ZOO Come celebrate music at the library as we play unique musical instruments and learn about the science of sound! FREDERICK, MD March 27, 2014 Join us on Thursday, April 10th, at 6:00pm for our Musical Instrument Petting Zoo. This program will provide an introduction to a wide variety of musical instruments and allow children to experience many types of music, right here at the library! Created for children ages 7 to 12, this program features introductions to a multitude of musical instruments, both traditional and digital. We will start out by talking about the amazing science behind instruments stupendous sounds and what parts of the world our instruments come from. Local musicians will demonstrate how to play a hammered dulcimer and a theremin, and everyone will get the chance to strum, hammer, beat, and pluck, as we try out some amazing instruments and create our own songs. Which instrument will you like best? The electric guitar? Autoharp? Bongos? Come play with us and find out! Registration for this program is required, and will be limited to 30 children and their caregivers. For more information or to register, please call 301.600.3780 or visit us at

Social Media Promotion: This program will be promoted on both Facebook and Twitter. Posts will occur two weeks before, one week before, the day before, and the morning of the program.

(Note: This program is in development and will be presented in spring 2014. For the purpose of this press release, dates and times have been estimated.)

Tessa Gunnell
PROPOSED PROGRAM: Musical Instrument Petting Zoo Connecting people to information and experiences is a core part of the FCPL mission, and through this program we hope to give children access to musical instruments and allow them to experience music in a way they would not normally have the opportunity to. PROGRAM AUDIENCE: This program is designed for children 7 to 12 years old and their parents or care givers. NEED FOR THE PROGRAM: Research studies have shown that playing an instrument as a child creates improvements in the brain that provide lasting benefits, including improvement in reading and math skills. Many children do not have access or exposure to musical instruments, especially some more unusual ones. This program aims to provide an introduction to musical instruments and allow children to experience a wide variety of music types. Through this program we hope to spur an interest in music and creative expression while providing the information and experience necessary to help children find an instrument that they would enjoy playing. In addition, we will incorporate science into the program by discussing the science of how instruments make different sounds, making this a STEAM program that compliments public school system initiatives. POTENTIAL COMMUNITY PARTNERS: Boes Strings, Makin Music, The Dancing Bear Toys, Frederick Rock School, Frederick Community College, and other local music shops and schools. EVENT SET-UP: Two months prior: - Meet with Childrens Services Supervisor to obtain permission for program. - Contact potential partners and individuals to discuss providing instruments. - Contact tech services to reserve tablets for use as virtual instruments. - Reserve meeting rooms for appropriate dates and times. - Submit program description, dates and times for inclusion in FCPLs Bookmarks publication. Two weeks prior: - Send press release to the Frederick News Post - Provide fliers and posters to library branches and community partners for display purposes. - Enter event on eVanced and open registration - Touch base with instrument providers and musicians to confirm scheduling & drop off times. - Select musical instrument apps and load on to tablets. - Develop parent survey. One week prior: - Send reminder e-mail to any attendees who have pre-registered. - Ask childrens staff to promote the program to parents and children of the appropriate age. Day of: - Set up tables, tablets, and instruments for program. - Post signage outside of meeting room and announce over speaker system. EVALUATION: Statistics, parent survey.

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