TOPIC: Science - Micro-Organisms TERM: Autumn Year Group: 6: Lesson Number Key Objectives Tasks Resources Intro

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Wyken Croft Primary School TOPIC: Science Micro-Organisms

Lesson Number 1 Key Objectives To know that micro-organisms are ery small li ing things T s!s Intro !iscuss what chil"ren alrea"y know a#out micro-organisms $"iscuss with TP% collect i"eas on #oar"& 'ook at (W) lesson file *g + an" "iscuss statements a#out micro-organisms& ,ea" fact file a#out MO on (W) *age - an" "iscuss that there are + ty*es of MO that they nee" to know a#out& Share facts a#out each of the ty*es from information on .#ackgroun" scientific information/ sheet 'ook at Micro#es sli"eshow on (W) T s! Watch ))C Science Cli*s 0i"eo $Micro-organisms% to a**ro1 6 mins 23 sec& !iscuss *oints co ere" in cli*& (n #ooks4 chil"ren to "i i"e *age into three an" "raw 5 write a#out the + ty*es of MO inclu"ing as many facts as *ossi#le& P"en ry Play true5false game asking 6uestions #ase" aroun" key facts a#out MO $e&g& )acteria multi*ly e ery 73 mins $True%8 1333 )acteria woul" fit on the hea" of a *in $9alse%8 Micro-organisms #reathe $True%%& (n ite chil"ren to come u* with their own 6uestions& Intro ,e-ca* information learnt "uring lesson 1& What can the chil"ren remem#er; Pose the 6uestion What happens to food if it is left exposed to the air for a long time? !iscuss with TP an" fee"#ack& Show e1am*les of foo" "ecaying on (W) fli*chart an" i"eo cli* of moul"& What factors might affect how quickly bread would decay? 'ist on the #oar"& T s! Choose a 6uestion to #e in estigate" an" "iscuss how it can #e carrie" out& <se the hea"ings on (W) to make notes of factors that are change"5ke*t the same4 what will #e measure"4 what we will "o& Chil"ren to write a *aragra*h "etailing this in their #ooks $S=> use the gui"e sheet an" stick into #ooks%& !iscuss the im*ortance of making a *re"iction as to what will ha**en4 an" that you ten" to learn more if something "ifferent to what you *re"icte" ha**ens so there is nothing wrong with getting the *re"iction wrong& Also e1*lain that it is key to e1*lain not only what they think will ha**en #ut why& Carry out the e1*eriment4 ensuring that it is a fair test& P"en ry

TERM: Autumn

Resources (W) 9ile 'esson 1 Science Cli*s i"eo Micro-organisms Micro#es flash o#:ect

To know that micro-organisms can cause foo" to "ecay

(W) file 'esson 7 )rea" Seala#le #ags !igital Camera S=> su**ort sheet

Wyken Croft Primary School

Why were the #ags seale"; Why must we now not o*en them; !iscuss the safety elements to the in estigation an" *ossi#le conse6uences for not a"hering to them& ?ow can we make a recor" of our o#ser ations; (n ta#le grou*s 6uickly "esign a *oster that *hotos of the #rea" can #e attache"& Chil"ren with #est "esign can make it& !elegate the res*onsi#ility of taking *hotos using a "igital camera& ?ow often shoul" *ictures #e taken;

To know that some microorganisms can cause common illnesses

Intro !iscuss with chil"ren times when they were ill& What "o the chil"ren think cause" their illness; ,ea" .The Story of ="war" @enner/ from Ainn Star Science Pu*il )ook *g + $or (W) fli*chart% !iscuss the 6uestions at the en" of the story& T s!s =1*lain that the chil"ren are going to watch a short cartoon 5 i"eo cli* a#out another scientist who stu"ie" micro-organsisms 'ouis Pasteur& Tell the chil"ren that while watching the i"eo they shoul" consi"er what in estigati e skills 'P uses an" why he was a goo" scientist& ,ea" *age - from *u*il #ook $or (W)% B0accines an" accinationC& (n their #ooks4 chil"ren to choose one of the two scientists stu"ie" an" write a#out them in their #ooks they coul" inclu"e what they "i"4 who they were4 what ma"e them a goo" scientist& Can com*lete with illustration& Prom*t sheet for S=> P"en ry !iscuss common illnesses cause" #y micro-e1am*les& See if the chil"ren can i"entify some iral4 #acterial an" fungal illnesses an" "ifferentiate #etween them& Set chil"ren the task of *ro"ucing a C0 5 information sheet a#out a scientist of their choice& They shoul" inclu"e information such when5where they li e"4 what they stu"ie"4 what they achie e"4 why are they famous; =tc& Intro 'ook at images of moul"y foo" as "uring lesson 7& Pose 6uestion What might happen if you ate mouldy food? Show image with cartoon chil"renCs o*inions&

(W) file 'esson + Ainn Star science *u*il #ooks 'ouis Pasteur !0! ?omework sheet S=> su**ort sheet

To know how to han"le an" foo" carefully an" safely

(W) file 'esson Task sheet -

Wyken Croft Primary School

Ai e chil"ren co*ies of .?ygiene 9act 9ile/ in *airs an" ask to rea"4 noting "own any *oints they consi"er key for a hygienic an" healthy life& !o any of the facts on the sheet startle them; T s!s Ai e chil"ren co*ies of BTask Sheet -C& They are to stick the kitchen "iagram into their #ooks i"entify the unhygienic *ractices4 circle them an" write a#out what is wrong in each case an" what coul" ha**en as a result& =1tension for each unhygienic *ractice4 write a rule that woul" a oi" it& P"en ry 'ook at htt*D55www&*ro:ectgcse&co&uk5foo"5hygiene&htm Which of the issues on here "i" the chil"ren i"entify in their *ictures& 'ook at htt*D55www&foo"&go &uk5news5*ressreleases573375fe#5-66-3 ,ea" facts a#out foo" *oisoning an" "iscuss& !iscuss how micro-organisms cause "ecay to "ea" *lant 5 animal material an" its #enefit& What things "onCt "ecay; Intro =1*lain to chil"ren that yeast is a micro-organism that is use" for making certain foo"s5"rinks& Pose 6uestion If yeast is a living thing then what would you expect it to do? ,elate to E life *rocesses& =1*lain that to"ay we are going to #e looking at yeast res*iring an" growing& (n or"er to "o so howe er4 it nee"s certain con"itions& We are going to set u* an e1*eriment to show what con"itions are nee"e"& T s!s Tell the chil"ren that in or"er to grow4 you #elie e that it nee"s warmth an" foo"& (f you *ut some yeast in a test tu#e with some warm water an" sugar $foo"% you think that it will grow& As it is a micro-organism how are you going to be able to tell if it is growing? =sta#lish that one of the E life *rocesses is res*iring so you woul" e1*ect the yeast to release a gas which coul" #e collecte" in a #alloon& =1*lain though that if you only ha e the one test tu#e4 how "o you know that it really nee"s #oth the warmth an" the sugar; (n ite the chil"ren to suggest other con"itions that nee" to #e inclu"e" $col" water4 sugar4 yeast8 warm water4 no sugar4 yeast8 col" water4 no sugar4 yeast%& How will we keep the test fair? Set the e1*eriment going as a teacher "emonstration& ?i"e the test tu#es from sight an" while the e1*eriment is un"erway4 chil"ren to stick into their #ooks the task intro"uction sheet4 la#el the test tu#es on the "iagram an" write a *re"iction as to what they think will ha**en& P"en ry 'ook at the test tu#es now& What has happened? !iscuss why each test tu#e has res*on"e" in that way& Chil"ren to write a conclusion e1*laining what ha**ene" in We#sites as *er links

To know that micro-organisms are li ing things that fee" an" grow To *lan4 o#ser e an" use e i"ence to "raw conclusions

(W) file 'esson 2 - Test tu#es Feast Sugar Col" water Warm water )alloons Task sheet

Wyken Croft Primary School

each case an" what it shows& 6 To know that some microorganisms are use" to make foo" To use scientific knowle"ge an" un"erstan"ing to e1*lain the effect of yeast on "ough Intro !iscuss what the chil"ren learnt a#out yeast "uring the *re ious lesson an" e1*lain that they are going to look at the effects of yeast in #rea" making& T s!s Teacher "emonstrate the making of "ough as outline" on *u*il #ook *g 17 $or (W)%& Whilst the e1*eriment is un"erway chil"ren to write a#out the e1*eriment4 what you "i" an" what they think will ha**en& They also recor" results on ta#le an" glue into #ooks& <se tasks sheet 2 to hel* to *lot results as a gra*h& P"en ry !iscuss why we took re*eat rea"ings an" how this im*ro e" the accuracy of the e1*eriment& !iscuss the fin"ings of the e1*eriment& Chil"ren to write their own conclusion& E To use scientific knowle"ge an" un"erstan"ing to answer 6uestions a#out microorganisms Ask chil"ren to i"entify key things that they ha e learne" throughout the unit& 'ook at Micro#es **t& An" reca* *oints Tell them that to"ay they will #e assesse" on e erything that they ha e co ere" throughout the Micro-organisms to*ic& Allow +3 minutes for the chil"ren to *ro"uce a *age of information to go at the #eginning of their work on microorganisms in their #ook& They shoul" consi"er scientific facts4 the uses of microorganisms& They can "o it as a min" ma* or *oster or cartoon stri* etc& Ai e out Micro-organism assessment #ooklet& Allow chil"ren 73 minutes to com*lete the 6uestions& Su**ort with rea"ing where er necessary& 'ook at summary statements from *g 12 of *u*il #ook $or (W) fli*chart% Ai e chil"ren co*ies of science log for them to com*lete with their self assessment of the unit& Stick into #ooks at the en" of the to*ic work& Chil"ren can write a comment a#out their own *rogress& (W) file 'esson 6 +33g 9lour +g "rie" yeast 13g sugar 733cm+ warm water Measuring cylin"er or :ug Mi1ing #owl ("entical clear *lastic #eakers Weighing scales Marker *en ,uler 'a#els Task sheet 2 ,esults ta#le tem*late (W) file 'esson E Micro#es **t Assessment #ooklets Science log sheets

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