Semi-Submersible Rig Designs

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Semi-submersible Rig Designs

Jurong Shipyard has successfully constructed and delivered several models of deep drilling semi-submersible rigs. Among the two most recent are the Friede & Goldman 6th generation illennium !lass "#-$ design and oss aritime !S%& ' ((.


)he 6th generation Friede & Goldman *F&G+ illennium !lass "#-$ design semi-submersible rig is capable of drilling up to ,-.%&& feet while operating in dynamic positioning mode in ultra-deep waters of up to /&.&&&

feet. (t is e0uipped with an operational displacement of 1,.1&& metric tons at /- metres draft and 16.-%& metric tons at 2& metres draft. /3.&&& s0uare feet of usable dec4 space. and is capable of a variable dec4 load capacity of up to 3.&&& tons. 5uilt using the yard6s proprietary 7)ransverse S4idding8 methodology in combination with the 79oad-out and ating-in-$oc48 techni0ue. Jurong Shipyard is able to increase its capacity to deliver more than 2 semisubmersible rigs a year. while achieving high standards of 0uality. safety and reliability. :est )aurus mar4ed a ma;or milestone for being the first semi-submersible rig to be built based on the )ransverse S4idding technology. <iew some of our F&G "#-$ design semi-submersible rigs pro;ects below. For more rig building pro;ects. view here.

6th Gener ti!n Frie"e & G!l"m n E#-D Design

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)he oss aritime !S%& ' (( design ultra-deepwater dynamic positioning *$=,+ semi-submersible unit is built for a water depth rating of /&.&&& feet and ma#imum drilling depth of ,&.&&& feet. )he rig6s ability to operate even in harsh environment gives it the multi-region fle#ibility to operate worldwide as compared to its peers. ?ne of the largest ultra-deepwater 6th generation semi-submersible rigs capable of wor4ing in harshenvironment conditions. there are currently two units. Seadragon ( and Seadragon ((. under construction in Jurong Shipyard. mar4ing a landmar4 achievement for Jurong Shipyard for being the yard6s first harshenvironment semi-submersible pro;ect and the first of its class to be built up from a si#-column bare-dec4 hull. $esigned for versatility and fle#ibility. the rig has the ability to drill ,%.&&& feet and operate in up to /&.&&& feet water depth. with an accommodation capacity for /B2 persons. <iew our oss aritime $=-, semi-submersible rig pro;ect below. For more rigbuilding pro;ects. view here.

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