Prolific Shooting Exposed Manual

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Prolific Shooting

The Training Manual

By Taylor Allan TaylorAllanTraining

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The information presented in this work is by no way intended as medical advice or as a substitute for medical counseling. The information should be used in conjunction with the guidance and care of your physician. Consult your physician before beginning this program as you would with any exercise program. If you choose not to obtain the consent of your physician and/or work with your physician throughout the duration of your time using the recommendations in the program, you are agreeing to accept full responsibility for your actions. By continuing with the program you recognize that despite all precautions on the part of Taylor Allan Training, LLC, there are risks of injury or illness which can occur because of your use of the aforementioned information and you expressly assume such risks and waive, relinquish and release any claim which you may have against Taylor Allan Training, LLC, or its affiliates as a result of any future physical injury or illness incurred in connection with, or as a result of, the use or misuse of the program.

Welcome to Prolific Shooting Exposed!

First off, I want to thank you. Thank you for being different. Huh? You see, I KNOW youre different because you didnt choose to follow the herd of players who are still clunking along, spinning their wheels and getting nowhere in their training. Instead, you chose to invest in your game and in your future. Thanks to your ability to rise above the crowd, you now own the deadliest shooting program on the planet. So thank you, and congrats. You were astute enough to choose a real solution instead of some lame shooting device scam, and as such, you now own a seriously awesome resource thats almost as awesome as you are. To be blunt, you rock. Theres nothing I enjoy more than helping players like you those who are willing to go against the grain, above and beyond the competition, and put their heart and soul into the game. You have an amazing future ahead of yourself, and Im incredibly excited right now because I know that I can help you get there. So enough with the love fest, lets get down to business. This manual is designed to accompany your Prolific Shooting Exposed DVD. It is your cliff notes, your swipe file, if you will, to the main Prolific Shooting Exposed video. It is designed to supplement the material in that video, and allow for quick review.

Its short, sweet, and to the point (because seriously, those darn videos are long enough on their own!) The material that we cover in this manual and more in depth in the video truly separates the men from the boys when it comes to shooting. The real big-timers know exactly what to do at exactly the right times, and more importantly, why they are doing it. They can read the defense, react, and then Make. Them Pay. And thats what its all about. So lets not waste any more time. In this manual, youre going to learn everything you need to know to become a truly prolific basketball shooter. From mechanics to footwork, to creating space and speeding up your release, weve got you covered. So sit back, relax, pop in your copy of Prolific Shooting: Exposed, get out the notepad and lets get to work.

The Five Principles of Prolific Shooters

1.) Stroke: Our mechanics and footwork are seamless from the ground up. 2.) Create Space off the Dribble: When the defense takes away our shot, we just create another. 3.) Create Space off Screens: Our coaches run us off screens for a reason because we are the best shooters around. Lets master the art of coming off screens and score a ton more points. 4.) Unlimted Range Who can guard us 40 feet from the hoop? No one, thats who. 5.) Quick Release:

Half a second quicker means twice as many buckets.

- Comes down to two factors: Mechanics and Footwork. - Focus on Automation and preventing power leaks. Automation: Stroke looks and feels the same every single time. It comes second nature, we dont even think about it. No power leaks: Every link in the chain must be working efficiently and in-line with the rest for maximum power. Lets get into the two big keys: mechanics and footwork. Mechanics - We need to focus on every single link (joint) in the chain: feet, knees, hips, shoulders, elbow, hands (grip), and neck.

- Each link above in the chain (for example, knees are above feet) follows the link below. So if our feet are out of line, our knees will also be out of line. - Everything begins with the feet. Our ten toes must be pointed at the rim, with our strong-side foot roughly one inch in front of the other foot. Feet approximately shoulder-width apart.

- Knees in a strait line overtop of feet NO WOBBLY KNEES!




- The hips will follow the feet and knees, so be sure to get your feet square and your hips will also stay square to the basket. - The shoulders will follow the hips and stay square if the hips are square (and the hips will be square if the feet are square again, it all comes down to the feet!) - Our grip on the ball must form a shooters T with our two thumbs forming a T angle. The ball is controlled with our finger pads, which are tight to the ball.

- Our elbow is tucked, but more importantly forms a direct line down from our perfectly squared strong-side hip, knee and foot.

- We cradle the ball in a 90 degree shooting pocket, with our elbow squared up to the rim.

- We follow through by flicking the wrist, and allowing the ball to roll off our index finger which points directly at the rim.

- Our neck forms a strait line with our spine (read: not tilted up or down), as if we are standing on air.

Footwork - Only two methods to be concerned with: The 1-2 step and the hop step. 1-2 Step:

- Inside foot goes down first, followed by the outside foot. Our inside foot then becomes our pivot foot. The biggest mistake shooters make is putting down their outside foot first. - Remember, our first foot down always becomes our pivot foot. We can then change directions and rip through off of this foot to beat defenders. The Hop:

- The hop should be more appropriately called the drop. We arent looking to actually catch air on this move, just to efficiently drop down into shooting stance. Remember, the fastest man wins. Drop, dont hop. - Our hop foot becomes our pivot foot. - This is not as efficient as the 1-2 step when we need to change direction and beat the defense off the dribble. The BIG Key to Footwork:

- Be versatile! You will have to adapt to the defense and the passer during the game. DO NOT pre-determine what you need to do before hand, simply practice and drill it home so that it is second nature during games.

Creating Space off the Dribble

- Not nearly as many teaching points as mechanics and stroke. Creating space really comes down to your athletic ability, your ball handling, and having a go-to repetoire of moves that work off the dribble (see Unstoppable Scoring Moves). Key Principles for Creating Space off the Dribble: - Shoot first! If the defense gives you an inch, make them pay. If they play you skin-tight, thats when you go off the dribble. - Attack the defenders lead foot when possible, and cut off their pivot so that they cant catch up.

- Get the defender moving quickly in one direction. Whenever you have the defense moving quickly and reacting to your move, you have them right where you want them (coaches: applies to team offense too!) - Get the defender not only moving quickly and struggling to keep up, get the defender on your hip before you stop on a dime to rise up and

shoot. Do this by getting low to the ground try to turn the corner shoulder-to-hip. - You cant create space if you cant dribble! We have included the Basement Ball Handling workout in your Prolific Shooting package, and is another incredible program that fits perfectly into Prolific Shooting.

Creating Space off Screens

- There are really only three ways to come off a screen: curl, pop, or fade. The Curl: - Defender is trailing us on our back HARD, we curl off the screen making contact and turning the corner as tightly as possible to the screener. We move directly towards the basket. The Pop: - Defender is trailing us on our back, but just a step slow. We come flat off the screen (but still tight to the screener), and pop out the other side for a jumper (ideally outside the three point line). This is the typical method for a shooter to use. The Fade: - We have already beat the defender a couple times with curls and pops, so they anticipate our move and cheat in front of the screen. No problem we simply cut back behind the screen and catch a hard lob pass for a wide open jumper. The BIG Key:

- Again, as with our footwork, we need to be versatile and able to shoot off all three movements. We cannot pre-decide what we will do, we have to react to the defender.

Developing Unlimited Range

- This is what separates the men from the boys in shooting. Plenty of players can hit threes but not many can step back 30 plus feet and make em pay. - Range isnt teachable, but its trainable. There are a couple keys to follow, but other than that, it comes down to strategic programming. - You must be able to beat the defense off the dribble if you have range, because defenders will be playing you close. Its always easier to beat a defender 40 feet out that 20 feet out. Can you say layup lines? - Stroke must look and feel the same from range as it does from 15 feet. If your mechanics change more than 90%, youre too far out.

The Quick Release - 3 Components to a quick release: 1.) Bounce to pocket speed: We must be quick at picking up our dribble and getting it to the correct shooting pocket. 2.) Catch to pocket speed: We must be quick at bringing the ball to the shooting pocket from the triple threat position off the catch. 3.) Ability to shoot from the pocket off the catch: Sometimes we will catch the ball in a high position on our body, around our head area we must be able to shoot from this position.

- All three of these aspects are trainable with the correct programming. - We must have smooth shooting mechanics no hitch at the top of our jumper. - Make sure that you arent getting air when you do your hop step. Remember, drop, dont hop. - The key to bounce to pocket speed (which is the most important factor to a quick release for guard and wing players) is great ball handling ability. Work hard at your program, or your Basement Ball Handling program.

The Wrap Up
These manuals are designed to be a quick reference for you, so that you dont have to watch every hour-long video over and over. However, its very important to watch every video at least once, so that every prolific shooting concept is completely clear. This is what truly separates the pretenders from the real shooters: the ability to execute with perfect mechanics on autopilot. Continue to reference this manual (cmon, its only ten pages!) as you progress through your career. Review the principles and commit to ingraining them into your game. You will be successful. There is information in this manual that most players will never even know about. Being a prolific shooting student, you have taken action to be better than the rest. You will be successful. So lets keep the momentum rolling. The next step in our process is to watch the Unstoppable Scoring Moves DVD and get those 12 moves added to your game so that we can bridge the gap from being a shooter to being a scorer. See you over at Unstoppable Scoring Moves!

Train hard, - Taylor

PS. We also need to decide, at this time, on a ball handling solution for our 16 week program. Ive seen two different options work well. The first option is Basement Ball Handling. We have provided you with a complementary copy so that you can plug it into your Prolific Shooting workouts. The second is No, this isnt a free resource like Basement Ball Handling. Its for more serious, more advanced players who need to pay extra attention to their ball handling ability. Whatever decision you make, stick to it and go hard. Do you need Effective Handle to get results? No. Will it get you better results than simply following Basement Ball Handling? Yes. Whichever solution you decide on, stick to it and train hard. Because, after all, it all comes down to one question: How hard do you hustle?

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