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Catingub, Cherrielyn C.


1.) What is the most important thing I learned from our RS class and what did I appreciate

most about the topics being discussed? I was able to gain new information from my RS 113 class, and the most important thing that I learned is about our topic which is the characteristics of love. I have learned that love is forever, that it is never counting mistakes and learning how to forgive, it is helping the other person to grow, making a decision and committing to it, making a decision that will benefit others as well, staying committed to one partner. Love is the highest vibration of all. Love is Absolute. Love is pure gold. Love is Prime. Love is our very essence. No one can ever take it away from us because it is what we are. Love is the beautiful feelings that express honesty, affection and friendship. God has created such a wonderful feeling. No human being can live without love, it is as important as the air we breathe. Love is even the reason why we are here, Because of the love of God. Love has created wonders beyond measure, Love is the reason why Jesus gave his life so we can live in his behalf. We love because it is God who loved us first. The majesty of the feeling is such that it allows humans to treat each other with kindness and compassion. In fact one can say that there are a number of emotions bred by love. It might be any relation binding us together; love is ubiquitous in different forms. A passionate lovers kiss, a tender mothers touch, a fatherly concern or a brotherly, sisterly affection, everything expresses love. It is by the virtue of this emotion that sages have found eternal peace and enlightenment, as no love is superior to

love for the Almighty, who has bestowed upon us its mercy in the form of this gentle feeling, which no matter how fragile, is the very foundation of life.
2.) And from the learnings I obtain during the class specifically on Human Maturity, how

am I going to apply this in myself and be able to respond to our present situation? Human maturity, could be referred to as the ripening of the soul. Here human maturity is seen as the soul and the human being integrating and embodying not only the maturation of the body, mind and emotions, but also waking up to the underlying nature of reality. Human maturity is then seen as a movement deeper into true nature or as an unfolding of the soul. Maturity doesnt happen overnight, just like a great symphony is not learned and performed overnight. Maturity can be evident by the way we handle situations, fulfilling a commitment. I can apply what I have learned from my RS 113 class by not letting my emotions dictate my actions, instead I will let faith and reason guide my understanding regarding the situation. Instead of making random, selfish actions I will make intelligent choices and reflect carefully before making any decision, I will also fulfill my commitments. I will learn how to relate with other people by learning to listen and understand their needs and offer a helping hand. I will stay humble and open to learn and adapt to new circumstances in life. He does not become rigidly attached to his own ideas or habits, but is flexible, able to respond well to new challenges.

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