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The uses of technology in a professional development


Lorena Beatriz Fernndez Garca. 02/12/2013

1- In a chart, describe the advantages and disadvantages of using technology in your professional development taking into account Blended Learning, Education 2.0, Web 2.0 and IT. Type of technology and educational Education 2.0 Advantages Open Communication This is one of the most favorable advantages in Education 2.0 because these open new spaces of communication between teachers and students. Creating Education 2.0 is a good method for performing job creation e.g. inquiries, investigation and through this we can create the ability to communicate our knowledge. Disadvantages Bad Use If we do not use in a good way the tools that technology and the education 2.0 give us, this can seriously affect us in our professional development.

Distrust Whether between the student and the teacher there is no a good relationship the teaching process will be affected. Already that there will be no a good communication between the students and Interaction Through this the education is the teacher. an interactive way, in which the we can have interaction Lack of Domain with professional people in This can be a great which this people help in our disadvantage, already that process. there are many professional people that do not know use different technological Participation Participation is a duty to do, equipment, and these many affects when because the most of times performing some job using professional people participate in different events, trainings or technological materials. conferences in which participate in this events help us in acquire information and develop other skills. And also through education 2.0 there have been changes in the way to teach the class, and is for that nowadays the

classes are more interactive and there are more participation because the methods that todays teacher are different already that are used others teaching materials, and these new resources has helped to have a good learning. Motivation Through of new techniques that teachers of nowadays are using, these make the student to have more interest in the classes, already that the different methods that teacher used are accepted by students, and this is reflected in the activities that students make. Easy Homework Using the Education 2.0, and with the help of the technology the teacher can easily assign, homework, or create different forum in which the students can have interaction.

Web 2.0

Dynamic Education Through the wed 2.0 can do different interaction with different professional people or with our own classmates.

Lack of Contact Using the web 2.0 you lost the Physical contact between student and the teacher and this is a great disadvantage because the teacher cannot observe any Virtual Tools The wed 2.0 give us different weaknesses that student tool for our professional and may have. teaching development already that in the web we found Fake Websites different wed sites in which Through the web 2.0 we can

help us to acquire different found an infinite number of knowledge. websites but sometimes there are some websites that give false information, and New Updates Using web 2.0 we will always this affected our process. be updated, of new technology updates, and also the new education updates.


Interaction Through IT we can have more interaction and we can have interaction with different professional people, and practicing this; we can exchange and acquire information about a specific topic or about something that we want share or know. Easy Information Using IT is more fact found information, already that in the internet we can found millions of wed sites with the information that you want.

Web Accessibility In many place there not accessibility to internet and this is a big disadvantage, already that limited internet access, affect us because when we look for information or need to log in to our accounts would be a big problem. Technology Equipment If we do not know, how use different basic technological equipment, we could not develop our work very well. No Interest If we do not pay interest about the information that in the classes the teacher give us, we will not have a thought or idea that will be work.

Blended Learning

Knowledge Blend Through this we can begin to acquire information and new capabilities we can develop in a professional environment.

(Noss, 2007) (Erickson, 1996) (Berners-Lee, 2001)

2. Explain how you are going to design a lesson plan online by using Web Quest and what are the real propose using this kind of technology in your professional development. Web Quest is a virtual platform in which teachers can plan the topics that they teach their students also the web quest is use by the teacher in the teaching process to plan lessons virtually. Design a plan lesson virtually, first we must choose the topic or in this case the theme of the lesson and choose which level will be directed and then you have to search for reliable information about the topic and also search videos that have relate with the topic. After that you will develop and explain you proposes, in INTRODUCION you have to explain or give a brief introduction of what will be discussed your web quest or your class, en then in TASK you will assign the tasks and in this case you can put videos or document, this depends of what topic you give to your students and PROCESS you must to explain much better how the students make the task, here in this step you will explain how will be the dynamic that you will use. And then in EVALUATION you must to create a rubric with t he standards that you will evaluate and these standards have to help the students to develop their skills. Using this tool we make use of web 2.0, already that we use websites in which this helps us in our professional process and also in our learning process.

3. Explain how you are going to deal if you want to use technology in a school or place of work but there is not Tech in the classroom. What are you going to do? How are you going to solve the problem? Provide resources that you will use and the procedures When we are in a place where there is no technology, in this cause in the school the teacher have to change teaching methods, for example in this cause could be useful the books, because when the teacher leaves research tasks, the students can make use of the book in this cause to find the information that they need or also when the teacher gives the class to make this more dynamic and more interesting the teacher can use posters that contain image or things that look attractive for the student.

4. Choose digital resources you will include and describe how those digital resources you are going to improve you PLE and PLN. Digital resources that I use are websites e.g. the social network Diigo and LinkedIn. Diigo is a social network in which I can create my own virtual library, where I can upload my document my work or some digital book, or link about a specific topic, and also I can create my own community and my own groups. And through this network I can follow different people but in this network the most of the people the use it are professional and this network help me in my professional development because already that when I join one of the groups that these professional people have created I keeping communication and I can interact with these people and through the information that they posting I can acquire new thoughts and this help in my learning process. LinkedIn is social networks allow registered members to establish and document networks of people they know. These social networks help me in my professional process because through this network I can get in touch with companies or with professional people that maybe in the future these people can help me to find job and the companies too.

Berners-Lee, T. H. (2001). The Semantic Web. Scientific American.

Erickson. (1996). The worldwide web as social hypertext. Communications of the ACM.

Noss, R. (2007). Education 2.0? Designing the web for teaching and learning. London: London Knowledge Lab.

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