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TASK 1: Before you get too excited about the amount of your gift card, you might want

to see what that amount equals in US dollars. 1. Use the currency converter to determine how much dinero you received in US dollars. *dinero = Currency converter: $1500 MXN = $ US Dollars

2. Now that you know how much $1500 MXN pesos is in US Dollars. Determine what the current exchange rate is between the two currencies. $1 US = _$_______MXN

TASK 2: Now its time to spend that dinero, but first see what they sell and think about some things you might want. Go to the following web site and browse the products by clicking on the links for the various departments at the top of the page. Once youve finished browsing, make a list of 5-7 types of items you would like to search for (for example: a book, a magazine, a toy, a train set, a doll, a dress, shoes, etc.). Then, write the Spanish word for that item on the line to the right. Cosas que quiero comprar (Things I want to buy) Nombre en espaol (Name in Spanish) 1. ___________________________ 2. ___________________________ 3. ___________________________ 4. ___________________________ 5. ___________________________ 6. ___________________________ 7. ___________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________

GROUP ACTIVITY TASK 3A (Role assignment): Once, you have made a list of some things you want to shop for,

its time to figure out what to purchase, but youre going to need some help from your amigos. WORK IN TABLE GROUPS to help each person in your group complete this task. Each person will take on one of the following roles in order to complete this task. You should assume a different role each time you work on a different students list. For example, while working on YOUR list, you will be the comprador, but you might be the contador when working on another persons list. *To shorten the time of this activity, the students may choose ONE persons list to work with on this task rather than going through the task for every list.

ROLES: COMPRADOR/COMPRADORA (Buyer): This will be the person whose list your group is working with. You will choose the items you want and determine the sizes, styles, etc. that you need. BUSCADOR/BUSCADORA DE GANGAS (Bargain hunter): This person will make sure that you are getting the best price for the items you are shopping for. This person will help the

comprador by searching for the items he/she wants the most and comparing prices and helping
him/her choose the best priced item. CONTADOR/CONTADORA (Accountant): This person is responsible for making sure the

comprador does not go over the limit on the gift card. He/she will write down the items and
their prices and keep track of the amount spent and let the comprador know when he/she is near or has met the limit. BANQUERO/BANQUERA (Banker): This person will be responsible for calculating the currency conversions so each member can see how much the items would cost in US dollars.

TASK 3B: Now lets get serious about spending that dinero. Now that you (el comprador) have a list of things you want to look for, its time to work as a group to select the right items to buy with your gift card money. Remember your budget of $1500 pesos.

*3B: COMPRADOR & BUSCADOR DE GANGAS should use the space below to jot down some specific items you find on the site that you really want. Include their descriptions and prices. You may also add them to your carrito and decide later which ones to keep/delete. You cannot go over your $1500 peso limit by even $1. Remember to consider shipping and handling (if applicable). If the item says envo gratis then shipping is free! Name of item - Description (color, size, etc.) - Price - Category (toys, clothing, etc.)

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*3B: CONTADOR should keep track of the items on the chart below and record their prices. You will also keep a running tally of spending and let the comprador know when he/she is getting close to the spending limit. You must also consider any shipping costs for any items.

Nombre del artculo

Precio en Pesos MXN


*3B: BANQUERO should use the following link to convert the prices of each item AND total cost from MXN Pesos to US Dollars. Then, record on the form below. Currency converter:

Nombre del artculo

Precio en Pesos

Precio en Dlares


TASK 4: When each person has completed his/her task, complete the order form below with the information about the items you decided to purchase. Was the item on sale?

Nombre del artculo

(In Spanish) *Include the color, size, style, etc. if possible.

En Pesos

En Dlares US


(In Spanish) *Ex. Jueguetes, libros, etc.

Was there a shipping charge? How much?



TASK 5: Answer the following questions based on your order above. Work with your table group to answer the following questions. *BONUS for writing answers in complete sentences. #1: *BANQUERO: Number the items on the table above (order form) to help your group answer #1. 1. Cuntos artculos hay en total? __________________________________________

#s 2-3: *BUSCADOR DE GANGAS & CONTADOR: Rank the items on the chart by price from most expensive to least expensive to help your group answer numbers 2-3. Use the space below to list the items in their order. You may write only the numbers of the items if you do not have space for all the names.

2. Qu artculo cuesta MS? ______________________________________________ 3. Qu artculo cuesta MENOS?____________________________________________

#s 4-5: *COMPADOR: Rank the items on the chart by your favorite to least favorite to help your group answer numbers 5-6. Use the space below to list the items. You may write the numbers only if you do not have enough space.

4. Qu artculo TE GUSTA MS (es tu favorito)? ______________________________ 5. Qu artculo TE GUSTA MENOS (es tu menos favorito? _______________________

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