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Stonegate HOA Board Meeting

July 9th, 2009

6:30 PM
Caldwell Free Methodist Church

1. Opening
a. 6:45 PM – Roll Call
i. Present: Brent Orton, Jim Porter, Amanda Gigray, Karla Baker
ii. Apologies: Jennifer Scott, Alicia Brown
2. Neighborhood Forum
a. No non-board/officer homeowners present
3. Minutes
a. Approval of May 19th minutes
i. Motion: Mr. Porter motioned the approval of the May 19th 2009 meeting minutes
with the edits provided by Board. Second: Mr. Orton. Vote: Unanimously
4. Financial Report
a. Ms. Gigray presented the balance sheet. She is still learning what the numbers really
mean to us
b. Profit and Loss – interest expense was interest forgiven for payment in full
c. Check Detail
d. Deposit Detail
e. Customer Balance
f. Ms. Gigray reported that 5 incorrect bills were sent out and that she would contact each
g. XXXX did not accept the certified mailing, and her updated interest was $420.12. Will
the Board seek a lien on the property?
h. Mr. Porter suggested that we send bills and invite someone from the recorder’s office to
explain the process.
i. XXXX did not accept certified mail
j. XXXX have responded to their certified mail, but haven’t made a payment.
k. XXXX – Mr. Orton has not been able to speak to them yet due to a death in the family.
l. XXXX is going into foreclosure
m. Mr. Orton will speak with XXXX
n. XXXX only made a partial payment
o. XXXX just sold (bank owned)
p. Mr. Porter will put a lean on XXXX
q. The Board is no longer offering auto deduction for payments. Only 2 homes signed up
and the Board can justify the cost. Mr. Porter suggested letters be sent to those who
express interest and let them know the option is no longer available. Ms. Orton will draft
the said letter.
r. Individuals can still set up their own individual auto pay.
s. XXXX mailing address in incorrect
t. XXXX did not make their May, June, and July payments. Ms. Gigray sent a letter and bill
again highlighting the PO Box address (payment sent to MGM). Payment must be made
by July 31st.
u. XXXX – Ms. Gigray received a call on this property to see how much was owed. She
was not sure if this property sold
v. Ms. Gigray asked about getting a debit card for the Subdivision
w. Ms. Gigray asked if she could bring Board members bills and newsletters to the
meetings to save postage. All present agreed.
x. Mr. Orton motioned to accept the financial report. Second: Mr. Porter. Vote:
Unanimously approved.
5. Old Business / New Business

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a. Board letter to Ms. Brown sent July 5th, 2009.
b. National Night Out – Board will correspond via email with Ms. Scott
c. Yard Sale – Ms. Baker will place an ad in the Idaho Tribune.
d. Third quarter newsletter items
i. October mailing
ii. Irrigation shut off date
iii. Date of next annual meeting – tentatively January 14th, 2010 (need to reserve
iv. Halloween and Christmas
v. Ms. Gigray commented that the newsletter did not need to be printed in color
and that she would look into the price of printing.
e. Neighborhood watch update – Ms. Scott said at last month’s informal meeting that she
had written a letter to the Mayor and received immediate response with a police officer
assigned for our neighborhood. She was also in contact with Brittney for getting this
f. Misc
i. The dead tree that was pushed over needs to have the grass replaced. Mr.
Orton motioned that the Board ask JayDub to replace the grass in the median
where the tree had fallen. Mr. Porter seconded. Vote: Unanimously approved.
ii. Ms. Gigray was sick and unable to plant the flowers she intended to at our front
entrance. She will look at planting in the fall or next spring.
iii. Ms. Baker told 3812 Stonegate that her small trailer was ok.
g. Traffic concerns
i. Mr. Porter reported that XXXX was permitting children to play in the street and
the children were not getting out of the street when cars approached. Adults
were present and did not try and get their children out of the road. Mr. Porter felt
this was dangerous for the children. He will speak with the family in person. If
there is not response he will follow up with a Board letter.
ii. It was noted that XXXX also had children playing in the street.
iii. The Board discussed the use of “children at play” signs
iv. The Board also discussed asking the city for 20 mile and hour speed limit signs.
Mr. Porter motioned for Ms. Baker to see about obtaining these signs and
authorized her to spend up to $200. Mr. Orton seconded the motion. Vote:
unanimously approved.
h. The Neighborhood cleanup day was a success.
i. Retention pond update – Mr. Orton reported that his meeting with Mr. Wells went well.
They conducted a 16ft drill and concluded they did not reach an impermeable layer.
They will need to perform a percolation test and look at underground storage media to
fix the pond. Mr. Orton said he should have the soil results for next month’s meeting, as
well as pricing on material and an estimate.
6. Close
a. The next scheduled meeting will be August 13th, 2009 at the Caldwell Free Methodist
b. 8:36 P.M. – Motion: Mr. Porter motioned to adjourn the meeting. Second: Mr. Orton.
Vote: Unanimously approved.

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