Fudge War

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FudgeWar v 1.0 Miniature Wargaming using the FUDGE system By John Parker the_postman@sbcglobal.

net FUDGE: Freeform, Universal, Do-it-yourself Gaming Engine A Free Role-playing Game (RPG). Copyright 1992, 1995 by Steffan O'Sullivan Version: June, 1995 FUDGE: Freeform Universal Do-it-yourself Gaming Engine i. Legal Notice Fudge - A Role-Playing Game (c) Copyright 1992-1995 Steffan O'Sullivan. All rights reserved. No part of this work may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means (including without limitation photocopying, recording, or information storage and retrieval), except under a limited, royalty-free license as follows: 1. Copies of all or for distribution to for such copies and Legal Notice in its electronically. portions of Fudge may be made for your own use and others, provided that you do not charge any fee further provided that each copy contains this entirety, whether distributed in print or

2. You may create derivative works such as additional rules and game scenarios and supplements based on Fudge, provided that (i) such derivative works are for your own use or for distribution without charge, or for publication in a magazine or other periodical, and (ii) you include at the beginning of each derivative work the following "ABOUT FUDGE" and "DISCLAIMER" paragraphs in their entirety: ABOUT FUDGE Fudge is a role-playing game written by Steffan O'Sullivan, with extensive input from the Usenet community of rec.games.design. The basic rules of Fudge are available on the internet at http://www.fudgerpg.com and in book form from Grey Ghost Games, P.O. Box 838, Randolph, MA 02368. They may be used with any gaming genre. While an individual work derived from Fudge may specify certain attributes and skills, many more are possible with Fudge. Every Game Master using Fudge is encouraged to add or ignore any character traits. Anyone who wishes to distribute such material for free may do so - merely include this ABOUT FUDGE notice and disclaimer (complete with Fudge copyright notice). If you wish to charge a fee for such material, other than as an article in a magazine or other periodical, you must first obtain a royalty-free license from the author of Fudge, Steffan O'Sullivan, P.O. Box 465, Plymouth, NH 03264. You must include at the beginning of each derivative work the following disclaimer, completed with your name, in its entirety.

DISCLAIMER The following materials based on Fudge, entitled [your title], are created by, made available by, and Copyright (C) [copyright year] by [your name], and are not necessarily endorsed in any way by Steffan O'Sullivan or any publisher of other Fudge materials. Neither Steffan O'Sullivan nor any publisher of other Fudge materials is in any way responsible for the content of these materials unless specifically credited. Original Fudge materials Copyright (C)1992-1995 by Steffan O'Sullivan, All Rights Reserved. If you wish to distribute copies of all or portions of Fudge or derivative works based on Fudge for a fee or charge, other than in a magazine or other periodical, please read the licensing instructions. 1.0 Introduction and Terms 1.1 Notes This is all Barry's fault. The big goofball says, "Sure I'd like to do some miniature wargaming." I say, "What rules?" He says, "I dunno..." It all went down hill from there... My objective was to be able to play miniature wargames with cardboard stand ups and/or any one of my sons toys. There is no lack of free rules on the internet ( and I highly recommend many if them...), but they weren't exactly what I was looking for. I want a lot of course. Simplicity, but a measure of complication. Cheap, but not Cheezy. Using simple rules, but adaptable. Able to use any toy as a figure, and still be compatable. You'd think I want it all... But, I'm cheap and I want it free. The commercial products, are mostly just that ... commercial. So, I thought, what the heck! If they can do it, so can I. Now I have been using FUDGE since I first found it in '97, and then a thought hit me! Yeah it might work... it could work... can I find someone to do it for me??? Nope. Gotta do it myself... Dang! So here it is. Plain Vanilla and Free. Hope your not getting what you pay for. If you want to see wargaming done right (and free... mostly), then go here : www.microtactix.com (Great miniature rules and the best paper miniatures and terrain. Gotta get it if you wanna save money and get a great return!) www.brikwars.com (LEGO wargaming! Simply the best! Dont be an Anorak!) www.warpspawn.com (Fun Free Wargames! Most excellent! Need I say more?) www.fudgerpg.com (FUDGE RPG! Not really wargaming, but if you want a excellent RPG that ties in well with just about anything, well go here... BTW did I mention that it's FREE !!!?!!!)

1.2 Game Equipment 1.21 Needed to play Friends (Not nessesary. But highly recommended!) Pencils (Pens, crayons, Highlighters, Water Colors, Finger Paint) Index cards (To record your Trooper info on) (Scratch paper is fine too) FUDGE dice (The more the merrier! Several per player is recommended) (There are several ways to implement Fudge rolls using regular dice if you deem it nessesary. Check the FUDGE rules for advice or email me. I guess you could do this diceless if you wanted, but ... well... it feels to LARPy for me and I always break down into "Did not!", "Did too!" or Rock, Paper, Scissors.) Miniatures (Here comes the best part! Anything can be used. I recommend www.microtactix.com for their paper minis. Or you can create your own! If'n you'n want to know how, send me an email and i'll send you a text file that'll show you how! Highly recomended!) Or you can use your Plastic Army men, Mighty Morphin' Transformin' Action Figures, or your Plastic Brik Warriors... Anything!) Table (Not nessesary, but a good gaming table makes the experience more enjoyable! But a floor can be used if you need more room.) Terrain (Not nessesary, but pretty boring and not to mention dangerous for your Trooper to be out there in the open with no cover. One more plug for Microtactix. Not to mention department stores (or even yardsales if they had kids!) for plastic landscapes. Or model train stores. The list goes on and on...) Measuring Tape (Guess what we use this for. Best for going around objects. You can use a ruler is you want, but I don't recommend that. I created a marked dowel rod for use as a range Guesstimator. It's also handy for whacking your opponents figures (or your opponent, if they are being an Anorak!) from across the table.) 1.22 Play Area As large a game area as possible is recommended. Ask your wifes permission before dragging your sons Plastic Army Men up the stairs first though... 1.23 Terms Turn Action Movement Unit Anorak Opposed Roll Unopposed Roll

Traits Levels 2.0 Unit Creation 2.1 FUDGE Levels FUDGE uses adjectives to describe each differing level. [Table] Level Bonus Cost -----------------------------------Legendary +4 40 Superb +3 30 Great +2 20 Good +1 10 Fair 0 8 Mediocre -1 5 Poor -2 3 Terrible -3 2 Abysmal -4 1 [/Table] 2.2 Unit Traits All Units are described using six (6) traits: [Table] Offensive Level Defensive Level Damage Capacity Scale Movement Level Training Level [/Table] 2.21 Offensive Level This is a measure of the fighting capabilities of the Unit. This is used in any attack made versus another Units Defensive Level. The Offensive Value is based on the type of weapon primarily used by the Unit. If the Unit has a Ranged attack as well as a Hand to Hand attack that will be listed, but cost is only figured for the higher of the two values. HTH attacks usually default to the Units Training value -2. 2.22 Defensive Level This is a measure of the defensive capabilities of the Unit. This is used in any defensive Opposed Roll versus another Units Offensive Level. The Defensive Value of the Unit is a combination of dodging and Armor. If the Unit has no Armor, then it will default to the Units Training value -2. 2.23 Damage Capacity This is how many Hits the Unit may receive before it is removed from play.

[Table] Damage Hits Capacity --------------------Superb 7 Great 6 Good 5 Fair 4 Mediocre 3 Poor 2 Terrible 1 [/Table] Add (or subtract) the Units Scale Level into this and note it to the side. This way you can have a large Unit, but with a Glass Jaw. (Why anyone would, is SEP (Somebody Elses Problem), not mine. I just include it for the Anoraks out there.) 2.24 Scale This is the only trait that does not fall into the descriptive category. Scale is a number based on the size of the Unit in question in proportion to the other Units. It also plays a significant role in combat. A large Scale Unit is easier to hit ( and decreases the DCV of the Unit accordingly) and a smaller Unit is harder to hit. The Damage Capacity is changed as well if desired. Scale levels cost is equal to the Scale Level x 1.5. This is always a positive number as a negative scale has advantages to it as well. [Table] Cost Scale: Multipliers: ---------------------------Less than -5 2 -5 to -1 1.75 1 1.5 2 1.75 3 1.85 4 1.95 5 2 6 2.5 7 3 8 3.25 9 3.5 10 4 etc.... etc.... [/Table] Scale is found in one of two ways: First, take the figurine (marker, Brik Warrior, whatever) and give it a scale that you wish it to have. Mark this down on the Trooper (Vehicle, whatever) card and "Make it so!" Or, for the purist's (see Anorak) out there, take your measuring device and measure the longest (widest, highest, whatever) part of the figure (usually along it's axis) and that number in inches (I have no ability with the metric system) becomes the Scale Number.

Compare that number to the Scale Number Chart to get your Unit Scale. [Table] [Insert Scale Number Chart Here] [/Table] 2.25 Movement Level This is a measure of how far and how fast a Unit can move in one phase. This can be adjusted by Terrain and Facing changes. Each levels distance is based on the Units Scale Number and Genre. See Section 4.0 Unit Movement for more details. 2.26 Training Level All Units have a level of training to reflect how well they will perform in battle versus other Units. This is a reflections of the Units Leadership capabilities and their willingness to obey orders. [Table] Training Trait Description Skills Level Maximums Known -------------------------------------------------------------------Superb Superb Commander Leadership Great Great Heroes Special Weapon Good Good Special Op Trooper Special Equipment Fair Fair Trooper Shootin' n Killin' Mediocre Mediocre Civilian Shootin' n Runnin' Poor Poor Cannon Fodder Running Terrible Terrible Jar-Jar's (EVIL!) Swarm [/Table] Of course any Unit may have a Trait higher than its Trait Maximum. Simply pay x2 the normal cost per level above your maximum to have it at the required level. So, for example, if a Trooper (Fair Trait) wanted to have a Offensive Level of Good it would cost him Good (10) x2 = 20 points. To go to Great would be Great (20) x2 = 40 + 20 (Good) = 60 points. Only Heroes and Commanders may have skills at Superb or higher. 2.27 Morale Level Each Unit has a Morale Level based on the Units Training Level, that determines how fanatical it is to the cause. It is covered in more detail under Section 5.0 Morale. 2.3 Unit Types 2.31 Commanders All battles should have at least one of these. They can influence Troopers for quite some distance around themselves as well as Morale. If the Commander is removed from battle, then Morale suffers and the one of the battle victory conditions may have been met. 2.32 Heroes Every battle should have some heroes in it. Higher skills, more Hits and

Special Weapons and Devices that normal Troopers don't have, these guys also have some skill in leading troops. They can influence Morale somewhat as well. 2.33 Troopers The main fighting force for any miniature wargame. The most common type of soldier. 2.331 Warriors Warriors are the fighters of any war. From Aztec's to Spaceship Troopers, anyone who has a weapon can be a Warrior. 2.332 Drivers Drivers are in charge of the Vehicles and always have a personal weapon, in case they are separated from their Vehicle. They range from Charioteers to Grav Tank operators. 2.333 Medics Here comes the Doc's. Only Jar-Jar's and Dimmies would attack a Doc. They roam the battle field helping heal the wounded and perform last rites on the dead. 2.334 Mechanics These are the Doc's for the Vehicles and Bases. 2.34 Vehicles and Bases Some battles will be against a defended Base or have some Grav Tanks move in to attack the Giant Bugs. 2.35 Creatures All good combats need some adversaries and some of the best ones are monsters. If in doubt, throw a Dinosaur into the mix. 2.36 Cannon Fodder Also known as "Targets", "Red Shirts", "Civilians", etc. These are the Units that are always in the way. They may be destroyed indiscriminately. A common Cannon Fodder from the Most Excellent BrikWars are the Dimmies and the Vile Jar-Jar's. Even in the heat of battle between two Hated Enemies, the two sides have been known to stop and work together to destroy any that are seen on the battlefield. 2.4 Unit Skills All Units are assumed to have some skill with their selected weapons as represented by what the figurine is carrying. Also assumed is that all will have some knowledge of Hand to Hand Combat or at least have some type of close range weapon as a back up. All Unit Commanders have the skill Leadership and their bonus is added to the Initiative Roll of all troops within 12" of him. If there is some type of communication device this becomes 24".

Some Heroes can elect to have the skill, but at a lesser level of only 6" radius. If a Trooper Unit has the skill, it is only at a 3" radius. This would be for a squads Sergeant, for example. All Units with the Leadership skill can use this to affect the Morale of the other Units around him within their Command Radius. This can (and should) be used to help fleeing Units reunite. See 5.0 Morale. 2.5 Unit Equipment All equipment that the figurine is carrying should be listed on the Unit card. This avoids the "But I *DO* have the Planet Buster Cannon. Really, I paid the points for it!" syndrome. A list of Genre Common weapons is provided for your amusement. 2.51 2.52 2.53 2.54 Hand to Hand Weapons Ranged Weapons Thrown Weapons Explosives

2.6 Unit Cost Each Unit has a certain amount of points to be paid for according to how powerful it is built. Simply add all costs for the traits of the Unit plus any additional costs involved, such as Equipment and Scale. Once you have that sum, divide the total by the number of items added. If the Unit is a Hero add +10, a Commander add +20, or a Vehicle or Base, add + 50. Write that number down on the Unit Card under Unit Cost. 3.0 Action Resolution 3.1 Dice Type Use FUDGE Dice. Simple enough, but if you don't have any available use the methods provided in the FUDGE Rule Book. 3.2 Opposed Rolls Two rolls compared to each other, with the highest roll winning the contest by the difference. This is referred to as the "Rolled Degree". 3.3 Unopposed Rolls If a Unit must try something without the benefit of another players input (like moving through difficult terrain, climbing a tower, etc.) then a roll against a trait versus some preset difficulty level is required. It is also used if the Unit is attacking from Surprise or Ambush. 4.0 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 Unit Movement Scale Speed Turning/Facing Terrain

5.0 Morale All Units that are attacked must check for Morale Failure at the end of the attack phase by rolling on the highest Training Level available in the area. Use the following table: [Table] Units Roll Remaining Needed ------------------------10% Legendary 25% Superb 33% Great 50% Good 75% Fair 90% Mediocre [/Table] If a Unit fails its Morale Check, then it will turn and head in the opposite direction at its full Move Level. It may make a Morale Check at the end of every phase until it either passes or leaves the playing area. If the fleeing Unit passes within 1" of any other Units, they must make a Morale Check as well. If they fail they must turn and flee. They may make a check at the end of the phase again, to see if they can stay and continue to fight. If a Command Unit is killed, all troops must make an immediate Morale Check to continue on, and all subsequent checks are made at a -1 to the roll. 6.0 Combat This is what all Wargames are about. While it may be fun to gather together and trade quips with your opponent, it is much more enjoyable to trounce him and ridicule his inadequacies in a battle over a disputed area of land, sea or air (or vacuum). 6.1 Initiative/Advantage Initiative is based on the Commanders Training level. Roll an Opposed Roll and the side with the highest Rolled Degree wins the Advantage. If a Commander is not present then take the Training level of the highest Unit (usually a Hero) and use that instead. 6.2 To Hit All combat, even harshly shouted words, must be checked to see if it is effective. Although a shot may hit its intended subject, a separate roll is needed to determine if it is effective and causes any damage or not. See 6.3 Damage. 6.21 Hand to Hand Combat Any Unit that has touched the base of another unit may attack it in HTH combat. Each side rolls 4dF and adds (or subtracts) the result from its relevant trait. If at least a Poor result was achieved and higher than the defenders roll, a hit was achieved.

6.22 Ranged Combat Ranged Combat occurs when one Unit attacks another Unit at Range(Surprise!). Each weapon has a base range that corresponds to a Minimum range needed to hit effectively. Most often, a general rule of range is followed: [Table] [Insert table here] [/Table] 6.221 Area Effect Attacks Most Area Effects Attacks happen at range, but some (such as mines) may not. There are three different size explosions, Large, Medium and Small. These are generic in nature and are not intended to represent a certain amount of damage. That is left up to the specific weapon. The area it effects is based on the following charts: [Table] Small 1x1 +-----+ |Full | | Full| +-----+ Medium 3x3 +-----+-----+-----+ | -1 | -1 | -1 | | | | | +-----+-----+-----+ | -1 |Full | -1 | | | Full| | +-----+-----+-----+ | -1 | -1 | -1 | | | | | +-----+-----+-----+ Large 5x5 +-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+ | | | | | | | -2 | -2 | -2 | -2 | -2 | +-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+ | | | | | | | -2 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -2 | +-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+ | | |Full | | | | -2 | -1 | Full| -1 | -2 | +-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+ | | | | | | | -2 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -2 | +-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+ | | | | | | | -2 | -2 | -2 | -2 | -2 | +-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+ {Full} Subject in that section takes full damage

{-1} {-2}

Subject in that section takes one less level of damage Subject in that section takes two less levels of damage

6.3 Damage Each Unit has a level of Damage Capacity to use in battle to determine if it continues on or is destroyed and removed from play. This is adjusted by the Units Scale. For each level of Scale, it receives one more level bonus. This can be bought separate of scale to represent harder to kill Units. See Section 2.16 Damage Capacity. Once a hit has been made on a Unit, you must determine if any and how much was inflicted. Most weapons should have a damage for the Unit. Roll 4dF and add (or subtract) from the weapons the roll and compare that to the chart below to determine any Unit. damage amount listed effect was done listed amount on the

Take into consideration the Scale of the Units involved and adjust accordingly. 6.31 Damage Chart [Table] OFFENSE -4 -3 -2 -1 0 +1 +2 +3 +4 -4 NE ---------3 NE NE --------2 INJ NE NE -------1 INJ INJ NE NE -----0 KIL INJ INJ NE NE ----+1 KIL KIL INJ INJ NE NE ---+2 KIL KIL KIL INJ INJ NE NE --+3 KIL KIL KIL KIL INJ INJ NE NE -+4 KIL KIL KIL KIL KIL INJ INJ NE NE


{--} No Damage {NE} No Effect (Scratch) {INJ} Injury (Hurt -1 to all actions) {KIL} Killing Shot [/Table] No Damage means that the attack may have hit the Unit, but wasn't strong enough to penetrate the armor or perhaps the blow was blocked at the last minute. Any Unit that takes more than three Scratches from its Wound track, move to the Hurt Column and is then considered Injured. Any Unit that receives a INJ has one less level of Damage Capacity and is at -1 to all rolls and actions from his injury. This is a cumulative effect and can be changed only by a Medic. See Section 2.333 Medics. Any Unit that receives a KIL must be placed on its side until the end of the phase when it will be removed from play. 7.0 Order of Play 7.xx Setup 7.xx Determine Initiative/Advantage 7.xx

8.0 Setup and Terrain 9.0 Scenarios

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