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GRAMMAR 1. Choose the correct option. a. Theyve lived in Moscow for/ since 1980. b. Thomas has travelled around Europe for/ since two years. c. She has been married for /since 60 years d. !e have been in "uenos #ires for /since we $raduated %rom &olle$e. e. She has 'nown him for /since (00(. 2. Choose the correct verb form.
"arbara )ively* the writer* is married with two children. She a. .0 boo's. She b. +++++++++++,start- writin$ a%ter the death o% her %irst husband. She c. ++++++++++++++ ,live- in many parts o% the world* includin$ /apan and 0ndia. She d.+++++++++++++++ ,spend- her childhood in E$ypt* but e.+++++++++++ ,come- to En$land in 1966. She %.+++++++++++ ,write- both prose and poetry* but is best 'nown %or her romantic novels. She $.+++++++++++++ ,win- many awards* includin$ the "oo'er 1ri2e* which she h.++++++++++++ ,win- in 1988 %or the novel 34ar' Times to &ome5. +++++++++++ ,write- over

3. Fi

in the b !n"s #sin$ the correct form of %&ED T'.

a. !hen 0 was youn$er* 0 ++++++++++++++++ do household chores. 0 hated them b. ++++++++++ you +++++++++++ watch cartoons when you were a 'id6 c. My $rand%ather didnt $o to school. 7e +++++++++++++ teach himsel% to read and write. 1

d. 0 ++++++++++++++++ love $oin$ to the beach to sunbathe. e. !hen 0 was a 'id* 0 +++++++++++++ to be scared o% the dar'* but now* 0 cant sleep with the li$hts o%%.

(. T#rn the sentences be o) into p!ssive voice. a. "otticelli painted )a 1rimavera. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ b. They $row oran$es in Spain. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ c. &olumbus discovered #merica. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ d. The &hinese invented the $unpowder. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ e. They ma'e 8iat cars in 0taly. __________________________________________________ *. Comp ete the sentences )ith the correct form of the verbs in br!c"ets. a. 0% 0 ++++++++++++ ,have- a mountain bi'e* 0 +++++++++++++ ,$o- cyclin$. b. ++++++++++++ you ++++++++++++ ,$o- to )as 9e$as i% you +++++++++++++++++ ,be- on holiday in the :S#6 c. 0% it ++++++++++++++ ,not rain- today* 0 +++++++++++++++++ ,$o- to the beach. d. 0% you +++++++++++++ ,practice-* you +++++++++++++++ ,pass- the test. e. ++++++++++++++++++you +++++++++++++++++ ,call- me i% you ++++++++++++++ ,needhelp6 %. 0% you +++++++++++++++++++ ,as'- them* they +++++++++++++++++ ,come-.
+. Comp ete the sentences )ith the ,!st &imp e or ,!st ,erfect form of the verbs in br!c"ets. a. 0 ++++++++++++++++++++++ ,not )!tch- the %ilm because 0 ++++++++++++++++++++++++ ,see- it be%ore. b. She +++++++++++++++++++ ,fee - ill because she +++++++++++++++++++++++++ ,e!t-. c. !e +++++++++++++++++++ ,c!n-t .rive- to )iverpool because our car ++++++++++++++++++++++ ,bre!" .o)n-.

d. 7e ++++++++++++++++++++ ,not finish- his homewor' so he ++++++++++++++++++++++++ ,c!n-t $o- out. e. 3!hy +++++++++++++++++++ ,be- he so an$ry65 3"ecause he ++++++++++++++++++++++++ ,not h!ve- lunch.5 %. 0 ++++++++++++++++++++++ ,b#/- the tic'ets be%ore 0 ++++++++++++++++++++++++ ,he!r- you were ill. $. )ast year 0 +++++++++++++++++++++ ,$o- to San 8rancisco. 0 ++++++++++++++++++++++ ,not visitthe :S# be%ore. h. #%ter 0 ++++++++++++++++++++++ ,)rite- the letter* 0 +++++++++++++++++++++++++ ,post- it.

0. 1oo" !t the pict#res !n. p#t the verbs in br!c"ets in the correct tense to m!"e thir. con.ition! sentences.

a. 0% he +++++++++++++++++++ the penalty* they +++++++++++++++++++++++ the match. ,not miss* winb. 0% 0 +++++++++++++++++++ petrol* 0 +++++++++++++++++++++ late %or the weddin$. ,not run out o%* not bec. 0 ++++++++++++++++++++ to see the %ilm i% 0 ++++++++++++++++++++ it was subtitled. ,not $o* 'nowd. 7e ++++++++++++++++++++ promoted i% he ++++++++++++++++++++++ a lot o% overtime. ,not $et* not doe. 0% he ++++++++++++++++++++ more romantic* she +++++++++++++++++++++ him. ,be* not leave%. 0% 0 +++++++++++++++++++++ a headache* 0 ++++++++++++++++++++++++ to the concert. ,not have* $o2. Comp ete the sentences )ith the correct 3#estion t!$s. a. b. c. d. e. %. $. They dont help out very much* +++++++++++++++++++++6 0ts borin$ to read about all these %ilm stars* ++++++++++++++++++++6 They havent en;oyed much success* ++++++++++++++++++++++6 She doesnt mind bein$ %amous* +++++++++++++++++++++6 Shell do anythin$ to $et more publicity* +++++++++++++++++++++++6 They tried everythin$ they could to help* ++++++++++++++++++++++6 !e should try to raise money %or them* ++++++++++++++++++++++6

h. They couldnt $et help to all the starvin$ people* +++++++++++++++++++6

4. Ch!n$e the fo o)in$ 3#estions into in.irect 3#estions. a. !hat time do the shops open6 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

b. (. !hat $ame did you play this mornin$6 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ c. <. 4oes he li'e coo'in$6 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ d. .. #re there any $ood boo's in the boo'case6 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ e. =. 7ow many clients has the $ym $ot6 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

15. Comp ete these sentences )ith the correct form of the verbs in br!c"ets.

a. !ould you mind +++++++++++++++++ ,turn- your music down6 0 cant concentrate. b. 7olly said 0 should ++++++++++++++ ,learn- to do tai>chi to relieve stress. c. Sams ;ust $one to the shop +++++++++++++ ,$et- a newspaper. d. 0ve $iven up +++++++++++++++++ ,try- to learn how to dance salsa. 0m hopeless e. /anice doesnt seem +++++++++++++++++ ,en;oy- her ;ob very much. %. 0 love +++++++++++++++++++++++ ,not? have- to $et up at =.<0 a.m. anymore.

11. Comp ete these sentences )ith ! re !tive prono#n.

12. 1!st month /o# r!n into ! frien. of /o#rs6 7e en. 7e en to . /o# ! thin$s.


To.!/ /o# !re te in$ !nother frien. )h!t 7e en s!i.: a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i. j. k. l. m. She as'ed me +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++.

8'CA9%1AR: 1. ;rite the correct )or. in the fo o)in$ .i! o$#es. a. #@ 4id you use to li'e a. +++++++++ when you were at school6 "@ Aes 0 loved countin$ numbers. b. #@ !hen did !ashin$ton die6 "@ 0 dont 'now. 0 missed the b. ++++++++ lesson yesterday. c. #@ 4o you 'now what the &apital o% Spain is6 "@ Aes. 0ts Madrid. 0 $ot an # in the c. +++++++++++ test. d. #@ 0% you are in the d. +++++++++ class* remember to clic' on the icon to save the document. "@ #ll ri$ht e. #@ !hich is Sha'espeares $reatest play6 "@ Sorry. 0m not $ood at e.+++++++++++++++++.

2. Comp ete the sentences )ith the correct verb in the !ppropri!te tense. a. )ionel Messi has already a.++++++++++++++ a lot o% %ootball matches and b.++++++++++++++++++ a %ortune althou$h hes very youn$. ,earn* winb. 7es c. ++++++++++++++++ her %or twenty years. They d.++++++++++ when they were in hi$h school., 'now* meetc. 0% you e.+++++++++++++ your homewor'* 0ll %. ++++++++++++++the dinner. do,ma'e*

d. She $.++++++++++++++++ her sister when she was youn$. She h.++++++++++ $reat ,loo'* loo' li'e-

3. ;rite the )or. ne<t to e!ch .escription. a. # small mammal with short brown hair* a pointed %ace and a lon$ tail. m +++++++++++ b. # very lar$e stron$ bird with a curved bea' which eats meat and can see very well. e ++++++++++ c. #n animal which is related to sheep* which lives wild on mountains. $ ++++++++ d. # lar$e %ish that has sharp teeth and a vertical trian$ular part on its bac' which can sometimes be seen above the water. s+++++++++++ e. #n animal with a lon$ nec' that lives in desert areas and has either one or two humps on its bac'. c ++++++++++

(. Re!. the fo o)in$ .efinitions !n. )rite the T8 pro$r!mme. The first etter is $iven. a. # wee'ly or daily drama series usually about every day li%e in di%%erent %amilies. & ___ ___ ___ ' ___ ___ ___ ___ b. # competition or $ame in which people try to answer Buestions to test their 'nowled$e. = ___ ___ ___ & ___ ___ ___ c. # T9 pro$ramme in which %amous people are as'ed Buestions and tal' in an in%ormal way about their wor' and lives. C ___ ___ ___ & ___ ___ ___ d. # pro$ramme* %ilm* etc. which $ives or shows in%ormation about a particular sub;ect. D ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ e. # T9 pro$ramme that %eatures real people doin$ real thin$s* and are %ilmed continuously over a period o% time. R ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ & ___ ___ ___ %. # short %ilm that is made by photo$raphin$ a series o% drawin$s. C ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ 7

*. Choose the )or. th!t best s#its e!ch sentence.

+. Comp ete the sentences )ith the correct form of the )or.s in br!c"ets. a> 7e never has any ............................ >1%C?@1:A b> They have always been rich. They cant live without ........................ >C'MF'RTA91EA c> ................................. the woman was passin$ by when the terrible $un>%i$ht started. She was shot and 'illed. >F'RT%NEA d> #%ter an hours delay* passen$ers were becomin$ .............................. >,AT@ENTA e> 0 had been ................................ and le%t the door unloc'ed many times >CAREF%11:A %> The student was called to $o to the o%%ice and sat ................................... in %ront o% the school headmaster. >C'MF'RTA91:A

?E:& AND &C'R@NG GRAMMAR 1. >56* e!chB * m!r"sA a. since b. %or 8

c. %or d. since 2. >1 e!chB 2MAR?&A a. has written b. started c. has lived d. has spent 3. >1. e!chB *m!r"sA a. 4idnt use to b. 4id you use to c. used to (. >1 e!chB *m!r"sA

e. since

e. came %. has written $. has won h. won

d. used to e. didnt use to

a. )a 1rimavera was painted by "otticelli. b. Cran$es are $rown in Spain. c. #merica was discovered by &olumbus. d. The $unpowder was invented by the &hinese. e. 8iat cars are made in 0taly. *. >1 e!chB m!r"sA a. had> would $o b. would you $o> were c. doesnt rain> will $o
6. a. didnt watch ? had seen b. %elt ? had eaten c. couldnt drive ?hadnt bro'en down d. hadnt %inished ? couldnt $o e. was ? hadnt had %. had bou$ht ? heard $. went ? hadnt visited h. had written ? posted >1 e!ch C tot! : 2 m!r"sA

d. practice D will pass e. would you call> needed %. as'> will come

a. hadnt missed ? would have won b. hadnt run out o% ? wouldnt have been c. wouldnt have $one ? had 'nown d. wouldnt have $ot ? hadnt done e. had been ? wouldnt have le%t %. hadnt had ? would have $one 1 point e!ch C tot! : + m!r"sA


a. do they b. isnt it c. have they d. does she e. wont she %. didnt they $. shouldnt we h. could they 56* e!ch C tot! : ( m!r"s


a. can you tell me what time the shops open6 b. can you tell me what $ame you played this mornin$6 c. can you tell me i% he li'es coo'in$6 d. do you 'now i% there are any $ood boo's in the boo'case6 e. do you 'now how many clients the $ym has $ot6 16* e!ch C tot! : 06* m!r"s

10. a. b. c. d. e. %. turnin$ learn to $et tryin$ to en;oy not havin$

1 e!ch6 tot! + m!r"s 11. a. That b. !ho c. !hose d. !here e. !hich 10

%. who 5.*5 e!ch B3 m!r"s 1(. a. !hat 0 was doin$ there. b. She said that her %ather was in hospital. c. She said that Sue and /im were $ettin$ married the %ollowin$ month. d. She said that she hadnt seen "ill %or a while. e. She said that she had been playin$ tennis a lot lately. %. She said that "arbara had had a baby. $. She said that she didnt 'now what 8red was doin$. h. She as'ed me what 0 thou$ht?thin' about /ane. i. She told me to tell her the truth. ;. She as'ed me i% 0 'new Sam. '. She said that 0 could $o and stay with her i% 0 were ever in Toronto. l. She said that Tom had had and accident the wee' be%ore* but he wasnt in;ured. m. She as'ed me i% 0 would let her 'now i% 0 saw Tom. 1 m!r" e!chB 13 m!r"s

8'CA9%1AR: 1. >1pe!chB *m!r"sA a. Maths. b. 7istory. c. Feo$raphy. 2. >56* e!chB ( m!r"sA a. won b. earned c. 'nown d. met 11 d. Technolo$y? 0&T e. )iterature.

e. do %. ma'e <. , 0*= each>(*= mar'sa. mouse b. ea$le c. $oat

$. loo's li'e h. loo's

d. shar' e. camel

(. a. b. c. d. e. %. soap opera Bui2 show chat show documentary reality show cartoon

1 e!ch C tot! : + m!r"s *. a. b. c. d. e. %. mana$er discount. &redit Shoppin$ centre. Trolley. 0n a shop window.

5.*5 e!chB 3 m!r"s 6. a> luc'* b> com%ort* c> un%ortunately* d> impatient* e> careless* %> uncom%ortably. ,1 e!ch6 + m!r"sA


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